206 research outputs found

    Estado de salud bucal de los ninos de 2 anos de edad controlados en el centro de salud familiar Dr. Julio Contardo, Talca 2006.

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    71 p.Introducción: La caries es una de las enfermedades más prevalentes en la población mundial y en nuestro país afecta al 85% de los niños en edad escolar. En Chile no hay estudios publicados de prevalencia nacional de caries a los 2 años de edad, sólo estudios de caries del biberón, sin embargo la caries común también afecta a edades tempranas. Es por ello que es importante determinar la situación actual para poder así rediseñar los programas de salud a tiempo. Objetivo: Determinar el estado de salud bucal de los niños de 2 años de edad controlados en el Centro Salud Familiar Dr. Julio Contardo en la ciudad de Talca en el año 2006. Método: Se examinaron a 71 niños. Para determinar el índice de c.e.o.d. y el índice de higiene se utilizaron los criterios de la Organización Mundial de la Salud. Resultados: La prevalencia de caries fue de 28% y el índice c.e.o.d. fue de 1,06 (± 2,29). La asociación entre caries y sexo no fue estadísticamente significativa (p= 0,05). Las piezas dentarias más dañadas son la 7.4 y la 8.4. El 50,7% presentó las 20 piezas dentarias en la cavidad bucal. El Índice de higiene oral de Green y Vermillion simplificado es 0,37 (± 0,53). El 94,4% de los niños los padres relataron el uso de cepillo dental y el 32,4% de los niños los padres relataron el uso de pasta dental para realizar la higiene oral. Los padres relataron cepillarles 2 veces al día los dientes a los niños. Conclusiones: La existencia de caries a tan temprana edad nos muestra que para poder prevenir realmente ésta patología se necesita planificar estrategias multidisciplinarías, trabajo en equipo liderados por un odontólogo en ésta área, promoción y prevención de salud bucal de alto impacto para enfocar el problema, debido a la escasez del recurso odontológico en el servicio público y a las demandas de rehabilitación de grupos de más edad, con el fin de buscar una mejor calidad de atención a los niños y a su familia. PALABRAS CLAVES: CARIES 2 AÑO

    Evaluation of the scraping forces in active latent heat thermal energy storages

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    Low-cost Phase Change Materials (PCM) usually have a low thermal conductivity. During the discharge process, solidified PCM on the heat transfer surface acts as a thermal insulator, resulting in a reduction of the heat transfer between the PCM and the heat transfer fluid, thus the discharge power is reduced as the PCM solidifies. In active latent heat thermal energy storages (ALHTES), the solidified PCM layer is mechanically removed from the heat transfer surface by a scraper to maximize the heat transfer. In this study, this parasitic mechanical energy is quantified experimentally for the first time to optimize the design of future ALHTES. The required scraping force is measured for decanoic acid and paraffin, resulting in a value between 150 and 350 N*m-1 depending on the angle of the scraper

    Measuring and Modeling Behavioral Decision Dynamics in Collective Evacuation

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    Identifying and quantifying factors influencing human decision making remains an outstanding challenge, impacting the performance and predictability of social and technological systems. In many cases, system failures are traced to human factors including congestion, overload, miscommunication, and delays. Here we report results of a behavioral network science experiment, targeting decision making in a natural disaster. In each scenario, individuals are faced with a forced "go" versus "no go" evacuation decision, based on information available on competing broadcast and peer-to-peer sources. In this controlled setting, all actions and observations are recorded prior to the decision, enabling development of a quantitative decision making model that accounts for the disaster likelihood, severity, and temporal urgency, as well as competition between networked individuals for limited emergency resources. Individual differences in behavior within this social setting are correlated with individual differences in inherent risk attitudes, as measured by standard psychological assessments. Identification of robust methods for quantifying human decisions in the face of risk has implications for policy in disasters and other threat scenarios.Comment: Approved for public release; distribution is unlimite

    Approximation of L\"owdin Orthogonalization to a Spectrally Efficient Orthogonal Overlapping PPM Design for UWB Impulse Radio

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    In this paper we consider the design of spectrally efficient time-limited pulses for ultrawideband (UWB) systems using an overlapping pulse position modulation scheme. For this we investigate an orthogonalization method, which was developed in 1950 by Per-Olov L\"owdin. Our objective is to obtain a set of N orthogonal (L\"owdin) pulses, which remain time-limited and spectrally efficient for UWB systems, from a set of N equidistant translates of a time-limited optimal spectral designed UWB pulse. We derive an approximate L\"owdin orthogonalization (ALO) by using circulant approximations for the Gram matrix to obtain a practical filter implementation. We show that the centered ALO and L\"owdin pulses converge pointwise to the same Nyquist pulse as N tends to infinity. The set of translates of the Nyquist pulse forms an orthonormal basis or the shift-invariant space generated by the initial spectral optimal pulse. The ALO transform provides a closed-form approximation of the L\"owdin transform, which can be implemented in an analog fashion without the need of analog to digital conversions. Furthermore, we investigate the interplay between the optimization and the orthogonalization procedure by using methods from the theory of shift-invariant spaces. Finally we develop a connection between our results and wavelet and frame theory.Comment: 33 pages, 11 figures. Accepted for publication 9 Sep 201

    Bovine Tuberculosis Testing in Colombia: Comparative Histopathological, Microbiological, and Molecular Biology Findings

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    Introduction: Bovine tuberculosis (bTB) is a zoonotic infectious disease present in Colombia, caused by Mycobacterium bovis, and causes tuberculosis in water buffalo (Bubalus bubalis). Diagnosis of bovine tuberculosis through the intradermal test is difficult; evaluating and understanding the behavior of other diagnostic tests is necessary. Objective: To describe the behavior and results of different diagnostic methods for bovine tuberculosis in water buffalo positive for the Purifed Proteic Derivate (DPP) intradermal test. Methodology: In water buffaloes positive for comparative cervical tuberculin test, different diagnostic methods were applied, described, and compared: Ziehl-Neelsen staining, microbiological culture, histopathological analysis, and PCR-HRM. Results: Histopathological tests showed that 26 water buffalo positive for DPP (52%) had histological lesions compatible with bovine tuberculosis. 37% of the evaluated samples from tuberculin-positive Buffalo's lungs and secondary lymph nodes showed acid-alcohol-resistant bacillus with Ziehl-Neelsen staining. Four samples of Mycobacterium bovis from tuberculin-positive buffalo were isolated and identified, with two of these isolates confirmed from tissues with PCR-HRM, and three buffalo with microbiological isolates presented granulomatous lesions through histological analysis. Seventeen tuberculin-positive buffalo (34%) tested positive for real-time PCR HRM, and nine of these buffalo did not have histological lesions compatible with bTB and were confirmed with the molecular test. Conclusion: Our results provide positive evidence of histological findings, microbiological isolation, and molecular diagnosis of tuberculin-positive water buffalo in the lowlands of Colombia. None of the complementary tests performed showed 100% concordance with the comparative cervical tuberculin test results for bTB

    Investigation of EBT3 radiochromic film’s response to humidity

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    Purpose: The aim of this work is to investigate the effects of immersing EBT3 radiochromic film in water and to evaluate its contribution to the total uncertainty in dose determination. Materials and methods: We used 3 cm 9 3 cm EBT3 radiochromic films irradiated in the range of 0–70 Gy to study the impact of water immersion on the change in net optical density. These films were placed in a water container for a period of 24 h. The net optical density was measured before (0 h) and after of the immersion in water (1, 3, 6, 12, 18, and 24 h). The absorbance spectrum of the EBT3 radiochromic film was measured at 0 h and 24 h after immersion in water. The uncertainty in dose determination due to the effects of keeping the EBT3 radiochromic film submerged in water at 0, 1, and 24 h were recorded in the red, green, and blue channels. Results: We observed an increase in the net optical density as an effect on the film due to its immersion in water. The penetration of the water at the edges of the radiochromic film was observed to be a function of time during which the film remained in the water. On the other hand, the penetration of water at the edges of the film was found to be independent of irradiation dose. Conclusions: EBT3 radiochromic film is found more resistant to water penetration through the edges than its predecessors. However, there is evidence that suggest that liquid water damage the Nylon cover layer of the film by changing its optical properties. Therefore, it is recommended to build a new calibration curve for radiochromic films for a specific situation involving dose measurements in liquid water.UAEMex INN

    ValoraciĂłn de la empresa Saga Falabella S.A.

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    El presente trabajo de investigación tiene como objetivo hallar el valor fundamental de la compañía Saga Falabella S.A. al cierre del 2021. Para llegar a este valor se han utilizado dos métodos de valorización; el primero fue el método de flujo de caja descontado, mientras que el segundo fue el proceso de múltiplos comparables. Para el método de flujo de caja descontado se utilizaron fuentes de información como el Banco Central de Reserva del Perú (BCRP), los reportes de evaluación de riesgo de Apoyo y Asociados, Moodys, Bolsa de Valores de Lima (BVL), la Superintendencia de Mercado de Valores (SMV), así como los estados financieros auditados de la empresa desde el año 2014 hasta el 2021 y fuentes de información financiera como Capital IQ. En el primer método se ha considerado un Modelo Principal de Valoración de Activos (CAPM1) de 11.4% y un Costo Promedio Ponderado del Capital (WACC2) de 9.35%, con lo cual se obtuvo un valor de S/ 10.66 por acción, encontrándose 13% por encima al valor del mercado al cierre del 2021, el cual fue de S/ 9.42. Mediante el método de múltiplos comparables se analizaron 4 empresas pertenecientes al sector retail, y que tienen condiciones similares a Saga Falabella S.A. Para el múltiplo EV/EBITDA se obtuvo un valor por acción de S/ 11.25. Estos resultados reflejan el crecimiento sostenido que ha tenido Saga Falabella a lo largo de estos años en el Perú, que le ha permitido posicionarse como referente en el sector de tiendas por departamento, superando a sus mayores competidores y estando en el top of mind de los consumidores

    ValoraciĂłn de la empresa Saga Falabella S.A.

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    El presente trabajo de investigación tiene como objetivo hallar el valor fundamental de la compañía Saga Falabella S.A. al cierre del 2021. Para llegar a este valor se han utilizado dos métodos de valorización; el primero fue el método de flujo de caja descontado, mientras que el segundo fue el proceso de múltiplos comparables. Para el método de flujo de caja descontado se utilizaron fuentes de información como el Banco Central de Reserva del Perú (BCRP), los reportes de evaluación de riesgo de Apoyo y Asociados, Moodys, Bolsa de Valores de Lima (BVL), la Superintendencia de Mercado de Valores (SMV), así como los estados financieros auditados de la empresa desde el año 2014 hasta el 2021 y fuentes de información financiera como Capital IQ. En el primer método se ha considerado un Modelo Principal de Valoración de Activos (CAPM1) de 11.4% y un Costo Promedio Ponderado del Capital (WACC2) de 9.35%, con lo cual se obtuvo un valor de S/ 10.66 por acción, encontrándose 13% por encima al valor del mercado al cierre del 2021, el cual fue de S/ 9.42. Mediante el método de múltiplos comparables se analizaron 4 empresas pertenecientes al sector retail, y que tienen condiciones similares a Saga Falabella S.A. Para el múltiplo EV/EBITDA se obtuvo un valor por acción de S/ 11.25. Estos resultados reflejan el crecimiento sostenido que ha tenido Saga Falabella a lo largo de estos años en el Perú, que le ha permitido posicionarse como referente en el sector de tiendas por departamento, superando a sus mayores competidores y estando en el top of mind de los consumidores

    Immunogenicity and risk of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) infection after Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) vaccination in patients with cancer: a systematic review and meta-analysis

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    Background: Patients with cancer are considered a priority group for Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) vaccination given their high risk of contracting severe Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19). However, limited data exist regarding the efficacy of immunisation in this population. In this study, we assess the immunologic response after COVID-19 vaccination of cancer versus non-cancer population. Methods: PubMed, Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL), and Web of Science databases were searched from 01st March 2020 through 12th August 12 2021. Primary end-points were anti-SARS-CoV-2 spike protein (S) immunoglobulin G (IgG) seroconversion rates, T-cell response, and documented SARS-CoV-2 infection after COVID-19 immunisation. Data were extracted following the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-analyses (PRISMA) guidelines. Overall effects were pooled using random-effects models. Results: This systematic review and meta-analysis included 35 original studies. Overall, 51% (95% confidence interval [CI], 41\u201362) and 73% (95% CI, 64\u201381) of patients with cancer developed anti-S IgG above the threshold level after partial and complete immunisation, respectively. Patients with haematologic malignancies had a significantly lower seroconversion rate than those with solid tumours after complete immunisation (65% vs 94%; P < 0.0001). Compared with non-cancer controls, oncological patients were less likely to attain seroconversion after incomplete (risk ratio [RR] 0.45 [95% CI 0.35\u20130.58]) and complete (RR 0.69 [95% CI 0.56\u20130.84]) COVID-19 immunisation schemes. Patients with cancer had a higher likelihood of having a documented SARS-CoV-2 infection after partial (RR 3.21; 95% CI 0.35\u201329.04) and complete (RR 2.04; 95% CI 0.38\u201311.10) immunisation. Conclusions: Patients with cancer have an impaired immune response to COVID-19 vaccination compared with controls. Strategies that endorse the completion of vaccination schemes are warranted. Future studies should aim to evaluate different approaches that enhance oncological patients\u2019 immune response

    Transverse colon volvulus: a case report

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    A colon volvulus is the twisting of a colonic segment on its mesentery causing bowel obstruction. The transverse colon volvulus is an uncommon condition. We report the case of a 55-year-old male who initially showed bloating and abdominal pain, lack of bowel movements and flatus, nausea and hyporexia. During an exploratory laparotomy, a volvulus covering the transverse colon to the splenic flexure was found and resected with a posterior anastomosis of the transverse and descending colon. In conclusion, this clinical case report aims to show an uncommon case of colon volvulus and, at the same time, send the message that a colon volvulus is an acute (surgical) abdomen that medical personnel should know how to clinically recognize, because its immediate intervention will prevent the ischemia and subsequent necrosis of the large intestine
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