211 research outputs found

    Determinants of immigration strategies in male crested macaques (Macaca nigra).

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    Immigration into a new group can produce substantial costs due to resistance from residents, but also reproductive benefits. Whether or not individuals base their immigration strategy on prospective costbenefit ratios remains unknown. We investigated individual immigration decisions in crested macaques, a primate species with a high reproductive skew in favour of high-ranking males. We found two different strategies. Males who achieved low rank in the new group usually immigrated after another male had immigrated within the previous 25 days and achieved high rank. They never got injured but also had low prospective reproductive success. We assume that these males benefitted from immigrating into a destabilized male hierarchy. Males who achieved high rank in the new group usually immigrated independent of previous immigrations. They recieved injuries more frequently and therefore bore immigration costs. They, however, also had higher reproductive success prospects. We conclude that male crested macaques base their immigration strategy on relative fighting ability and thus potential rank in the new group i.e. potential reproductive benefits, as well as potential costs of injury

    Update on the Risk of Hepatocellular Carcinoma in Chronic Hepatitis B Virus Infection

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    Chronic hepatitis B virus infection is an important cause of liver-related morbidity and mortality, with hepatocellular carcinoma being the most life-threatening complication. Because of the highly variable clinical course of the disease, enormous research efforts have been made with the aim of revealing the factors in the natural history that are relevant to hepatocarcinogenesis. These include epidemiological studies of predisposing risk groups, viral studies of mutations within the hepatitis B viral genome, and clinical correlation of these risk factors in predicting the likelihood of development of hepatocellular cancer in susceptible hosts. This update addresses these risks, with emphasis on the latest research relevant to hepatocarcinogenesis

    Structural basis for delta cell paracrine regulation in pancreatic islets

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    International audienceLittle is known about the role of islet delta cells in regulating blood glucose homeostasis in vivo. Delta cells are important paracrine regulators of beta cell and alpha cell secretory activity, however the structural basis underlying this regulation has yet to be determined. Most delta cells are elongated and have a well-defined cell soma and a filopodia-like structure. Using in vivo optogenetics and high-speed Ca2+ imaging, we show that these filopodia are dynamic structures that contain a secretory machinery, enabling the delta cell to reach a large number of beta cells within the islet. This provides for efficient regulation of beta cell activity and is modulated by endogenous IGF-1/VEGF-A signaling. In pre-diabetes, delta cells undergo morphological changes that may be a compensation to maintain paracrine regulation of the beta cell. Our data provides an integrated picture of how delta cells can modulate beta cell activity under physiological conditions

    Neutralization of LINGO-1 during In Vitro Differentiation of Neural Stem Cells Results in Proliferation of Immature Neurons

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    Identifying external factors that can be used to control neural stem cells division and their differentiation to neurons, astrocytes and oligodendrocytes is of high scientific and clinical interest. Here we show that the Nogo-66 receptor interacting protein LINGO-1 is a potent regulator of neural stem cell maturation to neurons. LINGO-1 is expressed by cortical neural stem cells from E14 mouse embryos and inhibition of LINGO-1 during the first days of neural stem cell differentiation results in decreased neuronal maturation. Compared to neurons in control cultures, which after 6 days of differentiation have long extending neurites, neurons in cultures treated with anti-LINGO-1 antibodies retain an immature, round phenotype with only very short processes. Furthermore, neutralization of LINGO-1 results in a threefold increase in βIII tubulin-positive cells compared to untreated control cultures. By using BrdU incorporation assays we show that the immature neurons in LINGO-1 neutralized cultures are dividing neuroblasts. In contrast to control cultures, in which no cells were double positive for βIII tubulin and BrdU, 36% of the neurons in cultures treated with anti-LINGO-1 antibodies were proliferating after three days of differentiation. TUNEL assays revealed that the amount of cells going through apoptosis during the early phase of differentiation was significantly decreased in cultures treated with anti-LINGO-1 antibodies compared to untreated control cultures. Taken together, our results demonstrate a novel role for LINGO-1 in neural stem cell differentiation to neurons and suggest a possibility to use LINGO-1 inhibitors to compensate for neuronal cell loss in the injured brain

    Mapping and Functional Characterisation of a CTCF-Dependent Insulator Element at the 3′ Border of the Murine Scl Transcriptional Domain

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    The Scl gene encodes a transcription factor essential for haematopoietic development. Scl transcription is regulated by a panel of cis-elements spread over 55 kb with the most distal 3′ element being located downstream of the neighbouring gene Map17, which is co-regulated with Scl in haematopoietic cells. The Scl/Map17 domain is flanked upstream by the ubiquitously expressed Sil gene and downstream by a cluster of Cyp genes active in liver, but the mechanisms responsible for delineating the domain boundaries remain unclear. Here we report identification of a DNaseI hypersensitive site at the 3′ end of the Scl/Map17 domain and 45 kb downstream of the Scl transcription start site. This element is located at the boundary of active and inactive chromatin, does not function as a classical tissue-specific enhancer, binds CTCF and is both necessary and sufficient for insulator function in haematopoietic cells in vitro. Moreover, in a transgenic reporter assay, tissue-specific expression of the Scl promoter in brain was increased by incorporation of 350 bp flanking fragments from the +45 element. Our data suggests that the +45 region functions as a boundary element that separates the Scl/Map17 and Cyp transcriptional domains, and raise the possibility that this element may be useful for improving tissue-specific expression of transgenic constructs

    Sexual Differences in Chimpanzee Sociality

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    Scientists usually attribute sexual differences in sociality to sex-specific dispersal patterns and the availability of kin within the social group. In most primates, the dispersing sex, which has fewer kin around, is the less social sex. Chimpanzees fit well into the pattern, with highly social philopatric males and generally solitary dispersing females. However, researchers in West Africa have long suggested that female chimpanzees can be highly social. We investigated whether chimpanzees in the Taï Forest (Côte d’Ivoire) exhibit the expected sexual differences in 3 social parameters: dyadic association, party composition, and grooming interactions. Though we found a significant sexual difference in each of the 3 parameters, with males being more social than females, the actual values do not reveal striking differences between the sexes and do not support the notion of female chimpanzees as asocial: females had dyadic association indices comparable to mixed-sex dyads, spent ca. 82% of their time together with other adult chimpanzees, and had a comparable number of grooming partners. Further, female associations can be among the strongest bonds within the community, indicating that both sexes can have strongly favored association partners. The findings are in contrast to reports on East African chimpanzees, the females of which are mainly solitary and rarely interact with other females. Our results suggest that researchers cannot generally regard chimpanzee females as asocial and need to redefine models deriving patterns of sociality from dispersal patterns to integrate the possibility of high female sociality in male philopatric systems

    Congenital Hydrocephalus and Abnormal Subcommissural Organ Development in Sox3 Transgenic Mice

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    Congenital hydrocephalus (CH) is a life-threatening medical condition in which excessive accumulation of CSF leads to ventricular expansion and increased intracranial pressure. Stenosis (blockage) of the Sylvian aqueduct (Aq; the narrow passageway that connects the third and fourth ventricles) is a common form of CH in humans, although the genetic basis of this condition is unknown. Mouse models of CH indicate that Aq stenosis is associated with abnormal development of the subcommmissural organ (SCO) a small secretory organ located at the dorsal midline of the caudal diencephalon. Glycoproteins secreted by the SCO generate Reissner's fibre (RF), a thread-like structure that descends into the Aq and is thought to maintain its patency. However, despite the importance of SCO function in CSF homeostasis, the genetic program that controls SCO development is poorly understood. Here, we show that the X-linked transcription factor SOX3 is expressed in the murine SCO throughout its development and in the mature organ. Importantly, overexpression of Sox3 in the dorsal diencephalic midline of transgenic mice induces CH via a dose-dependent mechanism. Histological, gene expression and cellular proliferation studies indicate that Sox3 overexpression disrupts the development of the SCO primordium through inhibition of diencephalic roof plate identity without inducing programmed cell death. This study provides further evidence that SCO function is essential for the prevention of hydrocephalus and indicates that overexpression of Sox3 in the dorsal midline alters progenitor cell differentiation in a dose-dependent manner

    Cooperation, coalition and alliances

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    Measurements of the branching fractions for BKγB \to K^{*}\gamma decays at Belle II

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    This paper reports a study of BKγB \to K^{*}\gamma decays using 62.8±0.662.8\pm 0.6 fb1^{-1} of data collected during 2019--2020 by the Belle II experiment at the SuperKEKB e+ee^{+}e^{-} asymmetric-energy collider, corresponding to (68.2±0.8)×106(68.2 \pm 0.8) \times 10^6 BBB\overline{B} events. We find 454±28454 \pm 28, 50±1050 \pm 10, 169±18169 \pm 18, and 160±17160 \pm 17 signal events in the decay modes B0K0[K+π]γB^{0} \to K^{*0}[K^{+}\pi^{-}]\gamma, B0K0[KS0π0]γB^{0} \to K^{*0}[K^0_{\rm S}\pi^{0}]\gamma, B+K+[K+π0]γB^{+} \to K^{*+}[K^{+}\pi^{0}]\gamma, and B+K+[K+π0]γB^{+} \to K^{*+}[K^{+}\pi^{0}]\gamma, respectively. The uncertainties quoted for the signal yield are statistical only. We report the branching fractions of these decays: B[B0K0[K+π]γ]=(4.5±0.3±0.2)×105,\mathcal{B} [B^{0} \to K^{*0}[K^{+}\pi^{-}]\gamma] = (4.5 \pm 0.3 \pm 0.2) \times 10^{-5}, B[B0K0[KS0π0]γ]=(4.4±0.9±0.6)×105,\mathcal{B} [B^{0} \to K^{*0}[K^0_{\rm S}\pi^{0}]\gamma] = (4.4 \pm 0.9 \pm 0.6) \times 10^{-5}, B[B+K+[K+π0]γ]=(5.0±0.5±0.4)×105, and\mathcal{B} [B^{+} \to K^{*+}[K^{+}\pi^{0}]\gamma] = (5.0 \pm 0.5 \pm 0.4)\times 10^{-5},\text{ and} B[B+K+[KS0π+]γ]=(5.4±0.6±0.4)×105,\mathcal{B} [B^{+} \to K^{*+}[K^0_{\rm S}\pi^{+}]\gamma] = (5.4 \pm 0.6 \pm 0.4) \times 10^{-5}, where the first uncertainty is statistical, and the second is systematic. The results are consistent with world-average values