514 research outputs found

    A multilevel system of algorithms for detecting and isolating signals in a background of noise

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    Signal information is processed with the help of algorithms, and then on the basis of such processing, a part of the information is subjected to further processing with the help of more precise algorithms. Such a system of algorithms is studied, a comparative evaluation of a series of lower level algorithms is given, and the corresponding algorithms of higher level are characterized

    Steady (robust) conditionally effective estimation of parameters

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    The concept of conditionally-effective estimation which provides optimum estimates for a given criterion in cases of given limitations is examined. The concept has the best accuracy for given limitation on the suitability of the algorithm concerning the deviation of the law governing error distribution from the proposed law. It is concluded that there must be a greater difference between individual algorithms in terms of difficulty, and that for the linear regression problem algorithms based on excluding lost points should be studied

    Algorithm and program for information processing with the filin apparatus

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    The reduction of spectral radiation data from space sources is described. The algorithm and program for identifying segments of information obtained from the Film telescope-spectrometer on the Salyut-4 are presented. The information segments represent suspected X-ray sources. The proposed algorithm is an algorithm of the lowest level. Following evaluation, information free of uninformative segments is subject to further processing with algorithms of a higher level. The language used is FORTRAN 4

    Logical-mathematical Evaluation Model of Blast-furnace Melting Operation

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    The logical-mathematical evaluation model of blast-furnace melting operation is represented. The model provides an opportunity to evaluate the normal operation mode of blast furnace and further deviations from this mode such as overdeveloped gas flows (peripheral and central), violation of thermal melting conditions (hot and cold course of melt), violation of smooth descent of burned materials in the furnace (tight furnace operation, higher and lower suspension of burden). The functional capabilities of developed software are represented. Keywords: blast-furnace production, information logical system, software development, blast-furnace melting operation diagnostic

    Optimal allocation of fuel and energy resources in the complex blast-furnace plants

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    The paper presents the model of optimal allocation of power resources in a blast furnace taking into account the change of smelting parameters. The optimization model allows to predict parameters of injected fuel on separate (at individual, in certain) blast furnaces in various technological situations. At problem formulation and task solution, the model considers the static characteristics describing the influence of changes of melting conditions on overall economic indicators of furnaces, the mathematical description external and internal limitations on operation of some blast furnaces and blast-furnace plant generally. Informational-modelling system optimization of allocation of natural gas in a blast-furnace plant was developed on the presented model. This model includes: input and adjustment of data; calculation module; optimization; output and the assaying of results. The results of comparative assaying of allocation of natural gas on the basis of operation data of the blast-furnace plant of OJSC “Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works ” are achieved. Analysis of the results shows that the optimization model of joint distribution of natural gas and oxygen allows to use effectively the available fuel and energy resources, taking account the technological limitations in the work of individual furnaces as well as a plant in general

    Is diversity good?

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    Prominent ethical and policy issues such as affirmative action and female enrollment in science and engineering revolve around the idea that diversity is good. However, even though diversity is an ambiguous concept, a precise definition is seldom provided. We show that diversity may be construed as a factual description, a craving for symmetry, an intrinsic good, an instrumental good, a symptom, or a side effect. These acceptions differ vastly in their nature and properties. The first one cannot lead to any action and the second one is mistaken. Diversity as intrinsic good is a mere opinion, which cannot be concretely applied; moreover, the most commonly invoked forms of diversity (sexual and racial) are not intrinsically good. On the other hand, diversity as instrumental good can be evaluated empirically and can give rise to policies, but these may be very weak. Finally, symptoms and side effects are not actually about diversity. We consider the example of female enrollment in science and engineering, interpreting the various arguments found in the literature in light of this polysemy. Keywords: ethics, policy, higher education, female students, minority students, affirmative actionComment: 7 page

    Ferromagnetism without flat bands in thin armchair nanoribbons

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    Describing by a Hubbard type of model a thin armchair graphene ribbon in the armchair hexagon chain limit, one shows in exact terms, that even if the system does not have flat bands at all, at low concentration a mesoscopic sample can have ferromagnetic ground state, being metallic in the same time. The mechanism is connected to a common effect of correlations and confinement.Comment: 37 pages, 12 figures, in press at Eur. Phys. Jour.

    Comparative characteristics of the features of the metabolomal profile in patients with and without pelvic organs prolaps

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    The purpose of the study is to investigate the peculiarities of the amino acid composition of blood plasma in patients with POP.Цель исследования - изучить особенности аминокислотного состава плазмы крови у пациенток с пролапсом тазовых органов


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    This paper is devoted to non- destructive technological monitoring of defects of insulation of enameled wires with poliimid polymer. The authors present a statistical method for processing, comparison and analysis of outcomes of measurements of parameters of insulation of enameled wires. A mathematical model of trend for application in active technological monitoring is developed to develop recommendations for parameters of such monitoring. It is theoretically justified and the possibility of a diminution of dependence of an error on the velocity of movement of a wire for want of quantifying defects of enameled insulation using non- destructive tests by high voltage is shown. The dependence of average value of amount of defects for enameled wires with two-sheeted poliimid insulation in a range of nominal diameter 0.56 mm is experimentally determined. The technological monitoring purpose is to reduce quantifying defects of enameled insulation.Представлено результати технологічного контролю напруги пробою ізоляції емаль проводу на основі поліімідного полімеру. Розглянуто застосування статистичного аналізу результатів вимірювання показників контролю за допомогою інтервальної статистичної моделі для використання результатів в активному технологічному контролі. Запропоновано рекомендації щодо практичного використання інтервальної статистичної моделі для визначення гарантованого рівня відносної дисперсії контрольованого параметру. Представлена кількісна оцінка відносної дисперсії δ напруги пробою U впродовж тривалого технологічного циклу. Теоретично показана і вимірюваннями підтверджена можливість надійної кількісної оцінки тенденції зміни дефектності емаль ізоляції для проводу ПЭЭИДХ2 – 200 з двохшаровою поліімідною ізоляцією номінальним діаметром 0,56 мм впродовж тривалого технологічного циклу. Визначення кількісної оцінки тенденції зміни дефектності емаль ізоляції дозволяє також виділити і кількісно оцінити випадкову похибку технологічного процесу – сумарну похибку результатів технологічного контролю, яка є кількісною характеристикою випадкової складової стабільності технологічного процесу. Застосування методів інтервальної статистики дозволяє одержувати достовірні (надійна ймовірність дорівнює одиниці) числові оцінки навіть для окремої серії невеликої кількості вимірів, до яких не ставлять вимоги ні статистичної сталості, ні взаємної незалежності.