193 research outputs found

    Planejamento ambiental na concepção de rede de distribuição de água : estudo de caso de Formosa - GO

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    Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (graduação)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Tecnologia, Departamento de Engenharia Civil e Ambiental, 2015.O processo de ocupação urbana, historicamente, tem ocorrido de maneira desordenada e negligenciada, à parte de um planejamento urbano que contemple as potencialidades e fragilidades do meio ambiente, e dissociado a planos de saneamento básico para demandas futuras. Além disso, a ação especulativa sobre o solo urbano e as desigualdades sociais prejudicam o acesso a moradias em locais adequados. Como consequências, há a concentração de pessoas muitas vezes sem condições mínimas de infraestruturas públicas e a produção de uma série de efeitos negativos na saúde humana e no meio ambiente. Além do mais, a expansão não planejada das redes de abastecimento de água gera problemas no atendimento às normas, quanto aos intervalos de pressão e velocidade. Então, com vistas a integrar as características do meio ambiente às tomadas de decisões no planejamento do uso do solo, surgiu o planejamento ambiental. Neste contexto, o presente estudo tem como objetivo geral propor a adequação da rede de abastecimento de água para a zona urbana do Município de Formosa, Goiás, em um dos cenários de ocupação urbana proposto, com base no crescimento populacional calculado para o horizonte temporal adotado, de 35 anos. Para tanto, foram feitos dois cenários, um otimista, fundamentado nas diretrizes do Plano Diretor municipal quanto ao aumento da densidade demográfica, e um pessimista, considerando a densidade demográfica média atual constante. Para delimitação dos cenários, um mapa de aptidão à expansão urbana foi gerado, baseado em seis critérios – físicos e ambientais. E para concepção da rede foram consideradas as normas e as recomendações literárias existentes quanto a demanda, diâmetro, distâncias máximas entre tubulações, material, entre outras. Do diagnóstico da rede atual, inferiu-se que a melhor solução era a concepção de uma nova rede, tentando, ao máximo, contemplar as estruturas existentes. Dos resultados, pôde-se concluir que Formosa não tem grandes possibilidades de crescimento urbano, visto que está em uma região cercada por diversos fatores, naturais e políticos, que impossibilitam tal uso. Além disso, a ocupação rarefeita da cidade, até mesmo para o cenário de adensamento, foi um fator limitante para o perfeito funcionamento da rede proposta. Finalmente, as baixas escalas dos mapas obtidos e a grande dificuldade de acesso às informações atualizadas foram pontos negativos. Por outro lado, os programas utilizados, como sistemas de informações geográficas e de simulações hidráulicas, foram bem-sucedidos na obtenção dos resultados, o que reforça a necessidade da utilização dessas ferramentas na solução de problemas urbanos correlacionados aos assuntos abordados

    Assessment of analytical techniques for characterization of crystalline clopidogrel forms in patent applications

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    Este trabalho tem como objetivo avaliar dois aspectos importantes em um pedido de patente de formas cristalinas de fármacos: (i) caracterização físico-química das formas cristalinas e (ii)o procedimento de preparo da forma II do fármaco clopidogrel, um blockbuster de vendas. Realizaram-se buscas em bancos de dados patentários on line. Os resultados mostraram que (i) a maioria dos pedidos de patente de formas cristalinas do clopidogrel não se adequam com proposta do INPI devido ao número insuficiente de técnicas analíticas utilizadas na caracterização da fase cristalina. Ainda, em alguns pedidos de patente não há a presença da avaliação da pureza química/cristalográfica; (ii) a importância de se utilizar mais de duas técnicas de avaliação e (iii) que não foi possível a reprodução da cristalização com o procedimento apresentado no pedido de patente.The aim of this study was to evaluate two important aspects of patent applications of crystalline forms of drugs: (i) the physicochemical characterization of the crystalline forms; and (ii) the procedure for preparing crystals of the blockbuster drug clopidogrel. To this end, searches were conducted using online patent databases. The results showed that: (i) the majority of patent applications for clopidogrel crystalline forms failed to comply with proposed Brazilian Patent Office guidelines. This was primarily due to insufficient number of analytical techniques evaluating the crystalline phase. In addition, some patent applications lacked assessment of chemical/crystallography purity; (ii) use of more than two analytical techniques is important; and (iii) the crystallization procedure for clopidogrel bisulfate form II were irreproducible based on the procedure given in the patent application

    Performance of Hevea brasiliensis under drought conditions on osmoregulation and antioxidant activity through evaluation of vacuolar invertase and reducing sugars

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    Rubber tree cultivation is limited in many regions by abiotic factors such as drought. We investigated the biochemical mechanisms responsible for responses to, and recovery from, drought conditions during the establishment phase of four high latex producing rubber tree clones (RRIM600, IAC40, PR255 and GT1). Five-month-old plants were exposed to 32 days of water restriction, followed by 15 days of soil rehydration. Leaf area, as well as their osmolyte accumulations, saccharolytic enzyme activity, and oxidative stress markers, were accompanied. Although clones IAC40 and PR255 responded more precociously to drought conditions, halting leaf expansion before clones GT1 and RRIM600, they demonstrated slow recuperation after reestablishing irrigation. The greater tolerances of clones RRIM600 and GT1 to drought conditions were related to greater vacuolar invertase (VINV) activity in their leaves, which guaranteed more significant accumulations of vacuolar reducing sugars (RS). Similar to RS, glycine betaine accumulations were related to osmoprotection and to reducing oxidative damage (lipidic peroxidation) caused by water deficit conditions. The observed decreases in cytosol neutral invertase (AINV) and cell wall insoluble invertase (CWINV) activities, which resulted in cytosol hexose decreases, may be related to increases in antioxidant enzyme (superoxide dismutase and ascorbate peroxidase) activities in the leaves in response to water deficit conditions. As such, the introduction of specific sugars (RS) and the modulation of key carbon metabolism enzymes, such as VINV, are promising strategies for promoting drought tolerance in rubber tree clones

    Physical exercise, weight gain, and perinatal outcomes in overweight and obese pregnant women: a systematic review of clinical trials

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    This study aimed to evaluate the effects of exercise on weight gain and perinatal outcomes among overweight and obese pregnant women, through a systematic review in MEDLINE/PubMed, EMBASE, LILACS, and SciELO. We included ten clinical trials that evaluated the effectiveness of exercise with or without combined diet in the control of gestational weight gain. Three studies were randomized, and methodological quality was assessed using the CONSORT 2010 Checklist, but none met all the criteria. Four studies showed weight gain differences between groups. The majority (60%) of studies showed no differences in perinatal outcomes (mode of delivery, gestational age at birth, birth weight). In conclusion, few studies confirmed the positive effect of exercise in controlling weight gain during pregnancy, thus requiring more research in this direction. Regarding perinatal outcomes, mild to moderate exercise does not appear to be decisive for perinatal outcomes, and is safe for pregnant women with overweight and obesity.Esta revisão objetivou avaliar os efeitos do exercício físico no ganho de peso e nos resultados perinatais de gestantes com sobrepeso e obesidade, através de revisão sistemática da literatura em bases de dados específicas: MEDLINE/PubMed, EMBASE, SciELO e LILACS. Foram incluídos dez ensaios clínicos que avaliaram a efetividade do exercício combinado ou não com dieta no controle do ganho de peso gestacional. Três estudos são randomizados e a qualidade metodológica foi avaliada através do CONSORT 2010 Checklist, porém nenhum deles cumpriu todos os critérios. Quatro estudos obtiveram diferença quanto ao ganho de peso entre os grupos. A maioria dos estudos (60%) não demonstrou diferença quanto aos resultados perinatais (via de parto, idade gestacional ao nascer, peso do recém-nascido). Poucos estudos confirmam o efeito positivo do exercício no controle do ganho de peso gestacional, necessitando mais pesquisas neste sentido. O exercício em intensidade leve a moderada parece não ser determinante nos resultados perinatais, sendo uma prática segura para gestantes com sobrepeso e obesidade.40741

    Biología reproductiva del dorado, Coryphaena hippurus (Actinopterygii: Coryphaenidae), en el Archipiélago de San Pedro y San Pablo, Brasil

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    In order to elucidate the main aspects related to dolphinfish reproduction around Saint Peter and Saint Paul Archipelago, 862 individuals caught in that area by commercial handline fishing were examined between 2007 and 2011. From those specimens, it was possible to assess the sex in 782 specimens (271 males and 511 females) and the levels of gonadal maturation in 536 of them (175 males and 361 females). The fork length (FL) of the examined specimens varied between 27 and 150 cm. Sex ratio found was 1.0 male: 1.9 females, but the difference was not statistically significant in April (χ2=0.08), August (χ2=0.82) and October (χ2=3.63). However, by size interval, sex ratio was 1.0 male: 1.0 female for FL between 120 and 130 cm. The gonadal index showed the highest values in February for males and in April for females. Most spawning-capable specimens were found in February (males 36.4%) and in May (females 42.2%). The length of size-at-50%-maturity (L50) was estimated at 70.66 cm FL for males and 68.60 cm FL for females. The results suggest that the period of highest reproductive activity occurs between April and June.Con el objetivo de estudiar la reproducción del dorado capturado con línea de mano por la flota pesquera en los alrededores del Archipiélago de San Pedro y San Pablo, entre 2007 y 2011 se examinaron un total de 862 ejemplares de esta especie. Fue posible identificar el sexo de 782 de estos ejemplares (271 machos y 511 hembras), así como los estados de madurez gonadal de 536. La longitud furcal (LF) de los ejemplares examinados varió entre 27 y 150 cm. La proporción de sexos fue de 1 macho por 1.9 hembras, aunque en abril (χ2=0.08), agosto (χ2=0.82) y octubre (χ2=3.63) la proporción de sexos no fue significativamente diferente de 1:1, ni en los ejemplares entre 120 y 130 cm LF. El índice gonadal mostró mayores valores en febrero para machos y en abril para hembras. El mayor porcentaje de individuos maduros se observó en febrero y mayo. La talla de primera madurez sexual (L50) se estimó en 70.66 cm LF para machos y 68.60 cm LF para hembras. Los resultados sugieren que el periodo de mayor intensidad reproductiva se sitúa entre abril y junio

    Reproductive biology of dolphinfish, <em>Coryphaena hippurus</em> (Actinopterygii: Coryphaenidae), in Saint Peter and Saint Paul Archipelago, Brazil

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    In order to elucidate the main aspects related to dolphinfish reproduction around Saint Peter and Saint Paul Archipelago, 862 individuals caught in that area by commercial handline fishing were examined between 2007 and 2011. From those specimens, it was possible to assess the sex in 782 specimens (271 males and 511 females) and the levels of gonadal maturation in 536 of them (175 males and 361 females). The fork length (FL) of the examined specimens varied between 27 and 150 cm. Sex ratio found was 1.0 male: 1.9 females, but the difference was not statistically significant in April (χ2=0.08), August (χ2=0.82) and October (χ2=3.63). However, by size interval, sex ratio was 1.0 male: 1.0 female for FL between 120 and 130 cm. The gonadal index showed the highest values in February for males and in April for females. Most spawning-capable specimens were found in February (males 36.4%) and in May (females 42.2%). The length of size-at-50%-maturity (L50) was estimated at 70.66 cm FL for males and 68.60 cm FL for females. The results suggest that the period of highest reproductive activity occurs between April and June

    Amateur Female Athletes Perform the Running Split of a Triathlon Race at Higher Relative Intensity than the Male Athletes: A Cross-Sectional Study

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    Maximal oxygen uptake (V˙O2max), ventilatory threshold (VT) and respiratory compensation point (RCP) can be used to monitor the training intensity and the race strategy, and the elucidation of the specificities existing between the sexes can be interesting for coaches and athletes. The aim of the study was to compare ventilatory threshold (VT), respiratory compensation point (RCP), and the percentage of the maximal aerobic speed (MAS) that can be maintained in a triathlon race between sexes. Forty-one triathletes (22 men and 19 women), 42.1 ± 8.4 (26 to 60) years old, that raced the same Olympic triathlon underwent a cardiorespiratory maximal treadmill test to assess their VT, RPC, and MAS, and race speed. The maximal oxygen uptake (V˙O2max) (54.0 ± 5.1 vs. 49.8 ± 7.7 mL/kg/min, p < 0.001) and MAS (17 ± 2 vs. 15 ± 2 km/h, p = 0.001) were significantly higher in male than in female athletes. Conversely, there were no sex differences according to the percentage of V˙O2max reached at VT (74.4 ± 4.9 vs. 76.1 ± 5.4%, p = 0.298) and RCP (89.9 ± 3.6 vs. 90.6 ± 4.0%, p = 0.560). The mean speed during the race did not differ between sexes (12.1 ± 1.7 km/h and 11.7 ± 1.8 km/h, p = 0.506, respectively). Finally, men performed the running split at a lower percentage of speed at RCP than women (84.0 ± 8.7 vs. 91.2 ± 7.0%, respectively, p = 0.005). Therefore, male and female athletes accomplished the running split in an Olympic triathlon distance at distinct relative intensities, as female athletes run at a higher RCP percentage

    Adherence of fad diets by people who frequent gyms in São Paulo

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    As dietas da moda se popularizam facilmente por prometerem benefícios em curto prazo. Contudo, a adoção dessas dietas pode ser potencialmente prejudicial à saúde. Assim, o presente estudo teve por objetivo avaliar a adesão de dietas da moda por frequentadores de academias do município de São Paulo, Brasil. Para tanto, foi realizado um estudo transversal com 50 frequentadores de academias de ginástica. A coleta de dados foi realizada por meio da aplicação de um questionário com perguntas sobre aderência a algum tipo de dieta da moda, orientação profissional, meios de divulgação dessas dietas, resultado, tempo de permanência dos resultados e efeitos adversos. Trinta e dois (64,0%) dos participantes relataram ter realizado algum tipo de dieta da moda, sendo as dietas mais citadas a low carb, dietas ricas em proteína e jejum intermitente. Os principais meios de divulgação dessas dietas foram as mídias digitais (52,6%), amigos (26,3%) e personal trainer (10,5%). A maioria da amostra relatou ter tido um resultado bom ou muito bom (71,9%), mas a duração do resultado foi de curta a média (1 a 6 meses) para a maioria dos participantes (59,4%). Os efeitos adversos mais relatados foram fraqueza (46,8%), dor de cabeça (37,5%), irritabilidade (34,3%) e tontura (18,7%). Estudos futuros são necessários para avaliar a composição das dietas consumidas e alterações metabólicas em curto e longo prazo. ABSTRACTAdherence of fad diets by people who frequent gyms in São PauloFad diets easily become popular because they promise short-term benefits. However, the adoption of these diets can be potentially harmful to health. Thus, the present study aimed to evaluate the adherence of fad diets by people who frequent gyms in São Paulo, Brazil. We performed a cross-sectional study with 50 people who frequent gyms. Data were collected through the application of a questionnaire with questions about adherence to some type of fad diet, professional orientation, means of dissemination of these diets, results, duration of results and adverse effects. Thirty-two (64.0%) of the participants reported having performed some type of fad diet and the most cited diets were low carb, high protein diets and intermittent fasting. The main means of dissemination of these diets were digital media (52.6%), friends (26.3%) and personal trainer (10.5%). Most of the sample reported having had a good or very good result (71.9%), but the duration of the result was short to medium (1 to 6 months) for most participants (59.4%). The most commonly reported adverse effects were weakness (46.8%), headache (37.5%), irritability (34.3%), and dizziness (18.7%). Future studies are needed to evaluate the composition of diets consumed and metabolic changes in the short and long term.Fad diets easily become popular because they promise short-term benefits. However, the adoption of these diets can be potentially harmful to health. Thus, the present study aimed to evaluate the adherence of fad diets by people who frequent gyms in São Paulo, Brazil. We performed a cross-sectional study with 50 people who frequent gyms. Data were collected through the application of a questionnaire with questions about adherence to some type of fad diet, professional orientation, means of dissemination of these diets, results, duration of results and adverse effects. Thirty-two (64.0%) of the participants reported having performed some type of fad diet and the most cited diets were low carb, high protein diets and intermittent fasting. The main means of dissemination of these diets were digital media (52.6%), friends (26.3%) and personal trainer (10.5%). Most of the sample reported having had a good or very good result (71.9%), but the duration of the result was short to medium (1 to 6 months) for most participants (59.4%). The most commonly reported adverse effects were weakness (46.8%), headache (37.5%), irritability (34.3%), and dizziness (18.7%). Future studies are needed to evaluate the composition of diets consumed and metabolic changes in the short and long term