18 research outputs found


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    The ability of problem solving is one of the important ability which is had by student. In physics, problem solving use to solve physics exercise not only low level exercise but also high level exercise. E-Scaffolding is the help which is given to the student as online which is integrated in the website. This research aims to see how far the effectivity E-Scaffolding which is given can help student to solve the physics exercise. The research samples are five students of class X science 3 senior high school 2 Malang 2016/2017. The taken technique is purposive sampling. The data is gotten from the student’s exercise recording in the website then it is sent to the researcher’s email. Data is analyzed qualitatively. In thus research, E-Scaffolding which is use is procedural scaffolding and strategy scaffolding. Procedural scaffolding and strategy scaffolding use question prompts but in strategy scaffolding adds choice of answer which is chosen by student. The result of the research shows that E-Scaffolding can help to give the student’s indication in solving the physics problem. The student who is correct on procedural scaffolding and strategy scaffolding tends be able to solve physics exercise correctly and otherwise. These both scaffoldings can be the alternative to the teachers in helping students to solve the physics question in medium level and high level


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    Literacy skills are one of the basic skills of the 21st century. These skills become the basis of other skills, such as the ability to understand information analytically, critically, and reflectively. The School Literacy Movement (GLS) is one of the government's efforts to improve students' literacy skills. One of the programs is reading habituation 15 minutes before learning. The purpose of this research is to know the implementation of GLS program in schools, obstacles, and feedback related to improvement of GLS program implementation. This research uses evaluation method of Goal-Based Evaluation in analyzing GLS program. Respondents from this study are all school communities consisting of principals, teachers, employees, and students all over Indonesia who are willing to fill in google-form which contains questionnaires related to the implementation of GLS. The results of the evaluation indicate that 81.6% said that the GLS program has been implemented in the respondent's school, the reading habituation of 15 minutes in the school is in accordance with the national objectives, and 100% of respondents suggested that this activity should be continued with various inputs


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    Abstract: This study aimed to examine the effect of the ECIRR learning model on physics concept acquisition in terms of students' prior knowledge. This study was a quasy-experimental using 2 x 2 factorial design. The population was a student of XII graders in SMKN 1 Prajekan Bondowoso. The samples was determined by random sampling method, and obtained XII AP-2 and XII MM-1 classes as an experimental group, and XII AP-1 and MM-2 classes as a control group. The data were analyzed with two way anova statistical test. The results showed that there are differences on the physics concept acquisition between students who learn by ECIRR learning models and cognitive conflict models, ther are differences on the physics concept acquisition between students with high and low level of prior knowledge, and there are effect of interaction learning model (ECIRR and cognitive conflict learning models) and the prior knowledge on the physics concept acquisition. Key Words: ECIRR learning model, alternative conceptions, prior knowledge   Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji pengaruh model pembelajaran ECIRR terhadap penguasaan konsep fisika ditinjau dari pengetahuan awal siswa. Penelitian menggunakan pendekatan eksperimen semu, dengan desain faktorial 2 x 2. Populasi penelitian adalah siswa kelas XII di SMKN 1 Prajekan Bondowoso. Penentuan sampel dilakukan dengan teknik random sampling sehingga terpilih kelas XII AP-2 dan XII MM-1 sebagai kelas eksperimen, serta kelas XII AP-1 dan XII MM-2 sebagai kelas kontrol. Data hasil penelitian dianalisis dengan uji statistik anava dua jalur. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan penguasaan konsep fisika antara kelompok siswa yang belajar melalui model pembelajaran ECIRR dan model konflik kognitif, perbedaan penguasaan konsep fisika siswa antara kelompok siswa memiliki tingkat pengetahuan awal tinggi dan rendah, dan pengaruh interaksi model pembelajaran (model pembelajaran ECIRR dan model konflik kognitif) dan pengetahuan awal terhadap penguasaan konsep fisika siswa. Kata kunci: model pembelajaran ECIRR, penguasaan konsep, pengetahuan awa

    Pengaruh Scaffolding Konseptual dalam Pembelajaran Group Investigation Terhadap Prestasi Belajar Fisika Siswa SMA dengan Pengetahuan Awal Berbeda

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    The aim of this research is to find out the effect of conceptual scaffolding strategy in Group Investigation towards physics achievement of senior high school students with different prior knowledge levels. This research was quasi-experimental research with factorial design. The population of this research was all grade XI students of SMAN 2 Mataram. The sample of this research was choosen by a cluster random sampling technique, each class consisted of 39 and 38 students. The experimental group learned lessons by conceptual scaffolding strategy in Group Investigation while the control group learned lessons by Group Investigation. The students of each groups were divided into two category based on their prior knowledge, these were students with higher prior knowledge and students with lower prior knowledge. Two way analysis of varian (two way anova) was used as the data analysis technique. The result of this research are: 1) there is physics achievement difference between the students who learn lessons by conceptual scaffolding strategy in Group Investigation and the students who learn lessons by Group Investigation; 2) there is physics achievement difference between the students with different prior knowledge levels; and 3) there is no effect of interaction between the strategy and the studentââ¬â¢s prior knowledge toward physics achievement


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    ABSTRAKDampak dari pendemi covid-19 memaksa setiap sekolah mewajibkan guru dan siswanya melakukan pembelajaran secara daring dari rumah. Hal tersebut membuat guru dan siswa dalam waktu yang singkat harus mempersiapkan seluruh vasilitas pendukung pembelajaran. Sedangkan di Kabupaten Malang, para guru fisika masih belum begitu akrab dengan pembelajaran daring, maka pendampingan dan pelatihan pembelajaran daring dengan memanfaatkan moodle sangat dibutuhkan. Kegiatan diawali dengan studi literatur dan lapangan, perencanaan, pemberian materi, demosntrasi dan praktek dan diakhiri dengan kegiatan evaluasi. Untuk mengetahui keberhasilan program, kami menyebarkan kueisioner (n = 13 item) kepada seluruh peserta tentang persepsi terhadap pembelajaran menggunakan moodle dan memantau perkembangan pemahaman guru melalui moodle yang telah dikembangkan. Guru fisika didampingi dan dilatih untuk membuat pembelajaran daring melalui moodle dan variasi model moodle yang sudah pernah diperoleh. Peserta pelatihan dan pendampingan yang diselenggarakan secara daring berjumlah 40 guru fisika di wilayah Kabupaten Malang yang meliputi 34 orang guru fisika SMA dan 6 orang guru fisika MA. Walaupun kehadiran guru tidak bersamaan masuk room meet, tetapi setiap guru selalu masuk setiap hari. Namun, yang aktif mengerjakan pembuatan moodle hanya 25 orang guru yaitu 24 orang guru SMA dan 1 orang guru MA. Peserta yang membuat moodle tersebut bervariasi ada yang hanya membuat Assignment untuk materi dinamika, sampai  ada yang lengkap membuat assignment, quiz, dan file untuk materi mekanika, dinamika, usaha dan energi, serta impuls dan momentum. Berdasarkan respon peserta pada angket terkait pelatihan dan pendampingan penyusunan moodle didapatkan 75,19% peserta merespon baik pembelajaran dengan moodle. Kata kunci: pelatihan-pendampingan; moodle; pandemi covid-19;  guru fisika.. ABSTRACTThe impact of covid-19 outbreaks forced every school to require teachers and students to do online learning from home. This makes teachers and students in a short time must prepare all the learning support facilities. While in Malang Regency, physics teachers are still not so good with online learning, so online learning assistance and training by utilizing moodle is needed. The programme have began with literature and field research, planning, materials provision, demonstrations, and practices, and concludes with evaluation. To assess the program's performance, we provided a questionnaire (n = 13 questions) to all participants regarding their perceptions of learning with Moodle and simplifying the teacher's knowledge through the produced Moodle. Physics teachers are accompanied and trained to make online learning through moodle and variations of moodle models that have been obtained. The trainees and mentoring held online amounted to 40 physics teachers in malang regency which included 34 high school physics teachers and 6 MA physics teachers. Although the presence of teachers does not coincide with entering the room meet, but every teacher always enters every day. However, who actively do the creation of moodle only 25 teachers, namely 24 high school teachers and 1 MA teacher. Participants who make the moodle vary there are only making Assignments for dynamic materials, until there are complete assignments, quis, and files for mechanical materials, dynamics, work and energy, as well as impulses and momentum. Based on the participants' responses to the questionnaire related to training and mentoring in the preparation of moodle, it was found that 75.19% of participants responded well to learning with moodle. Keywords: training- mentoring; moodle, pandemic covid-19; physics teacher.


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    Abstract The Covid-19 pandemic caused many schools to close and forced educators to replace face-to-face learning to online learning overnight. The process of transitioning to the application of distance learning cannot occur in a short time. So that it takes adequate facilities and teacher skills in designing learning. E-learning facilities are still unfamiliar to both teachers and students, especially in Situbondo Regency. So that mentoring and training in the use of e-learning for teachers in physics learning is needed to make it easier for teachers and students in the learning process. Planning activities include making e-learning modules using moddle and camtasia. The training and mentoring process was even attended by 93 physics teachers outside Situbondo Regency. However, those who can participate in the training gradually decrease due to the busyness of each participant. So that at the end of the Moodle e-learning training and mentoring session, there are 25 (18 from Situbondo) participants who can design a complete lesson including assignment features, quizzes (aiken format), labels, lessons, Bigblue buttons, pages, books and forums. Keywords: Abstrak Masa pademi covid-19 menyebabkan banyak sekolah tutup dan memaksa pendidik mengganti pembelajaran tatap muka ke pembelajaran online dalam waktu singkat. Proses transisi penerapan pembelajaran jarak jauh tidak bisa terjadi dalam waktu yang singkat, sehingga dibutuhkan fasilitas dan keterampilan guru yang memadai dalam merancang pembelajaran. Fasilitas e-learning pun masih asing baik bagi guru maupun siswa, khususnya di Kabupaten Situbondo. sehingga pendampingan dan pelatihan penggunaan e-learning untuk guru dalam pembelajaran fisika dirasa sangat dibutuhkan untuk mempermudah guru dan siswa dalam proses pembelajaran. Perencanaan kegiatan meliputi pembuatan modul e-learning menggunakan moddle dan camtasia. Proses pelatihan dan pendampingan diikuti bahkan oleh guru fisika di luar Kabupaten Situbondo sebanyak 93 peserta. Namun yang dapat mengikuti pelatihan secara bertahap berkurang karena kesibukan masing-masing peserta. Sehingga di akhir sesi pelatihan dan pendampingan e-learning moodle terdapat 25 (18 dari Situbondo) peserta yang dapat merancang pembelajaran secara lengkap meliputi fitur assignment, quiz (aiken format), label, lesson, Bigblue button, page, book dan forum

    Cara siswa menyelesaikan masalah suhu dan kalor dari sudut pandang keterampilan metakognisi

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    Abstract: The ways students solve problems become one of the main target of physics learning. Investigation about how students solve problems is explored in the context of metacognition skills.  The steps of metacognition skills in physics problem solving include: planning, monitoring, evaluation, and controlling. This is a preliminary exploration study that aims to: 1.) mapping the metacognition skills that are used in physics problem solving of temperature and heat, 2.)  exhibiting students’ self evaluation of his/her metacognition skills in problem solving, and 3.) identifying the relationship between students answer and their self evaluation. This is a descriptive qualitative study. The data were obtained by test and questionnaire. The physics problem solving test was given to 35 students of 11th grader. After doing test, they filled the 22 items of questionnaire adapted from Physics Metacognition Inventory (PMI). The result shows that none of the students solved all the problems optimally. The result of questionnaire showed that the average of metacognitive skills 64%, with the maximum and the minimum scores is 87% and 35% respectively. The correlation between the analyses of students’ answer and their self evaluation shows a negative value that indicates no relationship. Specifically, students pass the planning and controlling phase quite well, even though they tend to be poor in monitoring and evaluation. This findings must become a particular attention for the researchers and teachers in providing the learning strategy to habit the phases of metacognition skills in order to improve students’ metacognitive skills.   Abstrak: Cara siswa dalam menyelesaikan masalah menjadi salah satu sasaran utama dalam pembelajaran fisika. Penelusuran mengenai bagaimana cara siswa menyelesaikan masalah dieksplorasi dalam konteks keterampilan metakognisi. Tahapan keterampilan metakognisi dalam menyelesaikan masalah fisika meliputi: planning, monitoring, evaluation, dan controlling. Penelitian ini merupakan studi eksplorasi awal bertujuan untuk: 1.) memetakan keterampilan metakognisi yang digunakan siswa dalam menyelesaikan masalah fisika pada materi Suhu dan Kalor, 2.) menunjukkan penilaian diri siswa terhadap keterampilan metakognisi yang dimiliki dalam menyelesaikan masalah, dan 3.) mengidentifikasi hubungan antara analisis jawaban siswa dan penilaian diri. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif kualitatif. Data penelitian diperoleh melalui tes dan angket. Tes yang digunakan merupakan soal problem solving, yang diberikan kepada 35 siswa kelas XI. Setelah mengerjakan soal, siswa mengisi angket yang terdiri dari 22 item yang diadaptasi dari Physics Metacognition Inventory (PMI). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan belum ada siswa yang optimal menyelesaikan seluruh soal. Angket penilaian diri menunjukkan skor rerata 64%, dengan skor maksimum dan minimum masing-masing 87% dan 35%. Hubungan antara analisis jawaban siswa dan hasil penilaian diri menunjukkan nilai korelasi negatif yang mengindikasikan tidak sinkronnya hasil jawaban dan penilaian diri siswa. Secara spesifik, tahapan planning dan controlling dilakukan siswa dengan cukup baik, akan tetapi siswa cenderung lemah dalam memonitoring dan mengevaluasi ketika menyelesaikan masalah. Temuan ini menjadikan perhatian khusus untuk peneliti dan guru dalam menyajikan strategi belajar untuk membiasakan tahapan dalam keterampilan metakognisi dengan target peningkatan keterampilan metakognisi siswa


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    This study aims to: 1) develop the test testlet assessment instrument mastery of concepts on temperature and heat for class X SMA with valid category, 2) determine the characteristics of the test testlet assessment instrument items mastery of concepts on temperature and the heat of the class X. This research use research and development ADDIE models. Data obtained from experts validator and students of SMAN 3 Blitar. Validation result from three expert validators are items that developed included in the category average is quite valid and invalid. Reliability mastery of concepts items have a very high category with a value of 8.37. The difficullty index of item, consisted of 23 questions easy categories, 7 questions medium category and 2 questions difficult category. Discrimintation index of items consisted of 11 questions bad category, 7 questions enough category, 12 questions good category and 2 questions excellent category. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah (1) mengembangkan instrumen asesmen penguasaan konsep dalam bentuk tes testlet pada materi suhu dan kalor untuk siswa kelas X SMA dengan kategori valid dan (2) menentukan karakteristik butir soal instrumen asesmen penguasaan konsep berbentuk tes testlet  pada materi suhu dan kalor kelas X. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan penelitian dan pengembangan model ADDIE. Data diperoleh dari validator ahli dan siswa SMAN 3 Blitar. Hasil validasi ketiga validator ahli didapatkan butir soal yang dikembangkan rata-rata termasuk pada kategori cukup valid dan valid. Reliabilitas soal penguasaan konsep memiliki kategori sangat tinggi dengan nilai 8,37. Taraf kesukaran butir soal terdiri dari 23 soal kategori mudah, 7 soal kategori sedang dan 2 soal kategori sulit. Daya pembeda butir soal terdiri dari 11 soal kategori jelek, 7 soal kategori cukup, 12 soal kategori baik dan 2 soal kategori baik sekali

    Pengaruh Strategi Scaffolding-Kooperatif dan Pengetahuan Awal terhadap Prestasi Belajar dan Sikap pada Matakuliah Fisika Dasar

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    Tujuan utama penelitian ini adalah untuk mengkaji pengaruh strategi scaffolding-kooperatif dan pengetahuan awal terhadap prestasi belajar dan sikap pada matakuliah Fisika Dasar. Hasil peneliti-an menunjukkan bahwa: (1) ada perbedaan prestasi belajar Fisika antara mahasiswa yang diajar de-ngan strategi Scaffolding-Kooperatif (S-K), Scaffolding-Langsung (S-L), dan Langsung (L); (2) ada perbedaan prestasi belajar Fisika antara mahasiswa dengan pengetahuan awal tinggi dan rendah; (3) tidak ada pengaruh interaksi antara strategi S-K, S-L, dan L dan pengetahuan awal Fisika mahasiswa terhadap prestasi belajar; (4) ada perbedaan sikap pada matakuliah Fisika Dasar antara mahasiswa yang diajar dengan strategi S-K, S-L, dan L; (5) ada perbedaan sikap pada matakuliah Fisika Dasar antara mahasiswa dengan pengetahuan awal tinggi dan rendah; (6) tidak ada pengaruh interaksi antara strategi S-K, S-L, dan L dan pengetahuan awal Fisika mahasiswa terhadap sikap pada matakuliah Fisika Dasar. Kata kunci: scaffolding, kooperatif, prestasi belajar, sikap, fisika dasa

    Konsep-konsep dasar IPA

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    v, 309 p. : il.; 29 cm