2,902 research outputs found

    Evaluación de Miconic y otros productos comerciales en la resistencia de tomate a distintos patógenos fúngicos

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    [Resumen] Plantas de tomate (Solanum lycopersicum L.), tratadas con Miconic mostraron un tamaño de lesión menor después de la inoculación con P. infestans. Se comprobó si esta protección era debida a una inducción de resistencia por el producto Miconic mediante la medición de la actividad peroxidasa y la expresión del gen PR-2 (β-1,3-glucanasas), ambos procesos relacionados con la defensa frente a patógenos en plantas. La actividad de la peroxidasa no varió con el tratamiento, sin embargo, el nivel de expresión del gen PR-2 fue aumentado drásticamente tras la aplicación de Miconic, pudiendo incluso mantener su efecto en el tiempo. Por lo tanto el tratamiento con el producto provoca una inducción de resistencia, debido al efecto que produce sobre las β-1,3-glucanasas.[Abstract] Tomato plants (Solanum lycopersicum L.) treated with Miconic showed a smaller lesion size after inoculation with P. infestans. It was checked if this protection was due to an induction of resistance by the Miconic product by measuring peroxidase activity and expression of PR-2 (β-1,3-glucanases) gene, both processes related to defense against pathogens in plants. The peroxidase activity was not influenced by the treatment. However, the level of expression of PR-2 gene was drastically increased after application of Miconic, even having effects over time. Therefore, treatment with the product causes an induction of resistance, due to its effect on β-1,3-glucanases.Traballo fin de grao (UDC.CIE). Bioloxía. Curso 2014/201

    Contributions to deconfliction advanced U-space services for multiple unmanned aerial systems including field tests validation

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    Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) will become commonplace, the number of UAS flying in European airspace is expected to increase from a few thousand to hundreds of thousands by 2050. To prepare for this approaching, national and international organizations involved in aerial traffic management are now developing new laws and restructuring the airspace to incorporate UAS into civil airspace. The Single European Sky ATM Research considers the development of the U-space, a crucial step to enable the safe, secure, and efficient access of a large set of UAS into airspace. The design, integration, and validation of a set of modules that contribute to our UTM architecture for advanced U-space services are described in this Thesis. With an emphasis on conflict detection and resolution features, the architecture is flexible, modular, and scalable. The UTM is designed to work without the need for human involvement, to achieve U-space required scalability due to the large number of expected operations. However, it recommends actions to the UAS operator since, under current regulations, the operator is accountable for carrying out the recommendations of the UTM. Moreover, our development is based on the Robot Operating System (ROS) and is open source. The main developments of the proposed Thesis are monitoring and tactical deconfliction services, which are in charge of identifying and resolving possible conflicts that arise in the shared airspace of several UAS. By limiting the conflict search to a local search surrounding each waypoint, the proposed conflict detection method aims to improve conflict detection. By splitting the issue down into smaller subproblems with only two waypoints, the conflict resolution method tries to decrease the deviation distance from the initial flight plan. The proposed method for resolving potential threats is based on the premise that UAS can follow trajectories in time and space properly. Therefore, another contribution of the presented Thesis is an UAS 4D trajectory follower that can correct space and temporal deviations while following a given trajectory. Currently, commercial autopilots do not offer this functionality that allows to improve the airspace occupancy using time as an additional dimension. Moreover, the integration of onboard detect and avoid capabilities, as well as the consequences for U-space services are examined in this Thesis. A module capable of detecting large static unexpected obstacles and generating an alternative route to avoid the obstacle online is presented. Finally, the presented UTM architecture has been tested in both software-in-theloop and hardware-in-the-loop development enviroments, but also in real scenarios using unmanned aircraft. These scenarios were designed by selecting the most relevant UAS operation applications, such as the inspection of wind turbines, power lines and precision agriculture, as well as event and forest monitoring. ATLAS and El Arenosillo were the locations of the tests carried out thanks to the European projects SAFEDRONE and GAUSS.Los sistemas aéreos no tripulados (UAS en inglés) se convertirán en algo habitual. Se prevé que el número de UAS que vuelen en el espacio aéreo europeo pase de unos pocos miles a cientos de miles en 2050. Para prepararse para esta aproximación, las organizaciones nacionales e internacionales dedicadas a la gestión del tráfico aéreo están elaborando nuevas leyes y reestructurando el espacio aéreo para incorporar los UAS al espacio aéreo civil. SESAR (del inglés Single European Sky ATM Research) considera el desarrollo de U-space, un paso crucial para permitir el acceso seguro y eficiente de un gran conjunto de UAS al espacio aéreo. En esta Tesis se describe el diseño, la integración y la validación de un conjunto de módulos que contribuyen a nuestra arquitectura UTM (del inglés Unmanned aerial system Traffic Management) para los servicios avanzados del U-space. Con un énfasis en las características de detección y resolución de conflictos, la arquitectura es flexible, modular y escalable. La UTM está diseñada para funcionar sin necesidad de intervención humana, para lograr la escalabilidad requerida por U-space debido al gran número de operaciones previstas. Sin embargo, la UTM únicamente recomienda acciones al operador del UAS ya que, según la normativa vigente, el operador es responsable de las operaciones realizadas. Además, nuestro desarrollo está basado en el Sistema Operativo de Robots (ROS en inglés) y es de código abierto. Los principales desarrollos de la presente Tesis son los servicios de monitorización y evitación de conflictos, que se encargan de identificar y resolver los posibles conflictos que surjan en el espacio aéreo compartido de varios UAS. Limitando la búsqueda de conflictos a una búsqueda local alrededor de cada punto de ruta, el método de detección de conflictos pretende mejorar la detección de conflictos. Al dividir el problema en subproblemas más pequeños con sólo dos puntos de ruta, el método de resolución de conflictos intenta disminuir la distancia de desviación del plan de vuelo inicial. El método de resolución de conflictos propuesto se basa en la premisa de que los UAS pueden seguir las trayectorias en el tiempo y espacio de forma adecuada. Por tanto, otra de las aportaciones de la Tesis presentada es un seguidor de trayectorias 4D de UAS que puede corregir las desviaciones espaciales y temporales mientras sigue una trayectoria determinada. Actualmente, los autopilotos comerciales no ofrecen esta funcionalidad que permite mejorar la ocupación del espacio aéreo utilizando el tiempo como una dimensión adicional. Además, en esta Tesis se examina la capacidad de integración de módulos a bordo de detección y evitación de obstáculos, así como las consecuencias para los servicios de U-space. Se presenta un módulo capaz de detectar grandes obstáculos estáticos inesperados y capaz de generar una ruta alternativa para evitar dicho obstáculo. Por último, la arquitectura UTM presentada ha sido probada en entornos de desarrollo de simulación, pero también en escenarios reales con aeronaves no tripuladas. Estos escenarios se diseñaron seleccionando las aplicaciones de operación de UAS más relevantes, como la inspección de aerogeneradores, líneas eléctricas y agricultura de precisión, así como la monitorización de eventos y bosques. ATLAS y El Arenosillo fueron las sedes de las pruebas realizadas gracias a los proyectos europeos SAFEDRONE y GAUSS

    Towards highly efficent ligands for asymmetric hydrogenations: a covalent modular approach and investigations into bio-inspired supramolecular strategies

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    La preparación de nuevos ligandos quirales P-OP (fosfina-fosfinitos y fosfina-fosfitos), fácilmente preparados con una estrategia sintética en dos etapas desde una aproximación covalente, es descrita en la presente Tesis Doctoral. El mejor catalizador de la serie ha demostrado tener propiedades catalíticas excelentes en la hidrogenación asimétrica catalizada por rodio de una amplia variedad de olefinas funcionalizadas. El resultado excelente y el diseño modular de los ligandos sintetizados hacen éstos muy atractivos para futuras aplicaciones.La presente Tesis Doctoral describe también la preparación de nuevos ligandos quirales que pueden comportarse como catalizadores supramoleculares inspirados en el mecanismo de regulación alostérica de los enzimas.A library of enantiomerically pure P-OP ligands (phosphine-phoshinites and phosphine-phosphites) straightforwardly available in two synthetic steps from enantiopure Sharpless epoxy ethers is reported in the present PhD. Thesis. The "lead" catalyst of the series has proven to have outstanding catalytic properties in the rhodium-catalysed asymmetric hydrogenation of a wide variety of functionalised alkenes. Their excellent performance and modular design makes them attractive for future applications.This PhD. Thesis also reports the development of a practical route to chiral diphosphine ligands with supramolecular motifs, with potential for allosteric modulation, which we prepared for future catalytic studies

    Data-centric distribution technology in ARINC-653 systems

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    REACTION 2014. 3rd International Workshop on Real-time and Distributed Computing in Emerging Applications. Rome, Italy. December 2nd, 2014.Standard distribution middleware has recently emerged as a potential solution to interconnect distributed systems in the avionics domain, as it would bring important benefits throughout the software development process. A remaining challenge, however, is reducing the complexity associated with current distribution standards which leads to prohibitive certification costs. To overcome this complexity, this work explores the use of the DDS distribution standard on top of a software platform based on the ARINC-653 specification. Furthermore, it discusses how both technologies can be integrated in order to apply them in mission and safety-critical scenarios.This work has been funded in part by the Spanish Government and FEDER funds under grant number TIN2011-28567-C03-02 (HIPARTES).Publicad


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    La filosofía nietzscheana ha estado determinada por lo político en la España del siglo XX con la misma intensidad que en el resto de Europa1. La influencia del franquismo incidió radicalmente en ella granjeándole un destino singular, provocando las actitudes dominantes de ignorancia o de rechazo, situación claramente opuesta a la que aconteció en las principales dictaduras de derechas europeas, como Alemania e Italia. Éste es un hecho que no deja de sorprender a los estudiosos extranjeros de Nietzsche y que suscita también curiosidad

    The Plot Twist in TV Serial Narratives

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    [EN] This article explores the use ofthe plot twist in screen fictions.This is a largely unexplored area, as interest in this phenomenon has largely focused on the so-called "plot twist movie," which is an older narrative tradition. In order to explain this aesthetic phenomenon, it draws on the model of surprise originally proposed by the cognitive psychologists Wulf Meyer, Rainer Reisenzein, and Achim Schutzwohl. Plot twists are characterized by three distinct but intimately intertwined temporal segments and their corresponding functions, which are explained by this model. The objective of this article is to explore how cognitive -emotional interactions shape the aestheticviewing experience and to identify how that experience relates to shows' artistic qualities. Game of Thrones (Sol and 503), Homeland (Sol), and Westworld (Sol) will be used as test cases. In each of the three plot segments, there are specific processes that distinguish the experience of surprise as an aesthetic phenomenon.This article has undergone various phases of improvement, and I owe a lot to various colleagues who have helped me substantially with its development. First of all, my thanks to Rainer Reisenzein for his many readings and reviews of the article. I am also very grateful for the excellent work of the editors of this journal and the detailed suggestions I have received from the reviewers. I would like to acknowledge the contributions of all those colleagues who have provided me with feedback at different academic events where I have presented this research, especially the 2016 SCSMI Conference at Cornell University. Finally, I am very grateful to Martin Boyd for his work to improve the quality of the English of this article. This research was supported by The Secretary of State of Research, Development and Innovation (Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, Spain) [Research Projects: Theoretical Innovation Strategies in the Analysis of Narration in Television Series CSO2014-51872-R; Interactions Between Cognitive Value and Aesthetic Properties in Contemporary Serials RTI2018-096596-B-I00.]Pérez López, HJ. (2020). The Plot Twist in TV Serial Narratives. Projections: The Journal for Movies and Mind. 14(1):58-74. https://doi.org/10.3167/proj.2020.140105S587414

    Basic associationism and city halls: a diachronic interpretation (1964-2005).

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    [Resumo] Os profundos cambios nas dinámicas sociais en Galicia provocaron, con certeza, outras tantas mutacións nas formas de participar socialmente. As representatividades, tipoloxías, actividades e os canles de interacción das entidades asociativas co resto dos axentes da comunidade, coas súas problemáticas e incertezas, esixen unha análise que os autores esbozan co fin de propor o debate, a partir do estudo duns períodos determinados da nosa andaina predemocrática e máis actual[Abstract] The far-reaching changes in social dynamics in Galicia most certainly brought about other changes in the way people participated socially. Representative groups, typologies, activities and channels through which associative organizations interact with other community agents, along with their problems and uncertainties, require an analysis which the authors present here -for the purpose of triggering debate-, on the basis of a study of specific time periods ranging from pre-democratic to more current time

    Towards the integration of data-centric distribution technology into partitioned embedded systems

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    REACTION 2013. 2nd International Workshop on Real-time and distributed computing in emerging applications. December 3rd, 2013, Vancouver, Canada.This work proposes an architecture to enable the use of data-centric real-time distribution middleware in partitioned embedded systems based on a hypervisor. Partitioning is a technique that provides strong temporal and spatial isolation, thus allowing mixed-criticality applications to be executed in the same hardware. The proposed architecture not only enables transparent communication among partitions, but it also facilitates the interconnection between partitioned and nonpartitioned systems through distribution middleware. Preliminary results show that hypervisor technology provides low overhead and a reasonable trade-off between temporal isolation and performance.This work has been funded in part by the Spanish Government and FEDER funds under grant number TIN2011-28567-C03-02 (HIPARTES