68 research outputs found

    Estudio de los niveles de razonamiento de Van Hiele en alumnos de centros de enseñanza vulnerables de educación media en Chile

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    Presentamos los resultados de una investigación enfocada a mejorar el aprendizaje de la geometría y la adquisición de destrezas de razonamiento matemático de estudiantes de 2.º año medio de centros de enseñanza secundaria vulnerables de Chile. Se ha diseñado un experimento de enseñanza, con grupos experimental y control, basado en una unidad de enseñanza, diseñada de acuerdo con los niveles y las fases de Van Hiele, y en un pretest y un postest, para evaluar el cambio en el nivel de razonamiento de los estudiantes derivado de la intervención. Los resultados muestran una diferencia significativa, a favor del grupo experimental, en el desarrollo del nivel de razonamiento de los estudiantes.Presentem els resultats d'una recerca enfocada a millorar l'aprenentatge de la geometria i l'adquisició de destreses de raonament matemàtic d'estudiants de 2n. any mitjà de centres d'ensenyament secundari vulnerables de Xile. S'ha dissenyat un experiment d'ensenyament, amb grups experimental i control, basat en una unitat d'ensenyament, dissenyada d'acord amb els nivells i les fases de Van Hiele, i en un pretest i un postest, per avaluar el canvi en el nivell de raonament dels estudiants derivat de la intervenció. Els resultats mostren una diferència significativa, a favor del grup experimental, en el desenvolupament del nivell de raonament dels estudiants.We present results of a research aimed at improving the learning of geometry and the acquisition of mathematical reasoning skills of students in 2nd year of secondary education in vulnerable centres of Chile. We have designed a teaching experiment, with experimental and control groups, based on a teaching unit, designed according to the Van Hiele levels and phases, and a pretest and postest, to assess the change in students' Van Hiele level of reasoning after the intervention. The results show a significant difference, in favour of the experimental group, in the development of students' level of reasoning

    Análisis exploratorio de firmas espectrales e índices de vegetación para la monitorización de emisiones de CO2 en un análogo natural.

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    Se ha analizado el problema de la detección de fugas de CO2 en reservorios naturales utilizados como almacenes de este gas. Los trabajos han sido realizados sobre un área del Campo de Calatrava, Ciudad Real, España, donde a causa de la actividad volcánica remanente se pueden encontrar puntos de emisión de CO2. Se han utilizado imágenes QuickBird y WorldView-2 para la generación de firmas espectrales e índices de vegetación. Estos índices han sido evaluados para obtener los más idóneos para la detección de fugas de CO2. Palabras clave: teledetección, CO2, vegetación, satélite. ABSTRACT The problem of detecting CO2 leaks in natural reservoirs used to store the gas has been analyzed. The works have been done over an area where, because of the residual volcanic activity, CO2 delivery spots can be found. This area is located in Campo de Calatrava, Ciudad Real, Spain. QuickBird and WorldView-2 imagery has been used to generate spectral signatures and vegetation indexes. These indexes have been evaluated in order to obtain the most suitable ones to detect CO2 leaks. Keywords: remote sensing, CO2, vegetation, satellite

    Monitorización de emisiones de CO2 en un análogo natural mediante correlación con Índices de Vegetación

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    Entre las soluciones más satisfactorias al problema de las emisiones de CO2 está la captura y almacenamiento de este gas de efecto invernadero en reservorios profundos. Esta técnica implica la necesidad de monitorizar grandes extensiones de terreno. Utilizando una zona de vulcanismo residual, en la provincia de Ciudad Real, se han monitorizado las emisiones de CO2 utilizando imágenes de muy alta resolución espacial. Se han generado índices de vegetación, y estos se han correlacionado con medidas de contenido de CO2 del aire en los puntos de emisión. Los resultados han arrojado niveles de correlación significativos (p. ej.: SAVI = -0,93) y han llevado a descubrir un nuevo punto de emisión de CO2. Palabras clave: teledetección, CO2, vegetación, satélite Monitoring CO2 emissions in a natural analogue by correlating with vegetation indices Abstract: Among the most satisfactory solutions for the CO2 emissions problem is the capture and storage of this greenhouse gas in deep reservoirs. This technique involves the need to monitor large areas. Using a volcanic area with residual activity, in the province of Ciudad Real, CO2 emissions were monitored through very high spatial resolution imagery. Vegetation indexes were generated and correlated with measurements of the air?s CO2 content at the emission points. The results yielded significant correlation levels (e.g.: SAVI = -0.93) and led to the discovery of a new CO2 emission point. Keywords: remote sensing, CO2, vegetation, satellite

    Major Histocompatibility Complex Class I Chain-Related (MICA) STR Polymorphisms in COVID-19 Patients

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    The SARS-CoV-2 disease presents different phenotypes of severity. Comorbidities, age, and being overweight are well established risk factors for severe disease. However, innate immunity plays a key role in the early control of viral infections and may condition the gravity of COVID-19. Natural Killer (NK) cells are part of innate immunity and are important in the control of virus infection by killing infected cells and participating in the development of adaptive immunity. Therefore, we studied the short tandem repeat (STR) transmembrane polymorphisms of the major histocompatibility complex class I chain-related A (MICA), an NKG2D ligand that induces activation of NK cells, among other cells. We compared the alleles and genotypes of MICA in COVID-19 patients versus healthy controls and analyzed their relation to disease severity. Our results indicate that the MICA*A9 allele is related to infection as well as to symptomatic disease but not to severe disease. The MICA*A9 allele may be a risk factor for SARS-CoV-2 infection and symptomatic disease.Instituto de Salud Carlos III - FEDER funds (European Union) PI 16/00752 B-CTS-410-UGR-20Junta de Andalucia CTS-143 C-0013-201

    Exchangeable Self-Assembled Lanthanide Antennas for PLIM Microscopy

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    This is the published manuscript version of the following manuscript: Exchangeable Self-Assembled Lanthanide Antennas for PLIM Microscopy, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2023, e202314595 doi: https://doi.org/10.1002/anie.202314595 This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Sharing Policies. Supplementary Materials accompanying this article can be found on-line at the publisher’s site.Lanthanides have unique photoluminescence (PL) emission properties, including very long PL life- times. This makes them ideal for biological imaging applications, especially using PL lifetime imaging micro- scopy (PLIM). PLIM is an inherently multidimensional technique with exceptional advantages for quantitative biological imaging. Unfortunately, due to the required prolonged acquisitions times, photobleaching of lantha- nide PL emission currently constitutes one of the main drawbacks of PLIM. In this study, we report a small aqueous-soluble, lanthanide antenna, 8-methoxy-2-oxo- 1,2,4,5-tetrahydrocyclopenta[de]quinoline-3-phosphonic acid, PAnt, specifically designed to dynamically interact with lanthanide ions, serving as exchangeable dye aimed at mitigating photobleaching in PLIM microscopy in cellulo. Thus, self-assembled lanthanide complexes that may be photobleached during image acquisition are continuously replenished by intact lanthanide antennas from a large reservoir. Remarkably, our self-assembled lanthanide complex clearly demonstrated a significant reduction of PL photobleaching when compared to well- established lanthanide cryptates, used for bioimaging. This concept of exchangeable lanthanide antennas opens new possibilities for quantitative PLIM bioimaging.Grant PID2020-114256RB-I00 funded by AEI/10.13039/501100011033Grant PID2019- 104366RB-C22 funded by AEI/10.13039/501100011033/ FEDER “Una manera de hacer Europa”Grants P21_00212, A-FQM-386-UGR20 and 2021/00627/001-FEDER_UJA_ 2020 funded by FEDER/Junta de Andalucía-Consejería de Transformación Económica, Industria, Conocimiento y UniversidadesCSIC grant 202180E073Acción 1 from Universidad de JaénFunding for open access charge: Universidad de Granada/CBUASpanish Ministerio de Educación y Formación Profesional for the FPU Ph.D. scholarshi

    Atmospheric and remote sensing surveys evaluated at the natural analogue "Campo de Calatrava" and its relation with isotopic Radon activity and CO2 flux as strategy for CCS projects

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    C0 capture and storage (CCS) projects are presently developed to reduce the emission of anthropogenic co2 into the atmosphere. CCS technologies are expected to account for the 20% of the C0 reduction by 2050.The results of this paper are referred to the OXYCFB300 Compostilla Project (European Energy Program for Recover). Since the detection and control of potential leakage from storage formation is mandatory in a project of capture and geological storage of C02 (CCS), geophysical , ground deformation and geochemical monitoring have been carried out to detect potentialleakage, and, in the event that this occurs, identify and quantify it. This monitoring needs to be developed prior, during and after the injection stage. For a correct interpretation and quantification of the leakage, it is essential to establish a pre-injection characterization (baseline)of the area affected by the C02 storage at reservoir level as well as at shallow depth, surface and atmosphere, via soil gas measurements

    Atlantic Bluefin Tuna (Thunnus thynnus) Biometrics and Condition

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    The compiled data for this study represents the first Atlantic and Mediterranean-wide effort to pool all available biometric data for Atlantic bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus) with the collaboration of many countries and scientific groups. Biometric relationships were based on an extensive sampling (over 140,000 fish sampled), covering most of the fishing areas for this species in the North Atlantic Ocean and Mediterranean Sea. Sensitivity analyses were carried out to evaluate the representativeness of sampling and explore the most adequate procedure to fit the weight-length relationship (WLR). The selected model for the WLRs by stock included standardized data series (common measurement types) weighted by the inverse variability. There was little difference between annual stock-specific round weight-straight fork length relationships, with an overall difference of 6% in weight. The predicted weight by month was estimated as an additional component in the exponent of the weight-length function. The analyses of monthly variations of fish condition by stock, maturity state and geographic area reflect annual cycles of spawning and feeding behavior. We update and improve upon the biometric relationships for bluefin currently used by the International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas, by incorporating substantially larger datasets than ever previously compiled, providing complete documentation of sources and employing robust statistical fitting.WLRs and other conversion factors estimated in this study differ from the ones used in previous bluefin stock assessments.Postprint4,411

    Monitorización y seguimiento del esfuerzo realizado por los estudiantes y de su asistencia a actividades presenciales

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    Este artículo documenta el planteamiento, la metodología y los primeros resultados de un plan de monitorización detallada del esfuerzo y de asistencia a actividades presenciales por parte de los estudiantes de las titulaciones ofertadas por la Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros Navales de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid durante el segundo cuatrimestre del curso 2011-2012. Se ha establecido un sistema mecánico de recogida de datos de esfuerzo por parte de los estudiantes utilizando una hoja tipo test especialmente configurada al efecto. Se pasa una hoja en todas y cada una de las actividades presenciales realizadas y en la hoja se solicita información sobre el trabajo "fuera de clase". Se documenta en este artículo cómo se ha estructurado esa hoja, qué tipo de datos se recogen, cómo se tratan mediante una base de datos creada al efecto, qué tipo de análisis se puede realizar y qué resultados preliminares obtenemos de dichos análisis