43 research outputs found

    Analysis of developments in EU capital flows in the global context. Bruegel Final study Bruegel N° 2015.2574, November 2015

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    Free movement of capital, which is one of the four fundamental economic freedoms of the European Union, can enhance welfare if it leads to better allocation of financial and productive resources. However, it can also be a source of vulnerability, with far-reaching spillovers. Monitoring and assessing capital flows is therefore crucial for policymakers, market participants and analysts

    Development of biological soil crusts in initial ecosystems in Lusatia, Germany

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    During initial ecosystem development vegetation cover is sparse, but the space between shrubs is not bare and is often covered by a topsoil biological crust composed by cyanobacteria, green algae, mosses and lichens. These cryptogames are the first colonizer of initial ecosystems. The development of soil surface crusts plays a major role for the further vegetation pattern and ecosystem development through changes to the physico-chemical conditions and influencing various ecosystem processes. We studied the development of biological soil crusts on quaternary substrate of the initial artificial water catchment ´Neuer Lugteich´ located in the former open-cast lignite mining area near Welzow (Brandenburg, Germany). Chlorophyll, Corg, pH were determined to classified various soil crusts types. Some of these Kryptogames excrete exopolysaccharides that bind the inorganic fine-grained particles that form the matrix of the topsoil crust. Due to lack of organic matter in the geological substrate, photoautotrophic organisms like green algae and cyanobacteria are important for soil organic matter accumulation in first millimetre of topsoil of initial ecosystems. The biological soil crusts decrease infiltration rates and influence the hydrological conditions

    Late Quaternary aeolian dynamics, pedostratigraphy and soil formation in the North European Lowlands – new findings from the Baruther ice-marginal valley

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    The construction of dunes in central Europe reflects ample sediment supply during the last deglacial hemicycle. A Quaternary inland dune complex in southern Brandenburg, Germany, was studied to determine the duration of recent pedogenesis, from two outcrops, which show buried paleosols. An integrative approach, which combined geomorphological, sedimentological, (paleo-)pedological and chronological methods was used to identify aeolian deposition events, ensuing pedogenesis and anthropogenic remobilization. At the outcrops, which were situated approximately 2 km apart from each other, in total twelve samples of the aeolian sands were dated using optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) and six using 14C dating. Although the dunes have similar morphological features, these forms have a different history of aeolian sand deposition and pedogenesis. At the older dune (Gl 1) the surface soil is a well developed Podzol, whereas soil development of the younger dune (Gl 2) is clearly in an initial state. The two dunes also differ in grain size distribution and in the presence of buried soils, thereby indicating a climatic impact on aeolian remobilization

    Bodenphysikalische Kenngrößen und deren flächenhafte Heterogenität auf einer homogen hergestellten Fläche der Bergbaufolgelandschaft in der Lausitz

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    Das Projekt befasst sich mit der landwirt-schaftlichen Rekultivierung ehemaliger Braunkohletagebaugebiete in der Lausitz, größtem Braunkohleabbaugebiet Deutsch-lands. Der Tagebau führt zu Störungen auf der Landschaftsskala. Die Rekultivie-rung versucht u.a., die Tagebaugebiete wieder landwirtschaftlicher Nutzung zuzu-führen. Die Substrate, die zur Rekultivie-rung verwendet werden, stammen aus mehreren Metern Tiefe und sind daher frei von rezenter organischer Substanz. Das Substrat ist unstrukturiert und wird bei Ab-baggerung, Aufschüttung und Einebnung starken mechanischen Belastungen aus-gesetzt. Dies führt zu mehr oder weniger stark verdichteten Böden/Substraten. In diesem Zusammenhang untersuchen wir den Einfluss unterschiedlicher Rekultivie-rungsstrategien auf die Entwicklung einer funktions- und tragfähigen Bodenstruktur auf einer 2006/2007 aufgeschütteten und eingeebneten Fläche. Hierfür wurden an ungestörten Bodenproben u.a. Lage-rungsdichte, Luftleitfähigkeit und Vorbe-lastung bestimmt. Wir zeigen erste Ergeb-nisse aus den laufenden Untersuchungen, die eine hohe Schwankungsbreite aufwei-sen, obwohl die Fläche mit ähnlichem Substrat und einheitlichen Maschinen hergestellt worden ist

    Wie beeinflussen Kiefern (Pinus sylvestris L.) die Entwicklung der Benetzungshemmung auf Sandböden?

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    Die Wald-Kiefer (Pinus sylvestris L.) ist in den Wäldern des südlichen Brandenburgs die dominierende Baumart und besiedelt als Pionierbaumart die nährstoffarmen Sandböden der Offenlandschaften. Unter und neben den Kiefern wird aufgrund der Akkumulation hydrophob wirkender organischer Substanzen oft verstärkte Benetzungshemmung beobachtet. Wir untersuchten die Entwicklung von Benetzungshemmung ca. 20 km südlich von Cottbus in situ und im Labor anhand von Water Drop Penetration Time (WDPT)-Tests und Kontaktwinkelmessungen in verschieden alten Kiefernbeständen

    Force-distance curves by atomic force microscopy

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    Low-Reynolds-number effects derived from direct numerical simulations of turbulent pipe fow

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    Fully developed, statistically steady and non-swirling turbulent flow through straight pipes of circular cross-section is investigated by means of direct numerical simulation. A finite-volume scheme of second-order accuracy and a semi-implicit time integration scheme of the same order of accuracy are used to integrate the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations on staggered grids. Significant low-Reynolds-number effects are observed in the mean axial velocity, the components of the Reynolds stress tensor, the pressure and vorticity fluctuations, the turbulent kinetic energy budget and two-point velocity correlations. It is confirmed that turbulence data obtained in the near-wall region do not scale on wall variables. Within the range of Reynolds numbers investigated, the non-dimensional streak spacing increases slightly with Re_ta