188 research outputs found

    Metastatic melanoma: An unusual presentation

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    In this report we describe a case of a malignant cutaneous melanoma metastasizing to the pleural surface and peritoneal cavity 5 years after surgical resection of the primary lesion. Malignant cutaneous melanoma is a very aggressive cancer able to metastasize anywhere in the body. Pleural secondary lesions represent a rare event described only in a small number of patients and the association with peritoneal localizations may suggest an uncommon pattern of spread that we discuss. Free full text available at www.tumorionline.it

    Comportamiento productivo en cuyes (Cavia porcellus) machos raza Perú bajo el efecto de tres sistemas de alimentación, criados en condiciones de valles interandinos del Perú

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    El objetivo del presente estudio fue determinar el comportamiento productivo en cuyes (Cavia porcellus) machos de la raza Perú bajo tres sistemas de alimentación en condiciones de la sierra de Apurímac, Perú. Se empleó 45 cuyes machos de raza Perú destetados a los 12 días. Los cuyes se distribuyeron en forma aleatoria en tres tratamientos: T1 = alfalfa (Medicago sativa), T2 = balanceado + agua, y T3 = balanceado + alfalfa. El valor nutricional del alimento balanceado empleado para la fase de inicio fue: 16,32% proteína con 2984,45 kcal/kg de energía; y para la fase de acabado fue: 13,09% proteína con 3197.00 kcal/kg de energía. La ganancia de peso fue de 12,39, 9,02 y 12,47 g/d, para T1, T2 y T3, respectivamente (p ˂ 0,05). El peso al beneficio fue de 876,65, 714,65 y 879,91 g, para T1, T2 y T3, respectivamente y el rendimiento de carcasa fue de 61,85, T2= 61,89 y 62,78%, para T1, T2 y T3, respectivamente, sin diferencia estadística entre tratamientos (p > 0,05). La conversión alimenticia fue de 4,10; 5,78 y 3,32 para T1, T2 y T3, respectivamente. En relación costo-beneficio el T1 y T3 tuvo mayor ganancia neta y rentabilidad económica con respecto al T2. Bajo el programa de un sistema de alimentación mixta (balanceado + alfalfa) se puede mejorar la capacidad productiva de cuy en condiciones de la sierra apurimeña

    Treballs d'investigació en atenció primària: revisió dels treballs en llengües espanyoles publicats l'any 1986

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    Revisem 29 treballs elaborats per professionals d'atenció primària i publicats a: Atención Primaria, Medicina Clínica, Gaseta Sanitaria, Revista Clínica Española, Revista Española de Pediatría i Annals de Medicina. La majoria els trobem realitzats per especialistes o residents de Medicina Familiar i Comunitària, amb absència de pediatres. Entre els temes analitzats destaca l'anàlisi de la demanda, hipertensió arterial i vacunacions, que totalitzen quasi el 50% dels treballs. Cal ressaltar un 89% de dissenys descriptius, amb solament dos de tipus analític o experimental. Sobre 6 paràmetres d'adequació metodològica hi hagué un compliment mitjà de 4,38 (DE = 2,23). El 52% dels treballs no tenien tractament estadístic. Creiem que hi ha una extensa variabilitat en la qualitat deis treballs i que és necessari adaptar la temàtica d'interès deis investigadors i adaptar els dissenys a la demostració d'hipòtesis que suposin canvis en la pràctica assistencial

    Alternative splicing of hepatitis B virus: A novel virus/host interaction altering liver immunity

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    This work was supported by grants from Institut National de la Sante et de la Recherche Medicale (Inserm) – France, Universite Pierre et Marie Curie (UPMC) – France, Agence National de la Recherche sur le Sida et les Hepatites (ANRS) – France (n° N14015DR) and PHC-Tassili (11MDU826). MD was supported by ANRS (grant ASA14013DRA). YM was supported by French Ministry for Higher Education and Research and by the Ligue contre le Cancer (grant n° GB/MA/VSP-10504)

    Molecular characterisation of protist parasites in human-habituated mountain gorillas (Gorilla beringei beringei), humans and livestock, from Bwindi impenetrable National Park, Uganda

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    Over 60 % of human emerging infectious diseases are zoonotic, and there is growing evidence of the zooanthroponotic transmission of diseases from humans to livestock and wildlife species, with major implications for public health, economics, and conservation. Zooanthroponoses are of relevance to critically endangered species; amongst these is the mountain gorilla (Gorilla beringei beringei) of Uganda. Here, we assess the occurrence of Cryptosporidium, Cyclospora, Giardia, and Entamoeba infecting mountain gorillas in the Bwindi Impenetrable National Park (BINP), Uganda, using molecular methods. We also assess the occurrence of these parasites in humans and livestock species living in overlapping/adjacent geographical regions

    Epidemiology and management of primary spontaneous pneumothorax: a systematic review.

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    Primary spontaneous pneumothorax (PSP) is one of the most common thoracic diseases affecting adolescents and young adults. Despite the high incidence of PSP and the availability of several international guidelines for its diagnosis and treatment, a significant behavioural heterogeneity can be found among those management recommendations. A working group of the Italian Society of Thoracic Surgery summarized the best evidence available on PSP management with the methodological tool of a systematic review assessing the quality of previously published guidelines with the Appraisal of Guidelines for Research and Evaluation (AGREE) II. Concerning PSP physiopathology, the literature seems to be equally divided between those who support the hypothesis of a direct correlation between changes in atmospheric pressure and temperature and the incidence of PSP, so it is not currently possible to confirm or reject this theory with reasonable certainty. Regarding the choice between conservative treatment and chest drainage in the first episode, there is no evidence on whether one option is superior to the other. Video-assisted thoracic surgery represents the most common and preferred surgical approach. A primary surgical approach to patients with their first PSP seems to guarantee a lower recurrence rate than that of a primary approach consisting of a chest drainage positioning; conversely, the percentage of futile surgical interventions that would entail this aggressive attitude must be carefully evaluated. Surgical pleurodesis is recommended and frequently performed to limit recurrences; talc poudrage offers

    Thymomectomy plus total thymectomy versus simple thymomectomy for early-stage thymoma without myasthenia gravis: A European Society of Thoracic Surgeons Thymic Working Group Study

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    OBJECTIVES: Resection of thymic tumours including the removal of both the tumour and the thymus gland (thymothymectomy; TT) is the procedure of choice and is recommended in most relevant articles in the literature. Nevertheless, in recent years, some authors have suggested that resection of the tumour (simple thymomectomy; ST) may suffice from an oncological standpoint in patients with early-stage thymoma who do not have myasthenia gravis (MG) (non-MG). The goal of our study was to compare the short-and long-term outcomes of ST versus TT in non-MG early-stage thymomas using the European Society of Thoracic Surgeons thymic database. METHODS: A total of 498 non-MG patients with pathological stage I thymoma were included in the study. TT was performed in 466 (93.6%) of 498 patients who had surgery with curative intent; ST was done in 32 (6.4%). The completeness of resection, the rate of complications, the 30-day mortality, the overall recurrence and the freedom from recurrence were compared. We performed crude and propensity score-adjusted comparisons by surgical approach (ST vs TT). RESULTS: TT showed the same rate of postoperative complications, 30-day mortality and postoperative length of stay as ST. The 5-year overall survival rate was 89% in the TT group and 55% in the ST group. The 5-year freedom from recurrence was 96% in the TT group and 79% in the ST group. CONCLUSION: Patients with early-stage thymoma without MG who have a TT show significantly better freedom from recurrence than those who have an ST, without an increase in postoperative morbidity rate