12 research outputs found
Lignan Derivatives from Krameria lappacea Roots Inhibit Acute Inflammation in Vivo and Pro-inflammatory Mediators in Vitro
The roots of Krameria lappacea are used traditionally
against oropharyngeal inflammation. So far, the astringent and antimicrobial properties of its proanthocyanidin constituents are considered to account for the anti-inflammatory effect. The aim of the present study was to characterize pharmacologically a lipophilic extract of K.
lappacea roots and several isolated lignan derivatives (111) in terms of their putative anti-inflammatory activity. The dichloromethane extract (ID50 77 \u3bcg/cm2) as well compounds 111 (ID50 0.310.60 \u3bcmol/cm2) exhibited topical antiedematous properties comparable to those of indomethacin (ID50 0.29 \u3bcmol/cm2) in a mouse ear in vivo model. Two of the most potent compounds,
2-(2-hydroxy-4-methoxyphenyl)-5-(3-hydroxypropyl)benzofuran (5) and (+)-conocarpan (7), were studied regarding their time-dependent edema development and leukocyte infiltration up to 48 h after croton oil-induced dermatitis induction, and they showed activity profiles similar to that of hydrocortisone. In vitro studies of the isolated lignan derivatives demonstrated the inhibition of NFkB, cyclooxygenase-1 and -2, 5-lipoxygenase, and microsomal prostaglandin E2 synthase-1 as well as antioxidant properties, as mechanisms possibly contributing to the observed in vivo effects. The present findings not only support the ethnopharmacological use of K. lappacea roots but also reveal that the isolated lignan derivatives contribute strongly to the anti-inflammatory activity of this
herbal drug
Di banyak negara maritim, seperti Indonesia, pelabuhan memiliki peran penting dalam proses transportasi barang. Secara umum, proses pengiriman dan distribusi dilakukan menggunakan peti kemas yang dikelola oleh depo peti kemas. Dalam praktiknya, depo peti kemas dihadapkan pada berbagai masalah, salah satunya adalah manajemen persediaan peti kemas. Dalam penelitian ini, kami mengembangkan model Economic Return Quantity (ERQ) untuk masalah Empty Container Reposition (ECR) di perusahaan terkait menggunakan pendekatan reverse logistics (RL). Beberapa pertimbangan utama kami adalah ketidakpastian dalam hal kuantitas dan kualitas pengembalian produk. Model ERQ dioptimalkan menggunakan pendekatan analitis. Berdasarkan hasil yang diperoleh, diketahui bahwa tingkat acceptable quality level dari peti kemas bekas harus ditetapkan pada tingkat 67%, 55%, dan 50% untuk ketiga jenis peti kemas. Dua kasus kendala mengikat (binding) dan tidak mengikat (unbinding) diselidiki, dan diketahui bahwa kendala mengikat memberikan biaya 3,4% lebih tinggi daripada kendala tidak mengikat. Selain itu, juga dipahami bahwa spesifikasi peti kemas, termasuk kebutuhan ruang penyimpanan, harga, dan biaya penanganan, diketahui memberikan pengaruh terhadap keputusan untuk mengatur pemanfaatan ruang penyimpanan di pelabuhan. Hasil penelitian ini dapat digunakan sebagai arahan bagi perusahaan depo peti kemas yang bergerak di industri maritim untuk merencanakan, mengelola, dan menangani peti kemas kosong sehingga utilitas peti kemas dapat ditingkatkan dan biaya persediaan dapat diminimalkan
Istilah Marketing diartikan sebagai suatu perpaduan antara rangkaian aktivitas-aktivitas yang saling berhubungan untuk dapat mengetahui apa yang dibutuhkan oleh konsumen sehingga perusahaan dapat mengembangkan produk, harga, pelayanan dan melakukan promosi supaya kebutuhan konsumen dapat terpenuhi serta perusahaan mendapatkan keuntungan. Marketing memang sangat erat kaitannya dengan aktivitas kehidupan kita sehari-hari sebab objeknya ialah Konsumen. Biasanya kita sebagai konsumen sering dihadapkan pada beberapa pilihan seperti memilih merek dari produk tertentu yang hendak kita beli, dimana kita akan membelinya dan menentukan waktu maupun kualitas saat melakukan pembelian. Jadi kita sebagai konsumen dapat dijadikan informasi yang dibutuhkan oleh para Marketer dalam melakukan kegiatan marketing. Dengan adanya marketing para konsumen tidak perlu memenuhi kebutuhannya secara sendiri-sendiri. Karena dengan melakukan pertukaran dengan para pelaku marketing, konsumen dapat memenuhi kebutuhan maupun kepuasannya dengan mendapatkan produk ataupun jasa. Berdasarkan hal tersebut maka, buku ini menyajikan segala yang dibutuhkan oleh para pengelola pelaku usaha dalam menjalankan roda perputaran perusahaannya agar dapat menciptakan kualitas dan kuantitasnya
Modelos de crescimento e produção para plantios comerciais jovens de Tectona grandis em Tangará da Serra, Mato Grosso Growth and yield models for young stands of Tectona grandis in Tangará da Serra, Matogrosso, Brazil
Este estudo foi realizado com os objetivos de ajustar e avaliar modelos de crescimento e produção para plantio de teca (Tectona grandis), localizados na região de Tangará da Serra, MT, com idades inferiores a 6 anos. Para isso, foram utilizados dados provenientes de 50 parcelas permanentes com pelo menos cinco medições sucessivas. Após as análises, verificou-se que o modelo alternativo se apresentou mais preciso do que o de Clutter (1963).<br>The objective of this study was to adjust and evaluate growth and yield models for young stands of Tectona grandis (aged less than 6 years), located in Tangará da Serra, Mato Grosso, Brazil. Thus, 50 permanent plots with at least five successive measurements were used. After the analysis, it was verified that the alternative model is more precise than the Clutter´s model
Forest leaf area index determination : a multiyear satelliteindependent method based on within-stand normalized difference vegetation index spatial variability
The Leaf Area Index (LAI) and its spatial distribution are key features to describe the forest ecophysiological processes. A stable and reproducible relationship is obtained between the LAI and the standard deviation sNDVI of the pixel-based satellite-derived normalized difference vegetation indices (NDVI) of forest stands. In situ measurements of LAI have been performed with the LAI-2000 Plant Canopy Analyser over 8 years in the managed Fontainebleau forest (France) on about 31 stands each year, including oak, beech, and mixed oak-beech stands. Simultaneous satellite images have been acquired, atmospherically and geometrically corrected, and included into a geographic information system to get the mean NDVI and the sNDVI for each stand. A total of six different satellites with a 20- to 30-m spatial resolution have been considered over the eight studied years: SPOT1, SPOT2, SPOT4, LANDSAT ETM+, IKONOS, and HYPERION. The mean LAI of a stand is linked to the sNDVI with a unique relationship that appears to be mostly year- and satellite-independent, because the sNDVI is nearly insensitive to additive or proportional shifts on NDVI. The theoretical bases of the sNDVI-LAI relationship are investigated. The results show the combined importance of the shape of the within-stand LAI distribution (following a Weibull probability density function) and the shape of the within-stand LAI-NDVI curves (showing a saturation). The root mean square error of the predicted LAI over the 259 samples is 1.14 m2/m2 when all years and satellites are considered, using the following equation: LAI = 2.45 ln(sNDVI) 5.58 (r2 = 0.63)