425 research outputs found

    The blog as an educational resource: design of digital educational materials for students with cochlear implant

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    RESUMEN: La discapacidad auditiva tiene una serie de repercusiones en el desarrollo infantil, estas repercusiones se han visto reducidas gracias a los avances tecnológicos (implante coclear y audífono) aplicados en edades tempranas. De la misma manera, el empleo de las Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación (TIC) han mejorado notablemente la calidad de vida y la educación de las personas sordas. El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo la creación de un blog educativo destinado a maestros del área de Audición y Lenguaje para fomentar la compartición de materiales, recursos, ideas conocimientos y opiniones; del mismo modo, se expone el diseño y creación de una serie de materiales educativos digitales para trabajar las fases de rehabilitación del implante coclear (detección, discriminación, identificación, reconocimiento y comprensión) desde el entorno escolar, que formarán parte de los contenidos del blog educativo.ABSTRACT: The auditory disability has a series of repercussions in the infantile development, these repercussions that have been reduced thanks to the technological advances (cochlear implant and hearing aid) applied in early ages. In the same way, the use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) have significantly improved the quality of life and education of deaf people. The objective of this work is to create an educational blog for teachers in the area of Listening and Language to encourage the sharing of materials, resources, ideas, knowledge and opinions; In the same way, the design and creation of a series of digital educational materials is exposed to work the phases of rehabilitation of the cochlear implant (detection, discrimination, identification, recognition and understanding) from the school environment, which will be part of the contents of the blog educational.Grado en Magisterio en Educación Primari

    Narrativa autobiográfica de un profesor de inglés abiertamente homosexual

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    Esta investigación pedagógica se cuestiona acerca de las experiencias narrativas autobiográficas de un profesor de L2 quien se considera abiertamente homosexual. Se desarrolla en la Pontificia Universidad Javeriana (lugar donde labora actualmente) y también en otras instituciones y lugares que se van dando a conocer a medida de su narración. Debido al interés de conocer y describir las experiencias narrativas autobiográficas del docente, se realiza un análisis de narrativas de tres entrevistas divididas en los periodos de su vida (infancia-adolescencia, estudios universitarios y experiencias laborales). Estas entrevistas fueron semiestructuradas las cuales se codificaron y se categorizaron mediante un software especializado en el análisis cualitativo de datos.This pedagogical research aim to find those autobiographic narrative experiences of a foreign language teacher who considers himself as an open homosexual. It is developed at Pontificia Universidad Javeriana (place where he is currently working) as well as at other institutions and places that will be showing up along with his narration. Due to the main interest for knowing and describing those autobiographic experiences, a narrative analysis is conducted throughout three interviews divided by the teacher story stages (childhood and adolescence, university studies and job experience). The interviews were semi-structured and were codified and categorized through a specialized software in qualitative analysis.Licenciado (a) en Lenguas ModernasPregrad

    Análisis y propuesta de mejora sobre la imagen de la organización sin fines de lucro techo Perú de acuerdo con la percepción que tienen sus diferentes públicos

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    La presente investigación tiene como finalidad estudiar cómo gestionan las comunicaciones las organizaciones sin fines de lucro (OSFL) en el Perú con la finalidad de proyectar una imagen adecuada, y así contribuir a favorecer la movilización de sus recursos. En ese sentido, el presente estudio analiza el caso de TECHO Perú a través de un diagnóstico exhaustivo sobre la identidad de la organización (que evidencia el objetivo comunicacional), las estrategias de comunicación ejecutadas para cada uno de los públicos estudiados, y la imagen que se percibe sobre la organización (desde cada uno de los públicos). Tras el diagnóstico, en primera instancia, se espera plantear propuestas y recomendaciones que den respuesta a los problemas comunicacionales identificados en TECHO Perú. El propósito final de este diagnóstico es recoger algunas buenas prácticas de la organización y proponer recomendaciones para la aplicación de estrategias comunicacionales en el sector. De esta forma, se espera obtener conclusiones para la gestión de comunicaciones en el sector sin fines de lucro, y poder plantear recomendaciones que sean útiles para TECHO y para otras organizaciones. Para esquematizar este estudio, en el primer capítulo se formulan los objetivos que guiarán esta investigación. En el segundo capítulo se detalla el proceso metodológico, especificando el tipo y alcance, la estrategia, y el enfoque de la investigación, así como las herramientas que fueron utilizadas para la recolección de datos. En el tercer capítulo se desarrolla el marco de estudio de la investigación, para el cual se comenzó realizando una revisión de las principales investigaciones relativas al tema. Además, se presenta el sustento teórico y el contexto en el que se ubican las organizaciones sin fines de lucro en el Perú. El marco teórico parte desde los conceptos más generales hasta aterrizar en los conceptos más ligados a la investigación. Es así que se divide en la teoría sobre las organizaciones sociales, el marketing, la gestión de marca (con la finalidad de enfatizar en los conceptos de identidad, imagen y posicionamiento), para así llegar a las comunicaciones en organizaciones sin fines de lucro. Es en la última división donde se describen las 7 secciones que definen el diagnóstico presentado (realidad organizacional, identidad, comunicación institucional, públicos, posicionamiento, imagen y definición de problemas). Con relación al contexto, se muestran las características del sector en el Perú, y se ahonda en 3 organizaciones para conocer a modo general cómo funcionan y qué estrategias de marketing y comunicaciones utilizan. El capítulo termina introduciendo a TECHO en el contexto de las organizaciones sin fines de lucro del Perú. En el cuarto capítulo se realiza el diagnóstico de imagen y comunicaciones de TECHO Perú de acuerdo con el modelo de Etkin; para ello, se analizan las 7 variables presentadas considerando la información provista por la organización y los resultados de la investigación de campo aplicada a voluntarios (permanentes y del programa de voluntariado universitario), comunidades activas (representadas por sus líderes y lideresas de comunidad), empresas aliadas anuales, y la sociedad de Lima moderna. En el capítulo 5 se elaboran algunas propuestas (objetivos, acciones y estrategias) para el plan de comunicaciones de TECHO con la finalidad de resolver los problemas comunicacionales encontrados. Cabe resaltar que el fin de las propuestas es ser complementarias y reforzar el plan de comunicaciones actual de TECHO, mas no buscan reemplazar el plan actual ya que los objetivos responden exclusivamente a los problemas definidos. Por último, se proponen recomendaciones para TECHO Perú y para futuras investigaciones relacionadas a la misma organización. De igual forma, se plantean recomendaciones para el sector de organizaciones sin fines de lucro en la implementación de estrategias comunicacionales que consigan comunicar la identidad de una OSFL de forma efectiva. Es así como, a partir del caso de estudio, se llega a describir algunas consideraciones que debe tener este sector para poder alinear su imagen a su identidad, para que de esta forma la organización consiga más apoyo interno y externo.Tesi

    Evaluating the accuracy of the Distributed Activation Energy Model for biomass devolatilization curves obtained at high heating rates

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    The characteristic parameters of devolatilization, the activation energy and the frequency factor, can be obtained following different experimental approaches. In the Distributed Activation Energy Model (DAEM), these parameters are derived from several TGA curves that are typically obtained for constant, low heating rate experiments. Then, the results are used to model high heating rate processes typical of industrial combustors. In this work, a wide range of heating rates were employed to obtain different TGA curves of the biomass pyrolysis, in order to analyse the validity of DAEM when extrapolating the kinetic parameters obtained for low heating rate curves used in the laboratory to higher heating rates present in industrial applications. The TGA curves of the biomass pyrolysis employed in DAEM were varied from low heating rates (around 10 K/min, values typically found in the literature on DAEM), to high heating rates (up to 200 K/min). The differences in the activation energy and the frequency factor obtained for different heating rates, were evaluated and the validity of the model was discussed. The results show differences between the activation energy and the frequency factor obtained using low and high heating rates during the TGA tests. Therefore, if an accurate approximation is required when extrapolating the data to high heating rates, the tests should be carried out at high heating rates.The authors would like to express appreciation to the BIOLAB experimental facilities and for the financial support from Projects DPI2009-10518 (MICINN) and CARDENER-CM (S2009ENE-1660).Publicad

    Bacteriophages: The Enemies of Bad Bacteria Are Our Friends!

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    Some bacteria can enter the human body and make people ill. Usually, these diseases can be cured by antibiotics, but sometimes bacteria are resistant to them, meaning that the antibiotics do not kill the bacteria. In these cases, bacteria become very dangerous. Bacteriophages are viruses that infect bacteria but are harmless to humans. To reproduce, they get into a bacterium, where they multiply, and finally they break the bacterial cell open to release the new viruses. Therefore, bacteriophages kill bacteria. Here, we explain how bacteriophages can be used to treat infectious diseases or to remove bacteria from other places where they are unwanted.Peer reviewedPeer Reviewe

    Modeling the thin-layer drying process of Granny Smith apples: Application in an indirect solar dryer

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    The thin-layer drying kinetics of Granny Smith apples is determined by thermogravimetric analysis of the drying process at constant temperatures ranging from 20 degrees C to 50 degrees C, using intervals of 5 degrees C. The experimental drying curves obtained in the TGA were fitted to the Wang-Singh equation, which was found to describe precisely the drying process occurring at constant drying temperature. A novel model, capable of predicting the evolution of the moisture ratio of Granny Smith apples during the drying process with variable drying temperatures, was proposed. The model was validated with experimental TGA measurements of the drying of apples at variable temperatures, typical of solar drying, obtaining maximum deviations for the drying time less than 1.5%. Once validated, the model proposed was also applied to the drying of Granny Smith apples in an indirect solar dryer. The comparison of the model prediction with the experimental measurements of the drying of apples at variable drying conditions conducted in a lab-scale solar dryer showed a proper agreement, with low deviations (less than 10%) associated to the thermal inertia of the samples. (C) 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.The thermogravimetric analyses were conducted in the BIOLAB experimental facility (madrimasd.org, lab # 202), a laboratory financed under the infrastructures and lab network of the Madrid (Spain) Regional Governmen

    Encapsulation of the Antistaphylococcal Endolysin LysRODI in pH-Sensitive Liposomes

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    © 2020 by the authors.Phage lysins are promising new therapeutics against multidrug-resistant bacteria. These so-called enzybiotics offer, amongst their most notable advantages, high target specificity and low resistance development. Moreover, there are numerous recent and ongoing studies aimed at demonstrating the efficacy and safety of endolysins in animal models or even in clinical trials. Nonetheless, as is the case for other antimicrobials, it is important to assess potential strategies that may broaden their potential applications or improve their stability. Encapsulation, for instance, has given very good results for some antibiotics. This study sought to evaluate the feasibility of encapsulating an endolysin against the opportunistic human pathogen Staphylococcus aureus, one of the most problematic bacteria in the context of the current antibiotic resistance crisis. Endolysin LysRODI has antimicrobial activity against many S. aureus strains from different sources, including methicillin-resistant S. aureus (MRSA) isolates. Here, this protein was encapsulated in pH-sensitive liposomes with an efficacy of approximately 47%, retaining its activity after being released from the nanocapsules. Additionally, the encapsulated endolysin effectively reduced S. aureus cell counts by > 2log units in both planktonic cultures and biofilms upon incubation at pH 5. These results demonstrate the viability of LysRODI encapsulation in liposomes for its targeted delivery under mild acidic conditionsThis study was funded by grants AGL2015-65673-R (MINECO/FEDER, UE), EU ANIWHA ERA-NET (BLAAT ID: 67)/PCIN-2017-001 (AEI/FEDER, UE), Proyecto Intramural CSIC201670E040, Proyecto Intramural CSIC 201770E016. IDI/2018/000119 (Program of Science, Technology and Innovation 2018-2020 and FEDER EU funds, Principado de Asturias, Spain). S.P. has a postdoctoral fellowship CONACYT (México)Peer reviewe

    BAX and SMAC regulate bistable properties of the apoptotic caspase system

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    The initiation of apoptosis is a core mechanism in cellular biology by which organisms control the removal of damaged or unnecessary cells. The irreversible activation of caspases is essential for apoptosis, and mathematical models have demonstrated that the process is tightly regulated by positive feedback and a bistable switch. BAX and SMAC are often dysregulated in diseases such as cancer or neurodegeneration and are two key regulators that interact with the caspase system generating the apoptotic switch. Here we present a mathematical model of how BAX and SMAC control the apoptotic switch. Formulated as a system of ordinary differential equations, the model summarises experimental and computational evidence from the literature and incorporates the biochemical mechanisms of how BAX and SMAC interact with the components of the caspase system. Using simulations and bifurcation analysis, we find that both BAX and SMAC regulate the time-delay and activation threshold of the apoptotic switch. Interestingly, the model predicted that BAX (not SMAC) controls the amplitude of the apoptotic switch. Cell culture experiments using siRNA mediated BAX and SMAC knockdowns validated this model prediction. We further validated the model using data of the NCI-60 cell line panel using BAX protein expression as a cell-line specific parameter and show that model simulations correlated with the cellular response to DNA damaging drugs and established a defined threshold for caspase activation that could distinguish between sensitive and resistant melanoma cells. In summary, we present an experimentally validated dynamic model that summarises our current knowledge of how BAX and SMAC regulate the bistable properties of irreversible caspase activation during apoptosis.Science Foundation Irelan