7 research outputs found

    Netzadaption und Mehrgitterverfahren fuer die numerische Behandlung von Faltwerken

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    SIGLETIB Hannover: RN 2767(1990,3)+a-c / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekDEGerman

    Fæðing um fæðingaveg eftir fyrri fæðingu með keisaraskurði : ávinningur eða áhætta?

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    Þessi heimildarsamantekt var lokaverkefni til B.Sc. prófs í hjúkrunarfræði. Tilgangur hennar var að varpa ljósi á áhættu og ávinning þess að fæða um fæðingaveg eftir fyrri fæðingu með keisaraskurði auk þess að skoða tíðni og fylgikvilla keisaraskurðar á alþjóðavísu. Leitast var við að skoða mikilvægi fræðslu og stuðnings fagfólks, sem og aðstandenda við konur á síðari meðgöngu eftir keisaraskurð og þekkingar aflað um það hvað það er sem hefur áhrif á val kvenna um fæðingamáta á síðari meðgöngu. Á meðan keisaratíðni fer hratt vaxandi í heiminum hefur tíðni fæðinga um fæðingaveg eftir fyrri fæðingu með keisaraskurði farið dvínandi. Rannsóknir sýna að keisaraskurði geta fylgt alvarlegir fylgikvillar fyrir bæði móður og barn og er fæðing um fæðingaveg talin vera öruggur og ákjósanlegur valkostur fyrir flestar konur eftir fyrri keisaraskurð. Þrátt fyrir það er stór hluti kvenna sem velur endurtekinn keisaraskurð og telur það öruggari valkost. Benda rannsóknir til skorts á fræðslu og stuðningi við konur sem hafa farið í keisaraskurð og er stór hluti kvenna sem glímir við kvíða og ótta fyrir næstu fæðingu. Er það mat okkar að hjúkrunarfræðingar og ljósmæður sem sinna meðgönguvernd og fæðingaþjónustu séu í lykilaðstöðu til að veita fræðslu og stuðning til kvenna sem standa frammi fyrir því að velja fæðingamáta á síðari meðgöngu. Teljum við mikilvægt að sú fræðsla hefjist snemma í ferlinu svo konur fái tækifæri til að vinna bug á óttanum og geti tekið upplýsta ákvörðun um sinn fæðingamáta og fái til þess nauðsynlegan stuðning. Lykilhugtök: hjúkrunarfræði, ljósmóðurfræði, keisaraskurður, fæðing um leggöng eftir fyrri fæðingu með keisaraskurði, legrof, fæðingaróttiThis synopsis of references was a BSc final project in nursing. Its purpose was to shed light to the risk and benefit of giving birth through the birth canal after a previous caesarean section, in addition to examining the frequency and complications of caesarean section at an international level. Attempts were made to look into the importance of education and support of professionals as well as the support of relatives/next of kin towards women in a subsequent pregnancy after caesarean section. Knowledge was obtained as to what it is that affects women’s choice of delivery options in their subsequent pregnancy. While the frequency of caesarean sections rapidly increases worldwide, the frequency of vaginal childbirths after a preceding caesarean section has decreased. Research show that serious complications can ensue after a caesarean section, both for the mother and child, and vaginal childbirths are considered a safe and preferable choice for most women after a previous caesarean section. Nevertheless, there is a large number of women who choose a repeated caesarean section and they consider it to be a safer option. Research indicate the lack of education and support for women who have undergone a caesarean section and there is a large group of women who struggle with anxiety and fear of their next delivery. It is our assessment that registered nurses and midwives, who provide prenatal care and delivery support, are in a key position to provide education and support to women who face delivery options in a subsequent pregnancy. We feel it is important that such an education process begins early so that women have the opportunity to overcome their fear and make an informed decision about their delivery option and receive the necessary support to do so. Key concepts: nursing, midwifery, caesarean section, vbac, uterine rupture, fear of childbirt

    Exploring the potential of icelandic seaweeds extracts produced by aqueous pulsed electric fields-assisted extraction for cosmetic applications

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    Funding Information: The project was partly supported by the Science and technology assistance project of Xinjiang (No. 2014AB033), the science and technology plan project Technology Research Development plan project of Shaanxi Province, China (No. 2014K01-17-07). Science and Technology Major Project of Xianyang city (No. 2014k01-15), Shaanxi Province, China. Funding Information: The project was partly supported by the Science and technology assistance project of Xinjiang (No. 2014AB033), the science and technology plan project of Xi’an city (No. NC1317 (1)), the Science and Technology Research Development plan project of Shaanxi Province, China (No. 2014K01-17-07). Science and Technology Major Project of Xianyang city (No. 2014k01-15), Shaanxi Province, China. Publisher Copyright: © 2021 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.A growing concern for overall health is driving a global market of natural ingredients not only in the food industry but also in the cosmetic field. In this study, a screening on potential cosmetic applications of aqueous extracts from three Icelandic seaweeds produced by pulsed electric fields (PEF) was performed. Produced extracts by PEF from Ulva lactuca, Alaria esculenta and Palmaria palmata were compared with the traditional hot water extraction in terms of polyphenol, flavonoid and carbohydrate content. Moreover, antioxidant properties and enzymatic inhibitory activities were evaluated by using in vitro assays. PEF exhibited similar results to the traditional method, showing several advantages such as its non-thermal nature and shorter extraction time. Amongst the three Icelandic species, Alaria esculenta showed the highest content of phenolic (mean value 8869.7 µg GAE/g dw) and flavonoid (mean value 12,098.7 µg QE/g dw) compounds, also exhibiting the highest antioxidant capacities. Moreover, Alaria esculenta extracts exhibited excellent anti-enzymatic activities (76.9, 72.8, 93.0 and 100% for collagenase, elastase, tyrosinase and hyaluronidase, respectively) for their use in skin whitening and anti-aging products. Thus, our preliminary study suggests that Icelandic Alaria esculenta-based extracts produced by PEF could be used as potential ingredients for natural cosmetic and cosmeceutical formulations.Peer reviewe

    Global and Polynomial-Time Convergence of an Infeasible-Interior-Point Algorithm Using Inexact Computation(Continuous and Discrete Mathematical Optimization)

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    Social learning can be fundamental to cohesive group living, and schooling fishes have proven ideal test subjects for recent work in this field. For many species, both demographic factors, and inter- (and intra-) generational information exchange are considered vital ingredients in how movement decisions are reached. Yet key information is often missing on the spatial outcomes of such decisions, and questions concerning how migratory traditions are influenced by collective memory, density-dependent and density-independent processes remain open. To explore these issues, we focused on Atlantic herring (Clupea harengus), a long-lived, dense-schooling species of high commercial importance, noted for its unpredictable shifts in winter distribution, and developed a series of Bayesian space-time occurrence models to investigate wintering dynamics over 23 years, using point-referenced fishery and survey records from Icelandic waters. We included covariates reflecting local-scale environmental factors, temporally-lagged prey biomass and recent fishing activity, and through an index capturing distributional persistence over time, derived two proxies for spatial memory of past wintering sites. The previous winter's occurrence pattern was a strong predictor of the present pattern, its influence increasing with adult population size. Although the mechanistic underpinnings of this result remain uncertain, we suggest that a ‘wisdom of the crowd’ dynamic may be at play, by which navigational accuracy towards traditional wintering sites improves in larger and/or denser, better synchronized schools. Wintering herring also preferred warmer, fresher, moderately stratified waters of lower velocity, close to hotspots of summer zooplankton biomass, our results indicative of heightened environmental sensitivity in younger cohorts. Incorporating spatiotemporal correlation structure and time-varying regression coefficients improved model performance, and validation tests on independent observations one-year ahead illustrate the potential of uniting demographic information and non-stationary models to quantify both the strength of collective memory in animal groups and its relevance for the spatial management of populations

    Space time models

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    This folder contains R code and data to run all models described in the paper, in addition to model output for plotting Figures. 3-5, A7 and reproducing Tables 2, 3, A1-A3. See the README file for further information and file descriptions

    Spatial similarity index

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    This folder contains R code and data to calculate the spatial similarity index (SSI), and to compute and map the ‘distrib(t)’ and ‘counts(t)’ variables, as described in Appendix 2 of the paper. See the README file for further information and file descriptions