183 research outputs found

    Proposed methods for estimating loss of saleable milk in a cow-calf contact system with automatic milking

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    Cow-calf contact (CCC) systems, although beneficial in many respects, introduce additional challenges to collect reliable data on milk production, which is important to assess individual cow efficiency and dairy farm profitability. Apart from weighing calves before and after each feeding, the amount of saleable milk lost due to calf suckling is practically impossible to measure. Here, we assess 2 indirect methods for estimating loss of saleable milk when housing cows and calves together in a robotic milking unit. In our study, treatment (CCC) cows and calves were kept together full time until the calves were 127 ± 6.6 d old (mean ± SD). Control cows were separated from their calves within 12 h of birth and then kept in the same unit as the treatment cows but with no access to either their own or treatment calves. Milk yield recording of both groups was performed from calving until pasture release at 233 ± 20 d in milk. The first estimation method relied on observed postseparation milk yield data, which were fed into a modified Wilmink regression model to determine the best-fitting lactation curve for the preseparation period. The second method was based on the cows' daily energy intake postseparation, calculated by measuring the daily feed intake and analyzing the energy content of the ration. The calculated energy intake was used to determine the average ratio between energy intake and the observed milk yield the following day for each individual cow, assuming constant rates of mobilization and deposition of body fat. The obtained ratio was then used to calculate the expected daily milk yield based on daily energy intake data during the preseparation period. In this paper, we analyzed data from 17 CCC cows kept together with their calves and 16 control cows; both groups calved from September to October 2020 and were followed up until release to pasture in May 2021. Saleable milk yield was lower in CCC cows than in control cows, both before and after separation. The 2 methods were used on data for control cows and showed milk yield loss using the lactation curve method (average of −3.4 ± 2.8 kg/d) and almost no loss using energy intake data (average of −1.4 ± 2.7 kg/d). Milk yield loss for CCC cows was estimated at average 11.3 ± 4.8 and 7.3 ± 6.6 kg milk/d, respectively. The proposed lactation curve estimation method tends to overestimate milk yield loss, whereas the method based on energy intake is more accurate. However, collecting detailed energy intake data per individual cow requires additional effort and equipment, which is not always feasible on commercial farms. Further research is needed to improve milk loss estimation and to better understand trade-offs in CCC systems

    Microbial Protein Production and Nitrogen Balance of Local Steer Fed Ammoniated Rice Straws Added

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    The objective of the experiment was to investigate the kind of energy source feedstuffs on nutrient balance and microbial protein synthesis in local male beef cattle fed with ammoniated rice straws Twenty steers Peranakan Ongole (PO) with average age 1-2 years old were used. They were divided 5 groups based on initial body weight as block. Therefore, Completely Randomised Block Design (CBRD) was used for this experiment. Data were analysed by analysis variance and continued honestly significant different (HSD) to test the differences between means. The result showed that the range MCP and eficiency MCP were 154,61 g/d until 226,54 g/d and 54,08 gMCP/kg DOMR until 62,64 gMCP/kg DOMR. The range of nitrogen balance were 72,28 gram until 111,67 gram. MCP and efficiency MCP were not affected (P>0,05) by the treatments but balance of nitrogen was affected (P<0,05). Diet containing fresh cassava waste as energy source (R2) was lower (P<0,05) than R1 and R4 while between R1,R3 and R4 was similar. This results indicate that feed source of energy (rice brand, wet cassava waste, dry cassava waste and corn) can be used in steers with rice straw ensilage as forage. (Animal Production 11(2): 116-121 (2009

    Separation mellan mjölkko och kalv

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    Livsmedel av komjölk är mycket vanliga i Sverige. För att producera mjölken till produkterna behöver man mjölkkor som blir dräktiga och föder kalvar. I Sverige använder mjölkproducenter sig generellt av det traditionella västerländska sättet att hålla mjölkkor och föda upp kalvar, vilket innebär att ko och kalv separeras strax efter födseln och att kalvarna föds upp för sig. I tropiska länder, där de generellt har Zebukor, använder de sig istället av en metod som kallas för begränsad digivning, som innebär att kalven får dia kon i samband med mjölkningen. I flera studier gjorda på västerländska kor samt Zebukor har det observerats positiva effekter på både ko och kalv till följd av begränsad digivning. Till exempel ses en ökad viktuppgång hos kalvar som fått dia på detta sätt, kvigor får en ökad mjölkproduktion vid första laktationen samt kvigor och kor blir lättare dräktiga. Förutom detta uppvisar kalvar även minskad frekvens av missriktade sug- och slickbeteenden och de blir inte lika sjuka i till exempel diarré. Studier visar dock att om kalven och kon får spendera mer tid tillsammans innebär det en mer stressande separation när det är dags för avvänjning. Detta skulle man dock kunna undvika genom en stegvis avvänjning. Slutsatsen blir att begränsad digivning verkar ha många fördelar och skulle kunna vara ett alternativ till dagens artificiella digivning. Det behövs dock mer studier i ämnet för att helt förstå de mekanismer som ger upphov till de effekter som observeras vid begränsad digivning, för att i sin tur verkligen förstå vad en tidig separation och artificiell digivning får för långsiktiga konsekvenser på djur i mjölkproduktion.Dairy products are very common as food in Sweden. In order to produce the milk for these products, you need dairy cows that become pregnant and give birth to calves. In Sweden, dairy farmers generally use the traditional Western way of keeping dairy cows and rearing calves, which means that cows and calves are separated shortly after birth. In tropical countries, where they generally have Zebu cows, they instead use a method called restricted suckling, which means that the calf is allowed to suckle the cow in connection to milking. In several studies done on Western cows and Zebu cows, positive effects on both cows and calves have been observed as a result of restricted suckling. For example, an increased weight gain is seen in calves that have been raised with restricted suckling, heifers get an increased milk production at the first lactation and heifers and cows got pregnant more easily. In addition to this, calves also exhibit reduced frequency of misdirected sucking- and licking behavior and they do not become as ill in diarrhea, for example. However, studies show that if the calf and the cow are allowed to spend more time together, it means a more stressful separation. However, this could be avoided by a gradual weaning. The conclusion is that restricted suckling seems to have many advantages and could be an alternative to today’s artificial suckling. However, more studies in the subject are needed to fully understand the mechanisms that give rise to the effects observed during restricted suckling, in order to truly understand what early separation and artificial suckling have for long-term consequences on animals in milk production


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    Tujuan,.penelitian12adalah untuk menyelidiki level pengaruh penggunaan daun Salvinia molesta terfermentasi&dalam^pakan()terhadap%biaya%pakan per kilogram bobot badan dan IOFC pada itik pedaging periode finisher. Materi dalam penelitian ini adalah daun Salvinia molesta terfermentasi, konsentrat Wonokoyo kbr-2, jagung, bekatul, kapur, itik pedaging jantan sebanyak 80 ekor dengan BB 423,75 gram. Metode yang digunakan eksperiment dengan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) 4 kali ulangan dan 4 kali perlakuan, setiap unit percobaan terdiri dari 5 ekor. Perlakuan P0 = 100% ransum yang terdiri dari konsentrat wonokoyo kbr 2, Jagung, dan katul, kapur P1 = 95% ransum yang terdiri dari konsentrat wonokoyo kbr2, Jagung, katul dan kapur + 5% daun Salvinia molesta terfermentasi, P2 = 90% terdiri dari konsentar Wonokoyo kbr 2, Jagung, pollard dan kapur + 10% daun salvinia molesta terfermentasi,P3 = 85% ransum yang terdiri dari konsentrat wokoyo kbr 2, Jagung, katul dan kapur + 15% daun salvinia molesta terfermentasikemudian data yang dihasilkan dianalisis ragam (ANOVA). Hasil%penelitian&ini menunjukkan bahwa pada variabel biaya pakan perkilogram PBB dan IOFC memiliki pengaruh yang tidak nyata (P>0,05). Rataan pada biaya pakan perkilogram pertambahan bobot badan (Rp) adalah P0 = 18409.97; P1 = 17728,25 P2 = 17378,20; P3 = 17217,86; dan rataan IOFC penelitian yakni&P0 = 6262,62; P1 = 6770,82; P2 =6834,05; dan P3 = 66661,23. Disimpulkan penggunaan daun Salvinia molesta terfermentasi dalam ransum sebanyak 5% memberikan hasil IOFC terbaik, sedangkan penggunaan daun Salvinia molesta terfermentasi dalam ransum sebanyak 10% memberikan hasil biaya pakan perkilogram terbaik.Kata kunci : Itik hibrida, Aspergilus niger, daun Salvinia molesta, biaya pakan perkilogram pertambahan bobot badan dan IOFC,.766gf

    Nisbah Sinkronisasi Suplai N-Protein Dan Energi Dalam Rumen Sebagai Basis Formulasi Ransum Ternak Ruminansia

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    The experiment was conducted to determine the optimum synchronization ratio of N-protein and fermented organic matter (OM) in the rumen for the purpose of ration formulation for ruminant animals, in order to improve efficiency of rumen microbial N synthesis and feed efficiency. Nylon bag technique was adopted to determine ruminal characteristic of protein and OM degradation of feedstuffs (forage and concentrate diet) for which the synchronized index of N-protein and fermented OM in the rumen might be determined. By randomized block design, twelve local cattle were arranged to four groups. Each group was fed three types of diet that was different in synchronization ratio of supplying N-protein and fermented OM in the rumen, namely 20 g N/kg OM (R20); 25 g N /kg OM (R25); and 30 g N /kg MO (R30). The diets had iso-energy and iso-protein contents and had the same synchronization index. The results showed that the type of diet had no effect (P>0.05) on intake and digestibility of nutrients, N retention, average daily gain (ADG), and feed efficiency. But R20 had better parameter values than those of R25 and R30. It might be concluded that the diet having a synchronization ratio of 20 g N/kg fermented OM in the rumen will generate more efficient protein synthesis of rumen microbes and feed efficiency

    Degradability of Rumen-Protected Soybean Meal with Different Temperatures and Heating Times in Bali Cattle

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    The goal of this study was to ascertain the impact of soybean meal's temperature and heating duration as undegraded protein (UDP) on Bali cattle's dry matter (DM) and organic matter (OM) degradation kinetics. Soybean meal is a feed ingredient with high protein content, which is about 48%, and is rapidly degraded in the rumen. In this investigation, a  factorial design was employed with the first factor being temperature (60, 80, 100, and 120°C), and the second factor being heating time (10, 20, 30, and 40 min). Protected soybean meal was tested for degradation using the in sacco technique on the rumen of fistulous Bali cattle. A sample of 5.0 g was put into a nylon bag and then for 0, 2, 4, 8, 16, 24, and 48 h in the rumen, then analyzed for feed residues for DM and OM. The results showed that soybean meal protected by the heating method could reduce the degradation of DM and OM in the rumen (p<0.05). Heating at 120°C for 40 min showed the lowest DM and OM degradations in this study

    Effect of sorghum grain storage systems on the performance of feedlot cattle

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