60 research outputs found

    Investigation on the influence of time of post partum examination and the initiation of a PGF2α treatment of chronic endometritis in dairy cows

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    Deckblatt-Impressum persönlicher Dank Inhaltsverzeichnis Abkürzungsverzeichnis Einleitung Literaturübersicht Material und Methoden Ergebnisse Diskussion Zusammenfassung Summary Literaturverzeichnis Anhang Danksagung SelbständigkeitserklärungIn zwei milcherzeugenden Betrieben in Brandenburg wurden zwei Zeiträume für die Behandlung chronischer Endometritiden miteinander verglichen. Insgesamt wurden 1377 Kühe mittels rektaler Palpation am Tag 20.-26. p.p. (PK 1) gynäkologisch untersucht. Als Kriterium für die Diagnose Endometritis wurde die Qualität des Ausflusses herangezogen und anhand der Befunde in drei Schweregrade eingestuft (E1-E3). Bei 281 Kühen (28,7 %) wurden Anzeichen einer Endometritis diagnostiziert. Diese Kühe wurden in zwei Behandlungsgruppen eingeteilt. Erkrankte Kühe bekamen zweimal im Abstand von 14 Tagen eine intramuskuläre Verabreichung eines synthetischen Prostaglandin F2α-Agonisten (0,075 mg R-Cloprostenol, Preloban®, Intervet Deutschland GmbH Unterschleißheim). In der Behandlungsgruppe Sofort wurden die Kühe (n = 123) unmittelbar nach der Diagnose behandelt (20.-26. Tag p.p.). In der Behandlungsgruppe Spät wurde die gleiche Behandlung wie in der Gruppe Sofort durchgeführt, jedoch zu einem späteren Zeitpunkt. Kühe (n = 158), die zum Zeitpunkt der PK 1 an einer Endometritis erkrankt waren, wurden zunächst nicht behandelt sondern zwei Wochen später erneut vorgestellt. Zum Zeitpunkt der zweiten Untersuchung (34.-40. Tag p.p., PK 2) wurden 106 der 158 Kühe (67,1 %) als geschlechtsgesund diagnostiziert und somit nicht behandelt. Bei 52 Kühen wurde sowohl zur ersten als auch zur zweiten Untersuchung eine manifeste Endometritis festgestellt und zum Zeitpunkt der PK 2 behandelt. Zur Analyse der ovariellen Aktivität wurde jeweils vor der ersten und zweiten PGF2α-Injektion eine Blutprobe entnommen und der Progesterongehalt ermittelt. Ab einem Gehalt von 1,0 ng Progesteron pro ml wurde auf das Vorhandensein eines aktiven Gelbkörpers geschlossen. In Betrieb B lag am 20.-26. Tag p.p. eine signifikant höhere Endometritis-Prävalenz vor als in Betrieb A (43,1 % vs. 24,6 %, p<0,05). Auch waren in Betrieb B signifikant häufiger Erstkalbinnen erkrankt als pluripare Kühe (60,0 % vs. 30,4 %, p<0,05). Ein betriebsspezifischer Unterschied konnte auch hinsichtlich der Endometritis- Prävalenz bei den Erstkalbinnen abgesichert werden (Betrieb A vs. B: 25,0 % vs. 60,0 %; p<0,05). Bei Kühen mit einer Endometritis konnten signifikant schlechtere Ergebnisse im Erstbesamungserfolg, in der Konzeptionsrate, im Anteil tragender Kühe bis zum 200. Tag p.p. und in verlängerten Güstzeiten sowie signifikant häufiger keine Funktionskörper (Follikel, Gelbkörper) auf den Ovarien diagnostiziert werden als bei den klinisch gesunden Kühen. In den Behandlungsgruppen konnte bei den Spät behandelten Kühen (Therapiebeginn 34.-40. dpp) numerische längere Rast- und Güstzeiten sowie ein herabgesetzter Erstbesamungserfolg, eine geringere Konzeptionsrate und eine niedriger Anteil tragender Kühe bis zum 200. Tag p.p. gegenüber den Sofort behandelten (Therapiebeginn 20.-26. dpp) und unbehandelten Kühen ermittelt werden. Die Unterschiede konnten statistisch jedoch nicht abgesichert werden. Dabei konnten betriebsspezifische Unterschiede festgestellt werden. Bei den Spät behandelten Kühen aus Betrieb B konnte eine signifikant bessere Konzeptionsrate ermittelt werden als in Betrieb A. Tendenziell zeigten die unbehandelten Kühe aus Betrieb A und die Sofort behandelten Kühe aus Betrieb B die beste Fruchtbarkeitsleistung. Die Selbstheilung chronischer Endometritiden lag von der vierten zur sechsten Woche p.p. (20.-26. dpp bis 34.-40. dpp) bei insgesamt 67,1 %. Auch hier konnten betriebsspezifische Unterschiede festgestellt werden. Die Selbstheilung lag in Betrieb A deutlicher höher als in Betrieb B (71,7 % vs. 57,7 %). Dabei war die Fruchtbarkeitsleistung aber auch die Heilungsrate der unbehandelten Kühe vergleichbar mit denen der frühbehandelten Kühe. Bei der Analyse der Progesterongehalte im Blut konnte mit zunehmendem Abstand zur Kalbung häufiger ein Gelbkörper nachgewiesen werden. Ein signifikanter Einfluss des Zyklusstandes zum Zeitpunkt der Behandlung auf den Therapieerfolg konnte nicht ermittelt werden.The objective of this study was to compare two different intervals for the implementation of treatment of chronic endometritis in dairy cows. A field trial was conducted on two commercial dairy farms, in Brandenburg, Germany. Endometritis was defined as vaginal discharge and classified into three categories. In total 1377 cows were examined by rectal palpation for signs of endometritis between 20 to 26 days post partum (check 1) and classified into two groups. The overall prevalence of chronic endometritis was 28.7 % (n = 281). In group 'Early' 123 cows with signs of endometritis were treated with 0.075 mg of R-cloprostenol (Preloban®, Intervet Germany GmbH) twice in a 14 day interval, starting at day 20 to 26 post partum. In group 'Later' an identical treatment was used but with a later start. Cows (n = 158), which were diagnosed with endometritis at the time of check 1, were not treated but re-examined two weeks later. By the time of the second examination (34-40 dpp, check 2) 106 out of 158 cows were diagnosed as clinically healthy and therefore not treated. 52 cows with signs of endometritis at check 1 and 2 received two treatments of 0.075 mg of R-cloprostenol in a 14 day interval, starting at 34-40 days post partum. For the analysis of ovarian activity a blood sample was taken before the first and the second PGF2α-injection for the analysis of progesterone. A concentration of 1.0 ng/ml progesterone was considered indicative of an active corpus luteum. Prevalence of chronic endometritis at day 20 to 26 was 24.6 % and 43.1 % on farm A and B, respectively (p<0.05). Furthermore, on farm B significantly more first lactation cows were diagnosed with endometritis than muliparous cows (60.0 % vs. 30.4 %, p<0.05). Another significant difference between the farms existed regarding the prevalence of endometritis of heifer (farm A vs. B: 25.0 % vs. 60.0 %, p<0.05). Cows with endometritis showed significantly worse results regarding conception rate after first service, conception rate, the proportion of pregnant cows (to day 200 p.p.) and extended number of days open compared to healthy cows. Furthermore, cows with endometritis are diagnosed significantly less often neither with follicle or with corpus luteum in comparison to healthy cows. In the group 'Later' the cows showed poorer reproductive performance parameters (numbers of days to the first service and days open, conception rate after first service, conception rate and the proportion of pregnant cows to day 200 p.p.) than cows in group 'Early' and to the group of non-treated cows (p>0.05). Differences could be demonstrated between the farms. A significantly better conception rate was found for cows of group 'Later' on farm B in comparison to farm A. Numerically the best results regarding reproductive performance showed the non-treated cows from farm A and the treated cows of group 'Early' from farm B. Spontaneous cure between check 1 and 2 for all cows with endometritis but not treated was 67.1 %. There were differences between the farms, too. Spontaneous cure was a lot higher on farm A as on farm B (71.7 % vs. 57.7 %). The reproductive performance of the non-treated cows was similar to the cows of group 'Early'. The analysis of the progesterone concentration in the blood showed that a corpus luteum could be diagnosed more often with extended time to calving. A significant influence of the cyclicity on the therapeutic efficacy could not be determined at the time of the treatment

    Diphtheria serum and serotherapy. Development, Production and regulation in fin de siècle Germany

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    The development, production and state regulation of diphtheria serum is outlined against the background of industrialisation, standardization, falling standards of living and rising social conflict in fin de siècle Germany. On one hand, diphtheria serum offered a cure for an infectious disease and was a major therapeutic innovation in modern medicine. On the other hand, the new serum was a remedy of biological origin and nothing was known about its side effects or long-term impact. Moreover, serum therapy promised high profits for manufacturers who succeeded in stabilizing the production process and producing large quantities of serum in so-called industrial production plants. To minimize public health risks, a broad system of state regulation was installed, including the supervision of serum production and distribution. The case of diphtheria serum illustrates the indirect forms of government supervision and influence adopted in the German Empire and the cooperation and networking among science, state and industry

    La vacuna contra la viruela en el imperio alemán. La vacunación entre biopolítica y economía moral

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    After a smallpox epidemic in Germany in the early 1870s in the wake of the Franco-German War, smallpox vaccination became compulsory by Imperial Law in 1874. The act was hotly debated in parliament and in public and earlier resistance against vaccination developed into a political anti-vaccination movement. For this reason, the German government adopted a number of safety measures. The current article describes, firstly, vaccination practices, regulations and policies in the German states up to the 1870s and the biopolitical developments that led to the Imperial Law on compulsory smallpox vaccination in 1874. Secondly, the article sketches the public debate and critique regarding vaccination asking why compulsory vaccination succeeded in Germany. The article describes the measures implemented by the German government to promote compulsory vaccination and acceptance of the Imperial Law: initially, smallpox vaccines were manufactured by state-run production sites and supervised by local authori­ties. Empire-wide statistics were collated documenting the success of vaccination as well as related side-effects. From a government perspective, these precautions could be interpreted as a technology of trust.Después de una epidemia de viruela en Alemania a principios de la década de 1870 a raíz de la guerra francoalemana, la vacuna antivariólica se hizo obligatoria por Ley Imperial en 1874. La ley se debatió acaloradamente en el parlamento y en pú­blico, y la resistencia ya existente contra la vacunación se convirtió en un movimiento político antivacunas. Por ello, el gobierno alemán adoptó una serie de medidas de seguridad. El artículo actual describe, en primer lugar, las prácticas, regulaciones y políti­cas de vacunación en los estados alemanes hasta la década de 1870, y los desarrollos biopolíticos que llevaron a la Ley Imperial sobre la vacunación antivariólica obligatoria en 1874. En segundo lugar, se esbozan el debate público y la crítica sobre la vacunación, preguntando por qué la vacunación obligatoria tuvo éxito en Alemania. Se describen las medidas aplicadas por el gobierno alemán para promover la vacunación obligatoria y la aceptación de la Ley Imperial: inicialmente, las vacunas contra la viruela se fabricaban por centros de producción estatales supervisados por las autoridades locales. Se recopilaban estadísticas de todo el imperio que documentaban el éxito de la vacunación, así como los efectos secundarios relacionados. Desde la perspectiva del gobierno, estas precauciones podrían interpretarse como una tecnología de confianza

    The Political Economy of the Hospital in History

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    The modern hospital is at once the site of healing, the locus of medical learning and a cornerstone of the welfare state. Its technological and infrastructural costs have transformed health services into one of today's fastest growing sectors, absorbing substantial proportions of national income in both developed and emerging economies. The aim of this book is to examine this growth in different countries, with a main focus on the twentieth century, and also with a backward glance to earlier shaping forces. It will explore the hospital's economic history, the relationship between public and private forms of provision, and the political context in which health systems were constructed. The collection advances the historical world map of different hospital models, ranging across Spain, Brazil, Germany, East and Central Europe, Britain, the United States and China. Collectively, these comparative cases illuminate the complexities involved in each country and bring new historical evidence to current debates on health care organisation, financing and reform

    The problematic legacy of victim specimens from the Nazi era: Identifying the persons behind the specimens at the Max Planck Institutes for Brain Research and of Psychiatry

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    Although 75 years have passed since the end of World War II, the Max Planck Society (Max-Planck Gesellschaft, MPG), successor to the Kaiser Wilhelm Society (Kaiser-Wilhelm-Gesellschaft, KWG), still must grapple with how two of its foremost institutes—the KWI of Psychiatry in Munich and the KWI for Brain Research in Berlin-Buch—amassed collections of brains from victims of Nazi crimes, and how these human remains were retained for postwar research. Initial efforts to deal with victim specimens during the 1980s met with denial and, subsequently, rapid disposal in 1989/1990. Despite the decision of the MPG’s president to retain documentation for historical purposes, there are gaps in the available sources. This article provides preliminary results of a research program initiated in 2017 (to be completed by October 2023) to provide victim identifications and the circumstances of deaths

    The Political Economy of the Hospital in History

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    The modern hospital is at once the site of healing, the locus of medical learning and a cornerstone of the welfare state. Its technological and infrastructural costs have transformed health services into one of today's fastest growing sectors, absorbing substantial proportions of national income in both developed and emerging economies. The aim of this book is to examine this growth in different countries, with a main focus on the twentieth century, and also with a backward glance to earlier shaping forces. It will explore the hospital's economic history, the relationship between public and private forms of provision, and the political context in which health systems were constructed. The collection advances the historical world map of different hospital models, ranging across Spain, Brazil, Germany, East and Central Europe, Britain, the United States and China. Collectively, these comparative cases illuminate the complexities involved in each country and bring new historical evidence to current debates on health care organisation, financing and reform

    Agent causality – ‟per accidens” and ‟per se”

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    Sofern die Agenskausalität in der Gegenwartsphilosophie noch eine Rolle spielt, wird nicht mehr unterschieden zwischen Kausalität per accidens und Kausalität per se. Anhand verschiedener Beispiele werde ich die Bedeutung dieser Unterscheidung für die philosophische Analyse herausstellen. Weiterhin sollen die zentralen Bestimmungen dieser beiden Arten der Agenskausalität dargestellt werden und daraus Schlussfolgerungen für die Kausaltheorie gezogen werden.Insofar as agent causality still plays a role in contemporary philosophy, there is no longer a distinction between causality per accidens and causality per se. Using various examples, I will highlight the importance of this distinction for philosophical analysis. Furthermore, the central determinations of these two types of agent causality will be presented and conclusions for causal theory will be drawn

    Diphtheria serum and serotherapy. Development, Production and regulation in fin de siècle Germany

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    The development, production and state regulation of diphtheria serum is outlined against the background of industrialisation, standardization, falling standards of living and rising social conflict in fin de siècle Germany. On one hand, diphtheria serum offered a cure for an infectious disease and was a major therapeutic innovation in modern medicine. On the other hand, the new serum was a remedy of biological origin and nothing was known about its side effects or long-term impact. Moreover, serum therapy promised high profits for manufacturers who succeeded in stabilizing the production process and producing large quantities of serum in so-called industrial production plants. To minimize public health risks, a broad system of state regulation was installed, including the supervision of serum production and distribution. The case of diphtheria serum illustrates the indirect forms of government supervision and influence adopted in the German Empire and the cooperation and networking among science, state and industry

    Pharmaceutical Markets in the German Empire. Profits Between Risk, Altruism and Regulation

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    Hüntelmann AC. Pharmaceutical Markets in the German Empire. Profits Between Risk, Altruism and Regulation. Historical Social Research (HSR). 2011;36(3):182-201."Pharma-Markte im Deutschen Kaiserreich. Profite zwischen Risiko, Altruismus und Regulierung". For the first time in August 1894, phials of anti-diphtheria serum went on sale in German pharmacies. Anti-diphtheria serum was a major therapeutic innovation in the treatment of a terrible infectious disease. The anti-diphtheria serum also signalled the evolution of new regulatory institutions, as well as new markets in industrially produced pharmaceutics. The new serum therapy offered not only a cure for diphtheria and other fatal infectious diseases, but also promised high profits for the manufacturers who could stabilize the production process. It attracted the state's attention for a number of reasons: the ambiguous legal situation, the production of serum for the free market and the prospect of high profits for the serum industry, and finally the novelty of serum therapy itself and the lack of information about its long-term effects. Drawing on concepts from economic sociology, I will argue that the evolving serum market was formatted by state authorities from the very first moment. This regulation was not imposed by "the state" but negotiated among actors like state officials, medical and public health professionals, and serum producers

    Eigenartige Sonderstellung in der Welt. Das Königlich Preußische Institut für Experimentelle Therapie und das Georg Speyer-Haus im Deutschen Kaiserreich

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    Hüntelmann AC. Eigenartige Sonderstellung in der Welt. Das Königlich Preußische Institut für Experimentelle Therapie und das Georg Speyer-Haus im Deutschen Kaiserreich. In: Hüntelmann AC, Schneider MC, eds. Jenseits von Humboldt. Wissenschaft im Staat, 1850-1990. Frankfurt a. M.: Lang; 2010: 189-215