734 research outputs found

    Remote semi-continuous flow rate logging seepage meter

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    The movement of groundwater and its associated solutes from upland regions was implicated in the degradation of receiving surface water bodies. Current efforts to directly measure this influx of water incorporate manually operated seepage meters which are hindered by severe limitations. A prototype seepage meter was developed by NASA Langley Research Center and Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University that will allow for the semi-continuous collection and data logging of seepage flux across the sediment water interface. The meter is designed to operate at depths to 40 meters, and alleviate or minimize all disadvantages associated with traditional methods while remaining cost effective. The unit was designed to operate independently for time periods on the order of weeks with adjustable sample sequences depending upon hydrologic conditions. When used in conjunction with commercially available pressure transducers, this seepage meter allows for correlations to be made between groundwater discharge and tidal/sea state conditions in coastal areas. Field data from the Chesapeake Bay and Florida Bay systems are presented

    The classification of LANDSAT data for the Orlando, Florida, urban fringe area

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    Procedures used to map residential land cover on the Orlando, Florida, Urban fringe zone are detailed. The NASA Bureau of the Census Applications Systems Verification and Transfer project and the test site are described as well as the LANDSAT data used as the land cover information sources. Both single-date LANDSAT data processing and multitemporal principal components LANDSAT data processing are described. A summary of significant findings is included

    Saving the earth : a study of membership in the Sierra Club

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    COHERENCE is a series of oil paintings and pen drawings that explores open narratives, or different ways to read artwork. The paintings and drawings showcase harmony, or tension, between ambiguous and representational forms. The visual experience requires the viewer to create their own narrative and decipher forms to do so. COHERENCE is a psychological and aesthetic exhibition fueled from human experience— one of fragility, uncertainty, imperfection, beauty, faith and memories

    It Was Here a Second Ago: North Carolina Discovery andEphemeral Messaging Apps

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    Ephemeral messaging apps allow users to send and receive text messages that disappear after being read. How might such technology impact the practice of law, especially as it concerns discovery? This Article defines ephemeral messaging apps, reviews recent discovery litigation in North Carolina for possible points of application with ephemeral messaging apps, and analyzes the North Carolina Rules of Civil Procedure and the North Carolina Rules of Professional Conduct in light of ephemeral messaging apps. This Article also examines how other, out-of-state courts have dealt with ephemeral messaging apps in the context of discovery and makes some practical suggestions on what North Carolina courts might or should do when faced with ephemeral messaging apps and their use by attorneys or litigants in North Carolina

    The repeatability of cow performance in beef cattle

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    The repeatability of a character has been defined as the degree of likeness of repeated records. This degree of likeness is the correlation between records of the same animal. The characteristics investigated in this study for their repeatability were the birth weight, adjusted daily gain from birth to weaning and type grade of offspring. The earliest age at which low producing cows can be identified and culled from the herd is of the utmost importance to the breeder of beef cattle. If it can be determined with some degree of confidence that the average cow will repeat her calf performance each year, then this information would be very useful in deciding which cows might be culled at an earlier age than might otherwise be possible. The majority of repeatability estimates have been obtained in studies with western range Hereford cattle; however, the reported observations in range herds are in fairly close agreement with the estimates thus far reported for general farm herds. Difference may be attributed to herd management, culling practices, climatic conditions and grazing facilities. Visual appraisal of cattle with respect to type and quality have a definite place in the selection of replacement individuals but should be considered along with the ability of animals to produce repeatedly and the record of their offspring. It Is hoped that the results of this study will be helpful in indicating the average repeatability of these performance characteristics in beef cattle
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