19 research outputs found

    NailP at eRisk 2023: search for symptoms of depression

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    Depression is a global health concern with severe consequences for individuals, making its recognition and understanding crucial. Recently, there has been a growing interest in utilizing social media platforms as valuable sources of information to gain insights into individuals’ experiences with depression. Analyzing textual data from diverse user populations enables the identification of common symptoms, triggers, coping mechanisms, and potential warning signs. Researchers have developed algorithms and machine learning models to automate the detection of depressive symptoms in text, facilitating more efficient screening and early intervention. This paper describes the participation of team NailP in the CLEF eRisk 2023 task 1, which focuses on ranking sentences from user writings based on their relevance to symptoms of depression. The goal is to evaluate the sentences and determine their level of relevance to each symptom outlined in the Beck Depression Questionnaire-II. Such participation contributes to the development of effective methods and tools for identifying and predicting potential risks and dangers associated with depression in online environments.The authors thank CNPq, CAPES, FAPERJ, and CEFET/RJ for partially funding this research. The authors are grateful to the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT, Portugal) for financial support through national funds FCT/MCTES (PIDDAC) to CeDRI (UIDB/05757/2020 and UIDP/05757/2020) and SusTEC (LA/P/0007/2021).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    MAM: Método para Agrupamentos Múltiplos em Redes Sociais Online Baseado em Emoções, Personalidades e Textos

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    Um problema importante em análise de redes sociais é o particionamento de seus usuários com o objetivo de descobrir grupos que possuem interesses ou características comuns. Dada uma coleção de objetos, tipicamente não existe apenas uma única maneira de formar as partições. Além disto, quando objetos são usuários de uma rede social, cada objeto pode ser representado por diferentes conjuntos de dados. Esses conjuntos de dados oferecem oportunidades para explorar os comportamentos dos usuários a partir de diferentes perspectivas. Esse trabalho descreve um método agrupamento de múltiplas visões para agrupar objetos que contenham tais propriedades. Os agrupamentos produzidos por nosso método produzem agrupamentos alternativos não-redundantes. Devido a essas diferenças, eles podem revelar novas maneiras de interpretar os dados. Os experimentos conduzidos nesses trabalho usaram uma rede social online brasileira denominada MQD. No MQD os usuários são representados por três conjuntos de dados. Cada um deles corresponde a uma particular perspectiva: emoção, personalidade e postagem. Os resultados experimentais indicam que nosso método é capaz de produzir agrupamentos diferentes que consideram as três perspectivas dos usuários

    Epidemiology And Factors Related to Psychiatric Diseases in a Child Psychosocial Support Center in a City in Northeastern Brazil

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    Objetivo: Os distúrbios mentais têm representado um grande desafio para a saúde mundial, considerando que 12% da população necessita de algum atendimento em saúde mental e 3% apresenta algum transtorno mental severo e persistente que necessita de acompanhamento. O desenvolvimento psíquico-cognitivo da criança é influenciado por diversas situações, genéticas e ambientais. O objetivo principal deste estudo foi observar quais são as doenças psiquiátricas mais prevalentes em pacientes atendidos pelo Centro de Atenção Psicossocial Infanto-Juvenil (CAPSIJ) de Imperatriz e levantar fatores que poderiam estar relacionados ao aparecimento e a apresentação desses distúrbios na infância. Métodos: Essa pesquisa se caracteriza como indutiva, analítica-descritiva, retrospectiva e documental. O presente estudo foi conduzido no Centro de Apoio Psicossocial Infanto-Juvenil de Imperatriz-MA. Resultados. Ao todo, foram 137 diagnósticos ou hipóteses diagnosticas levantadas, tendo algumas crianças recebido mais de um diagnóstico. São 22 diagnósticos diferentes definidos por Código Internacional de Doenças (CID) que foram reagrupados em categorias maiores conforme a semelhança dos transtornos. O sexo masculino é o mais prevalente e a média de idade aproximada é de 6 anos. Conclusão: Os transtornos mentais mais prevalentes entre as crianças analisadas foram os transtornos globais do desenvolvimento (em primeiro lugar autismo infantil) e transtornos hipercinéticos, seguidos pelo estado de stress pós-traumático, retardo mental e transtornos ansiosos. Foi comprovada a associação entre os transtornos presentes neste estudo e fatores genéticos, biológicos e ambientais.  Objectives: Mental disorders have posed a major challenge to global health, considering that 12% of the population needs some mental health care and 3% have some severe and persistent mental disorder requiring medical attention. The psychic-cognitive development of the child is influenced by several genetic and environmental situations. The main objective of this study was to observe which are the most prevalent psychiatric diseases in patients attended by the Child Psychosocial Support Center (CAPSIJ) of Imperatriz and to find factors that could be related to the appearance and presentation of these disorders in children. Method: This research is characterized as inductive, analytical-descriptive, retrospective and documentary. The present study was conducted at the Child Psychosocial Support Center of Imperatriz-MA. Results: In all, 137 diagnoses or diagnostic hypotheses were raised, with some children receiving more than one diagnosis. There are 22 different diagnoses defined by the International Code of Diseases (ICD) that have been regrouped into larger categories according to the similarities of the disorders. The male sex is the most prevalent and the average age is approximately 6 years. Conclusion: The most prevalent mental disorders among the children analyzed were child development disorders (primarily childhood autism) and hyperkinetic disorders, followed by post-traumatic stress disorder, mental retardation, and anxiety disorders. The association between the disorders present in this study and genetic, biological and environmental factors

    Schinus terebinthifolius leaf extract causes midgut damage, interfering with survival and development of Aedes aegypti larvae

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    In this study, a leaf extract from Schinus terebinthifolius was evaluated for effects on survival, development, and midgut of A. aegypti fourth instar larvae (L4), as well as for toxic effect on Artemia salina. Leaf extract was obtained using 0.15 M NaCl and evaluated for phytochemical composition and lectin activity. Early L4 larvae were incubated with the extract (0.3–1.35%, w/v) for 8 days, in presence or absence of food. Polymeric proanthocyanidins, hydrolysable tannins, heterosid and aglycone flavonoids, cinnamic acid derivatives, traces of steroids, and lectin activity were detected in the extract, which killed the larvae at an LC50 of 0.62% (unfed larvae) and 1.03% (fed larvae). Further, the larvae incubated with the extract reacted by eliminating the gut content. No larvae reached the pupal stage in treatments at concentrations between 0.5% and 1.35%, while in the control (fed larvae), 61.7% of individuals emerged as adults. The extract (1.0%) promoted intense disorganization of larval midgut epithelium, including deformation and hypertrophy of cells, disruption of microvilli, and vacuolization of cytoplasms, affecting digestive, enteroendocrine, regenerative, and proliferating cells. In addition, cells with fragmented DNA were observed. Separation of extract components by solid phase extraction revealed that cinnamic acid derivatives and flavonoids are involved in larvicidal effect of the extract, being the first most efficient in a short time after larvae treatment. The lectin present in the extract was isolated, but did not show deleterious effects on larvae. The extract and cinnamic acid derivatives were toxic to A. salina nauplii, while the flavonoids showed low toxicity. S. terebinthifolius leaf extract caused damage to the midgut of A. aegypti larvae, interfering with survival and development. The larvicidal effect of the extract can be attributed to cinnamic acid derivatives and flavonoids. The data obtained using A. salina indicates that caution should be used when employing this extract as a larvicidal agent

    WhatsApp: uma mesclagem multimodal contemporânea

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    Este trabalho adota a Teoria dos Espaços Mentais (Fauconnier, 1994, 1997) e a Teoria da Integração(ou Mesclagem) Conceptual (Fauconnier & Turner, 2002), para descrever a estrutura cognitiva subjacente aoaplicativo de celular denominado WhatsApp Messenger (Wz). Argumenta-se que o aplicativo constitui a âncoramaterial de um processo de integração conceptual experiencial e multimodal. Propõe-se, ainda, que a troca demensagens de texto envolve mesclagem múltipla composta por três espaços mutuamente conectados – FALA(conversação face a face), ESCRITA e IMAGEM, que são projetados seletivamente na mescla. Na estruturaemergente, a comunicação por Wz é concebida pelos usuários como comunicação face a face multimodal

    Ataques cibernéticos: a metáfora de guerra em ciências da computação

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    This work investigates the role of metaphorical conceptualization in the development of scientific theorizing in Computer Science and, more specifically, in the field of “Cybersecurity”. Based on data retrieved from academic articles published in annals of recognized events in the field of Computing or Engineering, the analysis shows that the conceptual metaphor ILLEGAL COMPUTER COMMUNICATION NETWORK IS WAR predominates in the approach to unauthorized interference in computer communication networks. It is also pointed out that different warlike terms occur, consistently, throughout all texts, reflecting the cognitive process of conceptual blending (FAUCONNIER and TURNER, 2002), as well as the discourse phenomena of metaphoricity (CAMERON, 2003).Este trabalho investiga o papel da conceptualização metafórica no desenvolvimento da teorização científica na área de Ciências da Computação e, mais especificamente, na subárea de “Segurança Cibernética”. Com base em dados retirados de artigos acadêmicos publicados em anais de conferências reconhecidas na área da Computação ou Engenharias, a análise evidencia que a metáfora conceptual COMUNICAÇÃO ILEGAL EM REDES DE COMPUTADORES É GUERRA predomina na abordagem científica de interferências não autorizadas em sistemas computacionais.  Em particular, os resultados indicam que termos relacionados à metáfora em questão ocorrem, de forma consistente, em todos os textos analisados, evidenciando o processo cognitivo de mesclagem conceptual (FAUCONNIER e TURNER, 2002), bem como o fenômeno discursivo de metaforicidade (CAMERON, 2003).

    Toluidine Blue stained histological sections of the midgut of <i>Aedes aegypti</i> L4 from control (A) and incubated for 12 h with the <i>Schinus terebinthifolius</i> leaf extract (B).

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    <p>Midgut from control larva (A) showed a single-layered epithelium (ep) comprised of digestive (dc) and regenerative cells (rc) with preserved morphology (C). L, midgut lumen; m, muscle; n, digestive cell nuclei. Midgut from treated larva (B) showed intense disorganization of the epithelial layer (ep) with several spaces between cells (*) and some hypertrophied digestive cells (dc). Tissue/cell debris (arrowhead) is seen in the midgut lumen. m, muscle; n, digestive cell nucleus; pm, peritrophic matrix. Details of columnar digestive cells for control (C) and treated (D) larvae. Structure resembling vacuoles (v) are seen in D. n, cell nucleus; N, nucleolus; B, brush border.</p

    <i>Aedes aegypti</i> L<sub>4</sub> larvae incubated for 12 h with <i>Schinus terebinthifolius</i> leaf extract (1.0%, w/v).

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    <p>(A) Larva eliminating the gut content covered by the peritrophic matrix. (B) Shrunken and pigmented midgut dissected from a larva incubated with the leaf extract. (C) Midgut dissected from a control larvae, after removal of gut content and peritrophic matrix, without apparent alterations. (D) Midgut dissected from a larva incubated with the leaf extract containing the 0.01 M phenylthiourea (PTU), a phenoloxidase inhibitor. (E) Midgut dissected from a larva incubated with 0.01 M PTU.</p