27 research outputs found

    The Burden of Inflammatory Bowel Disease in Europe.

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    AbstractInflammatory bowel diseases (IBD) are chronic disabling gastrointestinal disorders impacting every aspect of the affected individual's life and account for substantial costs to the health care system and society. New epidemiological data suggest that the incidence and prevalence of the diseases are increasing and medical therapy and disease management have changed significantly in the last decade. An estimated 2.5–3million people in Europe are affected by IBD, with a direct healthcare cost of 4.6–5.6bn Euros/year. Therefore, the aim of this review is to describe the burden of IBD in Europe by discussing the latest epidemiological data, the disease course and risk for surgery and hospitalization, mortality and cancer risks, as well as the economic aspects, patients' disability and work impairment

    Organisation, ansvarsfördelning och rutiner för Malmö högskolas leveranser av pliktexemplar av elektroniskt material – e-plikt

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    Malmö högskola ska som statlig myndighet följa Lagen (2012:492) om pliktexemplar av elektroniskt material, som trĂ€der i full kraft 2015. Rektor gav BIT i uppdrag 2015 “Att samordna högskolans arbete kring den nya epliktlagen.” För att utföra det uppdraget tillsatte BIT-chefen ett projekt med en projektgrupp sammansatt av representanter frĂ„n arkivfunktionen, kommunikationsavdelningen och BIT