29 research outputs found

    Energy evaluation of cows using genetic markers

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    The aim of the study was to research the polymorphism of allelic variants of somatotropin GH genes and pituitary-specific transcription factor PIT-1 and its influence on bioenergetic parameters of high-yielding of Holstein breed cows in intensive milk production technology (cold method of growing heifers, early insemination of heifers. high daily operating loads on the body, etc.). Genotypes of cows were determined by PCR. Blood DNA was examined in a genetic laboratory. Isolation of genomic DNA was performed using resin “Chelex-100”. The reaction was performed in an amplifier “Tertsyk”. For the energy assessment of first-born cows used indicators of net maintenance energy (MJ per day), net milk energy (MJ per day), total net energy consumption (MJ per day), the value of the energy index (the share of energy released from milk, %), productivity index (kilogram of 4 % milk per 1 MJ), net energy consumption per 1 MJ of milk (MJ), energy released with milk per 1 kg of metabolic mass (MJ). The best energy parameters in cows by GH gene – LL genotype, by pituitary-specific transcription factor PIT-1 – AB genotype, and among paired genotypes – LL/AB and LL/BB. In these animals, bioenergetic indicators for the first and second periods of lactation were higher than their peers of LV, BB and LV/BB genotypes by 2.0–15.2 %, with a reliable result for most traits. In particular, during the first lactation period, the advantage of cows of the LL/AB genotype over the LV/BB genotype in terms of bioenergetic indicators was 3.9–15.2 %, significantly less than in the second lactation period in the range of 1.8–7.4 %. In the genome of pituitary-specific transcription factor PIT-1, better bioenergetic parameters were found in cows of genotype AB than in cows of genotype BB. The difference in bioenergetic parameters is explained by the higher lactotropic function of the L and A alleles, and is the result of a greater complementary effect on the functioning of the alleles of the associated genes in the complex genotype. This was confirmed by the analysis of variance of one-factor complexes, which revealed a stronger influence of genotypes on bioenergetic parameters during the first period of lactation than the second. However, the strength of the influence of the paired genotype on the GH and PIT-1 genes was always high regardless of the lactation period and ranged from 8.9 to 20.9 % (P < 0.01–0.001). In the future, it is of interest to study the formation of the exterior and constitution of cows of different genetic influences under the influence of polymorphisms in the GH and PIT-1 genes


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    The study focuses on factors in the development of information and communications competence. The authors describe the effects of the application of information and communications technology as an applied basis for developing information and communications competence and the impact of pedagogical competence as a theoretical foundation for the development of information and communications competence. The obtained findings are utilized to propose a comprehensive strategy to facilitate the development of information and communications competence in teachers accounting for all the significant factors in it and including all stages of its development. The presented approach ensures consistent development of the competencies from the development of educational programs and to self-assessment and further improvement of the skills. Considering such factors as the educational environment, individual psychological characteristics, pedagogical experience, and motivation, it is possible to considerably improve the results and utilize ICT to increase the quality of education.O estudo centra-se nos factores de desenvolvimento da competência em matéria de informação e comunicação. Os autores descrevem os efeitos da aplicação das tecnologias da informação e da comunicação como base aplicada para o desenvolvimento da competência em matéria de informação e comunicação e o impacto da competência pedagógica como base teórica para o desenvolvimento da competência em matéria de informação e comunicação. Os resultados obtidos são utilizados para propor uma estratégia abrangente para facilitar o desenvolvimento da competência em matéria de informação e comunicação nos professores, tendo em conta todos os factores significativos e incluindo todas as fases do seu desenvolvimento. A abordagem apresentada garante um desenvolvimento consistente das competências, desde o desenvolvimento de programas educativos até à autoavaliação e ao aperfeiçoamento das competências. Considerando factores como o ambiente educativo, as características psicológicas individuais, a experiência pedagógica e a motivação, é possível melhorar consideravelmente os resultados e utilizar as TIC para aumentar a qualidade da educação

    Methods of Social Interaction Learning for Students of Non-Profit Organizations

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    Search and substantiation of new form productivity for student non-formal education, which make it possible to compensate for the deficit of purposeful preparation for social interaction in the traditional (formal) system of higher education. Methodology: system-dialectical approach, which allows to overcome the existing fragmentation and the fragmentation of research results concerning the experience of student social interaction; the methods of scientific analysis of sources; pedagogical experience study; comparative analysis; classification; content analysis; mathematical processing of statistical data. Results: they substantiate the relevance of addressing social education of students in youth non-profit organizations, as one of the forms of non-formal education. The individual and group experience of social interaction and its promising lines of enrichment (subjectivity, reflexivity, co-existence) are proposed as a system-organized educational result. The content of education is determined based on the characteristics of social practices implemented in non-profit organizations. The results of the comparative study of the applied forms and methods of youth training in existing youth non-profit organizations in Russia and abroad (the Association of Trainers of the Russian Union of Youth, the All-Russian School of Personal Growth and Development of Student Self-Government "Progress", "The College of Trainers by T. Hoist" (Germany), "Freechild Institute" (USA). The methods of social training of their participants most widespread in non-profit organizations, the features and results of their application are determined. The conclusions are made about the relevance and prospects of student youth preparation optimization for active social interaction in non-formal education within the context of non-profit organizations based on the methodology of the system-dialectical approach to the enrichment of individual and group experience of social interaction

    Experience of Social Interaction of a Future Specialist as a Unified Basis for Continuous Education

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    The implementation of the competency-based approach in a multi-level education system has posed the problem of continuity of its levels. The search for common grounds in choosing the content and results of education has intensified. The scientific interest in the student’s experience has grown, as the basic basis for the formation of competencies. Experience is an extremely general category in the scientific apparatus of many sciences, such as philosophy, sociology, psychology, pedagogy, and understanding of its essential properties determines the choice of the content of education. Increasingly, the experience of human behavior in a changing society is becoming the subject of research by educators. Educational standards for training specialists in the sociogenic sphere contain a capacious block of social competencies formed in the educational process at the meta-subject and subject levels. The difficulty of ensuring the systemic integrity of the content of education, which includes individual, disparate elements of activity reflected in the social competencies of a future specialist, determines the theoretical and experimental search for an effective educational construct that maximally covers the content of these competencies and the ways of its formation. The genesis of the concept of social interaction indicates the progressive movement of scientific ideas from a socially insignificant and little studied phenomenon to its dominant role in the formation and development of social reality. In most psychological and pedagogical concepts, experience is considered as a passive result of activity, which determines its static structure. The dynamic structure of the experience of social interaction is formed by the value-semantic, thought-activity and expressive-activity components. Subjectivity, co-existence, and reflexivity are proposed as the through lines of its enrichment for all levels of education. The results of the study can serve as a theoretical basis for designing the enrichment of the experience of social interaction of students at different levels of education


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    The aim of the study was the process of studying the phenomenon of rock climbing development as one of the promising areas of sports tourism in the Almaty region of the Republic of Kazakhstan, which has a wide range of tourist resources systematically involved in various types of tourism. The research method was a large-scale, extended analysis of the tourist attractiveness of the region, and thus defined the most popular tourism destinations, as well as the persistent association of the Almaty region with mountain and foothill terrain, sports tourism and rock climbing. As a result of the research, the authors have formed a clear understanding of rock climbing as one of the promising areas for the development of sports tourism, which is currently becoming increasingly popular among both the local population and tourists of different ages. Sports tourism, rock climbing on natural and artificial (specially created) terrain, requires significant resource provision with respect to both the rock climbing sites, and professional personnel in the field of tourism who possess competencies in the field of sports tourism, ensuring the implementation of this tourist service. The results of the research presented in this article are based on the professional activities of the authors and allow them to have a qualitative impact on the process of training the sports tourism personnel, and contribute to the development of different-level routes for tourists wishing to engage in rock climbing, expand the involvement of tourists and contribute to the development of touristic attractiveness of the regions of the country

    Quality management in higher education: The individual work of students’ quality management

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    The importance of this article is dictated by the necessity to adopt the Bologna standard of higher education including the module system into the frame of the Ukrainian university network. The author gives a brief review of the development of the quality concept and approaches, which have been made to integrate it into higher education management. The article sets out the new scheme of individual work of student management seen as part of the general management process

    Dionisy's frescoes in the Church of the Ferapontov Monastery from 1502 and their restoration

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    Práce je věnována freskám malíře Dionisia v kostele Narození Panny Marie Ferapontova kláštera z roku 1502 a jejich restaurování se zaměřením na stavební rozvoj kostela, ikonografii a techniku maleb. Popisuje obnovu a restaurovaní maleb v kostele, provedené od jeho vzniku až po současnost, se stručním přehledem dějin kláštera a tvorby Dionisia. Práce je doplněna bohatou obrazovou přílohou.The work is devoted to Dionisy's frescoes in the Church of the Ferapontov Monastery from 1502 and their restoration with focus on architectural development of the church, iconography and technique of mural paintings. It describes the recovery and restoration of paintings in the church, made from its foundation until nowadays, the brief overview of the history of the monastery and Dionisy's work. The work is accompanied with rich image supplement.Ateliér restaurování malby a sgrafitaDokončená práce s úspěšnou obhajobo