2,047 research outputs found

    Debugging mixed-signal circuits via the IEEE1149.4 Std. - analysis of limitations and requirements

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    Debugging mixed-signal circuits is traditionally seen as a complex task due to the presence of an analog part and the necessary interaction with a digital part. The use of debug tools that require physical access suffers from the same restrictions that led to the use of debug tools based on electronic access to digital circuits. While the IEEE1149.4 test infrastructure enables the structural and parametric test of mixed-signal boards, through electronic access, its use for debug purposes is still far from reaching a wide acceptance, namely due to the lack of a debug methodology. This work analyses several access mechanisms for Controllability, Observability and Verification operations via the IEEE1149.4 infrastructure, with an emphasis on the analysis of its limitations and requirements

    An enhanced debugger for real-time fault injection

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    Chip debug infrastructures, present in most recentmicroprocessors, to execute real time fault injectioncampaigns. It is based on a debugger customized forfault injection and designed for maximum performanceand flexibility. The developed methodology can beapplied on the verification of dependable systems


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    Esse artigo orbita em torno das seguintes questões: qual pedagogia o ensino religioso deve seguir a fim de que seja legal, laico, significativo para a educação e promova a cidadania e o respeito a diversidade religiosa? Como a recém-criada BNCC lida com essa questão? Para responder tal questionamento empreendemos uma pesquisa teórico-documental, perscrutando os argumentos de Paul Ricouer sobre laicidade e analisando o documento da BNCC com fins de trazer à luz o modelo de ER por ela proposto. Reafirmamos o pressuposto de que a Ciência da Religião deve assumir a formação dos professores e fornecer os conteúdos e abordagens fundamentais para o ER, pois procura compreender o fenômeno religioso de maneira holística sem preferenciar nenhuma tradição religiosa. Nesse sentido aplicar esse tipo de compreensão ao ER propicia uma formação voltada para os valores democrático-civilizatórios

    A buil-in mixed-signal block observer (BIMBO) to improve observability in 1149.4 environments

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    This document proposes an extension to the IEEE 1149.4 test infrastructure, whereby a bank of sigma-delta first order modulators enables the simultaneous observation of several analog pins in a single component. The modulator output bit streams are shifted out and made available to an external test controller that comprises the corresponding bank of decimation filters and other decision and control logic. The architecture proposed is fully non-intrusive and may be used to support debug and test operations in mixed-signal environments

    A Boundary Scan-based one-channel timing analyzer

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    The Boundary Scan Test infrastructure is now widely implemented in the Integrated Circuit market, especially in the microprocessor and Application-Specific Integrated Circuit arena. While the structural test of Printed Circuit Boards has been considered the driving force behind its broad acceptance, the test community has also addressed the issues of prototype debug and validation. However, the more demanding requirements associated with these issues are not sufficiently covered by the mandatory and optional operating modes described in the IEEE 1149.1 Standard, especially for debugging problems associated with real-time operation. Previous work has focused on this problem, having resulted in a new set of user-defined optional instructions addressing the use of the BS register to store in real-time a sequence of contiguous vectors, captured at its parallel inputs without / until / after a certain condition is found. In this paper we describe the trade-off between input channels and storage capacity, by proposing a new operating mode where the BS register is used to capture / store an n-bit sequence captured at one single functional pin, thus acting similarly to a onechannel timing analyser. This non-intrusive operating mode may also be used for field diagnosis and other online operations.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    AR2T : implementing a truly SRAM-based FPGA on-line concurrent testing

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    The new partial and dynamic reconfigurable features offered by new generations of SRAM-based FPGAs may be used to improve the dependability of reconfigurable hardware platforms through the implementation of on-line concurrent testing / fault tolerance mechanisms. However, such mechanisms imply the existence of new test strategies that do not interfere with the current system functionality.The AR2T (Active Replication and Release for Testing) technique is a set of procedures that enables the implementation of a truly non-intrusive structural on-line concurrent testing approach, detecting and avoiding permanent faults and correcting errors due to transient faults. Experimental results prove the effectiveness of these solutions. In relation to a previous technique proposed by the authors as part of the DRAFT FPGA concurrent test methodology, AR2T extends the range of circuits that can be replicated, by introducing a small replication aid block

    Análise da viabilidade econômica da utilização de bagaço de malte para produção de etanol 2G e querosene de aviação

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    O cenário atual de geração e consumo de energia no mundo torna imprescindível a busca por fontes alternativas e renováveis para obtenção desta, visto que é necessária a mitigação dos efeitos negativos causados no planeta pela utilização de fontes energéticas de origem fóssil. Paralelamente, são encontrados no Brasil uma gama de materiais de natureza lignocelulósica que podem ser destinados para este fim. Diante disso, o presente trabalho teve como objetivo apresentar uma análise da viabilidade econômica do uso de bagaço de malte - resíduo da indústria cervejeira que é muito presente no país - como matéria-prima alternativa para produção de dois biocombustíveis de grande interesse comercial e potencial para utilização: etanol de segunda geração e o bioquerosene de aviação. A partir da avaliação de indicadores econômicos como Valor Presente Líquido, Taxa Interna de Retorno e Payback foi possível chegar à conclusão que o investimento em uma planta de produção de bioquerosene é a opção economicamente mais viável, visto que trará maiores ganhos e menos riscos na perspectiva analisada

    The model of strategic analysis in the promotion of health and the local control of tobacco addictiveness

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    ABSTRACT: The article presents a part of results of doctoral thesis research about the application in field of two theorenthicals models in health promotion. One of these models, the Health Promotion Strategy Analysis Model HELPSAM-WHO, is a product of technical discussions from the 3rd International Conference on Health Promotion, held in Sundsvall, Sweden June 9-15, 1991. HELPSAM model summarized, as an instrumental matrix, the basics strategies to create supportive environments for health: policy developments, regulation, reorient organizations, advocacy, and alliances-mediating, enabling and mobilizing empowering. The model was used to identification in field of several social actors potentially involved in the implementation of the four strategies of a intervention proposed to control, at different levels, of the local smoking in a village of ColombiaRESUMEN: El artículo describe parte de los resultados de una tesis de doctorado en la que se aplicaron en la práctica dos modelos teóricos del área de promoción de la salud. Uno de estos modelos, el de análisis estratégico en promoción de salud, es producto de las discusiones técnicas efectuadas en la III conferencia Internacional de Promoción de Salud celebrada en Sundsvall, Suecia en 1991. El MAEPS resume en una matriz instrumental las estrategias descritas en la conferencia como básicas para crear ambientes favorables y de respaldo a la salud: políticas públicas, reglamentación, reorientación organizacional, intermediación y creación de alianzas, facilitación del cambio comportamental, empoderamiento y movilización comunitaria. Las bases conceptuales del empoderamiento y su matriz instrumental se usaron para orientar la identificación de actores sociales potencialmente participantes en la implementación de cuatro estrategias dirigidas a controlar, en distintos niveles de intervención, el tabaquismo en un municipio colombiano de pequeño tamaño

    An embedded 1149.4 extension to support mixed-signal debugging

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    Debugging electronic circuits is traditionally done with bench equipment directly connected to thecircuit under debug. In the digital domain, the difficulties associated with the direct physical access tocircuit nodes led to the inclusion of resources providing support to that activity, first at the printedcircuit level, and then at the integrated circuit level. The experience acquired with those solutions led tothe emergence of dedicated infrastructures for debugging cores at the system-on-chip level. However,all these developments had a small impact in the analog and mixed-signal domain, where debuggingstill depends, to a large extent, on direct physical access to circuit nodes. As a consequence, when analogand mixed-signal circuits are integrated as cores inside a system-on-chip, the difficulties associatedwith debugging increase, which cause the time-to-market and the prototype verification costs to alsoincrease.The present work considers the IEEE1149.4 infrastructure as a means to support the debugging ofmixed-signal circuits, namely to access the circuit nodes and also an embedded debug mechanismnamed mixed-signal condition detector, necessary for watch-/breakpoints and real-time analysisoperations. One of the main advantages associated with the proposed solution is the seamlessmigration to the system-on-chip level, as the access is done through electronic means, thus easingdebugging operations at different hierarchical levels