163 research outputs found

    Self-Similar blow-up for a diffusion-attraction problem

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    In this paper we consider a system of equations that describes a class of mass-conserving aggregation phenomena, including gravitational collapse and bacterial chemotaxis. In spatial dimensions strictly larger than two, and under the assumptions of radial symmetry, it is known that this system has at least two stable mechanisms of singularity formation (see e.g. M.P. Brenner et al.1999, Nonlinearity, 12, 1071-1098); one type is self-similar, and may be viewed as a trade-off between diffusion and attraction, while in the other type the attraction prevails over the diffusion and a non-self-similar shock wave results. Our main result identifies a class of initial data for which the blow-up behaviour is of the former, self-similar type. The blow-up profile is characterized as belonging to a subset of stationary solutions of the associated ordinary differential equation.Comment: 28 pages, 1 figure with 2 picture

    Re-use of construction and demolition residues and industrial wastes for the elaboration or recycled eco-efficient concretes

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    [EN] Production of residues from industries and construction and demolition sectors has increased during last years. The total amount of debris produced according to different estimations reaches values close to 42 million tonnes yr –1 . Much of this waste has been thrown to landfill, without considering its potential for reuse, recycling or valuation. The aim of this research is to describe some of the physical and mechanical properties of different laboratory-mixed concretes, using various proportions of additional materials recovered from industrial waste and demolition rubble. The added materials are included either as admixtures (forestry residues, cork dust, steel fibre) or in partial substitution of natural aggregates (wire from electrical residues, tyre rubber, white ceramic, sanitary porcelain or shale). The laboratory tests have followed the standard EN protocols. Assay results were variable according to the nature of the material added to the mix: organic materials and shale, despite the steel fibre reinforcement, reduce the compression strength, but are suitable for the manufacture of lightweight concrete for agricultural pavements, with certain flexion resistance and a relatively good behaviour to impact. The substitution of natural aggregates with ceramic and porcelain wastes produces a significant increase in compression resistance, making them suitable for the manufacture of concrete with characteristic resistances above 40 MPa, which can be used both for structures or other agricultural elements: separators, feeders, slat floors. As a conclusion can be stated the possibility of reuse these wastes for the production of structural or non-structural concrete, with different applications in agricultural engineerin

    Mineralogical and geochemical evidence of magma mingling/mixing in the Sierra de las Cruces volcanic range, Mexican Volcanic Belt

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    RESUMEN En la Sierra de las Cruces (SC), Cinturón Volcánico Mexicano (CVM), se encuentran expuestos flujos de lava, principalmente de composición dacítica, del Plioceno-Pleistoceno. Las rocas volcánicas de la SC son de textura porfirítica, conteniendo plagioclasa + anfibol + ortopiroxeno ± clinopiroxeno ± cuarzo ± óxidos de Fe-Ti. La mayor parte de ellas exhiben diversas características que indican un proceso de mezcla incompleta de magmas, con una cristalización fraccionada concomitante, en la que un pequeño volumen de un magma andesítico caliente es inyectado a un magma dacítico. Es probable que ambos tipos de roca se hayan generado por fusión parcial a diferentes niveles de la corteza continental. Las evidencias de la mezcla incompleta de magmas incluyen: (a) plagioclasas con texturas normal y anubarrada en la misma muestra, cristales redondeados y corroídos, y bordes de reacción en superficies de cristal disueltas; (b) enclaves magmáticos subredondeados y vesiculares, que ocurren en dimensiones de un pocos milímetros a ~20 centímetros de diámetro, con plagioclasa + ortopiroxeno + anfíbol + cuarzo ± olivino ± óxidos de Fe-Ti; (c) química de minerales, que incluye cristales con bordes de reacción o plagioclasas de composición heterogénea (zonación inversa y oscilatoria o cristales con zonación normal e inversa) en la misma muestra; y (d) variaciones geoquímicas de elementos y relaciones de elementos traza explicables por una mezcla de magmas y por un proceso de difusión. Los enclaves andesíticos podrían considerarse como porciones de magma intermedio que no se mezcló con los líquidos dacíticos receptores, lo que confirma la importancia de los procesos de mezcla incompleta de magmas en la evolución magmática del CVM. ABSTRACT Pliocene – Pleistocene lava flows, mainly of dacitic composition, are exposed in the Sierra de las Cruces (SC) volcanic range within the Mexican Volcanic Belt (MVB). SC volcanic rocks are porphyritic, generally containing an assemblage of plagioclase + amphibole + orthopyroxene ± clinopyroxene ± quartz ± Fe-Ti oxides. Most of them exhibit diverse mineralogical and geochemical features that attest a magma mixing and mingling processes with concomitant fractional crystallization in which a small volume of hot andesite magma injects into dacitic magma. Both rock types are probably derived from partial melting of continental crust at different levels. The evidences of magma mixing and mingling include: (a) normal and sieved plagioclases in the same sample, rounded and embayed crystals, and armoured rims over the dissolved crystal surfaces; (b) subrounded, vesicular magmatic enclaves, ranging from a few millimeters to ~20 centimeters in size, with plagioclase + orthopyroxene + amphibole + quartz ± olivine ± Fe-Ti-oxides assemblage; (c) mineral chemistry evidence such as crystals with reaction rims or heterogeneous plagioclase compositions (inverse and oscillatory zoning or normally and inversely zoned crystals) in the same sample; and (d) elemental geochemical variations and trace-element ratio more akin to magma mixing and to some extent diffusion process. These andesitic enclaves could be considered as portions of the intermediate magma that did not mix completely (mingling) with the felsic host lavas, confirming the major role of magma mixing and mingling processes in the overall evolution of the MV

    Evidencias mineralógicas y geoquímicas de mezcla incompleta de magmas en la Sierra de las Cruces, Cinturón Volcánico Mexicano

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    Pliocene – Pleistocene lava flows, mainly of dacitic composition, are exposed in the Sierra de las Cruces (SC) volcanic range within the Mexican Volcanic Belt (MVB). SC volcanic rocks are porphyritic, generally containing an assemblage of plagioclase + amphibole + orthopyroxene ± clinopyroxene ± quartz ± Fe-Ti oxides. Most of them exhibit diverse mineralogical and geochemical features that attest a magma mixing and mingling processes with concomitant fractional crystallization in which a small volume of hot andesite magma injects into dacitic magma. Both rock types are probably derived from partial melting of continental crust at different levels. The evidences of magma mixing and mingling include: (a) normal and sieved plagioclases in the same sample, rounded and embayed crystals, and armoured rims over the dissolved crystal surfaces; (b) subrounded, vesicular magmatic enclaves, ranging from a few millimeters to ~20 centimeters in size, with plagioclase + orthopyroxene + amphibole + quartz ± olivine ± Fe-Ti-oxides assemblage; (c) mineral chemistry evidence such as crystals with reaction rims or heterogeneous plagioclase compositions (inverse and oscillatory zoning or normally and inversely zoned crystals) in the same sample; and (d) elemental geochemical variations and trace-element ratio more akin to magma mixing and to some extent diffusion process. These andesitic enclaves could be considered as portions of the intermediate magma that did not mix completely (mingling) with the felsic host lavas, confirming the major role of magma mixing and mingling processes in the overall evolution of the MVBEn la Sierra de las Cruces (SC), Cinturón Volcánico Mexicano (CVM), se encuentran expuestos flujos de lava, principalmente de composición dacítica, del Plioceno-Pleistoceno. Las rocas volcánicas de la SC son de textura porfirítica, conteniendo plagioclasa + anfibol + ortopiroxeno ± clinopiroxeno ± cuarzo ± óxidos de Fe-Ti. La mayor parte de ellas exhiben diversas características que indican un proceso de mezcla incompleta de magmas, con una cristalización fraccionada concomitante, en la que un pequeño volumen de un magma andesítico caliente es inyectado a un magma dacítico. Es probable que ambos tipos de roca se hayan generado por fusión parcial a diferentes niveles de la corteza continental. Las evidencias de la mezcla incompleta de magmas incluyen: (a) plagioclasas con texturas normal y anubarrada en la misma muestra, cristales redondeados y corroídos, y bordes de reacción en superficies de cristal disueltas; (b) enclaves magmáticos subredondeados y vesiculares, que ocurren en dimensiones de un pocos milímetros a ~20 centímetros de diámetro, con plagioclasa + ortopiroxeno + anfíbol + cuarzo ± olivino ± óxidos de Fe-Ti; (c) química de minerales, que incluye cristales con bordes de reacción o plagioclasas de composición heterogénea (zonación inversa y oscilatoria o cristales con zonación normal e inversa) en la misma muestra; y (d) variaciones geoquímicas de elementos y relaciones de elementos traza explicables por una mezcla de magmas y por un proceso de difusión. Los enclaves andesíticos podrían considerarse como porciones de magma intermedio que no se mezcló con los líquidos dacíticos receptores, lo que confirma la importancia de los procesos de mezcla incompleta de magmas en la evolución magmática del CV

    Estado actual de la gestión de residuos de construcción y demolición: limitaciones

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    [ES] El sector de la construcción ha crecido de forma exponencial en las últimas décadas y con él, la producción de residuos generados, estimándose esta en 2 kg por habitante y día, lo que representa una magnitud es-calofriante. Para solucionar este problema la administración promueve comportamientos ecológicos respecto a la gestión de residuos de construcción y demolición (producción y posterior manejo y utilización de los mis-mos) a través de la redacción de normas que regulen el tema.Estas normas presentan importantes caren-cias y limitaciones. Si estas carencias y limitaciones no se resuelven, el proceso encaminado a mejorar la sostenibilidad se interrumpe y las medidas tomadas hasta el momento se vuelven ineficaces.Este trabajo pretende poner de manifiesto estos problemas a fin de evitarlos, de forma que todos los agentes implicados conozcan el importante papel que desempeñan en la correcta gestión.[EN] Construction has grown exponentially in recent decades. This development has also brought large production of debris from construction and demolition. These wastes have reached the environment and generated a very important pollution in the landscape, soil and water. Equally it represents a loss of potential resources; because these wastes still have capacity to be recovered. Both central and regional government have published nu-merous standards, in recent years, to establish guidelines for a proper management, reuse and recycling of this debris. This paper analyzes the current status of this legislation, their gaps and their degree of implementation

    Nonconventional Wastewater Treatment for the Degradation of Fuel Oxygenated (MTBE, ETBE, and TAME)

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    Catalytic wet air oxidation (CWAO) is a nonconventional wastewater treatment, consisting of oxygen pressure releasing inside a reactor in order to degrade organic compounds dissolved in water, using a solid catalyst in the presence of an activated O2 species, usually at temperatures ranges of 125–250°C and pressures of 10–50 bar. CWAO can reduce operating costs of conventional treatment due to the use of ideal catalyst that is able to improve reaction conditions at temperatures and pressures as mild as possible, simultaneously setting high catalytic activity and long-term stability of heterogeneous catalysts. Oxygenated fuels are gasoline additives in reformulated gasoline and oxyfuels. In the beginning, they provided an alternative solution of environmental problems, such as greenhouse gas emissions and octane enhancement, caused by fossil fuel use. The oxygenated fuels frequently used are methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE), ethyl tert-butyl ether (ETBE), and tert-amyl methyl ether (TAME). However, there is environmental impact from oxygenated fuel hydrocarbons related to widespread contamination of groundwater and other natural waters. Our research group developed a wide study in order to evaluate several catalysts (Ru, Au, Cu, and Ag supported on Al2O3, Al2O3-CeO2, and TiO2-CeO2) and to obtain the best for the efficiency of the oxidation process

    Application of Silver Nanoparticles for Water Treatment

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    In recent past development of silver nanoparticles and their application in the treatment of wastewaters is becoming a major area of research. It is mainly applicable to the removal of three major pollutants like pesticides, heavy metals, and microorganisms. Variety of synthesis techniques have been reported for preparation and characterization of silver nanoparticles. In our research, we synthesized Ag nanoparticles supported on ZrO2 and ZrO2-CeO2 by a “deposit-precipitation method” as the first step and later sequentially synthesized Ag-Au supported on ZrO2 and ZrO2-CeO2 by Redox method. Catalysts were evaluated in catalytic wet air oxidation (CWAO) of methyl tert-butyl ether and phenol. The CWAO is a liquid phase process for the treatment of organic pollutants operating at temperatures in the range of 100–325°C at 5–200 bar pressures. The selectivity and efficient of catalysts were evaluated by total organic carbon (TOC) and high-performance liquid chromatograph (HPLC). Ideally, the total mineralization of pollutants into CO2 and H2O is preferred

    Natural geochemical markers reveal environmental history and population connectivity of common cuttlefish in the Atlantic Ocean and Mediterranean Sea

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    Natural markers (delta C-13 and delta O-18 stable isotopes) in the cuttlebones of the European common cuttlefish (Sepia officinalis) were determined for individuals collected across a substantial portion of their range in the Northeast Atlantic Ocean (NEAO) and Mediterranean Sea. Cuttlebone delta C-13 and delta O-18 were quantified for core and edge material to characterize geochemical signatures associated with early (juvenile) and recent (sub-adult/adult) life-history periods, respectively. Regional shifts in cuttlebone delta C-13 and delta O-18 values were detected across the 12 sites investigated. Individuals collected from sites in the NEAO displayed more enriched delta C-13 and delta O-18 values relative to sites in the Mediterranean Sea, with the latter also showing salient differences in both markers among western, central and eastern collection areas. Classification success based on cuttlebone delta C-13 and delta O-18 values to four geographical regions (NEAO, western, central and eastern Mediterranean Sea) was relatively high, suggesting that environmental conditions in each region were distinct and produced area-specific geochemical signatures on the cuttlebones ofS. officinalis. A modified delta C-13 and delta O-18 baseline was developed from sites proximal to the Strait of Gibraltar in both the NEAO and Mediterranean Sea to assess potential mixing through this corridor. Nearly, all (95%) of delta C-13 and delta O-18 signatures ofS. officinaliscollected in the area of the NEAO closest to the Strait of Gibraltar (Gulf of Cadiz) matched the signatures of specimens collected in the western Mediterranean, signifying potential movement and mixing of individuals through this passageway. This study extends the current application of these geochemical markers for assessing the natal origin and population connectivity of this species and potentially other taxa that inhabit this geographical area.Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology: IF/00576/2014info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio