212 research outputs found

    MegkerĂĽlhetetlen-e Heidegger?

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    Confusing Present. Teaching (French) Literature in Silicon Valley

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    What many of my students seem to be looking for – and indeed find – in literary texts is a sphere of concreteness that they can hold on to within their universe of randomness. I also have the impression that these students, in their reflections triggered by literary texts, often arrive at a situation of individual and collective contemplation. This word describes much more appropriately what we are doing when we work through literary texts than the concept of “research” that is so tainted (and even haunted) by a problematic analogy with the sciences

    Interpretation Versus Understanding Systems

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    Is there anything wrong with violence? About the Beauty of Rugby and American Football

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    O elemento estético atrativo singular do Rúgbi, sem dúvida, é o movimento da linha dianteira avançando, várias vezes, e o amontoar-se de um lado para outro do campo. Esse mesmo belo movimento não pode, é claro, tornar-se sublimidade se não surgisse perante uma ameaça da violência e da entropia incorporada pela defesa do outro time

    Fichier créativité

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    Cet article, rédigé sous la forme d’un fichier, présente quelques réflexions sur le thème de la créativité sous les rubriques suivantes : Art, Bouvard et Pécuchet, Concetto, Contingence, Creatio ex nihilo, Créativité, Démocratisation, Élites, Enfants, Fichier, Folie, Génie, Imagination, Innovation, Makramé, Originalité, Paradoxe, Pédagogie, Pénible, Postmoderne, Problème, Subjectivité, Tautologie, Temporalité, Vaches, Yuppies

    Primeira ConferĂŞncia

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    O futuro da leitura? Recordações e Pensamentos por uma Abordagem Genealógica

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    Tradução do texto “The Future of Reading? Memories and Thoughts toward a Genealogical Approach”, de Hans Ulrich Gumbrecht, publicado na revista boundary 2 an international jornal of literature and culture, volume 41, número 3, 2014, p. 99–11

    Segunda ConferĂŞncia

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    Un géant bizarre: Réfléchir sur le rugby

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    Traduit de l'allemand par Joris Lehnert
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