89 research outputs found
CONMEBOL Libertadores Cup: Altitude impact on goals and results in 16 years of soccer matches
Background: The CONMEBOL Libertadores Cup, is the continent’s most important international club tournament. Teams are exposed to different altitudes with short acclimatization periods. The present study describe the effect of altitude on the results and goals of soccer club teams matches between 2000 and 2015 in the CONMEBOL Libertadores Cup. Materials & Methods: All home and visiting matches from the group phase onwards and which have been played at the traditional team venue were taken into account, thus, 2039 games were analysed. The teams were classified into altitude categories according to the physiological impact and registered hometown altitude. Poisson´s generalized linear model was used to study the relationship between the altitude of both home and visiting teams and the number of goals scored for each team according to the altitude category. The probabilities that the home team winning, drawing, or losing the match were estimated using a regression model for ordinal variables and assuming a multinomial probability distribution with the logistic linkage. Factors as heat, temperature and general performance of the teams were not considered. Results: Local team scores more (2.62 goals) when the visiting team descends three altitude categories, followed by a descent of two altitude categories (2.01 goals) and an ascent of three altitude categories (1.89 goals). This is associated with an increase probability of winning for the local team, being 5.5 times more likely when the visiting team descends three altitude categories, 2.3 times more when it descends two categories, and 2.5 times more when it ascends three altitude categories. Conclusions: These findings suggest that the visiting team is more likely to lose a match when it has to descend two or three altitude categories and when it ascends three altitude categories
Onset of lupus like syndrome in patients with spondyloarthritis treated with anti-TNF-α
<p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The anti-TNFα therapy has been since its approval by the FDA, along with nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), one of the most important therapies for control of spondyloarthritis (SpA). The onset of Lupus Like Syndrome (LLS) has been described in patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) treated with anti-TNFα therapy but there is little literature on the occurrence of this entity in patients with SpA.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We studied 57 patients with SpA who received more than 1 year of anti-TNFα therapy (infliximab, adalimumab or etanercept). Patients were analyzed for the development of LLS, in addition to measuring ANA levels ≥ 1:160 and Anti-dsDNA (measured by IIF).</p> <p>Results</p> <p>In total, 7.01% of patients treated with anti-TNFα had titers of ANA ≥ 1:160, whereas 3.5% of patients had serum levels of dsDNA. However, only one patient (1.75%; n = 1) experienced clinical symptoms of LLS; this was a female patient with a history of psoriatic arthritis.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The presence of LLS secondary to anti-TNFα therapy in patients with SpA is observed less frequently compared with patients with RA. LLS was only detected in a patient with a history of psoriasis since youth, who developed psoriatic arthritis after 27 years of age and had received anti-TNFα therapy for > 2 years. This may be because LLS is an entity clearly associated with innate immunity, with little central role of B and T cells.</p
Design Of A Minicomputer Separator Of Urban Solid Waste (RSU)
In Mexico, the society in general lacks the habit and ethics of properly disposing garbage or in taking care of the environment. This paper focuses on analyzing and disposing garbage in an automated way. The present study also seeks to create and promote care for the planet. The minicomputer (GreenScanProcess) is an automated system whose process is based on an algorithm that stands out for its functionality. GreenScanProcess has sensors that allow the analysis and scanning of garbage. It also measures the weight and humidity of the garbage. The minicomputer also examines the garbage to know its composition. Likewise, GreenScanProcess takes the garbage to the container according to the garbage. The benefits obtained when conducting the research were: environmental, economic, technological, and educational
Humanismo y mundo actual
128 p.Diversas circunstancias del presente nos obligan a meditar acerca del papel de la formación humanística en todos los procesos educativos. Las manifestaciones de intolerancia, de barbarie, de corrupción, de falta de pertenencia, de ausencia de memoria histórica o de espiritualidad, entre otras, hacen que nos veamos obligados a pensar en profundidad y con esperanza, en los conflictos humanos y a alzar la voz para ofrecer algunas reflexiones que iluminen posibilidades de diálogo y reconocimiento que colaboren con la reconstrucción del tejido social, que urge de algunas pistas para atender una realidad en crisis y las carencias más apremiantes de nuestro contexto, aunque sean de carácter teórico como las que se exponen en el siguiente volumen. Los docentes del Departamento de Humanidades de la Universidad Católica de Colombia asumen la vocería para dialogar sobre multiplicidad de temas y autores que pueden ayudar a comprender las situaciones que se viven en la cotidianidad y que no son ajenas a las aulas de clase y al día a día de la comunidad universitaria. Es por ello que se entregan en este libro, las apreciaciones en torno al papel de la educación, la mujer y la familia, la iglesia como intérprete del misterio de Cristo, la relación entre conocimiento y moral, la fuerza del diálogo, el reconocimiento y el valor del otro, la victoria del bien sobre el mal, el rol de la juventud, el asombro como posibilidad para renovar la acción humana y el pensamiento, el ejercicio de educar como una vocación que depende de la pasión que se le imprima y notas alrededor del sentimiento trágico de la vida. Lo anterior, es producto del trabajo del Grupo de Investigación Philosophia Personae y de los semilleros de investigación en Educación, Mujer y Sociedad y en Teoría y Formación Política del Departamento de Humanidades. Desde el ejercicio académico, investigativo y de extensión esperamos contribuir a la formación de personas capaces de vivir en la verdad, el bien y la belleza.Prólogo
1. Apreciación estética y experiencia de la belleza (Édgar Javier Garzón-Pascagaza, Armando Rojas Claros y Luis Miguel Vergara Gómez)
2. Voluntariado universitario. Un espacio concreto para poner en práctica la vocación de servicio (Liz Malena Bustos Navarro, María Fernanda Rincón Herrera, Angie Milena Abella González, María Paula Cárdenas Linares y Diana Constanza Nossa-Ramos)
3. Conocimiento y moral. Relación problemática en los libros I y II de Aurora de Friedrich Nietzsche (Alexánder Aldana Piñeros)
4. El reconocimiento y valor del otro en la formación integral de la persona (Francy Liliana Garnica Ríos y Sandra Ligia Ramírez)
5. Notas preliminares sobre el sentimiento trágico de la vida en el pensamiento de Miguel de Unamuno (Édgar Javier Garzón-Pascagaza)
6. Juan Pablo II y la victoria del bien (Carlos Arturo Ospina Hernández)
7. El mundo de la vida juvenil (Jaime Édgar Gutiérrez Orozco y William Fernando Puentes)
8. La admiración: condición inicial para el filosofar (Juan Alexis Parada Silva)
9. La iglesia, intérprete del misterio de Cristo y luz de las naciones (Luis Miguel Vergara Gómez)
Fatores ambientais e conscientização sobre o câncer colorretal em pessoas com risco familiar
to identify the association between environmental risk factors and awareness of colorectal cancer in people at familial risk.
cross-sectional correlational study, with a sample consisted of people who met at least one of the Revised Bethesda criteria, and 80 participants were included in this study. A sociodemographic data record, the AUDIT Test for alcohol use, the Fagerström Test for tobacco smoking, the Estimation and Frequency of Food Intake scale, and the Cancer Awareness Measure questionnaire to assess the colorectal cancer awareness were used. Body mass index was calculated, and descriptive statistics and the Pearson’s Correlation Coefficient were used to estimate the association.
female sex predominated, with an average age of 37.8 years, almost half of the participants were overweight, 45% showed symptoms of alcohol dependence, half of the sample showed an association between hereditary factors and the development of colorectal cancer, and less than half of them were aware of cancer prevention programs.
there is little information on the main environmental risk factors, signs and symptoms of colorectal cancer, and no significant association was found between these and colorectal cancer awareness.Objetivo
identificar a associação entre os fatores de risco ambientais e a conscientização sobre o câncer colorretal em pessoas com risco familiar.
estudo correlacional de corte transversal, cuja amostra foi constituída por pessoas que cumpriam pelo menos um dos critérios de Bethesda Revisados, sendo 80 participantes incluídos no estudo. Foram utilizados uma ficha com dados sociodemográficos, o Teste AUDIT para o consumo de álcool, o Teste de Fagerström para o tabagismo, a escala de Estimativa e Consumo de Alimentos, e o questionário Cancer Awareness Measure para avaliar a conscientização sobre o câncer colorretal. O índice de massa corporal foi calculado, e estatísticas descritivas e o Coeficiente de Correlação de Pearson foram usados para estimar a associação.
o sexo feminino foi o mais prevalente, com média de idade de 37,8 anos, quase metade dos participantes apresentava sobrepeso, 45% apresentavam sintomas de dependência de álcool, metade da amostra teve o fator hereditário relacionado com o desenvolvimento de câncer colorretal, e menos da metade conhecia programas preventivos deste câncer.
há pouca informação sobre os principais fatores de risco ambientais, sinais e sintomas do câncer colorretal, e nenhuma associação significativa foi encontrada entre eles e conscientização sobre o câncer colorretal.Objetivo
identificar la asociación entre factores de riesgo ambientales y la conciencia sobre el cáncer colorrectal en personas con riesgo familiar.
estudio transversal correlacional; la muestra estuvo constituida por personas que cumplieran al menos uno de los criterios de Bethesda Revisados; se incluyeron 80 participantes en el estudio; se empleó una cédula de datos sociodemográficos, el Test AUDIT para el consumo de alcohol, Test de Fagerström para el consumo de tabaco, escala Estimación y Consumo de Alimento y el cuestionario Cancer Awareness Measure para la conciencia sobre el cáncer colorrectal, además se calculó el índice de masa corporal; se obtuvo estadística descriptiva y el Coeficiente de Correlación de Pearson para la asociación.
predominó el sexo femenino, con una media de edad de 37,8 años; casi la mitad de los participantes presentó sobrepeso, un 45% mostró síntomas de dependencia al alcohol, la mitad de la muestra relaciona el factor hereditario con el desarrollo de cáncer colorrectal y menos de la mitad conoce programas preventivos sobre el mismo.
existe poca información sobre los principales factores de riesgo ambientales, signos y síntomas del cáncer colorrectal; no se encontró una asociación significativa entre estos y la conciencia sobre el cáncer colorrectal
Prevalence of Tobacco Consumption Among Working Population after the Law 42/2010, Spain
Fundamentos: El objetivo del presente trabajo consistió en analizar el impacto sobre el consumo de tabaco en población trabajadora de la Ley 42/2010 que modifica la normativa antitabaco en España.
Métodos: Se obtuvieron datos de 413.473 reconocimientos médicos de Salud Laboral, realizados entre julio de 2009 y junio de 2011, en la Sociedad de Prevención de una Mutua de Accidentes de Trabajo y Enfermedades Profesionales de la Seguridad Social. Se analizó la evolución semestral del porcentaje de fumadores y la magnitud del consumo de tabaco en el total de reconocimientos, segmentando por sexo, edad, nivel ocupacional (trabajos manuales vs. no manuales) y en el subgrupo específico de camareros, bármanes y asimilados (test de chi2)
Resultados: En el total de reconocimientos, el porcentaje de fumadores descendió un 5% (del 40,3% al 35,3%) a lo largo del periodo de estudio (p<0,001) y el grupo de fumadores con menor consumo diario (≤10 cigarrillos) se convirtió en el más frecuente (p<0,001). En el grupo de camareros, bármanes y asimilados las diferencias en el porcentaje semestral de fumadores no alcanzaron significación estadística (p=0,07). En este grupo, los fumadores de ≤10 cigarrillos/día también se convirtieron en el grupo de consumo más frecuente (pasando del 40,5% al 48,8%) y el porcentaje de fumadores de 21-40 cigarrillos/día disminuyó del 10,6% al 4% (p=0,008).
Conclusiones: Los resultados sugieren que la nueva normativa se ha acompañado de una importante reducción del tabaquismo entre la población trabajadora española y respaldan fuertemente las medidas de lucha contra el tabaco de alcance poblacional.Background: The aim of this study was to analyze the impact on tobacco consumption among working population of the Law 42/2010, which amends smoking regulations in Spain.
Methods: Data were obtained from 413,473 Occupational Health check-ups, conducted between July of 2009 and June of 2011, in the Society for Prevention of a Mutual Insurance Company. We analyzed changes in the biannual percentage of smokers and the magnitude of tobacco consumption among smokers in the overall set of medical check-ups, by gender, age, occupational level (manual vs. non-manual workers), and in the specific occupational subgroup of waiters, barmen and similar workers (chi-square test).
Results: In the overall set of medical check-ups, the percentage of smokers decreased by 5% (from 40.3% to 35.3%) over the period of study (p <0.001) and the group of smokers with lower daily consumption (≤10 cigarettes) became the most frequent (p <0.001). In the group of waiters, barmen and similar workers the differences in the biannual percentage of smokers did not reach statistical significance (p =0.07). In this group, smokers of ≤10 cigarretes/ day also became the most common consumption group (increasing from 40.5% to 48.8%) and the percentage of 21-40 cigarretes/day decreased from 10.6% to 4% (p =0.008).
Conclusions: These results suggest that the new regulation has been accompanied by a significant reduction in smoking among Spanish workers and strongly support population-level measures against tobacco consumption.S
Lack of replication of interactions between polymorphisms in rheumatoid arthritis susceptibility: case-control study
Introduction: Approximately 100 loci have been definitively associated with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) susceptibility. However, they explain only a fraction of RA heritability. Interactions between polymorphisms could explain part of the remaining heritability. Multiple interactions have been reported, but only the shared epitope (SE) × protein tyrosine phosphatase nonreceptor type 22 (PTPN22) interaction has been replicated convincingly. Two recent studies deserve attention because of their quality, including their replication in a second sample collection. In one of them, researchers identified interactions between PTPN22 and seven single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). The other showed interactions between the SE and the null genotype of glutathione S-transferase Mu 1 (GSTM1) in the anti-cyclic citrullinated peptide-positive (anti-CCP+) patients. In the present study, we aimed to replicate association with RA susceptibility of interactions described in these two high-quality studies. Methods: A total of 1,744 patients with RA and 1,650 healthy controls of Spanish ancestry were studied. Polymorphisms were genotyped by single-base extension. SE genotypes of 736 patients were available from previous studies. Interaction analysis was done using multiple methods, including those originally reported and the most powerful methods described. Results: Genotypes of one of the SNPs (rs4695888) failed quality control tests. The call rate for the other eight polymorphisms was 99.9%. The frequencies of the polymorphisms were similar in RA patients and controls, except for PTPN22 SNP. None of the interactions between PTPN22 SNPs and the six SNPs that met quality control tests was replicated as a significant interaction term the originally reported finding or with any of the other methods. Nor was the interaction between GSTM1 and the SE replicated as a departure from additivity in anti-CCP+ patients or with any of the other methods. Conclusions: None of the interactions tested were replicated in spite of sufficient power and assessment with different assays. These negative results indicate that whether interactions are significant contributors to RA susceptibility remains unknown and that strict standards need to be applied to claim that an interaction exists
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Clinical Presentation and Outcomes of Kawasaki Disease in Children from Latin America: A Multicenter Observational Study from the REKAMLATINA Network
Objetivos: Describir la presentación clínica, el manejo y los resultados de la enfermedad de Kawasaki (EK) en Latinoamérica y evaluar los indicadores pronósticos tempranos de aneurisma de la arteria coronaria (AAC). Diseño del estudio: Se realizó un estudio observacional basado en el registro de la EK en 64 centros pediátricos participantes de 19 países latinoamericanos de forma retrospectiva entre el 1 de enero de 2009 y el 31 de diciembre de 2013, y de forma prospectiva desde el 1 de junio de 2014 hasta el 31 de mayo de 2017. Se recopilaron datos demográficos, clínicos y de laboratorio iniciales. Se utilizó una regresión logística que incorporaba factores clínicos y la puntuación z máxima de la arteria coronaria en la presentación inicial (entre 10 días antes y 5 días después de la inmunoglobulina intravenosa [IGIV]) para desarrollar un modelo pronóstico de AAC durante el seguimiento (>5 días después de la IGIV). Resultados: De 1853 pacientes con EK, el ingreso tardío (>10 días tras el inicio de la fiebre) se produjo en el 16%, el 25% tuvo EK incompleta y el 11% fue resistente a la IGIV. Entre los 671 sujetos con puntuación z de la arteria coronaria notificada durante el seguimiento (mediana: 79 días; IQR: 36, 186), el 21% presentaba AAC, incluido un 4% con aneurismas gigantes. Un modelo pronóstico simple que utilizaba sólo una puntuación z de la arteria coronaria máxima ≥2,5 en la presentación inicial fue óptimo para predecir la AAC durante el seguimiento (área bajo la curva: 0,84; IC del 95%: 0,80, 0,88). Conclusiones: De nuestra población latinoamericana, la puntuación z de la arteria coronaria ≥2,5 en la presentación inicial fue el factor pronóstico más importante que precedió a la AAC durante el seguimiento. Estos resultados resaltan la importancia de la ecocardiografía temprana durante la presentación inicial de la EK. © 2023 Los autoresObjectives: To describe the clinical presentation, management, and outcomes of Kawasaki disease (KD) in Latin America and to evaluate early prognostic indicators of coronary artery aneurysm (CAA). Study design: An observational KD registry-based study was conducted in 64 participating pediatric centers across 19 Latin American countries retrospectively between January 1, 2009, and December 31, 2013, and prospectively from June 1, 2014, to May 31, 2017. Demographic and initial clinical and laboratory data were collected. Logistic regression incorporating clinical factors and maximum coronary artery z-score at initial presentation (between 10 days before and 5 days after intravenous immunoglobulin [IVIG]) was used to develop a prognostic model for CAA during follow-up (>5 days after IVIG). Results: Of 1853 patients with KD, delayed admission (>10 days after fever onset) occurred in 16%, 25% had incomplete KD, and 11% were resistant to IVIG. Among 671 subjects with reported coronary artery z-score during follow-up (median: 79 days; IQR: 36, 186), 21% had CAA, including 4% with giant aneurysms. A simple prognostic model utilizing only a maximum coronary artery z-score ≥2.5 at initial presentation was optimal to predict CAA during follow-up (area under the curve: 0.84; 95% CI: 0.80, 0.88). Conclusion: From our Latin American population, coronary artery z-score ≥2.5 at initial presentation was the most important prognostic factor preceding CAA during follow-up. These results highlight the importance of early echocardiography during the initial presentation of KD. © 2023 The Author(s
Epidemiological trends of HIV/HCV coinfection in Spain, 2015-2019
Altres ajuts: Spanish AIDS Research Network; European Funding for Regional Development (FEDER).Objectives: We assessed the prevalence of anti-hepatitis C virus (HCV) antibodies and active HCV infection (HCV-RNA-positive) in people living with HIV (PLWH) in Spain in 2019 and compared the results with those of four similar studies performed during 2015-2018. Methods: The study was performed in 41 centres. Sample size was estimated for an accuracy of 1%. Patients were selected by random sampling with proportional allocation. Results: The reference population comprised 41 973 PLWH, and the sample size was 1325. HCV serostatus was known in 1316 PLWH (99.3%), of whom 376 (28.6%) were HCV antibody (Ab)-positive (78.7% were prior injection drug users); 29 were HCV-RNA-positive (2.2%). Of the 29 HCV-RNA-positive PLWH, infection was chronic in 24, it was acute/recent in one, and it was of unknown duration in four. Cirrhosis was present in 71 (5.4%) PLWH overall, three (10.3%) HCV-RNA-positive patients and 68 (23.4%) of those who cleared HCV after anti-HCV therapy (p = 0.04). The prevalence of anti-HCV antibodies decreased steadily from 37.7% in 2015 to 28.6% in 2019 (p < 0.001); the prevalence of active HCV infection decreased from 22.1% in 2015 to 2.2% in 2019 (p < 0.001). Uptake of anti-HCV treatment increased from 53.9% in 2015 to 95.0% in 2019 (p < 0.001). Conclusions: In Spain, the prevalence of active HCV infection among PLWH at the end of 2019 was 2.2%, i.e. 90.0% lower than in 2015. Increased exposure to DAAs was probably the main reason for this sharp reduction. Despite the high coverage of treatment with direct-acting antiviral agents, HCV-related cirrhosis remains significant in this population
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