17,982 research outputs found

    Improved method of fabricating planar gallium arsenide diodes

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    Improved method fabricates electroluminescent planar P-N gallium arsenide diodes. GaAs is masked with silicon monoxide to allow P-type impurities to be diffused into unmasked portions of GaAs to form P-N junctions

    High Dynamic Range RF Front End with Noise Cancellation and Linearization for WiMAX Receivers

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    This research deals with verification of the high dynamic range for a heterodyne radio frequency (RF) front end. A 2.6 GHz RF front end is designed and implemented in a hybrid microwave integrated circuit (HMIC) for worldwide interoperability for microwave access (WiMAX) receivers. The heterodyne RF front end consists of a low-noise amplifier (LNA) with noise cancellation, an RF bandpass filter (BPF), a downconverter with linearization, and an intermediate frequency (IF) BPF. A noise canceling technique used in the low-noise amplifier eliminates a thermal noise and then reduces the noise figure (NF) of the RF front end by 0.9 dB. Use of a downconverter with diode linearizer also compensates for gain compression, which increases the input-referred third-order intercept point (IIP3) of the RF front end by 4.3 dB. The proposed method substantially increases the spurious-free dynamic range (DRf) of the RF front end by 3.5 dB

    Improved silicon nitride for advanced heat engines

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    The AiResearch Casting Company baseline silicon nitride (92 percent GTE SN-502 Si sub 3 N sub 4 plus 6 percent Y sub 2 O sub 3 plus 2 percent Al sub 2 O sub 3) was characterized with methods that included chemical analysis, oxygen content determination, electrophoresis, particle size distribution analysis, surface area determination, and analysis of the degree of agglomeration and maximum particle size of elutriated powder. Test bars were injection molded and processed through sintering at 0.68 MPa (100 psi) of nitrogen. The as-sintered test bars were evaluated by X-ray phase analysis, room and elevated temperature modulus of rupture strength, Weibull modulus, stress rupture, strength after oxidation, fracture origins, microstructure, and density from quantities of samples sufficiently large to generate statistically valid results. A series of small test matrices were conducted to study the effects and interactions of processing parameters which included raw materials, binder systems, binder removal cycles, injection molding temperatures, particle size distribution, sintering additives, and sintering cycle parameters

    Robustness of One-Dimensional Photonic Bandgaps Under Random Variations of Geometrical Parameters

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    The supercell method is used to study the variation of the photonic bandgaps in one-dimensional photonic crystals under random perturbations to thicknesses of the layers. The results of both plane wave and analytical band structure and density of states calculations are presented along with the transmission cofficient as the level of randomness and the supercell size is increased. It is found that higher bandgaps disappear first as the randomness is gradually increased. The lowest bandgap is found to persist up to a randomness level of 55 percent.Comment: Submitted to Physical Review B on April 8 200

    Average and worst-case specifications of precipitating auroral electron environment

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    The precipitation electrons in the auroral environment are highly variable in their energy and intensity in both space and time. As such they are a source of potential hazard to the operation of the Space Shuttle and other large spacecraft operating in polar orbit. In order to assess these hazards both the average and extreme states of the precipitating electrons must be determined. Work aimed at such a specification is presented. First results of a global study of the average characteristics are presented. In this study the high latitude region was divided into spatial elements in magnetic local time and corrected geomagnetic latitude. The average electron spectrum was then determined in each spatial element for seven different levels of activity as measured by K sub p using an extremely large data set of auroral observations. Second a case study of an extreme auroral electron environment is presented, in which the electrons are accelerated through field aligned potential as high as 30,000 volts and in which the spacecraft is seen to charge negatively to a potential approaching .5 kilovolts

    On the remote sensing of cloud properties from satellite infrared sounder data

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    A method for remote sensing of cloud parameters by using infrared sounder data has been developed on the basis of the parameterized infrared transfer equation applicable to cloudy atmospheres. The method is utilized for the retrieval of the cloud height, amount, and emissivity in 11 micro m region. Numerical analyses and retrieval experiments have been carried out by utilizing the synthetic sounder data for the theoretical study. The sensitivity of the numerical procedures to the measurement and instrument errors are also examined. The retrieved results are physically discussed and numerically compared with the model atmospheres. Comparisons reveal that the recovered cloud parameters agree reasonably well with the pre-assumed values. However, for cases when relatively thin clouds and/or small cloud fractional cover within a field of view are present, the recovered cloud parameters show considerable fluctuations. Experiments on the proposed algorithm are carried out utilizing High Resolution Infrared Sounder (HIRS/2) data of NOAA 6 and TIROS-N. Results of experiments show reasonably good comparisons with the surface reports and GOES satellite images

    A parallel VLSI architecture for a digital filter of arbitrary length using Fermat number transforms

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    A parallel architecture for computation of the linear convolution of two sequences of arbitrary lengths using the Fermat number transform (FNT) is described. In particular a pipeline structure is designed to compute a 128-point FNT. In this FNT, only additions and bit rotations are required. A standard barrel shifter circuit is modified so that it performs the required bit rotation operation. The overlap-save method is generalized for the FNT to compute a linear convolution of arbitrary length. A parallel architecture is developed to realize this type of overlap-save method using one FNT and several inverse FNTs of 128 points. The generalized overlap save method alleviates the usual dynamic range limitation in FNTs of long transform lengths. Its architecture is regular, simple, and expandable, and therefore naturally suitable for VLSI implementation

    Measurement of a Sign-Changing Two-Gap Superconducting Phase in Electron-Doped Ba(Fe_{1-x}Co_x)_2As_2 Single Crystals using Scanning Tunneling Spectroscopy

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    Scanning tunneling spectroscopic studies of Ba(Fe1xCox)2As2Ba(Fe_{1-x}Co_x)_2As_2 (x = 0.06, 0.12) single crystals reveal direct evidence for predominantly two-gap superconductivity. These gaps decrease with increasing temperature and vanish above the superconducting transition TcT_c. The two-gap nature and the slightly doping- and energy-dependent quasiparticle scattering interferences near the wave-vectors (±π,0)(\pm \pi, 0) and (0,±π)(0, \pm \pi) are consistent with sign-changing ss-wave superconductivity. The excess zero-bias conductance and the large gap-to-TcT_c ratios suggest dominant unitary impurity scattering.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures. Paper accepted for publication in Physical Review Letters. Contact author: Nai-Chang Yeh ([email protected]

    Early intervention screening involves more than “simple” screening

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    From the perspective of preventive medical discourse, early interventional screening is one of the most important ways to intervene with developmentally delayed children and an important service for children’s public health. This paper details an historical perspective of early developmental screening in the United States and reexamines the concepts of early screening in widespread use in children’s populations to expose undisclosed facts. These facts remind us that early developmental screening might not be totally based on children’s needs, but on both the government’s desires and political activities. As a result, a certain population was identified as subjects that required developmental screening resulting in very large numbers studies. Under these circumstances, developmental screening instruments were used in conjunction with pediatricians’ individualized appraisals. The approach to developmental surveillance was to expand from the children to the parents’ concern. The instrument not only legitimately recruited parents and facilitated parents’ surveillance of their children’s development, but was also was a platform for highlighting parent-child interactions. This discussion may help community health nurses further understand different perspectives of early interventional screening in practice