1,365 research outputs found

    Demonstration test of burner liner strain measurement systems: Interim results

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    Work is in progress to demonstrate two techniques for static strain measurements on a jet engine burner liner. Measurements are being made with a set of resistance strain gages made from Kanthal A-1 wire and via heterodyne speckle photogrammetry. The background of the program is presented along with current results

    The California Sales Tax: An Analysis of the Occasional Sale

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    Current Measurements in the Georges Bank Canyons

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    Defense of Shipping in the Western Hemisphere: A Second Look

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    For years the U.S. Navy has been committed to naval control of shipping under NATO, and as such has devoted a significant reserve force to the manning of ports throughout the world-not only in its NATO area of responsibility, but in the Pacific and in certain ports in Latin America as well

    Time-Series BVI Photometry for the Globular Cluster NGC 6981 (M72)

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    We present new BVI photometry of the globular cluster NGC 6981 (M72), based mostly on ground-based CCD archive images. We present a new color-magnitude diagram (CMD) that reaches almost four magnitudes below the turn-off level. We performed new derivations of metallicity and morphological parameters of the evolved sequences, in good agreement with previous authors, obtaining a value of [Fe/H] ~ -1.50 in the new UVES scale. We also identify the cluster's blue straggler population. Comparing the radial distribution of these stars with the red giant branch population, we find that the blue stragglers are more centrally concentrated, as found in previous studies of blue stragglers in globular clusters. Taking advantage of the large field of view covered by our study, we analyzed the surface density profile of the cluster, finding extratidal main sequence stars out to r ~ 14.1 arcmin or about twice the tidal radius. We speculate that this may be due to tidal disruption in the course of M72's orbit, in which case tidal tails associated with the cluster may exist. We also take a fresh look at the variable stars in the cluster, recovering all previous known variables, including three SX Phoenicis stars, and adding three previously unknown RR Lyrae (1 c-type and 2 ab-type) to the total census. Finally, comparing our CMD with unpublished data for M3 (NGC 5272), a cluster with similar metallicity and horizontal branch morphology, we found that both objects are essentially coeval.Comment: Accepted for publication in A

    A search for solar-like oscillations in K giants in the globular cluster M4

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    To expand the range in the colour-magnitude diagram where asteroseismology can be applied, we organized a photometry campaign to find evidence for solar-like oscillations in giant stars in the globular cluster M4. The aim was to detect the comb-like p-mode structure characteristic for solar-like oscillations in the amplitude spectra. The two dozen main target stars are in the region of the bump stars and have luminosities in the range 50-140 Lsun. We collected 6160 CCD frames and light curves for about 14000 stars were extracted. We obtain high quality light curves for the K giants, but no clear oscillation signal is detected. High precision differential photometry is possible even in very crowded regions like the core of M4. Solar-like oscillations are probably present in K giants, but the amplitudes are lower than classical scaling laws predict.Comment: 14 pages, 16 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    HST Photometry for the Halo Stars in the Leo Elliptical NGC 3377

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    We have used the ACS camera on HST to obtain (V,I) photometry for 57,000 red-giant stars in the halo of the Leo elliptical NGC 3377. We use this sample of stars to derive the metallicity distribution function (MDF) for its halo field stars, and comment on its chemical evolution history compared with both larger and smaller E galaxies. Our ACS/WFC field spans a radial range extending from 4 to 18 kpc projected distance from the center of NGC 3377 and thus covers a significant portion of this galaxy's halo. We find that the MDF is broad, reaching a peak at [m/H] ~ -0.6,butcontainingvirtuallynostarsmoremetal−poorthanlog[m/H]=−1.5, but containing virtually no stars more metal-poor than log [m/H] = -1.5. It may, in addition, have relatively few stars more metal-rich than [m/H] = -0.3$, although interpretation of the high-metallicity end of the MDF is limited by photometric completeness that affects the detection of the reddest, most metal-rich stars. NGC 3377 appears to have an enrichment history intermediate between those of normal dwarf ellipticals and the much larger giants. As yet, we find no clear evidence that the halo of NGC 3377 contains a significant population of ``young'' (< 3 Gy) stars.Comment: 40 pages, 17 figure

    NGC 2419, M92, and the Age Gradient in the Galactic Halo

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    The WFPC2 camera on HST has been used to obtain deep main sequence photometry of the low-metallicity ([Fe/H]=-2.14), outer-halo globular cluster NGC 2419. A differential fit of the NGC 2419 CMD to that of the similarly metal-poor \ standard cluster M92 shows that they have virtually identical principal sequences and thus the same age to well within 1 Gyr. Since other low-metallicity clusters throughout the Milky Way halo have this same age to within the 1-Gyr precision of the differential age technique, we conclude that the earliest star (or globular cluster) formation began at essentially the same time everywhere in the Galactic halo throughout a region now almost 200 kpc in diameter. Thus for the metal-poorest clusters in the halo there is no detectable age gradient with Galactocentric distance. To estimate the absolute age of NGC 2419 and M92, we fit newly computed isochrones transformed through model-atmosphere calculations to the (M_V,V-I) plane, with assumed distance scales that represent the range currently debated in the literature. Unconstrained isochrone fits give M_V(RR) = 0.55 \pm 0.06 and a resulting age of 14 to 15 Gyr. Incorporating the full effects of helium diffusion would further reduce this estimate by about 1 Gyr. A distance scale as bright as M_V(RR) = 0.15 for [Fe/H] = -2, as has recently been reported, would leave several serious problems which have no obvious solution in the context of current stellar models.Comment: 32 pages, aastex, 9 postscript figures; accepted for publication in AJ, September 1997. Also available by e-mail from [email protected]
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