494 research outputs found

    Bryo-Activities: A Review on How Bryophytes Are Contributing to the Arsenal of Natural Bioactive Compounds against Fungi

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    Usually regarded as less evolved than their more recently diverged vascular sisters, which currently dominate vegetation landscape, bryophytes seem having nothing to envy to the defensive arsenal of other plants, since they had acquired a suite of chemical traits that allowed them to adapt and persist on land. In fact, these closest modern relatives of the ancestors to the earliest terrestrial plants proved to be marvelous chemists, as they traditionally were a popular remedy among tribal people all over the world, that exploit their pharmacological properties to cure the most different diseases. The phytochemistry of bryophytes exhibits a stunning assortment of biologically active compounds such as lipids, proteins, steroids, organic acids, alcohols, aliphatic and aromatic compounds, polyphenols, terpenoids, acetogenins and phenylquinones, thus it is not surprising that substances obtained from various species belonging to such ancestral plants are widely employed as antitumor, antipyretic, insecticidal and antimicrobial. This review explores in particular the antifungal potential of the three Bryophyta divisions\u2014mosses (Musci), hornworts (Anthocerotae) and liverworts (Hepaticae)\u2014to be used as a sources of interesting bioactive constituents for both pharmaceutical and agricultural areas, providing an updated overview of the latest relevant insights

    Clinical impact of COVID-19 on tuberculosis

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    : During COVID-19 pandemic, a lot of diseases suffered from a limited access to health care services, owing to the use of resources, both technical and financial, mainly directed towards such a dramatic outbreak. Among these, tuberculosis (TB) has been one of the most penalized, with a huge delay both in diagnosis and in start of treatment, with a consequential dramatic increase in morbidity and mortality. COVID-19 and tuberculosis share similar common pathogenetic pathways, and both diseases affect primarily the lungs. About the impact of TB on COVID-19 severity and mortality, data are unclear and literature reports are often conflicting. Certainly, considering the management of coinfected patients, there are pharmacokinetic interactions between several drugs used for the therapy of SARS-CoV-2 infection and the treatment of TB

    The impact of national and international guidelines on newborn care in the nurseries of Piedmont and Aosta Valley, Italy

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    BACKGROUND: Care procedures for preventing neonatal diseases are carried out according to nurseries' traditions and may be not consistent with the evidence based medicine issues. METHODS: A multi-centric survey was conducted in 2 Regions located in NW Italy (Piedmont and Aosta Valley) in order to collect information on some healthy newborn care procedures. During 2001, a questionnaire was sent to the chief pediatrician in charge to the all 33 nurseries of the region asking the methods used during 2000 as prevention of ophthalmia neonatorum, early and late hemorrhagic disease of newborn, umbilical cord care and recommendations of vitamin D administration. Thereafter, during 2004 the same questionnaire was sent to the 34 chief pediatrician of nurseries to evaluate if the procedures were changed during 2003 according to guidelines. The nurseries care for 32,516 newborns in 2000 and 37,414 in 2003. RESULTS: Aminoglycoside eyes drops as prevention of ophthalmia neonatorum were the first choice in both periods (23 out 33 nurseries in 2000 and 24 out 34 in 2003 p > 0.05; the corresponding figures for newborns were18,984 out 32,516 newborns vs. 28,180 out of 37,414 p < 0.05). The umbilical cord care was carried out with alcohol in 12/33 centers (13,248 newborns) and dry gauze in 3/33 centers (2,130 newborns) in 2000, the corresponding figures in 2003 were 6/34 centers (p > 0.05), (6,380 newborns, p < 0.05) and 12/34 centers (p < 0.05), (18,123 newborns, p < 0.05). The percentage of newborns receiving of i.m. vitamin K. at birth increased during the study period (15,923/32,104 in 2000 vs. 19,684/37,414 in 2003, p < 0.01), but not the number of nurseries (16 in 2000 and 17 in 2003 p > 0.05). The numbers of parents of newborns who receive the recommendations of oral vitamin K during the first months life decreased from 2000 (25,516/30,606) to 2003 (29,808/37,414, p < 0.01) as well as for Vitamin D recommendation (14,582/30,616 in 2000 vs. 11,051/37,414 in 2003, p < 0.01). Oral vitamin K during the first months of life was recommended by 25 nurseries in 2000 and 27 in 2003 (p > 0.05), the corresponding figures for Vitamin D were 15 and 14 (p > 0.05). CONCLUSION: In the present study a large variability of procedures among the nurseries was observed. During the study periods, guidelines and evidence based medicine issues have only partially modified the neonatal care procedures In Piedmont and Aosta Valley nurseries. These observations suggest to implement local forum/consensus conference to standardized procedures as much as possible

    Pilot study on epigenetic response to a mind-body treatment

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    In the last years, epigenetics and functional genomics methods to evaluate the genomic effects and mechanisms of mind-body therapies have increasingly grown. DNA microarray technology has been used to show the involvement of the stress response pathways both in the case of disease and stress and as an effect of mind-body therapies. In the present research, the DNA samples obtained from 20 individuals who experienced a mind-body therapeutic protocol (MBT-T), were analysed from the bio-molecular point of view by means of an epigenetic marker (MSAP molecular tool), in order to estimate the different status of methylation. The subjects were compared at 3 different times: prior to, 1 hour after, and 24 hours after the treatment. The molecular data were processed through different biostatistics approaches: the Bayesian statistics approach, in order to estimate the clustering membership of the subjects (Structure), and the statistical estimation of the DNA methylation level (MSAP statistical tool). The structure analysis revealed that the clusters and their membership changed among the three time points moving from higher heterogeneous distribution to higher homogeneous clusters. Before the treatment, the subjects’ epigenetic profiles were heterogeneous; after the mind-body treatment we found that epigenetic profiles converged to homogeneous DNA methylation status. DNA epigenetic status of the subjects was affected by the MBT-T treatment

    YB-1 recruitment to stress granules in zebrafish cells reveals a differential adaptive response to stress

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    The survival of cells exposed to adverse environmental conditions entails various alterations in cellular function including major changes in the transcriptome as well as a radical reprogramming of protein translation. While in mammals this process has been extensively studied, stress responses in non-mammalian vertebrates remain poorly understood. One of the key cellular responses to many different types of stressors is the transient generation of structures called stress granules (SGs). These represent cytoplasmic foci where untranslated mRNAs are sorted or processed for re-initiation, degradation, or packaging into mRNPs. Here, using the evolutionarily conserved Y-box binding protein 1 (YB-1) and G3BP1 as markers, we have studied the formation of stress granules in zebrafish (D. rerio) in response to different environmental stressors. We show that following heat shock, zebrafish cells, like mammalian cells, form stress granules which contain both YB-1 and G3BP1 proteins. Moreover, zfYB-1 knockdown compromises cell viability, as well as recruitment of G3BP1 into SGs, under heat shock conditions highlighting the essential role played by YB-1 in SG assembly and cell survival. However, zebrafish PAC2 cells do not assemble YB-1-positive stress granules upon oxidative stress induced by arsenite, copper or hydrogen peroxide treatment. This contrasts with the situation in human cells where SG formation is robustly induced by exposure to oxidative stressors. Thus, our findings point to fundamental differences in the mechanisms whereby mammalian and zebrafish cells respond to oxidative stress

    The current role of surgery and SBRT in early stage of small cell lung cancer

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    Early stage small cell lung cancer (T1-2N0M0SCLC) represents 7% of all SCLC. The standard treatment in patients with intrathoracic SCLC disease is the use of concurrent chemoradiotherapy (CRT). Nowadays, the recommended management of this highly selected group is surgical resection due to favorable survival outcomes. For medically inoperable patients or those who refuse surgery, there is an increasing interest in evaluating the role of Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy (SBRT) for T1-2N0SCLC, transferring the favorable experience obtained on inoperable NSCLC (Non-Small-cell Lung Cancer). In the era of multimodality treatment, adjuvant systemic therapy plays an important role even in the management of early SCLC, increasing the disease-free survival (DFS) and Overall Survival (OS). The benefit of Prophylactic Cranial Irradiation (PCI), that currently has a Category I recommendation for localized stage SLCL, remains controversial in this selected subgroup of patients due to the lower risk of brain metastasis. This review summarizes the most relevant data on the local management of T1-2N0M0SCLC (surgery and radiotherapy), and evaluates the relevance of adjuvant treatment. Provides a critical evaluation of best current clinical management options for T1-2N0M0 SCLC

    Sviluppo di tecnologie innovative per l’identificazione, monitoraggio, remediation di sorgenti di contaminazione naturale e antropica

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    La tecnica di rilievo acustico multifascio (“multibeam bathymetry” o “swath bathymetry”) utilizza l’energia acustica per acquisire misure della profondità del fondale marino e rappresenta uno fra i metodi più efficaci di rilievo morfo-batimetrico, in quanto consente, in tempi relativamente brevi, di ottenere una notevolissima quantità di informazioni correttamente georeferenziate sui fondali investigati. Rispetto ai limiti dell’ecoscandaglio a fascio singolo, l’ecoscandaglio multifascio (MBES multibeam echosounder) offre sostanzialmente la possibilità di “riconoscere” e posizionare tutti gli arrivi laterali, sia quelli dovuti al moto della nave che quelli legati alla morfologia irregolare del fondo. Il Side Scan Sonar (SSS) viene utilizzato per la determinazione delle caratteristiche morfoacustiche dei fondali: Rappresenta un'applicazione differenziata del tradizionale principio dell'ecoscandaglio utilizzato per i sondaggi acustici batimetrici verticali, che viene adattato all'impiego per i sondaggi acustici con scansione areale. Il parametro misurato con i sistemi SSS è il backscatter, ovvero la riflessione delle onde dovuta alle caratteristiche di rugosità intrinseche dei materiali

    YB-1 recruitment to stress granules in zebrafish cells reveals a differential adaptive response to stress

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    The survival of cells exposed to adverse environmental conditions entails various alterations in cellular function including major changes in the transcriptome as well as a radical reprogramming of protein translation. While in mammals this process has been extensively studied, stress responses in non-mammalian vertebrates remain poorly understood. One of the key cellular responses to many different types of stressors is the transient generation of structures called stress granules (SGs). These represent cytoplasmic foci where untranslated mRNAs are sorted or processed for re-initiation, degradation, or packaging into mRNPs. Here, using the evolutionarily conserved Y-box binding protein 1 (YB-1) and G3BP1 as markers, we have studied the formation of stress granules in zebrafish (D. rerio) in response to different environmental stressors. We show that following heat shock, zebrafish cells, like mammalian cells, form stress granules which contain both YB-1 and G3BP1 proteins. Moreover, zfYB-1 knockdown compromises cell viability, as well as recruitment of G3BP1 into SGs, under heat shock conditions highlighting the essential role played by YB-1 in SG assembly and cell survival. However, zebrafish PAC2 cells do not assemble YB-1-positive stress granules upon oxidative stress induced by arsenite, copper or hydrogen peroxide treatment. This contrasts with the situation in human cells where SG formation is robustly induced by exposure to oxidative stressors. Thus, our findings point to fundamental differences in the mechanisms whereby mammalian and zebrafish cells respond to oxidative stress

    Italian intersociety consensus on management of long covid in children

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    Background: Two sequelae of pediatric COVID-19 have been identified, the multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children (MIS-C) and the long COVID. Long COVID is much less precisely defined and includes all the persistent or new clinical manifestations evidenced in subjects previously infected by SARS-CoV-2 beyond the period of the acute infection and that cannot be explained by an alternative diagnosis. In this Intersociety Consensus, present knowledge on pediatric long COVID as well as how to identify and manage children with long COVID are discussed. Main findings: Although the true prevalence of long COVID in pediatrics is not exactly determined, it seems appropriate to recommend evaluating the presence of symptoms suggestive of long COVID near the end of the acute phase of the disease, between 4 and 12 weeks from this. Long COVID in children and adolescents should be suspected in presence of persistent headache and fatigue, sleep disturbance, difficulty in concentrating, abdominal pain, myalgia or arthralgia. Persistent chest pain, stomach pain, diarrhea, heart palpitations, and skin lesions should be considered as possible symptoms of long COVID. It is recommended that the primary care pediatrician visits all subjects with a suspected or a proven diagnosis of SARS-CoV-2 infection after 4 weeks to check for the presence of symptoms of previously unknown disease. In any case, a further check-up by the primary care pediatrician should be scheduled 3 months after the diagnosis of SARS-CoV-2 infection to confirm normality or to address emerging problems. The subjects who present symptoms of any organic problem must undergo a thorough evaluation of the same, with a possible request for clinical, laboratory and / or radiological in-depth analysis in case of need. Children and adolescents with clear symptoms of mental stress will need to be followed up by existing local services for problems of this type. Conclusions: Pediatric long COVID is a relevant problem that involve a considerable proportion of children and adolescents. Prognosis of these cases is generally good as in most of them symptoms disappear spontaneously. The few children with significant medical problems should be early identified after the acute phase of the infection and adequately managed to assure complete resolution. A relevant psychological support for all the children during COVID-19 pandemic must be organized by health authorities and government that have to treat this as a public health issue
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