57 research outputs found

    Textile Memory in Colchane: Weavers Revitalizing the Aymara Tradition

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    In Aymara culture, textiles have played a fundamental role as highly valued community possessions and significant media for ritual and tradition. In Chilean territory, the Colchane community has been fortunate, because they have here retained, with fidelity and vigor, their culture and traditional textile practices. However, the average age of active weavers is rising and those younger do not have the technical expertise of their elders, which has led to the loss of a significant part of traditional technical knowledge. To not forget the “handwork” became an urgent concern for artisans in the community, members of the Aymar Warmi association, who sought the support of textile professionals to develop a project that would permit them to organize in order to recover the know-how to make some pieces that they had ceased to weave. Between 2015 and 2016, we carried out the project “Memoria Textil: Reproducción y muestra de una selección aymara de Colchane,” (Fondart N  80940) which sought to revitalize local traditional weaving by creating a collection of textile pieces representative of inherited expertise. The collection remained on display in the community as reference materials to be consulted by the weavers. In the project, a methodology was defined in which the professionals assumed the role of facilitators and guides, with all decisions made by the weavers. This led to greater recognition from their peers for local teachers, who directed the transmission of knowledge that went beyond the technical and practical sphere, since together with the textiles their reason for existence was recovered, documenting the contexts in which they were used, some of them forgotten. A consequence of this initiative has been participation of these weavers in the national award Sello Indigena, a prize now received on two occasions based on the practices and pieces recovered

    El vídeo. Un instrumento para el trabajo en grupo.

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    Efectos del uso del vídeo en la formación del profesorado de EGB.

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    Profiles of University Professors in Spain for the European Higher Education Area (EHEA)

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    This paper presents the findings of a research study of professors’ profiles for the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) conducted in five spanish universities. Through the application of qualitative methods of inquiry, the perceptions of several groups of university professors over the principal teaching qualifications necessary for the coordination of higher education throughout the European Union have been obtained. Data analysis indicates a significant discrepancy between actual Spanish professors and those required by EHEA. It has also made possible the detailed description of teaching competency profiles that professors believe to be fundamental for the new functions demanded of them in the present changing social and educational situation

    Necesidades de formación del profesorado universitario para la adaptación de su docencia al Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior (EEES)

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    En este trabajo se presentan los resultados de una investigación llevada a cabo en cinco universidades españolas para diagnosticar las necesidades de formación en competencias del profesorado universitario. Utilizando técnicas de encuesta, aplicadas a una amplia muestra d profesorado de las cinco áreas de conocimiento, se han detectado necesidades de formación en seis bloques de competencias: a) la Planificación de la Docencia;  b) el Desarrollo de la Docencia; c)  la Evaluación;  d) la Tutoría;  e) la Gestión;  f) la Formación Continua.  Se han hallado diferencias significativas en las necesidades en función del área de conocimiento y las categorías profesionales