106 research outputs found

    Global linear stability analysis of kinetic Trapped Ion Mode (TIM) turbulence in tokamak plasma using spectral method

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    Trapped ion modes (TIM) which belong to the family of ion temperature gradient (ITG) modes, is one of the important ingredients in heat turbulent transport at the ion scale in tokamak plasmas. It is essential to properly estimate their linear growth rate to understand their influence on ion-scale turbulent transport. A global linear analysis of a reduced gyro-bounce kinetic model for trapped particle modes is performed, and a spectral method is proposed to solve the dispersion relation. Importantly, the radial profile of the particle drift velocity is taken into account in the linear analysis by considering the exact magnetic flux {\psi} dependency of the equilibrium Hamiltonian H_{eq}({\psi}) in the quasi-neutrality equation and equilibrium gyro-bounce averaged distribution function F_{eq} . Using this spectral method, linear growth-rates of TIM instability in presence of different temperature profiles and precession frequencies of trapped ions, with an approximated constant Hamiltonian and the exact {\psi} dependent equilibrium Hamiltonian, are investigated. The growth-rate depends on the logarithmic gradient of temperature \kappa_{T} , density \kappa_{n} and equilibrium Hamiltonian \kappa_{\Lambda} . With the exact {\psi} dependent Hamiltonian, the growth rates and potential profiles are modified significantly, compared to the cases with approximated constant Hamiltonian. All the results from the global linear analysis agree with a semi-Lagrangian based linear Vlasov solver with a good accuracy. This spectral method is very fast and requires very less computation resources compared to a linear version of Vlasov-solver based on a semi-Lagrangian scheme

    What controls the isotopic composition of Greenland surface snow?

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    International audienceWater stable isotopes in Greenland ice core data provide key paleoclimatic information, and have been compared with precipitation isotopic composition simulated by isotopically enabled atmospheric models. However, post-depositional processes linked with snow metamorphism remain poorly documented. For this purpose, monitoring of the isotopic composition (d18O, dD) of near-surface water vapor, precipitation and samples of the top (0.5 cm) snow surface has been conducted during two summers (2011-2012) at NEEM, NW Greenland. The samples also include a subset of 17O-excess measurements over 4 days, and the measurements span the 2012 Greenland heat wave. Our observations are consistent with calculations assuming isotopic equilibrium between surface snow and water vapor. We observe a strong correlation between near-surface vapor d18O and air temperature (0.85 ± 0.11‰ °C-1 (R = 0.76) for 2012). The correlation with air temperature is not observed in precipitation data or surface snow data. Deuterium excess (d-excess) is strongly anti-correlated with d18O with a stronger slope for vapor than for precipitation and snow surface data. During nine 1-5-day periods between precipitation events, our data demonstrate parallel changes of d18O and d-excess in surface snow and near-surface vapor. The changes in d18O of the vapor are similar or larger than those of the snow d18O. It is estimated using the CROCUS snow model that 6 to 20% of the surface snow mass is exchanged with the atmosphere. In our data, the sign of surface snow isotopic changes is not related to the sign or magnitude of sublimation or deposition. Comparisons with atmospheric models show that day-to-day variations in near-surface vapor isotopic composition are driven by synoptic variations and changes in air mass trajectories and distillation histories. We suggest that, in between precipitation events, changes in the surface snow isotopic composition are driven by these changes in near-surface vapor isotopic composition. This is consistent with an estimated 60% mass turnover of surface snow per day driven by snow recrystallization processes under NEEM summer surface snow temperature gradients. Our findings have implications for ice core data interpretation and model-data comparisons, and call for further process studies. © Author(s) 2014

    High spatial resolution imaging of methane and other trace gases with the airborne Hyperspectral Thermal Emission Spectrometer (HyTES)

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    Currently large uncertainties exist associated with the attribution and quantification of fugitive emissions of criteria pollutants and greenhouse gases such as methane across large regions and key economic sectors. In this study, data from the airborne Hyperspectral Thermal Emission Spectrometer (HyTES) have been used to develop robust and reliable techniques for the detection and wide-area mapping of emission plumes of methane and other atmospheric trace gas species over challenging and diverse environmental conditions with high spatial resolution that permits direct attribution to sources. HyTES is a pushbroom imaging spectrometer with high spectral resolution (256 bands from 7.5 to 12 µm), wide swath (1–2 km), and high spatial resolution (∼ 2 m at 1 km altitude) that incorporates new thermal infrared (TIR) remote sensing technologies. In this study we introduce a hybrid clutter matched filter (CMF) and plume dilation algorithm applied to HyTES observations to efficiently detect and characterize the spatial structures of individual plumes of CH4, H2S, NH3, NO2, and SO2 emitters. The sensitivity and field of regard of HyTES allows rapid and frequent airborne surveys of large areas including facilities not readily accessible from the surface. The HyTES CMF algorithm produces plume intensity images of methane and other gases from strong emission sources. The combination of high spatial resolution and multi-species imaging capability provides source attribution in complex environments. The CMF-based detection of strong emission sources over large areas is a fast and powerful tool needed to focus on more computationally intensive retrieval algorithms to quantify emissions with error estimates, and is useful for expediting mitigation efforts and addressing critical science questions

    Using continuous measurements of near-surface atmospheric water vapour isotopes to document snow-air interactions

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    Water stable isotope data from Greenland ice cores provide key paleoclimatic information. However, postdepositional processes linked with snow metamorphism remain poorly documented. For this purpose, a monitoring of the isotopic composition δ18O and δD at several height levels (up to 13 meter) of near-surface water vapor, precipitation and snow in the first 0.5 cm from the surface has been conducted during three summers (2010-2012) at NEEM, NW Greenland. We observe a clear diurnal cycle in both the value and gradient of the isotopic composition of the water vapor above the snow surface. The diurnal amplitude in δD is found to be ~15‰. The diurnal isotopic composition follows the absolute humidity cycle. This indicates a large flux of vapor from the snow surface to the atmosphere during the daily warming and reverse flux during the daily cooling. The isotopic measurements of the flux of water vapor above the snow give new insights into the post depositional processes of the isotopic composition of the snow. During nine 1-5 days periods between precipitation events, our data demonstrate parallel changes of δ18O and d-excess in surface snow and near-surface vapor. The changes in δ18O of the vapor are similar or larger than those of the snow δ18O. It is estimated using the CROCUS snow model that 6 to 20% of the surface snow mass is exchanged with the atmosphere. In our data, the sign of surface snow isotopic changes is not related to the sign or magnitude of sublimation or deposition. Comparisons with atmospheric models show that day-to-day variations in near-surface vapor isotopic composition are driven by synoptic variations and changes in air mass trajectories and distillation histories. We suggest that, in-between precipitation events, changes in the surface snow isotopic composition are driven by these changes in near-surface vapor isotopic composition. This is consistent with an estimated 60% mass turnover of surface snow per day driven by snow recrystallization processes associated with temperature gradients near the snow surface. Our findings have implications for ice core data interpretation and model-data comparisons, and call for further process studies

    Rerandomizable Signatures under Standard Assumption

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    The Camenisch-Lysyanskaya rerandomizable signature (CL-RRS) scheme is an important tool in the construction of privacy preserving protocols. One of the limitations of CL-RRS is that the signature size is linear in the number of messages to be signed. In 2016, Pointcheval-Sanders introduced a variant of rerandomizable signature (PS-RRS) scheme which removes the above limitation. However, the security of PS-RRS scheme was proved under an interactive assumption. In 2018, Pointcheval-Sanders improved this to give a reduction under a parameterized assumption. In 2012, Gerbush et al.\ introduced the dual-form signature technique to remove the dependency on interactive/parameterized assumption. They applied this technique on the CL-RRS scheme (for single message) and proved its unforgeability under static assumptions instead of the interactive assumption used in the original work but in the symmetric composite-order pairing setting. In this work, we realize a fully rerandomizable signature scheme in the prime order setting without random oracle based on the SXDH assumption. The signature structure is derived from Ghadafi\u27s structure-preserving signature. We first apply the dual-form signature technique to obtain a composite-order variant, called \texttt{RRSc}. A signature in \texttt{RRSc} consists of only two group elements and is thus independent of the message block length. The security of the proposed scheme is based on subgroup hiding assumptions. Then we use the dual pairing vector space framework to obtain a prime-order variant called \texttt{RRS} and prove its security under the SXDH assumption

    Adaptively Simulation-Secure Attribute-Hiding Predicate Encryption

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    This paper demonstrates how to achieve simulation-based strong attribute hiding against adaptive adversaries for predicate encryption (PE) schemes supporting expressive predicate families under standard computational assumptions in bilinear groups. Our main result is a simulation-based adaptively strongly partially-hiding PE (PHPE) scheme for predicates computing arithmetic branching programs (ABP) on public attributes, followed by an inner-product predicate on private attributes. This simultaneously generalizes attribute-based encryption (ABE) for boolean formulas and ABP’s as well as strongly attribute-hiding PE schemes for inner products. The proposed scheme is proven secure for any a priori bounded number of ciphertexts and an unbounded (polynomial) number of decryption keys, which is the best possible in the simulation-based adaptive security framework. This directly implies that our construction also achieves indistinguishability-based strongly partially-hiding security against adversaries requesting an unbounded (polynomial) number of ciphertexts and decryption keys. The security of the proposed scheme is derived under (asymmetric version of) the well-studied decisional linear (DLIN) assumption. Our work resolves an open problem posed by Wee in TCC 2017, where his result was limited to the semi-adaptive setting. Moreover, our result advances the current state of the art in both the fields of simulation-based and indistinguishability-based strongly attribute-hiding PE schemes. Our main technical contribution lies in extending the strong attribute hiding methodology of Okamoto and Takashima [EUROCRYPT 2012, ASIACRYPT 2012] to the framework of simulation-based security and beyond inner products

    Asymptotic complexities of discrete logarithm algorithms in pairing-relevant finite fields

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    International audienceWe study the discrete logarithm problem at the boundary case between small and medium characteristic finite fields, which is precisely the area where finite fields used in pairing-based cryptosystems live. In order to evaluate the security of pairing-based protocols, we thoroughly analyze the complexity of all the algorithms that coexist at this boundary case: the Quasi-Polynomial algorithms, the Number Field Sieve and its many variants, and the Function Field Sieve. We adapt the latter to the particular case where the extension degree is composite, and show how to lower the complexity by working in a shifted function field. All this study finally allows us to give precise values for the characteristic asymptotically achieving the highest security level for pairings. Surprisingly enough, there exist special characteristics that are as secure as general ones