93 research outputs found

    Time resolved digital holography applied to droplets fragmentation by shockwave

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    International audienceDroplets atomization by shockwave can occur in different issues commonly encountered in the industry such as leak, tank leakage or triple aggression (high speed impact, rupture and surrounded secondary explosion) of tanks. For the last case, shockwave can interact with liquid jets of drops and propagates the liquid far away from the container zone. Very fine secondary droplets can be produced in the worst case of atomization. These small particles can generate secondary effects like explosion in case of petrol derivatives in fire or toxic effects in case of direct breathing. High speed imaging is well suited to study transient phenomenon like explosions and shockwave. A dedicated shockwave generator has been designed to cope with interferometric measurement on holographic bench. This demonstrator is made of thick plastic tubes. The high pressure chamber is isolated from the guiding tube by domestic aluminum foils, the thickness and number of which drive the pressure rupture. Previous works have been carried on by time resolved shadowgraphy to characterize generated shockwave at the guiding tube outlet. This paper deals with time resolved digital holography to perform higher accuracy measurements and of course to reach 3D reconstruction of the whole phenomenon. Lensless in-line digital holography is carried on to improve the stability of the holographic set-up. Different Phantom high speed cameras have been tested as recording sensors, following pixel pitch, pixel size and of course the maximal throughput, from 7kfps (frame per second) up to 26kfps at full 1Mpixel resolution. Different regimes of droplet trains and droplet sizes have been tested. This has also been carried on for different liquids to show the effect of the physico-chemical properties of the liquid subjected to shockwave

    Secondary Atomization: Drop Breakup in a Continuous Air Jet

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    Understanding drop breakup will optimize aircraft engine performance, reduce agro-chemical overspray, and improve pharmaceutical tablet efficacy. Large fuel fragments in engines lead to lowered fuel economy and higher pollutant emissions, while small drops yield more agro-spray drift into surrounding residential and environmental zones. Better pharmaceutical tablets will improve drug uptake and patient comfort. Engineers and scientists are currently unable to predict the number, size, and velocity of fragments formed during important drop breakup processes. Therefore, we are required to measure these quantities. We use digital inline holography (DIH) to record three-dimensional diameter and position data for fragments formed during multi-mode breakup. DIH provides 3D images at framing rates 300 times faster than in an IMAX theater. A laser is used as the light source and a high speed camera records the breakup events to video files. A MATLAB script is used to extract the diameters and positions of all fragments in the spray. The data is sorted into bins and histograms are produced which describe the probability of observing a fragment of any particular size and speed. Results show size histograms with more than one peak, a finding in direct contradiction to the last 40 years of spray research. Multiple peaks are indicative of fragmentation processes that occur due to multiple breakup mechanisms, with the number of histogram peaks corresponding to the number of mechanisms (some combination of bag, rim, and/or stamen breakup modes). The histograms will be useful to those modeling sprays in gas turbine engines and industrial sprayers

    Cortical and trabecular bone benefits of mechanical loading are maintained long term in mice independent of ovariectomy.

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    Skeletal loading enhances cortical and trabecular bone properties. How long these benefits last after loading cessation remains an unresolved, clinically relevant question. This study investigated long-term maintenance of loading-induced cortical and trabecular bone benefits in female C57BL/6 mice and the influence of a surgically induced menopause on the maintenance. Sixteen-week-old animals had their right tibia extrinsically loaded 3 days/week for 4 weeks using the mouse tibial axial compression loading model. Left tibias were not loaded and served as internal controls. Animals were subsequently detrained (restricted to cage activities) for 0, 4, 8, 26, or 52 weeks, with ovariectomy (OVX) or sham-OVX surgery being performed at 0 weeks detraining. Loading increased midshaft tibia cortical bone mass, size, and strength, and proximal tibia bone volume fraction. The cortical bone mass, area, and thickness benefits of loading were lost by 26 weeks of detraining because of heightened medullary expansion. However, loading-induced benefits on bone total area and strength were maintained at each detraining time point. Similarly, the benefits of loading on bone volume fraction persisted at all detraining time points. The long-term benefits of loading on both cortical and trabecular bone were not influenced by a surgically induced menopause because there were no interactions between loading and surgery. However, OVX had independent effects on cortical bone properties at early (4 and 8 weeks) detraining time points and trabecular bone properties at all detraining time points. These cumulative data indicate loading has long-term benefits on cortical bone size and strength (but not mass) and trabecular bone morphology, which are not influenced by a surgically induced menopause. This suggests skeletal loading associated with physical activity may provide long-term benefits by preparing the skeleton to offset both the cortical and trabecular bone changes associated with aging and menopause

    Determination of the aerodynamic droplet breakup boundaries based on a total force approach

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    The determination of the critical Weg number separating the different breakup regimes has been extensively studied in several experimental and numerical works, while empirical and semi-analytical approaches have been proposed to relate the critical Weg number with the Ohl number. Nevertheless, under certain conditions, the Reg number and the density ratio ε may become important. The present work provides a simple but reliable enough methodology to determine the critical Weg number as a function of the aforementioned parameters in an effort to fill this gap in knowledge. It considers the main forces acting on the droplet (aerodynamic, surface tension and viscous) and provides a general criterion for breakup to occur but also for the transition among the different breakup regimes. In this light, the present work proposes the introduction of a new set of parameters named as Weg,eff and Cal monitored in a new breakup plane. This plane provides a direct relation between gas inertia and liquid viscosity forces, while the secondary effects of Reg number and density ratio have been embedded inside the effective Weg number (Weg,eff
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