352 research outputs found

    Application of two phosphorus models with different complexities in a mesoscale river catchment

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    The water balance and phosphorus inputs of surface waters of the Weiße Elster catchment, Germany, have been quantified using the models GROWA/MEPhos and SWAT. A comparison of the model results shows small differences in the mean long-term total runoff for the entire study area. All relevant pathways of phosphorus transport were considered in MEPhos with phosphorus inputs resulting to about 65% from point sources. SWAT focuses on agricultural areas and estimates a phosphorus input of about 60% through erosion. The mean annual phosphorus input from erosion calculated with SWAT is six times higher than the estimation with MEPhos due to the differing model concepts. This shows the uncertainty contributed by the modelling description of phosphorus pathways

    Purification and analytical characterization of an anti- CD4 monoclonal antibody for human therapy

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    A purification process for the monclonal anti-CD4 antibody MAX.16H5 was developed on an analytical scale using (NH&SO, precipitation, anion-exchange chromatography on MonoQ or Q-Sepharose, hydrophobic interaction chromatography on phenyl- Sepharose and gel filtration chromatography on Superdex 200. The purification schedule was scaled up and gram amounts of MAX.16H5 were produced on corresponding BioPilot columns. Studies of the identity, purity and possible contamination by a broad range of methods showed that the product was highly purified and free from contaminants such as mouse DNA, viruses, pyrogens and irritants. Overall, the analytical data confirm that the monoclonal antibody MAX.16H5 prepared by this protocol is suitable for human therapy

    The role of flood wave superposition in the severity of large floods

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    Abstract. The severity of floods is shaped not only by event- and catchment-specific characteristics but also depends on the river network configuration. At the confluence of relevant tributaries with the main river, flood event characteristics may change depending on the magnitude and temporal match of flood waves. This superposition of flood waves may potentially increase the flood severity downstream in the main river. However, this aspect has not been analysed for a large set of river confluences to date. To fill this gap, the role of flood wave superposition in the flood severity at downstream gauges is investigated in four large river basins in Germany and Austria (the Elbe, the Danube, the Rhine and the Weser). A novel methodological approach to analyse flood wave superposition is presented and applied to mean daily discharge data from 37 triple points. A triple point consists of three gauges: one in the tributary as well as one upstream and downstream of the confluence with the main river respectively. At the triple points, differences and similarities in flood wave characteristics between the main river and the tributary are analysed in terms of the temporal match and the magnitudes of flood peaks. At many of the confluences analysed, the tributary peaks consistently arrive earlier than the main river peaks, although high variability in the time lag is generally detected. No large differences in temporal matching are detected for floods of different magnitudes. In the majority of cases, the largest floods at the downstream gauge do not occur due to perfect temporal match between the tributary and the main river. In terms of spatial variability, the impact of flood wave superposition is site-specific. Characteristic patterns of flood wave superposition are detected for flood peaks in the Danube River, where peak discharges largely increase due to inflow from alpine tributaries. Overall, we conclude that the superposition of flood waves is not the driving factor behind flood peak severity at the major confluences in Germany; however, a few confluences show the potential for strong flood magnifications if a temporal shift in flood waves was to occur

    What controls the tail behaviour of flood series: rainfall or runoff generation?

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    Many observed time series of precipitation and streamflow show heavy-tail behaviour. For heavy-tailed distributions, the occurrence of extreme events has a higher probability than for distributions with an exponentially receding tail. If we neglect heavy-tail behaviour we might underestimate the magnitude of rarely observed, high-impact events. Robust estimation of upper-tail behaviour is often hindered by the limited length of observational records. Using long time series and a better understanding of the relevant process controls can help with achieving more robust tail estimations. Here, a simulation-based approach is used to analyse the effect of precipitation and runoff generation characteristics on the upper tail of flood peak distributions. Long, synthetic precipitation time series with different tail behaviour are produced by a stochastic weather generator. These are used to force a conceptual rainfall–runoff model. In addition, catchment characteristics linked to a threshold process in the runoff generation are varied between model runs. We characterize the upper-tail behaviour of the simulated precipitation and discharge time series with the shape parameter of the generalized extreme value (GEV) distribution. Our analysis shows that runoff generation can strongly modulate the tail behaviour of flood peak distributions. In particular, threshold processes in the runoff generation lead to heavier tails. Beyond a certain return period, the influence of catchment processes decreases and the tail of the rainfall distribution asymptotically governs the tail of the flood peak distribution. Beyond which return period this is the case depends on the catchment storage in relation to the mean annual rainfall amount.</p

    Pengaruh Karakteristik Pekerjaan, Kompensasi, Dan Kepuasan Kerja Terhadap Produktivitas Kerja Karyawan Pada CV. Ibu Sri “Tilung” Di Boyolali

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    The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of labor characteristics, compensation, and job satisfaction on employee productivity in CV Ibu Sri Tilung. This study also aims to determine jointly the influence of the three independent variables to the dependent variable. The type of research is quantitative research, with a sample of 35 respondents. Sampling using convinience-purposive sampling technique. Techniques of collecting research data through questionnaires with Likert scale. Data analysis methods used were validity test, reliability test, classical assumption test, and multiple linier regression analysis test. The result showed that both the partial and simultaneous variables influence the characteristics of labor, compensation and job satisfaction have a positive and significant effect on employee work productivity. In the determinant coefficient (R ÂČ), the result is 0.918, it means that the variable of labor characteristics (X1), compensation (X2), and job satisfaction (X3) are able to explain the work productivity (Y) variable of 0.918 or 91.8%, and the rest can be explained variable other outside the research model

    How do changes along the risk chain affect flood risk?

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    Flood risk is impacted by a range of physical and socio-economic processes. Hence, the quantification of flood risk ideally considers the complete flood risk chain, from atmospheric processes through catchment and river system processes to damage mechanisms in the affected areas. Although it is generally accepted that a multitude of changes along the risk chain can occur and impact flood risk, there is a lack of knowledge of how and to what extent changes in influencing factors propagate through the chain and finally affect flood risk. To fill this gap, we present a comprehensive sensitivity analysis which considers changes in all risk components, i.e. changes in climate, catchment, river system, land use, assets, and vulnerability. The application of this framework to the mesoscale Mulde catchment in Germany shows that flood risk can vary dramatically as a consequence of plausible change scenarios. It further reveals that components that have not received much attention, such as changes in dike systems or in vulnerability, may outweigh changes in often investigated components, such as climate. Although the specific results are conditional on the case study area and the selected assumptions, they emphasize the need for a broader consideration of potential drivers of change in a comprehensive way. Hence, our approach contributes to a better understanding of how the different risk components influence the overall flood risk.</p
