256 research outputs found

    Nutraceutical effects of organic Selenium and vitamin E supplementation on performance, antioxidant protection and egg quality of Japanese quails (Coturnix japonica)

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    This study evaluated the nutraceutical effects of organic Selenium and vitamin E supplementation on performance, egg quality and antioxidant protection of Japanese quails. Forty-two posture cages with six birds each were randomly set in seven treatments. Each treatment consisted of the addition of 200 IU of vitamin E/kg of feed and increasing levels of organic Selenium. Significant differences were found in α-Tocopherol deposition, enzymatic activity of glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px) and oxidative bioindicator malondialdehyde (MDA) in egg yolk with vitamin E supplementation. We concluded that supplementing 200mg of vitamin E and 0.30 ppm organic Selenium did not affect bird performance, but improved egg quality and shelf life. Highlights: This study evaluated the nutraceutical effects of organic selenium and vitamin E supplementation on egg quality of Japanese quails. Forty-two posture cages with six birds each were randomly set in seven treatments. Each treatment consisted of the addition of 200 IU of vitamin E/kg of feed and increasing levels of organic selenium. Supplementing 200mg of vitamin E and 0.30 ppm organic selenium did not affect bird performance, but improved egg quality and shelf life.This study evaluated the nutraceutical effects of organic Selenium and vitamin E supplementation on performance, egg quality and antioxidant protection of Japanese quails. Forty-two posture cages with six birds each were randomly set in seven treatments. Each treatment consisted of the addition of 200 IU of vitamin E/kg of feed and increasing levels of organic Selenium. Significant differences were found in α-Tocopherol deposition, enzymatic activity of glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px) and oxidative bioindicator malondialdehyde (MDA) in egg yolk with vitamin E supplementation. We concluded that supplementing 200mg of vitamin E and 0.30 ppm organic Selenium did not affect bird performance, but improved egg quality and shelf life. Highlights: This study evaluated the nutraceutical effects of organic selenium and vitamin E supplementation on egg quality of Japanese quails. Forty-two posture cages with six birds each were randomly set in seven treatments. Each treatment consisted of the addition of 200 IU of vitamin E/kg of feed and increasing levels of organic selenium. Supplementing 200mg of vitamin E and 0.30 ppm organic selenium did not affect bird performance, but improved egg quality and shelf life

    PIBID educação física: conhecimento dos estudantes do ensino fundamental sobre o programa mais educação

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    Anais do II Seminário Seminário Estadual PIBID do Paraná: tecendo saberes / organizado por Dulcyene Maria Ribeiro e Catarina Costa Fernandes — Foz do Iguaçu: Unioeste; Unila, 2014O Programa Institucional de Bolsas de Iniciação à Docência (PIBID) proporciona a vivência dos futuros professores no ambiente escolar. Com a inserção dos bolsistas do PIBID do Curso de Licenciatura em Educação Física da Universidade Estadual de Londrina no desenvolvimento do Programa “Mais Educação” em uma Escola da rede Estadual de ensino da cidade de Londrina/PR, no Macro Campo de Esporte/Lazer (oficina Brinquedoteca). Tivemos por objetivo a partir de uma coleta de dados para verificar qual o conhecimento que os estudantes possuem sobre o Programa Mais Educação. A partir dos resultados concluímos que os alunos da escola não têm um conhecimento concreto ou possuem apenas conhecimentos parciais sobre o Programa, apesar de citarem vários aspectos que representam características relacionadas ao Programa Mais Educaçã

    Neurosurgical Tools to Improve Safety and Survival in Patients with Intracranial Tumors: Neuronavigation, MRI, and 5-ALA

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    This chapter describes the usefulness of surgical technologies such as intraoperative MRI, 5-ALA fluorescence-guided surgery, and neuronavigation as tools to make brain tumor resections safer and more effective. The focuses are practical aspects and the relevant literature regarding the impact of their use in avoidance of complications, improvement in survival rates, and some tips and tricks acquired in the experience of our department. All three strategies have an important role in neuro-oncological surgery. The future probably will prove that the combination of these tools, selected case by case, is the best way to achieve the best results regarding safety and effectiveness

    Progression of cardiovascular manifestations in adults and children with mucopolysaccharidoses with and without enzyme replacement therapy

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    Background: Cardiovascular involvement is among the main features of MPS disorders and it is also a significant cause of morbidity and mortality. The range of manifestations includes cardiac valve disease, conduction abnormalities, left ventricular hypertrophy, and coronary artery disease. Here, we assessed the cardiovascular manifestations in a cohort of children and adults with MPS I, II, IV, and VI, as well as the impact of enzyme replacement therapy (ERT) on those manifestations. Methods: We performed a chart review of 53 children and 23 adults with different types of MPS that had performed echocardiograms from January 2000 until October 2018. Standardized Z scores were obtained for heart chamber sizes according to the body surface area. When available, echocardiographic measurements that were performed before ERT and at least 18 months after that date were used for the assessment of pre- and post-treatment parameters. Results: Left side valvular disease was a frequent finding, with mitral and aortic thickening being reported in most patients in all four MPS types. Left atrium dilatation was present in 26% of the patients; 25% had increased relative wall thickness; 28% had pulmonary hypertension. The cardiovascular involvement was, in general, more prevalent and more severe in adults than in children, including conduction disorders (40 vs. 16%), mitral stenosis (26 vs. 6%), aortic stenosis (13 vs. 4%), and systolic dysfunction (observed in only one adult patient). ERT promoted a significant reduction of the left ventricular hypertrophy parameters, but failed to improve valve abnormalities, pulmonary hypertension, and left atrial dilatation. Conclusions: Adult patients with MPS may develop severe cardiovascular involvement, not commonly observed in children, and clinicians should be aware of the need for careful monitoring and timely management of those potentially life-threatening complications. Our results also confirm the impact of long-term ERT on left ventricular hypertrophy and its limitations in reversing other prevalent cardiovascular manifestations

    Educação matemática realística: uma abordagem teórico-metodológica para o ensino de matemática nas escolas do campo

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    ABSTRACT. The movement for a Rural Education still lacks investigations of methodological theoretical assumptions for the didactic field, based on the study of teaching practices that consider the object of knowledge and, at the same time, value the realistic/contextual aspect in which the student is inserted. From this perspective, we investigate the methodological theoretical implications of the theory of Realistic Mathematical Education (EMR) for the teaching of mathematics in the countryside school. Based on a qualitative methodological approach, a hypothetical learning path was elaborated based on the principles of EMR related to the teaching of analytical geometry, from the practice of soil modeling in passion fruit (passiflora edulis) cultivation. Our results point to the EMR as a promising methodological theoretical approach of didactic exploration to the countryside context capable of promoting formal reasoning, concepts in realistic situations, appropriation of mathematical language and potential for the development of concepts in the field of Cartesian geometry.ABSTRACT. The movement for a Rural Education still lacks investigations of methodological theoretical assumptions for the didactic field, based on the study of teaching practices that consider the object of knowledge and, at the same time, value the realistic/contextual aspect in which the student is inserted. From this perspective, we investigate the methodological theoretical implications of the theory of Realistic Mathematical Education (EMR) for the teaching of mathematics in the countryside school. Based on a qualitative methodological approach, a hypothetical learning path was elaborated based on the principles of EMR related to the teaching of analytical geometry, from the practice of soil modeling in passion fruit (passiflora edulis) cultivation. Our results point to the EMR as a promising methodological theoretical approach of didactic exploration to the countryside context capable of promoting formal reasoning, concepts in realistic situations, appropriation of mathematical language and potential for the development of concepts in the field of Cartesian geometry.ABSTRACT. The movement for a Rural Education still lacks investigations of methodological theoretical assumptions for the didactic field, based on the study of teaching practices that consider the object of knowledge and, at the same time, value the realistic/contextual aspect in which the student is inserted. From this perspective, we investigate the methodological theoretical implications of the theory of Realistic Mathematical Education (EMR) for the teaching of mathematics in the countryside school. Based on a qualitative methodological approach, a hypothetical learning path was elaborated based on the principles of EMR related to the teaching of analytical geometry, from the practice of soil modeling in passion fruit (passiflora edulis) cultivation. Our results point to the EMR as a promising methodological theoretical approach of didactic exploration to the countryside context capable of promoting formal reasoning, concepts in realistic situations, appropriation of mathematical language and potential for the development of concepts in the field of Cartesian geometry.O movimento por uma Educação do Campo ainda carece de investigações de pressupostos teórico-metodológicos para o campo didático, pautadas no estudo de práticas de ensino que considerem o objeto de conhecimento e, ao mesmo tempo, valorize o aspecto realístico/contextual onde o aluno está inserido. Nessa perspectiva, investigamos as implicações teórico-metodológicas da teoria da Educação Matemática Realística (EMR) para o ensino de matemática na escola do campo. Baseados em uma abordagem metodológica qualitativa, elaborou-se uma trajetória hipotética de aprendizagem fundamentada nos princípios da EMR relacionada ao ensino de geometria analítica, a partir da prática de gabaritagem de terra no cultivo do Maracujá (passiflora edulis). Nossos resultados apontam a EMR como uma via teórico-metodológica promissora de exploração didática para o contexto do campo capaz de promover raciocínios formais, conceitos em situações realísticas, apropriação de linguagem matemática e potencial para o desenvolvimento de conceitos no ramo da geometria cartesiana. Palavras-chave: Educação Matemática Realística, Modelos Emergentes, Geometria Analítica, Escola Rural. Educação do Campo.   Realistic Mathematic Education: a theoretical- methodological approach to the teaching of mathematics in countryside schools                     ABSTRACT. The movement for a Rural Education still lacks investigations of methodological theoretical assumptions for the didactic field, based on the study of teaching practices that consider the object of knowledge and, at the same time, value the realistic/contextual aspect in which the student is inserted. From this perspective, we investigate the methodological theoretical implications of the theory of Realistic Mathematical Education (EMR) for the teaching of mathematics in the countryside school. Based on a qualitative methodological approach, a hypothetical learning path was elaborated based on the principles of EMR related to the teaching of analytical geometry, from the practice of soil modeling in passion fruit (passiflora edulis) cultivation. Our results point to the EMR as a promising methodological theoretical approach of didactic exploration to the countryside context capable of promoting formal reasoning, concepts in realistic situations, appropriation of mathematical language and potential for the development of concepts in the field of Cartesian geometry. Keywords: Realistic Mathematics Education, Emerging Models, Analytical Geometry, Countryside School, Rural Education.   Educación Matemática realista: un enfoque teórico- metodológico para la enseñanza de las matemáticas en las escuelas rurales RESUMEN. El movimiento para una Educación del Campo aún carece de investigaciones de supuestos teóricos metodológicos para el campo didáctico, basados ​​en el estudio de prácticas de enseñanza que consideran el objeto del conocimiento y, al mismo tiempo, valoran el aspecto realista / contextual en el que se inserta el estudiante. Desde esta perspectiva, investigamos las implicaciones teóricas metodológicas de la teoría de la Educación Matemática Realista (EMR) para la enseñanza de las matemáticas en la escuela del campo. Basado en un enfoque metodológico cualitativo, se elaboró ​​un camino de aprendizaje hipotético basado en los principios de EMR relacionados con la enseñanza de la geometría analítica, a partir de la práctica del modelado del suelo en el cultivo de maracuyá (passiflora edulis). Nuestros resultados apuntan a la RME como un enfoque teórico metodológico prometedor de la exploración didáctica en el contexto rural capaz de promover el razonamiento formal, los conceptos en situaciones realistas, la apropiación del lenguaje matemático y el potencial para el desarrollo de conceptos en el campo de la geometría cartesiana Palabras clave: Educación Matemática Realista, Modelos Emergentes, Geometría Analítica, Escuela Rural. Educación del Campo

    Tuberculous meningitis: evaluation of polymerase chain reaction (PCR) as a diagnostic tool – a pilot study.

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    Meningite é uma forma grave e potencialmente fatal de tuberculose. O diagnóstico envolve a detecção de bacilos álcool-ácido resistentes no líquido cefalorraquidiano por microscopia ou cultura. Entretanto, a dificuldade de detectar o organismo representa um desafio ao diagnóstico. O uso da reação em cadeia da polimerase (PCR) na abordagem diagnóstica de meningite causada por Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTB) tem sido relatado como um método rápido e preciso, com diversos kits comerciais disponíveis. Como alternativa, algumas instituições vêm desenvolvendo testes in house com baixo custo. Em nossa instituição, usamos PCR in house para tuberculose. O desempenho de nossa PCR para o diagnóstico de meningite causada por MTB foi analisado em 148 pacientes consecutivos, usando a cultura do MBT como padrão-ouro. A sensibilidade da PCR no líquido cefalorraquidiano para o diagnóstico de meningite causada por MTB foi de 50%, especificidade de 98,6% e concordância coma cultura de 96% (kappa = 0,52). O desempenho de nossa PCR é semelhante ao obtido com os kits comerciais disponíveis.Meningitis is a severe and potentially fatal form of tuberculosis. The diagnostic workup involves detection of acid-fast bacilli in the cerebrospinal fluid by microscopy or culture. However the difficulty in detecting the organism poses a challenge to diagnosis. Use of polymerase chain reaction (PCR) in the diagnostic approach to Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTB) meningitis has been reported as a fast and accurate method, with several commercial kits available. As an alternative, some institutions have been developing inexpensive in-house assays. In our institution, we use an in-house PCR for tuberculosis. The performance of our PCR for the diagnosis of MTB meningitis was analyzed in 148 consecutive patients, using MTB culture as the gold standard. Sensitivity of cerebrospinal fluid PCR for the diagnosis of MTB meningitis was 50%, specificity was 98.6%, and concordance with culture was 96% (kappa = 0.52). The performance of our PCR is similar to that obtained with the available commercial kits

    Precision medicine for lysosomal disorders

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    Precision medicine (PM) is an emerging approach for disease treatment and preventionthat accounts for the individual variability in the genes, environment, and lifestyle of each person.Lysosomal diseases (LDs) are a group of genetic metabolic disorders that include approximately70 monogenic conditions caused by a defect in lysosomal function. LDs may result from primarylysosomal enzyme deficiencies or impairments in membrane-associated proteins, lysosomal enzymeactivators, or modifiers that affect lysosomal function. LDs are heterogeneous disorders, and thephenotype of the affected individual depends on the type of substrate and where it accumulates,which may be impacted by the type of genetic change and residual enzymatic activity. LDs areindividually rare, with a combined incidence of approximately 1:4000 individuals. Specific therapiesare already available for several LDs, and many more are in development. Early identification mayenable disease course prediction and a specific intervention, which is very important for clinicaloutcome. Driven by advances in omics technology, PM aims to provide the most appropriatemanagement for each patient based on the disease susceptibility or treatment response predictionsfor specific subgroups. In this review, we focused on the emerging diagnostic technologies that mayhelp to optimize the management of each LD patient and the therapeutic options available, as well asin clinical developments that enable customized approaches to be selected for each subject, accordingto the principles of PM

    Creatine Supplementation Improves Phosphagen Energy Pathway During Supramaximal Effort, but Does Not Improve Anaerobic Capacity or Performance

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    This study aimed to investigate the effects of short-duration creatine monohydrate supplementation on anaerobic capacity (AC), anaerobic energy pathways, and time-to-exhaustion during high-intensity running. Fourteen healthy men underwent a graded exercise test (GXT) followed by a O2max confirmation test, 5 submaximal efforts, and 4 supramaximal running bouts at 115% of V˙O2max intensity (the first two supramaximal sessions were applied as familiarization trials) to measure the AC using two procedures; the maximum accumulated oxygen deficit (MAOD) and non-oxidative pathways energetics sum (AC[La-]+EPOCfast). The investigation was conducted in a single-blind and placebo-controlled manner, with participants performing the efforts first after being supplemented with a placebo (dextrose 20 g⋅day-1 for 5 days), and then, after a 7 day “placebo” washout period, they started the same procedure under creatine supplementation (20 g⋅day-1 for 5 days. This order was chosen due to the prolonged washout of creatine. MAOD was not different between placebo (3.35 ± 0.65 L) and creatine conditions (3.39 ± 0.79 L; P = 0.58) and presented a negligible effect [effect size (ES) = 0.08], similar to, AC[La-]+EPOCfast (placebo condition (3.66 ± 0.79 Land under creatine ingestion 3.82 ± 0.85 L; P = 0.07) presenting a small effect (ES = 0.20). The energetics from the phosphagen pathway increased significantly after creatine supplementation (1.66 ± 0.40 L) compared to the placebo condition (1.55 ± 0.42 L; P = 0.03). However, the glycolytic and oxidative pathways were not different between conditions. Furthermore, time to exhaustion did not differ between placebo (160.79 ± 37.76 s) and creatine conditions (163.64 ± 38.72; P = 0.49). Therefore, we can conclude that creatine supplementation improves the phosphagen energy contribution, but with no statistical effect on AC or time to exhaustion in supramaximal running

    c.G2114A MYH9 mutation (DFNA17) causes non-syndromic autosomal dominant hearing loss in a Brazilian family

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    We studied a family presenting 10 individuals affected by autosomal dominant deafness in all frequencies and three individuals affected by high frequency hearing loss. Genomic scanning using the 50k Affymetrix microarray technology yielded a Lod Score of 2.1 in chromosome 14 and a Lod Score of 1.9 in chromosome 22. Mapping refinement using microsatellites placed the chromosome 14 candidate region between markers D14S288 and D14S276 (8.85 cM) and the chromosome 22 near marker D22S283. Exome sequencing identified two candidate variants to explain hearing loss in chromosome 14 [PTGDR - c.G894A:p.R298R and PTGER2 - c.T247G:p.C83G], and one in chromosome 22 [MYH9, c.G2114A:p.R705H]. Pedigree segregation analysis allowed exclusion of the PTGDR and PTGER2 variants as the cause of deafness. However, the MYH9 variant segregated with the phenotype in all affected members, except the three individuals with different phenotype. This gene has been previously described as mutated in autosomal dominant hereditary hearing loss and corresponds to DFNA17. The mutation identified in our study is the same described in the prior report. Thus, although linkage studies suggested a candidate gene in chromosome 14, we concluded that the mutation in chromosome 22 better explains the hearing loss phenotype in the Brazilian family.We thank Dr. Erika Freitas and Dr. Carla Rosenberg for performing the array-CGH studies. We also thank Maria Teresa Balester de Mello Auricchio for technical assistance. We thank the Laboratório Multiusuários Centralizado de Genômica Funcional Aplicada à Agropecuária e Agroenergia - EASALQ-USP Piracicaba-SP-Brasil for providing the sequencing facilities. We thank CEPID - FAPESP and CAPES for financial support