783 research outputs found

    First report of Delphastus quinculus Gordon and Diomus seminulus (Mulsant) (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) feeding on eggs and first-instar nymphs of Crypticerya multicicatrices Kondo and Unruh (Hemiptera: Monophlebidae)

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    Delphastus quinculus Gordon and Diomus seminulus (Mulsant) (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) are reported for the first time feeding on eggs and first-instar nymphs of Crypticerya multicicatrices Kondo and Unruh (Hemiptera: Monophlebidae). Diagnosis and illustrations are provided for both species. Updated information on their biology, hosts and geographical distribution is also provided.Se reportan a Delphastus quinculus Gordon y Diomus seminulus (Mulsant) (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) por primera vez como depredadores de huevos y ninfas del primer instar de Crypticerya multicicatrices Kondo and Unruh (Hemiptera: Monophlebidae). Las dos especies de coccinélidos se diagnostican y se ilustran en detalle. Se provee también información actualizada sobre sus biologías, hospederos y distribución geográfica

    Diseño de la estrategia de mercadeo para laboratorios Isabelle S.A.S. a partir de los resultados de la investigación de mercados

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    91 Páginas.Esta investigación se basa en el análisis y seguimiento al proceso comercial que actualmente implementa LABORATORIOS ISABELLE S.A.S. El concepto de Estrategia de mercadeo es utilizado en las compañías con el fin de incrementar las ventas para mantener unos ingresos que le permita a la compañía sobrevivir en el mercado. Las organizaciones asimilan que implementar una promoción de ventas es sinónimo de estrategia de mercadeo exitosa, pero para ser exitosos la estrategia debe ser resultado de un plan de mercadeo y esto se logra con plena disposición de cada individuo integrante de la compañía y que conformen un conjunto de personas con atributos humanos y contribución los cuales se dirijan hacia un mismo foco, debe ser una visión compartida

    The Emotional Intelligence of Senior Executives and their Effect on Products Innovation and on Processes Innovation

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    Abstract: The main aim of this empirical research is to prove that the Emotional Intelligence of senior executives exerts a direct and positive effect upon the Innovation within the different enterprises. The study has been managed to a total figure of 139 senior executives belonging to Spanish Companies from a vast wide range of activities and whose have answered a survey of 22 items. In addition to validating the conceptual model, the outcome from this empirical analysis applying the Structural Equation Model have confirmed the “ Starting hypothesis”: “The Emotional Intelligence of Senior Executives exert a direct and positive effect upon products innovation and upon processes innovation within the companies.El objetivo de este estudio es demostrar empíricamente que la Inteligencia Emocional de los gerentes ejerce un efecto directo y positivo en la Innovación de las empresas, concretamente, en la innovación de productos y procesos. La investigación se ha dirigido a un total de 139 gerentes pertenecientes a empresas españolas de diferentes sectores de actividad, quienes han respondido un cuestionario de 22 items. Los resultados del análisis empírico aplicando el Modelo de Ecuaciones Estructurales, además de validar el modelo conceptual propuesto han confirmado las hipótesis de partida: la Inteligencia Emocional de los Gerentes ejerce un efecto positivo y directo en la innovación de productos y procesos de las empresas

    Understanding the impact of internal marketing practices on both employees ' and managers ' organizational commitment in elderly care homes

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    – The purpose of this paper is to unfold the relationship between the antecedents of employee and manager commitment, using internal marketing (IM) practices, in elderly care homes. Design/methodology/approach – Based on survey data drawn from elderly care homes in Finland, the authors tested several literature driven hypotheses of how IM practices (internal value exchange, internal communication and training) relate with employee and manager commitment. Hence, the authors compare the organizational commitment of two groups. Additionally, the authors tested the moderating role of public residence on these relationships. Findings – The study revealed that there are differences in the antecedents to employee and manager commitment in terms of internal value exchange. This is an important extension to the literature of employee and management commitment in which the antecedents to management commitment, especially, are under-investigated, and where the relationship between the antecedents of the two types of commitment are not studied. Practical implications – While different emphases on IM programs for employees and managers must be implemented in order to re-create work environments that could lead to improved service provision, the authors suggest that facilitating open and honest communication and exchanging values in care homes is a crucial step for improving service quality and employee and manager retention. Originality/value – This study has high value to both the literature and practice as high-service quality can be provided when both employee’s and manager’s commitments are in place, and without understanding the differing antecedents and their relationships, it is hard to establish both types of commitment in an organization. The authors believe that this new insight is useful in improving the service quality and employee and manager retention of organizations

    La autodepuración en arroyos de planicie puede interrumpirse por el ingreso de desechos vitivinícolas según el biomonitoreo con macroinvertebrados

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    Many streams of Uruguay suffer eutrophication and physical pollution due to intensive farming. The Colorado stream, in the coastal plain of the Rio de la Plata, is a particular case, which also receives winery debris. Macroinvertebrates give comprehensive information status of aquatic systems. Goals. To assess the overall environmental quality of the river Colorado, both water quality and the habitat and macroinvertebrate fauna was studied. Methods. Six sites were sampled: two on the Colorado stream and two on each headwater: Benitez and Rocha creeks. Results. Benitez creek receives effluents from wineries and presented high conductivity and low oxygen concentration. Rocha creek instead shows higher levels of nutrients and lower conductivity. We identified 787 invertebrates belonging to 3 orders of crustaceans and 6 of insects, 2 families of Diptera, 7 of molluscs and 2 of annelids. In Rocha creek taxonomic richness was below average. The study sites downstream in Rocha creek and Colorado river had richer and more equilibrated communities indicating a possible recovery. Conclusions. In all sites tolerant species to organic pollution dominated. Rocha creek suffers eutrophication, but still has some self-purification capacity downstream, while Benitez creek deteriorates perhaps from impact of wineries, which remains until it meets the Rocha creek, interrupting the recovery process.Muchos arroyos de Uruguay sufren el impacto de la eutrofización, así como alteraciones físicas, debido a la intensa actividad agropecuaria. Un caso especial es el del arroyo Colorado, localizado en la planicie costera del Río de la Plata, que también recibe desechos vitivinícolas. Los macroinvertebrados ofrecen información del estado integral de los sistemas acuáticos. Objetivos. Para evaluar la calidad ambiental integral del arroyo Colorado, se estudió tanto la calidad del agua como la del hábitat y la fauna de macroinvertebrados. Métodos. Se muestrearon seis sitios: dos en el arroyo Colorado y dos en sus nacientes, además de las cañadas Benítez y Rocha. Resultados. La cañada Benítez recibe efluentes de bodegas y presentó alta conductividad y poco oxígeno disuelto. La cañada Rocha, en cambio, mostró mayores niveles de nutrientes y menor conductividad. En total, se identificaron 787 invertebrados pertenecientes a 3 órdenes de crustáceos y 6 de insectos, 2 familias de dípteros, 7 de moluscos y 2 de anélidos. En la cañada Rocha la riqueza estuvo por debajo del promedio. Los sitios aguas abajo de la cañada Rocha y del arroyo Colorado presentaron comunidades más ricas y equilibradas, lo que indica una posible recuperación. Conclusiones. En los seis sitios dominaron especies de macroinvertebrados tolerantes a la contaminación orgánica. La cañada Rocha sufre eutrofización, pero aguas abajo presenta aún cierta capacidad de autodepuración, mientras que la cañada Benítez se deteriora tal vez por impacto de las bodegas; el deterioro se mantiene al reunirse con la cañada Rocha, lo cual interrumpe su recuperación

    Mean body size estimation in large mammals and the computation of biomass in past ecosystems: An application to the Pleistocene sites of Orce and Sierra de Atapuerca (Spain)

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    Estimates of adult body mass are usually considered as equivalent of mean population body size in most studies of ancient mammals. However, given that any population is composed in part of subadult individuals, this approach overestimates the mean population body mass and biomass. For this reason, more realistic estimates of mean population body mass should be used. In this paper, we: 1) test five different proxies of population mean mass; and 2) estimate the total prey biomass in the paleoecosystems from the Orce and Atapuerca sites as an approach for estimating their carrying capacity. Our results for past ecosystems support the use of survival profiles derived from the Weibull model (SPW), as they show values in better agreement with those of extant populations. They also estimate higher carrying capacities for the faunal assemblages of Orce than for those of Atapuerca. We suggest that the environmental conditions of Orce could have played an important role in the first peopling of Europe

    La ética como generadora de confianza y crecimiento en tiempos de crisis en las PYME del sector TIC de Madrid

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    Spanish SMEs production systems have been mostly based on rigid management models that have a little relationship with employee´s moral values, because the feeling that these aspects had no influence or direct contribution into productivity results. In crisis times, not only in the economical aspect but also in terms of moral weakness values, such as the one that Spain is living, it is demanded by Groups of Interest (society, customers, workforce…) substantial changes in the way that companies operate, giving special attention to ethic and morality in terms of decision making. A good performance in business activity basing its decisions on strong moral principles, is not only compatible, but also through this ethical-productivity binomial could be generated a trust atmosphere that becomes an invaluable asset for the company. The application of a proper business culture that prioritizes ethical and moral behavior of their workforce, can help to the achievement of significant economic results, specially in the business network made up by SMEs (Small and Medium Enterprises) in the Information Technologies and Communication Technologies sector (ICT) of strategic value for a economic country development. Los sistemas empresariales de las PYME españolas mayoritariamente se han basado en rígidos modelos productivos que poco o nada han tenido en cuenta parcelas relacionadas con la Ética o los valores morales de sus trabajadores, ya que se consideraba que éstos no tenían una influencia ni aporte directo a la mejora ni crecimiento de la productividad empresarial. En momentos de crisis, no solo económica sino de valores como el que se vive en España, cada vez más se van demandando por parte de los grupos de interés (sociedad, trabajadores, accionistas, clientes, proveedores…) cambios sustanciales en el modo de operar de las empresas, otorgando mayor valor a la ética y moral a la hora de la toma de decisiones. El desempeño de una buena actividad económica que base sus decisiones en sólidos principios morales, no sólo es compatible, sino que a través de este binomio ética-productividad se puede generar un ambiente de confianza que se convierte en un activo de incalculable valor para la empresa. La aplicación de una Cultura empresarial apropiada que priorice los comportamientos Éticos y morales de sus trabajadores, podría ayudar a lograr mejoras significativas en los resultados económicos, especialmente en lo concerniente al tejido empresarial constituido por PYME del sector de las Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación (TIC), de importancia estratégica para el desarrollo económico de un país.  ABSTRACT Spanish SMEs production systems have been mostly based on rigid management models that have a little relationship with employee´s moral values, because the feeling that these aspects had no influence or direct contribution into productivity results. In crisis times, not only in the economical aspect but also in terms of moral weakness values, such as the one that Spain is living, it is demanded by Groups of Interest (society, customers, workforce…) substantial changes in the way that companies operate, giving special attention to ethic and morality in terms of decision making. A good performance in business activity basing its decisions on strong moral principles, is not only compatible, but also through this ethical-productivity binomial could be generated a trust atmosphere that becomes an invaluable asset for the company. The application of a proper business culture that prioritizes ethical and moral behavior of their workforce, can help to the achievement of significant economic results, specially in the business network made up by SMEs (Small and Medium Enterprises) in the Information Technologies and Communication Technologies sector (ICT) of strategic value for a economic country development.&nbsp

    Caracterización de la respuesta ovárica a la superovulación en bovino Criollo Coreño utilizando dosis reducidas de FSH

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    To evaluate the ovarian response to superovulation using reduced doses of FSH in Criollo Coreño cattle two experiments were conducted at the Experimental Station “El Verdineño” (INIFAP) located in Nayarit, México. Twelve (12) cows of 12.4 ± 2.9 yr old (Exp 1) and six heifers of 3.0 ± 0.3 yr old (Exp 2) were used. Three treatments were assigned to each female consisting of 280 mg (T1), 200 mg (T2) and 140 mg (T3) of FSH, so that all females received all treatments. The response variables were transferable embryos (ET), corpuscles retrieved (CR) = (embryos+non fertilized ova), degenerated embryos (ENT), number of corpora lutea (CL), non-fertilized ova (ONF), ovarian volume (VO), serum progesterone (P4), fertilization rate (%F) = ((ET+ENT)*100)/CR) and percent recovery (%R)=CL*100/CR. A cross-over balanced experimental design was used. Analyses were carried out with the GLM procedure of SAS. The statistical model included the fixed effects of treatment (T1, T2 and T3), animal (twelve or six) and period (three periods). In Exp 1 differences among treatments (P0.05) among treatments for ET, ENT, CL, VO, P4, %F or %R. In Exp 2 no differences were detected (P>0.05) among treatments for any of the variables. It is feasible to use reduced doses of FSH for the superovulation of Criollo Coreño heifers without affecting the response to superovulation or to embryo production. Para evaluar la respuesta ovárica a la superovulación con dosis reducidas de la hormona folículo estimulante (FSH) en bovinos Criollo Coreño, se realizaron dos experimentos en el Sitio Experimental El Verdineño del INIFAP ubicado en Nayarit, México. Se utilizaron 12 vacas de 12.4 ± 2.9 años (Exp 1) y seis vaquillas de 3.0 ± 0.3 años (Exp 2). Se aplicaron tres tratamientos a cada hembra: 280 mg (T1), 200 mg (T2) y 140 mg (T3) de FSH. Las variables evaluadas fueron número de embriones transferibles (ET), número de corpúsculos recuperados (CR)=(embriones + óvulos no fertilizados), número de embriones no transferibles (ENT), número de cuerpos lúteos (CL), número de óvulos no fertilizados (ONF), volumen ovárico (VO), concentración sérica de progesterona (P4), porcentaje de fertilización (%F)=((ET+ENT)*100)/CR) y porcentaje de recuperación (%R)=CL*100/CR. Se utilizó un diseño experimental crossover simple balanceado. La información se analizó con el procedimiento GLM de SAS. El modelo estadístico incluyó los efectos de tratamiento (T1, T2 y T3), vaquilla/vaca (6 y 12) y período (3 períodos). En el Exp 1 se detectaron diferencias (P0.05) entre tratamientos para ET, ENT, CL, VO, P4, %F o %R. En el Exp 2 no se detectaron diferencias (P>0.05) entre tratamientos para ninguna de las variables. Es factible utilizar dosis reducidas de FSH para la superovulación en vaquillas Criollo Coreño sin afectar la respuesta a la superovulación o la producción de embriones.