555 research outputs found

    Caracterización molecular y desarrollo de métodos de diagnóstico del género Fabavirus Evaluación de BTH como método de control

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    El género Fabavirus pertenece a la familia Comoviridae e incluye tres especies: Broad bean wilt virus 1 (BBWV-1), BBWV-2 y Lamium mild mosaic virus (LMMV), aunque recientemente se ha propuesto una nueva especie, Gentian mosaic virus (GeMV). Estos virus afectan a un gran número de especies hortícolas y ornamentales y son transmitidos de manera no persistente por unas veinte especies de pulgones. El genoma está formado por dos cadenas de RNA monocatenario de polaridad positiva que se encapsidan separadamente con dos proteínas de cápsida formando viriones isométricos. BBWV-1 y BBWV-2 están distribuidos por todo el mundo. En España se ha encontrado BBWV-1 en cultivos de pimiento de Aragón, Cataluña, Castilla León, C. Valenciana, Murcia, Navarra, País Vasco y La Rioja. Los fabavirus son un grupo viral muy poco estudiado. Al comienzo de esta tesis, sólo se había determinado la secuencia nucleotídica del genoma completo de seis aislados de BBWV-2 procedentes de Extremo Oriente, mientras que no se disponía de ninguna secuencia completa de BBWV-1. Para desarrollar métodos rápidos, sensibles y específicos de detección, diferenciar aislados con secuencias divergentes y evaluar en su caso la efectividad de distintas estrategias de control se consideró necesario obtener la secuencia completa de al menos un aislado de BBWV-1 y secuencias parciales de aislados de distintos países. En esta tesis, se determinó la secuencia nucleotídica completa del genoma del aislado español 1S1 de BBWV-1 y se dedujo su organización genómica. El genoma está formado por dos moléculas de RNA monocatenario de polaridad positiva de 5814 y 3431 nt, respectivamente, con la organización genómica descrita para otros miembros de la familia Comoviridae. Al comparar esta secuencia con la única secuencia disponible de BBWV-1 correspondiente al aislado 1U2 de EEUU (publicado durante el desarrollo de esta tesis), se comprobó que los genomas de ambos aislados eran muy divergentes.Ferrer Gual, RM. (2008). Caracterización molecular y desarrollo de métodos de diagnóstico del género Fabavirus Evaluación de BTH como método de control [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/8313Palanci

    Brief intervention in substance-use among adolescent psychiatric patients: a randomized controlled trial

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    Objective of the study is to assess the efficacy of a brief motivational enhancement intervention in adolescents referred to psychiatric treatment who reported substance-use. In a sample of adolescents (n = 237) consecutively admitted to a psychiatry department, 143 were identified as users. Subjects were randomly allocated to one of two groups: an experimental group that received a brief intervention aimed at increasing their awareness of the risks of substance-use, or a control group. All subjects received standard treatment according to the primary diagnosis. Structured questionnaires assessing knowledge, problems, perception of risks and intention of use of psychoactive substances were administered upon admission and 1 month later. Fifty-nine subjects entered the experimental group and 44 the control group. No significant differences between the two groups were identified in socio-demographic features or substance-use. Non-parametric analyses showed a significant increase across time in overall knowledge about drugs and perception of risk in the experimental group (P < 0.05). A significant increase in overall knowledge in the experimental group compared to controls was found (P < 0.05). No differences were observed for other variables such as intention of use or perception of risk. Brief intervention in adolescents entering psychiatric treatment led to a significant change in overall knowledge about psychoactive substances but not in other variables related to use. Our results point to the need of more intensive interventions

    Efficient and Selective N‐Methylation of Nitroarenes under Mild Reaction Conditions

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    Herein, we report a straightforward protocol for the preparation of N,N‐dimethylated amines from readily available nitro starting materials using formic acid as a renewable C1 source and silanes as reducing agents. This tandem process is efficiently accomplished in the presence of a cubane‐type Mo3PtS4 catalyst. For the preparation of the novel [Mo3Pt(PPh3)S4Cl3(dmen)3]+ (3+) (dmen: N,N′‐dimethylethylenediamine) compound we have followed a [3+1] building block strategy starting from the trinuclear [Mo3S4Cl3(dmen)3]+ (1+) and Pt(PPh3)4 (2) complexes. The heterobimetallic 3+ cation preserves the main structural features of its 1+ cluster precursor. Interestingly, this catalytic protocol operates at room temperature with high chemoselectivity when the 3+ catalyst co‐exists with its trinuclear 1+ precursor. N‐heterocyclic arenes, double bonds, ketones, cyanides and ester functional groups are well retained after N‐methylation of the corresponding functionalized nitroarenes. In addition, benzylic‐type as well as aliphatic nitro compounds can also be methylated following this protocol

    El empleo de hogar: desigualdad y poder entre mujeres / Domestic service: inequality and power among women

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    RESUMEN: El tema escogido para este artículo es el análisis de la peculiar relación laboral que se establece entre mujeres en el caso del empleo de hogar; una relación que, para empleadas y empleadoras, se presenta como algo más que un trabajo, pero algo menos que un empleo. El empleo de hogar genera una situación de dependencia asimétrica entre mujeres que constituye un escenario óptimo para observar cómo las desigualdades derivadas de la división sexual del trabajo (desigualdades inter-géneros) se presentan atravesadas por las de clase y etnia (desigualdades intra-género) en un contexto de capitalismo global. ASBTRACT: The main topic of this article is the analysis of the particular work relationship that is established between women in the case of domestic paid work. This relationship between employees and employers is more than work, but less than employment. Domestic paid work generates a situation of asymmetrical dependence between women that represents a perfect scenario to observe how inequalities derived from sexual division of work (inter gender inequalities) are crossed by those of class and ethnic group (intra gender inequalities) in a context of global capitalism

    Análisis De Los Procesos De Marketing De Los Hoteles Medellín, Casa Grande Y La Sierra En La Ciudad De Santa Marta Para El Periodo 2010

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    El sector hotelero de la ciudad de Santa Marta se encuentra en desarrollo, esto se debe al rumbo económico que desde hace mucho tiempo viene tomando la ciudad; el turismo como base de la economía local. Gracias a las inversiones en infraestructura, logística y adecuación de sitios de interés colectivo, la demanda de los servicios turísticos en la capital del Magdalena se ha incrementado considerablemente, por lo tanto, es necesario para este sector ubicarse en el escenario que las leyes del mercado señalan, “crecer a la par del mercado e ir más allá”. Las grandes cadenas hoteleras tienen sedes en el sector de Rodadero, sus hoteles se encuentran a la vanguardia en todo lo que tiene que ver con atención y servicio al cliente, realizan grandes esfuerzos mercadológicos para conocer al turista y más aun a quienes serán sus clientes. Los grandes hoteles comparten la oferta de servicios de alojamiento y complementarios de la ciudad con hoteles de mediana categoría, estos últimos también son carta de presentación del turismo en Santa Marta, por lo tanto, la experiencia que viva el turista en ellos repercute ampliamente en la imagen que se tenga de la ciudad. “Todos estos factores (servicios, localización, atención etc.) afianzan su posición en el mercado, sin embargo, a causa de sus escasos años de funcionamiento, la cadena aún no posee estrategias de marketing o un Plan de marketing que defina la manera en que se comercializarán sus productos/servicios en el mercado”. Así mismo se logró identificar que una inadecuada gestión de mercadotecnia tiene graves repercusiones sobre la imagen y venta de los servicios hoteleros, donde los clientes son altamente exigentes y buscan superar sus expectativas, La auditoria de marketing es una herramienta de trabajo que permite analizar y evaluar los programas y acciones de una empresa, así como su adecuación al entorno y a la situación del momento; es decir, examina todas las áreas de la compañía y averigua las oportunidades y amenazas, o lo que aún es más importante, indica las áreas de mejora sobre las que actuar para aumentar la rentabilidad de la empresa. Identificar el desarrollo del concepto de marketing en los hoteles Medellín Rodadero, La Sierra y Casa Grande de la ciudad de Santa Marta para determinar la tendencia y enfoque de marketing aplicado en las operaciones

    Catalytic Hydrogenation of Azobenzene in the Presence of a Cuboidal Mo3S4 Cluster via an Uncommon Sulfur-Based H2 Activation Mechanism

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    Azobenzene hydrogenation is catalyzed under moderate conditions by a cuboidal Mo3(μ3-S)(μ-S)3 diamino complex via a cluster catalysis mechanism. Dihydrogen activation by the molecular [Mo3(μ3-S)(μ-S)3Cl3(dmen)3]+ cluster cation takes place at the μ-S bridging atoms without direct participation of the metals in clear contrast with classical concepts. The reaction occurs with the formation of 1,2-diphenylhydrazine as an intermediate with similar appearance and disappearance rate constants. On the basis of DFT calculations, a mechanism is proposed in which formation of 1,2-diphenylhydrazine and aniline occurs through two interconnected catalytic cycles that share a common reaction step that involves H2 addition to two of the bridging sulfur atoms of the catalyst to form a dithiolate Mo3(μ3-S)(μ-SH)2)(μ-S) adduct. Both catalytic cycles have similar activation barriers, in agreement with the experimental observation of close rate constant values. Microkinetic modeling of the process leads to computed concentration–time profiles in excellent agreement with the experimental ones providing additional support to the calculated reaction mechanism. Slight modifications on the experimental conditions of the catalytic protocol in combination with theoretical calculations discard a direct participation of the metal on the reaction mechanism. The effect of the ancillary ligands on the catalytic activity of the cluster fully agrees with the present mechanistic proposal. The results herein demonstrate the capability of molybdenum sulfide materials to activate hydrogen through an uncommon sulfur based mechanism opening attractive possibilities toward their applications as catalysts in other hydrogenation processes

    Base-Free Catalytic Hydrogen Production from Formic Acid Mediated by a Cubane-Type Mo3S4 Cluster Hydride

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    Formic acid (FA) dehydrogenation is an attractive process in the implementation of a hydrogen economy. To make this process greener and less costly, the interest nowadays is moving toward non-noble metal catalysts and additive-free protocols. Efficient protocols using earth abundant first row transition metals, mostly iron, have been developed, but other metals, such as molybdenum, remain practically unexplored. Herein, we present the transformation of FA to form H2 and CO2 through a cluster catalysis mechanism mediated by a cuboidal [Mo3S4H3(dmpe)3]+ hydride cluster in the absence of base or any other additive. Our catalyst has proved to be more active and selective than the other molybdenum compounds reported to date for this purpose. Kinetic studies, reaction monitoring, and isolation of the [Mo3S4(OCHO)3(dmpe)3]+ formate reaction intermediate, in combination with DFT calculations, have allowed us to formulate an unambiguous mechanism of FA dehydrogenation. Kinetic studies indicate that the reaction at temperatures up to 60 °C ends at the triformate complex and occurs in a single kinetic step, which can be interpreted in terms of statistical kinetics at the three metal centers. The process starts with the formation of a dihydrogen-bonded species with Mo–H···HOOCH bonds, detected by NMR techniques, followed by hydrogen release and formate coordination. Whereas this process is favored at temperatures up to 60 °C, the subsequent β-hydride elimination that allows for the CO2 release and closes the catalytic cycle is only completed at higher temperatures. The cycle also operates starting from the [Mo3S4(OCHO)3(dmpe)3]+ formate intermediate, again with preservation of the cluster integrity, which adds our proposal to the list of the infrequent cluster catalysis reaction mechanisms.Funding for open access charge: CRUE-Universitat Jaume

    Benchmarking of DFTmethods using experimental free energies and volumes of activation for the cycloaddition of alkynes to cuboidalMo(3)S(4)clusters

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    Here, the kinetics of the concerted [3 + 2] cycloaddition reaction between the [Mo3(μ3‐S)(μ‐S)3Cl3(dmen)3]+ (dmen = N,N′‐dimethyl‐ethylenediamine) ([1]+) cluster and various alkynes to form dithiolene derivatives is thoroughly studied, with measurements at different temperatures and pressures allowing the determination of the free energies and volumes of activation. These parameters, together with the available single‐crystal X‐ray diffraction structures, are used to test a number of commonly used density functional theory (DFT) methods from Jacob's ladder, as well as the effects associated with the size of the basis sets, the way in which solvent effects are taken into account, or the inclusion of dispersion effects. Overall, a protocol that leads to average deviations between experimental and computed ΔV‡ and ΔG‡ values similar to the uncertainty of the experimental measurements is obtained

    Effect of dexamethasone in Neospora Caninum seropositive calves

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of Dexamethasone (DXM) on clinical parameters, absolute and differential leukocyte count, specific IgG titers, IFN-γ production and parasitemia in beef calves seropositive to Neospora caninum. Fifteen calves were assigned to four experimental groups as follow: group A: 4 sero- positive calves treated with DXM; group B: 4 seropositive calves without DXM; group C: 3 seronegative calves treated with DXM, and group D: 4 seronegative calves without DXM treatment. The absolute leukocyte count was higher in both groups A and C in the 3rd day after the first dose of DXM mainly due to a significant neutrophilia (p0.05). Similarly, IFN-γ levels did not change among experimental groups (p>0.05). DNA was de- tected in calves from groups A and B at 7 Days Post Administra- tion (dpa) and from group A at 14 dpa. Even when DXM adminis- tration induced hemotological parameter changes, no reactivation of Neospora-infection was observed according to specific IgG titers and presence of the parasite on leukocytes in naturally seropositive beef male calves.Fil: Idarraga-Bedoya Samuel. Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias; Argentina.Fil: Armendano Joaquin Ignacio. Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias; Argentina.Fil: Gual, Ignacio. Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias; Argentina.Fil: Hecker Yanina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina.Fil: Leunda María Rosa. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Balcarce; Argentina.Fil: Pereyra Susana. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Balcarce; Argentina.Fil: Verna Andrea Elizabeth. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Balcarce; Argentina.Fil: Campero Carlos Manuel. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Balcarce; Argentina.Fil: Odeon Anselmo Carlos. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Balcarce; Argentina.Fil: Moore Dadin Prando. Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina

    A Community Program of Integrated Care for Frail Older Adults: +AGIL Barcelona

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    Objectives: To assess the 3-month impact on physical function of a program for community-dwelling frail older adults, based on the integration of primary care, geriatric medicine, and community resources, implemented in 'real life'. Design: Interventional cohort study. Setting: Primary care in Barcelona, Spain. Participants: Individuals aged ≥80 years (n=134), presenting at least one sign of frailty (i.e., slow gait speed, weakness, memory complaints, involuntary weight loss, poor social support). Intervention: After frailty screening by the primary care team, candidates were referred to a geriatric team (geriatrician + physical therapist), who performed a comprehensive geriatric assessment and designed a tailored multidisciplinary intervention in the community, including a) multi-modal physical activity (PA) sessions, b) promotion of adherence to a Mediterranean diet c) health education and d) medication review. Measurements: Participants were assessed based on a comprehensive geriatric assessment including physical performance (Short Physical Performance Battery -SPPB- and gait speed), at baseline and at a three month follow-up. Results: A total of 112 (83.6%) participants (mean age=80.8 years, 67.9% women) were included in this research. Despite being independent in daily life, participants' physical performance was impaired (SPPB=7.5, SD=2.1, gait speed=0.71, SD=0.20 m/sec). After three months, 90.2% of participants completed ≥7.5 physical activity sessions. The mean improvements were +1.47 (SD 1.64) points (p<0.001) for SPPB, +0.08 (SD 0.13) m/sec (p<0.001) for gait speed, -5.5 (SD 12.10) sec (p<0.001) for chair stand test, and 53% (p<0.001) improved their balance. Results remained substantially unchanged after stratifying the analyses according to the severity of frailty. Conclusions: Our results suggested that a 'real-world' multidisciplinary intervention, integrating primary care, geriatric care, and community services may improve physical function, a marker of frailty, within 3 months. Further studies are needed to address the long-term impact and scalability of this implementation program