130 research outputs found

    Taxonomic changes and non-native species: An overview of constraints and new challenges for macroinvertebrate-based indices calculation in river ecosystems

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    Freshwater ecosystems face many threats in the form of reduced water quantity, poor water quality and the loss of biodiversity. As a result, aquatic biomonitoring tools are required to enable the evaluation of these critical changes. Currently, macroinvertebrate-based indices are globally the most widely used biomonitoring tools in fluvial ecosystems. However, very little is known about the potential effects of changes in taxonomic understanding (updating of classification and nomenclature) or the presence of new non-native species for biotic indices calculation. This is especially relevant given that errors, incorrect classification or exclusion of new/updated nomenclature may affect ecological status evaluations and have direct consequences for the management and conservation of freshwater systems. In this discussion paper the main constraints, challenges and implications of these issues are outlined and case studies from a range of European countries are discussed. However, similar challenges affect rivers and managers globally and will potentially be amplified further in the future. Bioassessment science needs to be open to improvements, and current tools and protocols need to be flexible so that they can be updated and revised rapidly to allow new scientific developments to be integrated. This discussion highlights specific examples and new ideas that may contribute to the future development of aquatic biomonitoring using macroinvertebrates and other faunal and floral groups in riverine ecosystems

    Exploring the desiccation tolerance of the invasive bivalve Corbicula fluminea (Müller 1774) at different temperatures

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    Corbicula fluminea (Müller, 1774) (Mollusca, Corbiculidae) is among the most successful and widespread invaders of aquatic ecosystems worldwide. Given its wide geographical distribution and documented effects on aquatic ecosystems, there is considerable interest in quantifying its behaviour, propagation and control. We conducted a series of laboratory experiments to assess the effects of complete desiccation (aerial exposure at high relative humidity) on a UK population of C. fluminea for: (1) different environmental temperatures (6 scenarios: from cool winter droughts to summer heatwave thermal conditions); and (2) two size classes (> 1 cm and ≤ 1 cm). A mortality rate of 100% was obtained for all experiments, except the lowest temperature scenario of 4 °C. For both high-temperature scenarios (25 and 30 °C) 100% mortality was recorded after 48 h, and an elevated mortality rate recorded after 24 h. An extended period of desiccation of 5–6 days would be necessary to reach a mortality rate of 90% at 15 °C and 3.5 days at 20 °C. Statistical analysis demonstrated a significant effect of temperature on mortality, but both size classes displayed similar responses to desiccation. The greatest difference in mortality was recorded between the highest and lowest experimental temperatures. C. fluminea was particularly tolerant to desiccation when low temperature and high humidity conditions coincided, suggesting it could potentially spread to regions beyond its current eco-geographical range. The results will be of direct interest for regulatory authorities considering desiccation (and water level management) as a means of managing and preventing the further spread of this species

    Problematizações das práticas psi : articulações com o pensamento foucaultiano

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    A problematização das práticas de intervenção na área psi tem sido orientada, muitas vezes, por alguns conceitos foucaultianos como poder, saber e regimes de verdade e tem introduzido questões diferenciadas em relação àquelas que tradicionalmente tem-se caracterizado como uma compreensão do que são as práticas psicológicas. Se por um lado essas reflexões passam por uma desacomodação produzidas pelo olhar foucaultiano, por outro lado, esse incômodo é suscitado pelas práticas psicológicas tradicionais que desfrutam de um estatuto de legitimidade. Esses questionamentos instigam o pensar sobre deslocamentos nas formas de intervenção e compreensão das práticas psi.The problematization of the practices of intervention in Psychology has been helped by foucauldian concepts such as power, knowledge, and truth regimes. These concepts have altered the questions which have traditionally characterized views of psychological practices. However, such analysis has been accused of focusing only on the condition of visibility of power relations and modes of production of truth regimes, instead of instituting new forms of action or intervention. In this article we aim to produce a space for new links between foucauldian thought and current ways of conceiving the interventions in the psychology field

    The problematization of psychological practices: develpments of foucauldian approaches

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    A problematização das práticas de intervenção na área psi tem sido orientada, muitas vezes, por alguns conceitos foucaultianos como poder, saber e regimes de verdade e tem introduzido questões diferenciadas em relação àquelas que tradicionalmente tem-se caracterizado como uma compreensão do que são as práticas psicológicas. Se por um lado essas reflexões passam por uma desacomodação produzidas pelo olhar foucaultiano, por outro lado, esse incômodo é suscitado pelas práticas psicológicas tradicionais que desfrutam de um estatuto de legitimidade. Esses questionamentos instigam o pensar sobre deslocamentos nas formas de intervenção e compreensão das práticas psi.The problematization of the practices of intervention in Psychology has been helped by foucauldian concepts such as power, knowledge, and truth regimes. These concepts have altered the questions which have traditionally characterized views of psychological practices. However, such analysis has been accused of focusing only on the condition of visibility of power relations and modes of production of truth regimes, instead of instituting new forms of action or intervention. In this article we aim to produce a space for new links between foucauldian thought and current ways of conceiving the interventions in the psychology field


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    Neste artigo, pretendemos percorrer duas instâncias de produção de discursos sobre as crianças, relacionadas com as práticas educativas: a problematização das teorias psicológicas do desenvolvimento infantil e a construção de modos de ser criança nos discursos cotidianos na atualidade. Uma primeira consideração diz respeito à grande ênfase e repercussão que as situações que envolvem as crianças, e as mais diversas formas de atenção ou desatenção no que diz respeito às mesmas, têm assumido na contemporaneidade. Isso já nos aponta para uma diversidade, que nos impõe a necessidade de considerarmos a limitação de abordarmos a criança desde um ponto de vista único, tentando capturá-la numa definição unívoca. Essas questões nos convocam a um olhar mais complexo sobre a criança e sobre as estratégias educativas que adotamos para trabalhar com as mesmas, bem como o modo com que as teorias psicológicas têm compreendido o desenvolvimento infantil. Palavras – chave: práticas educativas; desenvolvimento infantil; contemporaneidade

    Descontinuidades na história da produção do conhecimento em Psicologia Social brasileira

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    Este artigo problematiza a história da produção do conhecimento em Psicologia Social no Brasil. Tomamos como material de análise os resumos dos Grupos de Trabalho dos Simpósios da Associação Nacional de Pesquisa e Pós-Graduação emPsicologia, desde sua criação em 1988 até 2010, disponíveis no site oficial da Associação, e analisamos os enunciados que compõem o campo discursivo da Psicologia Social no Brasil. Essas formações discursivas são, principalmente, os movimentos sociais, a política e a economia. Com a discussão desses três vetores de análise, podemos visibilizar algumas práticas dos campos de saberes que se sustentaram e se legitimaram sobre o objeto da Psicologia Social.Este artículo aborda la historia de la producción del conocimiento en la Psicología Social en Brasil. Tomamos como material de análisis los resúmenes de los Grupos de Trabajo de los Simposios de la Associação Nacional de Pesquisa e Pós-Graduação em Psicologia desde su creación en el 1988 hasta el año 2010, disponible en el sitio web oficial de la asociación. Analizamos los enunciados que componen el campo discursivo de la Psicología Social en Brasil. Estas formaciones discursivas son principalmente los movimientos sociales, la política y la economía. Con la discusión de estos tres vectores de análisis podemos visualizar el campo de fuerzas entre las prácticas de los campos del conocimiento que se han sustentado y legitimado en el objeto de la Psicología Social.This article aims to problematize the history of knowledge production in the field of Social Psychology in Brazil. The data for analysis were the summaries of the Working Groups of Symposia of the Brazilian National Association of Research and Post-Graduation in Psychology since its beginning in 1988 until 2010, available on the official website of this association. In our analysis, we selected the statements that compose the discursive field of Social Psychology in Brazil. These discursive formations are mainly the social movements, politics and economy. By discussing these three points, we can visualize some practices of knowledge fields concerning the object of study of Social Psychology that have been sustained and legitimized

    Problematizações das práticas psi: articulações com o pensamento foucaultiano

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    The article examines the effects of Foucauldian concepts & approaches on the various intervention practices currently used in psychology. Overall, the Foucauldian contributions have been positive, as the values of power, truth, & knowledge have enriched the perspectives that have traditionally informed psychological practice. On the negative side, the application of Foucauldian concepts & approaches has been criticized for standing in the way of the development of new kinds of psychological practices & interventions, overstressing the roles of Foucauldian truth regimes & the concept of power relations. Within the context of these concerns, the article's intent is to clear new critical ground for a possible rapprochement between these competing views, as well as keeping open the possibility of the development of new methodologies for conceiving & implementing psychological interventions

    Integrating habitat- and species-based perspectives for wetland conservation in lowland agricultural landscapes

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    Wetlands are among the most endangered ecosystems worldwide with multiple direct and indirect stressors, especially in human-altered areas like intensive agricultural landscapes. Conservation management and eforts often focus on species diversity and charismatic taxa, but scarcely consider habitats. By focusing on a complex formed by 107 permanent wetlands at 18 Natura 2000 sites in the Emilia-Romagna region (northern Italy), the patterns of habitats of conservation concern were investigated and the concordance with threatened species patterns was analysed. Wetlands were characterised in terms of morphology, connectivity, land use and management as drivers of assemblage and richness patterns of habitats. Our results showed a strong concordance between the distribution and richness patterns of both habitats and threatened taxa (birds, mammals, amphibians, reptiles, fsh, invertebrates, and plants). Thus, habitats seem an efective proxy of species patterns. The variables related with perimeter, environmental heterogeneity and presence of water bodies were the most important ones associated with habitat richness patterns. The presence of aquatic systems (measured as the percentage of wetland area occupied by an aquatic surface) and their position in the hydrographic network were associated mostly with habitats distribution. Low richness wetlands (in habitat terms) were not complementary as no new habitat types were supported. The results stressed the relevance of wetlands with wide water body perimeters composed of diverse systems as being key for biodiversity conservation in a simplifed agricultural matrix. Integrating habitat- and species-based perspectives seems a promising feld and may provide a rapid assessment tool to acquire efective information for wetlands conservation and assessment

    Functional responses of aquatic macroinvertebrates to flow regulation are shaped by natural flow intermittence in Mediterranean streams

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    Running waters in Mediterranean regions are strongly regulated by dams, which produce significant alterations to natural flow regimes. Climate change will reduce discharge and increase flow intermittence in Mediterranean streams, which will lead to an intensified flow regulation to meet water demands. Very little is known about how the functional features of aquatic communities vary along combined anthropogenic flow alteration and natural intermittence gradients. As intermittent streams are subjected to natural stress (droughts and flash floods), the flow regime alteration effect may differ from that observed in perennial rivers. Consequently, studies that aim to determine the effects of flow regulation on the functioning of aquatic communities in a global change context are crucial. By applying linear mixed‐effect models and null models to the macroinvertebrate communities from 65 stream sites in the Segura River Basin (south‐east Spain), we assessed the separate effects of natural flow intermittence and flow regulation, as well as their interaction, on biological traits and functional diversity indices. Natural flow intermittence and flow regulation were mainly associated with loss of taxa with semivoltine or univoltine cycles and more sensitive aquatic stages (i.e. eggs), and with the replacement by taxa with multivoltine cycles and more resistant aquatic stages (i.e. adults). Flow regulation intensified the impact of natural flow intermittence on some biological traits, producing synergistic effects (i.e. decreasing interstitial taxa and tegument breathers and increasing taxa with aquatic adult stages). At the same time, antagonistic (life cycle) and opposing (shredders) interaction effects were also observed. Functional diversity, functional dispersion, and functional redundancy underwent a non‐random decrease as the flow regime alteration increased, and a significant antagonistic interaction was also found between both stressors for functional redundancy. In general, flow regulation effects were stronger in perennial than in intermittent streams because natural intermittence imposes a previous eco‐evolutionary pressure on aquatic biota by selecting those resistant or recovery traits that confer resilience to anthropogenic flow regime alterations. Thus, the natural flow regime influences the functional sensibility of communities to anthropogenic flow alteration.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Michel Foucault, Bruno Latour e algumas linhas de fuga na produção de conhecimentos

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    This article discusses some alterations that may be produced in the ‘psy’ field on the basis of Michel Foucault’s and Bruno Latour’s work by highlighting that in our view make this connection possible and fertile. Firstly, we gather questionings about the epistemological bases on which psychology has been founded in order to become scientific, as well as about the dichotomy between natural sciences and human sciences. Secondly, we turn our attention to Foucault’s and Latour’s works to discuss rituals of production and regulation of scientific discourses. In order to relate these authors’ contributions to the ‘psy’ field, in the third part of this text we point out some strategies that make the political field visible in the production of knowledge and signal the necessary process of making explicit the network of interests that is involved in sciences. Finally, we redirect our look to psychology and the production of subjectivity, pointing out the close relationship between scientific production and the production of ways of living and governing.Key words: sciences, scientific discourses, ways of living and governing.O objetivo deste artigo é discutir algumas alterações que podem ser produzidas através do trabalho de Michel Foucault e Bruno Latour no campo psi, assinalando aspectos que entendemos tornar possível e fértil tal articulação. Assim, em um primeiro momento do texto, reunimos questionamentos sobre as bases epistemológicas nas quais a psicologia se funda para tornarse científica, bem como algumas problematizações sobre a dicotomia entre ciências naturais e humanas e sociais. Em um segundo momento, voltamos nossa atenção para os trabalhos de Foucault e Latour para discutirmos os rituais de produção e regulação dos discursos científicos. Com o intuito de trazer contribuições destes autores para o campo psi, na terceira parte do texto, apontamos algumas estratégias de visibilização do campo político na produção de conhecimento, indicando a necessidade da explicitação da rede de interesses envolvida nas ciências. Por fim, redirecionamos nosso olhar para a psicologia e a produção de subjetividades, apontando para a estreita relação entre a produção científica e a produção de modos de vida e de governo.Palavras-chave: ciências, discursos científicos, modos de vida e de governo