294 research outputs found

    Introducció de la metodologia aprenentatge basat en Projectes (PBL) en l'implementació d'una casa domòtica al Cicle Formatiu Informàtica i Telecomunicacions

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    El projecte presenta l'adaptació de la impartició amb una metodologia tradicional, classe magistral i pràctiques, cap a una metodologia activa (ABP), sobre la programació a un CFGS de Telecomunicacions i Informàtica. El projecte es basa en el disseny d'una casa domòtica. S'ha vist la necessitat d'adaptació cap a una metodologia activa el fet d'existir un abisme entre la part teòrica i pràctica de la unitat formativa treballada, no arribant a comprendre la relació entre ambdues per part de l'alumnat

    Evaluación de estrategias de aprendizaje e impacto en la creatividad en estudiantes de educación media superior.

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    Esta investigación fue diseñada para conocer si los estudiantes de educación media superior están familiarizados con el uso de estrategias de aprendizaje para su nivel de estudios, además de saber si el uso de estrategias de aprendizaje en los alumnos podría generar un impacto en su creatividad. Se utilizan dos instrumentos para el análisis de los datos el cual fue la escala ACRA, ésta escala mide el uso y conocimiento de las estrategias de aprendizaje entre los estudiantes; y para el análisis de la creatividad, se utiliza el Test Crea. Estos instrumentos fueron aplicados antes y después de la intervención para comparar resultados. El plan de intervención fue elaborado para la unidad de aprendizaje de “Problemas Éticos del Mundo Actual” impartida en primer semestre de bachillerato en una preparatoria del noreste del país. Este consistió en una programación diaria de estrategias de aprendizaje, este plan solo fue implementado en los grupos experimentales. Se cumplieron con los objetivos establecidos. Los resultados en las medias experimentales obtenidos de las estrategias de aprendizaje de adquisición de la información fueron experimental grupo 101 (X

    A Comparative Study of the Photodegradation of Two Series of Cyclic Olefin Copolymers

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    A series of commercial cyclic olefin copolymers (COC), namely, ethylene-norbornene (E-NB) and ethylene-tetracyclododecene (E-TD), were processed as thin films with thicknesses of 25 μm by an extrusion process. The photodegradation of neat and formulated films with different metal stearates (Fe, Co, and Mn) was investigated using an ultraviolet (UV) light lamp (340 nm) for a period of 30 days in an accelerated weathering tester model QUV from Q-LAB according to the ASTM D 5208-01 standard practice. Changes in carbonyl index (CI) and tensile properties were used to evaluate the photodegradation of the films and other properties, such as Tg variation by DSC, were also analyzed. The present study reveals that (E-NB) copolymers show higher sensitivity to photodegradation than (E-TD) resins, in the absence and presence of metal stearates. We also find that the Fe salt shows the highest oxidative activity

    Effects of Plyometric, Strength and Change of Direction Training on High-School Basketball Player's Physical Fitness

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    The study aim was to compare the effects of a 7-week plyometric, strength and change of direction (COD) training program on basketball-specific performance measures in high-school players. Forty male players were randomly assigned to one of the four groups: plyometric (PG, n = 10), strength (SG, n = 10), COD (CODG, n = 10), and control group training (CG, n = 10). Two training sessions were performed at weekly intervals before basketball training. Performance of the counter movement jump (CMJ), Abalakov jump (ABKJ), 10 m zig-zag sprint, 20 m in line sprint (measurements at 10 and 20 m), and sit and reach flexibility test (SRFT) was assessed before and after the intervention. A 4 (group) x 2 (time) repeated measures analysis of variances (ANOVA) was conducted for each variable. Bonferroni post-hoc tests were used when the interaction was significant. Significant (all p < 0.05) time x group interaction was noted for SRFT, CMJ, ABK, sprint, and zig-zag 10 m, in favor of the experimental groups compared to the control group. However, improvements in physical fitness were similar between the three experimental groups. In conclusion, 7 weeks of specific plyometric, strength and COD training produced similar medium to large improvements in physical fitness of high-school basketball players

    Nature-Based Solutions through Blue-Green Infrastructure as Measure of Adaptation, Resilience and Liveability to Climate Change: Case Study City Lab Saltillo, Mexico

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    The impacts of the current urbanization and climate change challenges are well documented, as well as, the role of cities and the urgent action that needs to take place at the local level, especially in small and middle-sized cities. As extreme climatic events unfold, there is a need to identify the potential and the strategies that can help municipalities steer urban planning on a more sustainable and resilient track to reach the global climate goals within the next decade. Now more than ever, Nature-based solutions (NbS) such as Blue-green infrastructure(BGI) are proving to be a feasible alternative for cities to adapt their urban environment in response to climate change, while simultaneously obtaining economic, environmental, and social co-benefits. Anticipating climate challenges in cities makes it vital to change today's traditional urban planning into initiatives that consider greener solutions like BGI. However, some implementation barriers such as the lack of stakeholders' involvement to navigate and co-create a more resilient and adaptive city environment, make difficult the transition. As part of the Morgenstadt Global Smart Cities Initiative (MGI), financed by the German Government through the International Climate Initiative (IKI), the city of Saltillo located in the Northeast region of Mexico is paving the path towards sustainable urban planning through the City Lab project. In the first phase, the City Lab consisted of an integrated urban analysis, stakeholder engagement, and the co-creation of a roadmap of solutions by experts and local actors to tackle the city’s urban challenges. The City Lab process allowed anchoring the identified measures in the planning documents of Saltillo, ensuring the implementation of the roadmap in the long term. Simultaneously, it opened up spaces for co-creation and community engagement valuable to understand the city´s local environment and identify its potential. In the second phase of the City Lab, the implementation of a pilot project based on BGI addressed the most pressing problems of the city such as pluvial floods, water scarcity, and depletion of aquifers. In this regard, the stakeholders were actively involved in analyzing, planning, formulating, developing, implementing, testing, evaluating, and maintaining the pilot project to cope with climate impacts and contribute to sustainable urban development in the short, medium and long term. In this paper, special attention will be given to the process of pilot project implementation, showing the efforts that the City Lab Saltillo is undertaking to implement BGI techniques such as rain gardens, infiltration basins, permeable pavement, and vegetation in a public and urban space as an adaptation measure in response to climate change. This effort is reshaping the city's discourse, shifting the role of urban planning, and highlighting climate action as a shared responsibility among the public, private, academic, and civil society

    Tratamiento de los carcinomas epidermoides orales y orofaringeos mediante láser de CO2

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    Introducción: El efecto de la amplia longitud de onda del láser de CO2 es la vaporización térmica de los tejidos, consiguiendo una máxima concentración de energía con una mínima penetración en los mismos. En el campo de la cirugía oral generalmente se emplea para el tratamiento de los pequeños tumores mucosos de la cavidad oral y la orofaringe, por la escasa morbilidad que produce y la ausencia de necesidad reconstructiva del defecto creado. Objetivo: Analizar la evolución postoperatoria, en los pacientes tratados por carcinomas epidermoides orales y orofaringeos, tras la resección mediante láser de CO2. Compararla con la de los pacientes tratados mediante métodos quirúrgicos convencionales realizando la reconstrucción a través de la sutura directa o el empleo de colgajos locales, regionales o a distancia. Diseño del estudio: Estudio de carácter prospectivo que incluye a 70 pacientes tratados por carcinomas epidermoides orales y orofaringeos. Treinta y cinco pacientes fueron tratados mediante láser de CO2, en 10 se realizó cierre directo de la lesión y en los restantes 25 algún colgajo local, regional o a distancia. Se analizó la presencia de sintomatología dolorosa durante el postoperatorio, el grado de retracción cicatricial y la presencia de alteraciones funcionales en la deglución y habla en función de la resección y reconstrucción realizada. Resultados: Obtuvimos un menor grado de dolor y de retracción cicatricial postoperatoria mediante el empleo de láser de CO2, minimizando así las secuelas funcionales de habla (mejor articulación de la palabra) y deglución (recuperación funcional más eficaz y precoz). Conclusión: La resección mediante láser de CO2 se ha convertido en el tratamiento de elección de los pequeños tumores mucosos orales y orofaringeos, por la ausencia de necesidad reconstructiva, menor retracción cicatricial y buena evolución postoperatoria.Introduction: The effect of the wide long-wave CO2 laser is the thermal vaporization of the tissues, getting a maximum energy concentration with a minimum of tissue penetration. In oral surgery, it is generally used for the treatment of oral and oropharyngeal small mucous tumors, due to the scarce morbidity that takes place and the absence of reconstructive necessity. Objective: To analyze the postoperative evolution, in the patients treated by oral and oropharyngeal epidermoid carcinomas, after CO2 laser resection. To compare it with that of the patients treated by means of conventional surgical methods, achieving the reconstruction through direct suture or the employment of local, regional or distance flaps. Methods: A prospective study was designed including 70 patients treated by oral and oropharyngeal epidermoid carcinomas. Thirty-five patients were treated by means of CO2 laser, in 10 cases direct wound-closure was realized, and in the remaining 25 patients some local, regional or distance flap were used. There were analysed the presence of postoperative pain, the degree of cicatricial retraction, and the speech and swallowing functional results. Results: We obtained a smaller painful degree and postoperative cicatricial retraction by the employment of CO2 laser. It permits minimizing the functional speech sequels (better words articulation) and swallowing (effective and precocious functional recovery). Conclusion: CO2 laser resection has become the elective treatment for small oral and oropharyngeal epidermoid carcinomas. The reasons are the absence of reconstructive surgery necessity, the scarce cicatricial retraction, and the excellent postoperative evolution

    Propuesta de diseño para un puesto de trabajo dentro del CEDI de Newell Brands de Colombia S.A.S. a partir del estudio ergonómico

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    La aplicación de la ergonomía en los puestos de trabajo dentro de una empresa es fundamental para la mejora de las condiciones de trabajo de los empleados, mejorando así la productividad y salud de estos. Uno de los problemas más recurrentes en los puestos de trabajo donde se emplea esfuerzo físico son los Desórdenes Músculo Esqueléticos (DME), ya que estos se originan cuando el empleado tiene que hacer un sobreesfuerzo durante su trabajo. Aunque los síntomas no se presentan inmediatamente, si son acumulativos, lo que reduce el rendimiento del empleado, afectando a la empresa y a la vez que le puede generar secuelas a largo plazo. Actualmente, la empresa Newell Brands en su centro de distribución (CEDI) tiene la mayoría de sus actividades manuales, por lo que está expuesta a varias lesiones de DME creando microtraumas. Este problema se trató a través de un estudio ergonómico que consistió en realizar un reporte de incomodidad de los operarios del CEDI a partir del cual se concluyó que los puestos de trabajo más afectados se encontraban en el área de maquila y en la de picking, a estos puestos se les realizaron más estudios los cuales consistieron en la evaluación de movimientos repetitivos (con la metodología OCRA), evaluación de posturas (RULA) y mediciones fisiológicas (frecuencia cardiaca y mediciones antropométricas). Por último, se realizó una o varias propuestas de diseño para los problemas encontrados en el estudio ergonómico.The application of ergonomics in the workplace within a company is essential for improving the working conditions of employees, thus improving their productivity and health. One of the most recurrent problems in jobs where physical effort is used is Musculoskeletal Disorders (MSDs) since these are the consequences when the employee has to overexert during his work. Although the symptoms do not appear immediately, they are cumulative, which reduces the employee's performance, affecting the company and at the same time, it can generate long-term consequences. Currently, the company Newell Brands in its distribution center (DC) performs most of its activities manually, so the workers are exposed to several MSDs injuries that create microtraumas. This problem was addressed through an ergonomic study that consisted of making a report of self-discomfort to the operators of the DC, from which it was concluded that the most affected positions were maquila and picking. Several studies were carried out in these positions which consisted in the evaluation of repetitive movements (with the OCRA methodology) and evaluation of postures (RULA methodology), and physiological measurements (heart rate and anthropometric measurements). Finally, several proposals were designed for the problems found in the ergonomic study.Ingeniero (a) IndustrialPregrad