421 research outputs found

    Un cadre de conception centré utilisateur pour les systèmes de biofeedback

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    International audienceBiofeedback is defined as a technique that you can use to learn how to control the functions of your body. In essence, biofeedback gives you the power to use your physiological data to control your body, used frequently to improve a state of health or physical performance. We present in this article a summary of the components of the architecture of biofeedback systems based on literature. Then we offer a complete design framework to allow help to design systems with biofeedback.Le biofeedback est défini comme une technique que vous pouvez utiliser pour apprendre à contrôler les fonctions de votre corps. En substance, le biofeedback vous donne le pouvoir d’utiliser vos données physiologiques pour contrôler votre corps, souvent pour améliorer un état de santé ou de la performance physique. Nous présentons dans cet article une synthèse des composants de l’architecture de systèmes de biofeedback basé sur la littérature. Ensuite, nous proposons un cadre complet de conception pour permettre d’aider à la conception de systèmes avec biofeedback

    “Estudio de la formación de pirrolo[2,1-a]3,4- dihidroisoquinolinas a través del uso de energía alternativa de radiación de microondas, partiendo de la síntesis de chalconas intermediarias”

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    En el presente trabajo de investigación se describe la síntesis de derivados de pirrolo[2,1- a]isoquinolinas. La parte medular de este proceso de síntesis involucra reacciones de acoplamiento C-C tipo Heck, a través de procesos de catálisis mediadas con radiación de microondas. La síntesis inició con la reacción de condensación aldólica entre un aldehído aromático y derivados de acetofenona, produciendo los correspondientes compuestos carbonílicos α,β-insaturados también conocidos como chalconas. En el segundo paso de la ruta de síntesis, las chalconas se transformaron a los correspondientes derivados heterocíclicos de pirrol utilizando la metodología de van Leussen. En el tercer paso se llevó a cabo la Nalquilación del pirrol utilizando como agente alquilante al 4-metilbencensulfonato (22) producto obtenido a partir de la reacción de sulfonación del 2-bromofenetilo, para de esa manera generar la estructura adecuada en los derivados alquilados. Finalmente, la última etapa de la ruta de síntesis involucró la reacción intermolecular de Heck para llevar a cabo la ciclación de los derivados alquilados de pirrol, en presencia de sales de paladio y radiación de microondas, obteniendo buenos rendimientos del producto final (dihidroisoquinolina). Todos los compuestos de la ruta de síntesis fueron identificados utilizando la espectroscopia de Resonancia Magnética Nuclear de hidrógeno (RMN 1H) y de carbono- 13 (RMN 13C) como la herramienta principal de elucidación estructural además de Espectroscopia de Infrarrojo (IR)

    Estudos hidrodinâmicos de misturas de fluidos atômicos em regime quântico degenerados

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    In this thesis, we produce a Bose-Einstein condensate of sodium atoms in a magnetic plugged trap and in an optical dipole trap. First, we investigate the critical velocity by moving an obstacle through the condensate, comparing the result obtained with the the sound velocity. We make use of the critical velocity value to determine the rigth parameters to stir the condensate and nucleate quantized vortices, by introducing angular with the rotation of the srirring beam the number of vortices increases linearly until the rigid-body limit. In the second part we introduce potassium atom in the science chamber where from the begining of the MOT stage are observed ligth induced losses. In a single-specie operation we are able to cool down the potassium atoms by implementing the gray molasses technique, increasing its phase-space density in order have a good tranference efficienty to the magnetic trap. We also present the the sympathetic cooling of the K atoms due by elastic collision between the atomic species.Nesta tese, produzimos um condensado de Bose-Einstein de átomos de sódio em uma armadilha magnética plugada e em uma armadilha dipolo óptica. Primeiramente, investigamos a velocidade crítica movendo um obstáculo através do condensado, comparando o resultado obtido com a velocidade do som. Fazemos uso do valor da velocidade crítica para determinar os parâmetros adequados para agitar os vórtices quantizados condensados e nucleados, introduzindo angular com a rotação do feixe principal, o número de vórtices aumenta linearmente até o limite do corpo rígido. Na segunda parte, introduzimos o átomo de potássio na câmara de ciências, onde desde o início da fase MOT são observadas as perdas induzidas por luz. Em uma operação de uma única espécie, somos capazes de resfriar os átomos de potássio implementando a técnica do melaço cinza, aumentando sua densidade de espaço de fase para ter uma boa transferência de forma eficiente para a armadilha magnética. Apresentamos também o resfriamento simpático dos átomos de K devido à colisão elástica entre as espécies atômicas

    Establishment of An Academic Makerspace at the Bataan Peninsula State University: Prospects and Challenges

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    Makerspaces are now fixtures in smart cities and universities in advanced countries. Many universities, especially in the United States, have Academic Makerspaces serving students and faculty, helping them with their projects. In Bataan Peninsula State University our goal is to have an Academic Makerspace with services and facilities at par with international standards. This Academic Makerspace will be a place where our students can ideate, conceptualize, build and manufacture their projects, either academic projects,  or just extracurricular projects they are interested in. The goal is to promote invention, innovation, creation and making. This study summarized the best practices of Academic Makerspaces in the United States. The practices of local innovation centers were also benchmarked. With this study, we have identified what facilities are needed, which equipment to purchase, and what kinds of programs should be made available in the Makerspace. Fund source, possible partner agencies, and other important details have been discussed. This study provides short- and long-term plans/programs which would be very important in the establishment of BPSU’s Academic Makerspace. These plans will be used to recommend future facilities/services in BPSU. The prospects and challenges of establishing an academic makerspace which would need careful consideration have been briefly discussed

    El efecto antisenescente del resveratrol reduce la tasa de ablandamiento poscosecha de chirimoya

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    El fruto de chirimoya (Annona cherimolaMill.) es muy susceptible al deterioroposcosechadebido a sunaturaleza climatérica. Con el fin de observar el efecto antisenescente del resveratrol (RVS), éste bioreguladorvegetal se aplicó en frutos de Fino de Jete y Bronceada a 1,6; 0,16; 0,016 y 0 mM a los 0, 8 y 15 días antesde la cosecha (DAC). A los 1, 7 y 15 días después de la cosecha (DDC) se analizaron variables bioquímicas ybiofísicas. Al termino de 15 días de almacenamiento a temperatura ambiente, en relación al control, 1,6 mMRVS, aplicado 15 DAC, disminuyó el ablandamiento del fruto 78% para chirimoya Fino de Jete y 54% paraBronceada. A los 15 DDC se realizó la evaluación sensorial a frutos tratados 8 y15 DAC, los resultadosmostraron que los frutos de mayor aceptación fueron los tratados con 1,6 mM RVS ya sea a los 8 y 15 DAC,al ser calificados como de mejor aspecto, aroma y sabor

    Curado de concreto en clima frío, y su influencia en la resistencia a cCompresión F´c=210 kg/cm² Juliaca - 2022

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    Esta investigación tiene como objetivo demostrar la influencia del curado del concreto en clima frío en la resistencia a compresión f´c=210 kg/cm² juliaca-2022., presenta un enfoque cuantitativo de tipo aplicada con un diseño cuasi experimental, se consideró como población de estudio al concreto de resistencia f´c=210 kg/cm² y como muestra el vaciado del pavimento rígido de la obra “Mejoramiento del servicio de la infraestructura vial urbana II etapa en la urbanización Taparachi primer sector de la ciudad de Juliaca, Provincia de San Román - Puno- Jrs. Venezuela, Guatemala, Honduras, Montevideo, Ecuador y Ovalo Periodista (segunda etapa)”, además de un total de 51 especímenes de concreto conformado por tres grupos de 17 probetas cada uno, un grupo sometido a condiciones de temperatura controlada de 20°C – 25°C, un segundo grupo curado en condiciones in situ, y un tercer grupo sumergido y curado en condiciones in situ, de los resultados se concluye que el desarrollo de resistencia mediante madurez es influenciada negativamente por variaciones de temperatura en frio hasta en un 33.31%, 32.08%, 31.00%, 28.33% y 27.61% a las edades de 01, 03, 07, 14, 28 días respectivamente, con respecto a una muestra curada en condiciones controladas de temperatura

    A socially assistive robot for long-term cardiac rehabilitation in the real world

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    What are the benefits of using a socially assistive robot for long-term cardiac rehabilitation? To answer this question we designed and conducted a real-world long-term study, in collaboration with medical specialists, at the Fundacion Cardioinfantil-Instituto de Cardiologia clinic (Bogota, Colombia) lasting 2.5 years. The study took place within the context of the outpatient phase of patients' cardiac rehabilitation programme and aimed to compare the patients' progress and adherence in the conventional cardiac rehabilitation programme (control condition) against rehabilitation supported by a fully autonomous socially assistive robot which continuously monitored the patients during exercise to provide immediate feedback and motivation based on sensory measures (robot condition). The explicit aim of the social robot is to improve patient motivation and increase adherence to the programme to ensure a complete recovery. We recruited 15 patients per condition. The cardiac rehabilitation programme was designed to last 36 sessions (18 weeks) per patient. The findings suggest that robot increases adherence (by 13.3%) and leads to faster completion of the programme. In addition, the patients assisted by the robot had more rapid improvement in their recovery heart rate, better physical activity performance and a higher improvement in cardiovascular functioning, which indicate a successful cardiac rehabilitation programme performance. Moreover, the medical staff and the patients acknowledged that the robot improved the patient motivation and adherence to the programme, supporting its potential in addressing the major challenges in rehabilitation programmes

    Reimplantable Microdrive for Long-Term Chronic Extracellular Recordings in Freely Moving Rats

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    Extracellular recordings of electrical activity in freely moving rats are fundamental to understand brain function in health and disease. Such recordings require a small-size, lightweight device that includes movable electrodes (microdrive) to record either a new set of neurons every day or the same set of neurons over time. Ideally, microdrives should be easy to implant, allowing precise and smooth displacement of electrodes. The main caveat of most commercially available microdrives is their relatively short half-life span, in average ranging from weeks to a month. For most experiments, recording days–weeks is sufficient, but when the experiment depends on training animals for several months, it is crucial to develop new approaches. Here, we present a low-cost, reusable, and reimplantable device design as a solution to extend chronic recordings to long-term. This device is composed of a baseplate that is permanently fixed to the rodent’s skull, as well as a reusable and replaceable microdrive that can be attached and detached from the baseplate, allowing its implantation and reimplantation. Reimplanting this microdrive is particularly convenient when no clear neuronal signal is present, or when the signal gradually decays across days. Our microdrive incorporates a mechanism for moving a 16 tungsten-wire bundle within a small (∼15 mm3) lightweight device (∼4 g). We present details of the design, manufacturing, and assembly processes. As a proof of concept, we show that recordings of the nucleus accumbens core (NAcc) in a freely behaving rat are stable over a month. Additionally, during a lever-press task, we found, as expected, that NAc single-unit activity was associated with rewarded lever presses. Furthermore, we also show that NAc shell (NAcSh) responses evoked by freely licking for sucrose, consistent with our previously published results, were conserved from a first implant to a second microdrive reimplant in the same rat, notably showing reimplantation is possible without overtly affecting the functional responses of the area of interest. In sum, here we present a novel microdrive design (low-cost, small size, and light weight) that can be used for long-term chronic recordings and reimplanted in freely behaving rats