502 research outputs found

    Economic Analysis of the Cocaine Industry

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    Analysis of the Cocaine Reduction Policies in the Producer Countries

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    rLOAD: does sex mediate the effect of acute antiplatelet loading on stroke outcome.

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    BackgroundBiologic sex can influence response to pharmacologic therapy. The purpose of this proof-of-concept study was to evaluate the medicating effects of estrogen in the efficacy of acute antiplatelet loading therapy on stroke outcome in the rabbit small clot embolic model.MethodsFemale and male (20/group) New Zealand White rabbits were embolized to produce embolic stroke by injecting small blood clots into the middle cerebral artery via an internal carotid artery catheter. Two hours after embolization, rabbits were treated with standard dose antiplatelet loading (aspirin 10 mg/kg plus clopidogrel 10 mg/kg). Primary outcome measures were platelet inhibition, behavioral outcome P 50 (the weight of microclots (mg) that produces neurologic dysfunction in 50% of a group of animals), and effect of endogenous estrogen on outcome.ResultsFor the first time in a non-rodent model of stroke, it was found that higher endogenous estrogen levels resulted in significantly better behavioral outcome in female subjects (r s -0.70, p < 0.011). Platelet inhibition in response to collagen, arachidonic acid, and adenosine diphosphate (ADP) was not significantly different in females with higher vs. lower estrogen levels.ConclusionsBehavioral outcomes are improved with females with higher endogenous estrogen levels treated with standard dose antiplatelet loading. This is the first non-rodent study to demonstrate that higher endogenous estrogen levels in female rabbits appear to be neuroprotective in ischemic stroke. This research supports the further study of the effect of endogenous estrogen levels on outcome with standard dose antiplatelet loading in stroke patients not eligible for revascularization therapies

    Groupoid sheaves as quantale sheaves

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    Several notions of sheaf on various types of quantale have been proposed and studied in the last twenty five years. It is fairly standard that for an involutive quantale Q satisfying mild algebraic properties the sheaves on Q can be defined to be the idempotent self-adjoint Q-valued matrices. These can be thought of as Q-valued equivalence relations, and, accordingly, the morphisms of sheaves are the Q-valued functional relations. Few concrete examples of such sheaves are known, however, and in this paper we provide a new one by showing that the category of equivariant sheaves on a localic etale groupoid G (the classifying topos of G) is equivalent to the category of sheaves on its involutive quantale O(G). As a means towards this end we begin by replacing the category of matrix sheaves on Q by an equivalent category of complete Hilbert Q-modules, and we approach the envisaged example where Q is an inverse quantal frame O(G) by placing it in the wider context of stably supported quantales, on one hand, and in the wider context of a module theoretic description of arbitrary actions of \'etale groupoids, both of which may be interesting in their own right.Comment: 62 pages. Structure of preprint has changed. It now contains the contents of former arXiv:0807.3859 (withdrawn), and the definition of Q-sheaf applies only to inverse quantal frames (Hilbert Q-modules with enough sections are given no special name for more general quantales

    Ekonomikos samprata, ekonominės politikos ribos ir dimensijos

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    Whilst discussing measures of economic policy we implicitly or explicitly base our arguments on one or another perception of the economy. Therefore this link between conceptual, theoretical, paradigmatic side of human activities on the one hand, and practical side on the other, is worthwhile to explore. It is even more the case if we concede that economic science pays little attention to the definition of the key economic concept “economy”.Author of the article argues that it is a major breakaway from classical tradition (A. Smith), which prescribes to link economic reality with flows and movement of national wealth. Defining economy as an aspect of social life reflecting the movement of wealth, author defines the latter as a combination of the private, public and natural goods. Accordingly in he discriminates between market, public and natural regimes in economy, stressing that none of them exist in their pure form.Assumption that economy encompasses the goods and regimes mentioned above, serves as a basis for wider than usual understanding of economic policy. Traditionally economic policy is understood as concerned mainly or even exclusively with production of private goods, with market Other aspects of life education, science. politics. legal sphere etc. – are assumed as external to economy. Even if they are included to the sphere of economic policy this inclusion is one-sided – only costs to society are considered and benefits are not taken into account It is serious distortion of the philosophy of economic policy. This distortion is felt especially acutely in the domain of public finances. when public sector is treated as a financial burden and when benefits (utility) produced in the public sector are taken for granted or neglected as non-economic. Such a neglect of public as well as natural goods almost unavoidably makes economic development unbalanced and unsustainable. and could be the reason for future turbulences.Dabar yra plačiai paplitusi tvarios (sustainable) ekonominės plėtros sąvoka. Ji suponuoja, kad galima ir netvari (unsustainable) ekonominė plėtra. Viena į galimos netvarios ekonominės plėtros priežasčių – jos nesubalansuotumas, kuris, be kitų, gali turėti ir gnoseologines priežastis – vienpusišką, iškreiptą ekonominės tikrovės suvokimą. Tai savo ruožtu gali lemti nesubalansuotą ekonominę politiką (economic policy) ir kartu neadekvatų ekonominių, pirmiausiai finansinių, išteklių paskirstymą. Tokiai deformuotai, iškeiptai ūkinei praktikai užtrukus, ekonominis augimas gali sulėtėti ar net patirti nuosmukį. O tai gali sukelti socialinę, politinę trinti ar konfliktus


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    The model of heat exchanger was investigated experimentally. This model consists of three vertical lines of horizontal tubes with five tubes in each. Tubes were arranged in a staggered order. Heat transfer of staggered bundle of tubes to downward static stable foam flow was investigated experimentally. Heat transfer dependence on specific gas and liquid velocity was determined. Dependence of volumetric void fraction of foam on heat transfer was investigated also. Heat transfer rate dependence on tube position in the line of tube bundle was investigated experimentally. It was established that heat transfer rate highly depends on tube position in the line. Influence of tube position on heat transfer from tube bundle in upward foam flow was compared. Heat transfer dependence on tube position in the bundle was investigated experimentally also. Influence of wall of foam generator on heat transfer to sideline of tubes was established. Experimental results of heat transfer of bundle of tubes to downward static stable foam flow were generalized using dependence between Nusselt and Reynolds numbers

    Studies on Barbiturate Reversal

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    A study of pulse propagation of electromagnetic signals through the solar corona

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    Solar probe to measure radial variation of electron density in solar coron