225 research outputs found

    Fishing Technology and Optimal Distribution of Harvest Rates

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    In this paper we analyze the optimal management of a joint ownership fishery exploitation model where agents use different fishing gears. As opposed to other works, we consider a model in which the fishing technology affects resource's growth not only through the harvest function, but also through the natural growth rate of the resource. The main objective is to capture the evidence that some fishing gears alter the habitat of the resource, and may alter the natural growth rate of the resource. The main result we obtain is that, when the natural growth of the resource is altered by the fishing technology, the optimal stock is not independent of how harvest quotas are distributed among the agents. Thus, in this context, a fishing policy that determines, first, the optimum stock and, secondly, decides on how to distribute the harvest among the different agents will not be efficient.fisheries regulation, fishing gear's selectivity, sharing of quotas


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    Since 1983 the Northern European anglerfish fishery, exploited by fleets of seven countries, has been regulated using a policy of Total Allowable Catch (TAC). In this paper, the strategy followed by the European Union (EU) in distributing the established TAC among the seven countries is explored. It is inferred that the EU has utilized a weighted proportional rule, taking the average catches for the period l973–78 as the reference point. On the other hand, given that the fishery situation for the years 1993, 1994, and 1995 can be characterized as a bankruptcy problem, this paper also explores, as possible means of enriching the Common European Fishery policy, alternatives to this rule. This work proposes the application of two additional rules derived from game theory, the nucleolus and the Shapley value, and studies their properties. The analysis suggests that it may be worth considering not only the proportional distribution, but also the alternative rules.Resource /Energy Economics and Policy,

    FISHRENT; Bio-economic simulation and optimisation model

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    Key findings: The FISHRENT model is a major step forward in bio-economic model-ling, combining features that have not been fully integrated in earlier models: 1- Incorporation of any number of species (or stock) and/or fleets 2- Integration of simulation and optimisation over a period of 25 years 3- Integration of effort and TAC-driven management policies 4- Three independent relations for stock growth, production and investments. The feedbacks within the model allow for a dynamic simulation. The main application of the model is scenario analysis of policy options. Complementary findings: The model formulates a complete set of mathematical relations, but it also con-tains a number of important assumptions, which remain to be tested empirically. Therefore the model presents a challenging agenda for empirical research, which should lead to further qualitative and quantitative improvements of the in-dividual mathematical equations and parameter values. Method: This model was developed during the EU-funded project 'Remuneration of spawning stock biomass'. Its aim was to generate consistent sets of scenarios for an assessment of potential resource rents in different EU fisheries. The model comprises six modules, each focussing on a different aspect of the functioning of the fisheries system: biology (stocks), economy (costs, earnings and profits), policy (TACs, effort and access fees), behaviour (investments), prices (fish and fuel) and an interface linking the modules together. Input, calculation and output are clearly separated. The model produces a standard set of graphics, which provide a quick insight into the results of any model run. All output of the model runs can be exported to database software for further analysis. The model has been built in Excel, which makes it accessible for most us-ers. It has been used in new applications and even translated to other software. The model is continually further developed

    Robust combination of the Morris and Sobol methods in complex multidimensional models

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    Conducting global sensitivity analysis using variance decomposition methods in complex simulation models with many input factors is usually unaffordable. An alternative is to first apply a screening method to reduce the number of input factors and then apply a variance decomposition method to the reduced model. However, usually selection of input factors is not done robustly and convergence of the screening method is not ensured. We propose two new criteria, a criterion that mimics the visual selection of the input factors and a convergence criterion. In the application of the criteria to a complex model, the Morris screening method has needed 200 trajectories to converge and the visual criterion has outperformed other existing criteria. Our proposal ensures a robust combination of the Morris and the Sobol methods that provides an objective and automatic method to select the most important input factors with a feasible computing load to achieve convergence.Basque Government IT1294-19 MTM2016-74931-

    Fishing Technology and Optimal Distribution of Harvest Rates

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    In this paper we analyze the optimal management of a joint ownership fishery exploitation model where agents use different fishing gears. As opposed to other works, we consider a model in which the fishing technology affects resource's growth not only through the harvest function, but also through the natural growth rate of the resource. The main objective is to capture the evidence that some fishing gears alter the habitat of the resource, and may alter the natural growth rate of the resource. The main result we obtain is that, when the natural growth of the resource is altered by the fishing technology, the optimal stock is not independent of how harvest quotas are distributed among the agents. Thus, in this context, a fishing policy that determines, first, the optimum stock and, secondly, decides on how to distribute the harvest among the different agents will not be efficient.Financial support from grants UPV/EHU 035-321-HB070/96, GV HU-1998-133 and Gobierno Vasco PI95/13 is gratefully acknowleged

    Female genital mutilation and its current situation in Spain: A nursing approach

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    Debido a los actuales flujos migratorios a nivel mundial, hay prácticas socioculturales, como la Mutilación Genital Femenina (MGF), que ya no están circunscritas a las comunidades originarias, sino que han trascendido las fronteras. En el caso de la MGF, debido a sus implicaciones sobre la salud física, psíquica y psicosexual de las niñas y mujeres, se ha convertido en un asunto de Salud Pública ante el cual los países receptores deben saber responder adecuadamente. Aunque es importante conocer las alternativas terapéuticas que pueden ofertarse a estas mujeres, como son la desinfibulación, reconstrucción del clítoris o diferentes tipos de terapias psicológicas y psicosexuales; para conseguir disminuir la incidencia de esta práctica a nivel mundial, cobran aún más importancia las labores de prevención primaria. En este sentido, los profesionales sanitarios son un eslabón indispensable. Para ello, debe abogarse por la formación de éstos en la complejidad de la MGF y en competencias culturales para evitar enfoques etnocentristas, así como por la colaboración con las comunidades practicantes. De este modo, se conseguirá la eliminación de esta práctica. Específicamente en el ámbito enfermero, destaca la enfermería transcultural como base teórica sobre la cual entender la MGF y el sistema que la sustentaDue to the current global migratory movements, there are sociocultural practices, such as the Female Genital Mutilation (FGM), that are no longer circumscribed to the native communities, but have trascended frontiers. Regarding FGM, because of its implications on the physical, mental and psychosexual health of girls and women, it has become a Public Health issue that recieveing countries must respond to accordingly. Although it is important to know the therapeutic alternatives available for these women, such as deinfibulation, clitoral reconstruction or different types of psychological and psychosexual therapies; to achieve a worldwide drop in the incidence of this practice, the primary prevention activities are even more important. For this reason, healthcare workers are an essential link. In order to achieve this, it is important to advocate for the training of these professionals in the complexity of FGM and in cultural competency to avoid ethnocentric methodologies; as well as for the collaboration with the practising communities. This way, the elimination of this practice will be attained. Specifically in the nursing field, the transcultural nursing approach stands out as the theoretical basis to understand FGM and the system that sustains itGrado en Enfermerí

    Socially Responsable Innovation in the Hospitality Sector

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    RESUMEN: En la actualidad la innovación se ha convertido en uno de los pilares básicos en las grandes empresas y países, ya que existe una relación directa entre crecimiento económico y grado de innovación. Existen diferentes tipos de innovaciones, pero es la innovación en responsabilidad social la que ha tenido un mayor crecimiento en los últimos años, desvirtuando los objetivos económicos clásicos de las empresas por objetivos de índole social. Este tipo de innovación se estudia a través de tres variables: económica, social y medioambiental. El objetivo principal del presente Trabajo de Fin de Grado se centra en estudiar la importancia de los objetivos de innovación socialmente responsable en el sector de la hostelería, perteneciente al grupo 55 de la CNAE, comparándolo con el resto de las ramas de actividad de la economía española. La relevancia de este estudio se debe a que la hostelería es uno de los principales sectores que sustentan la economía española, con un 12.3% del PIB total español y con un 12.7% del total de los empleos en el país. Este trabajo presenta un estudio descriptivo de los resultados estadísticos obtenidos en las Encuestas sobre Innovación en las empresas, desarrollada por el INE, desde el año 2014 al año 2017. Con estos datos hemos podido obtener las tendencias y la importancia de cada una de las distintas variables, y hemos observado que han sufrido crecimientos la mayoría de ellas en el último año analizado, siendo la variable económica la más importante. ABSTRACT: Innovation has now become one of the basic pillars in big companies and countries, as there is a direct relationship between economic growth and a degree of innovation. There are different types of innovations, but it is innovation in social responsibility that has had the greatest growth in recent years, distorting the classic economic objectives of companies by social objectives. This type of innovation is studied through three variables: economic, social and environmental. The main objective of this End of Grade Work focuses on studying the importance of socially responsable innovation objectives in the hospitality sector, belonging to the CNAE group 55, comparing it with the rest of the branches of activity of the Spanish economy. The relevance of this study is due to the fact that hospitality is one of the main sectors that underpin the Spanish economy, with 12.3% of total Spanish GDP and 12.7% of the total jobs in the country. This work presents a descriptive study of the statistical results obtained in the Surveys on Innovation in Companies, developed by the INE, from 2014 to 2017. With this data we have been able to obtain the trends and the importance of each of the different variables, and we have observed that most of them have experienced growth in the last year analyzed, with the economic variable being the most important.Grado en Administración y Dirección de Empresa

    Valoración del grado de aptitud deportiva de personas con discapacidad intelectual a través del TSAL y las pruebas físicas de Special Olympics = Assessment of the degree of sports fitness of people with intellectual disabilities through TSAL and physical evidence of Special Olympics.

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    En el presente estudio se ha realizado una valoración del grado de aptitud física en personas con discapacidad intelectual. Esta valoración se ha llevado a cabo con el nuevo cuestionario de INAS-FID denominado comúnmente TSAL (Training history & sport activity limitations), y con las pruebas físicas de la batería EDIB (Basketball Individual Skills Assessment) de Special Olympics. Se ha contado con una muestra de 17 deportistas de los cuales ocho eran mujeres y nueve hombres, todos ellos pertenecientes a equipos de baloncesto de Asprona-León. En primer lugar, se cumplimentó el cuestionario con ayuda de los entrenadores y después se les realizaron las pruebas físicas. Una vez recopilados los datos, se realizaron análisis estadísticos sin significancias por lo que finalmente se desarrollaron resultados descriptivos. Tras estos resultados obtuvimos unas conclusiones que hemos expuesto a modo de posibles limitaciones de nuestro estudio y nuevas vías de investigación. Palabras clave: discapacidad intelectual, baloncesto adaptado, TSAL, EDI

    Evaluación bioeconómica del cambio en la selectividad de un arte de pesca: el caso de una flota mono-específica afectada por la obligación de desembarque

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    The European Union Common Fisheries Policy has established a discard ban, which states that fish below a reference size cannot be sold directly for human consumption. In a fishing effort-regulated fishery, the discard ban can result in extra handling, storing and landing costs. In an output-regulated fishery, this policy might also limit the effort levels as all the catches count against the quota. In both cases, this regulation can reduce the economic performance of the companies, even in single-species fisheries. A possible solution is to increase the mesh size, thus retaining fewer small individuals. To study this option, a bioeconomic simulation of a change in the gear selectivity from 100- to 120-mm minimum mesh size (MMS) was performed. The results show that the private perspective (profits) does not change. Furthermore, due to the lower retention of 120 mm MMS, the efficiency of a fishing day was reduced by 5% and 2.5%, from the point of view of capital and labour productivity, respectively. In contrast, gross revenues increased by 1.5% and crew compensation by 2%. Given a societal benefit of this change in the mesh size, this gain could be re-distributed to provide an incentive for selectivity improvements.La Política Pesquera Común de la Unión Europa ha introducido la prohibición de descartar, estableciendo que todo pescado por debajo de una talla de referencia no puede ser vendido para consumo humano directo. En una pesquería regulada a través de limitaciones del esfuerzo de pesca, la prohibición de descartar puede generar sobrecostes de manipulación, almacenamiento y desembarque adicionales. En una pesquería regulada a través de límites en las capturas, esta política podría incluso limitar los niveles de esfuerzo ya que todas las capturas deben ser deducidas de la cuota. En ambos casos, esta regulación puede reducir el resultado económico de las empresas, incluso en el caso de una pesquería mono-específica. Una posible solución sería aumentar el tamaño mínimo de la malla, y así reducir la retención de los individuos más pequeños. Con el fin de estudiar esta opción, se ha realizado una simulación bioeconómica de un cambio en el tamaño mínimo de la malla de 100 a 120-mm. Los resultados muestran cómo la perspectiva económica privada (beneficios) no varía. Más aun, debido a la menor retención de la malla de 120 mm, la eficiencia de un día de pesca se ve reducida en un 5% y en un 2.5%, desde el punto de vista de la productividad del capital y del trabajo, respectivamente. Por el contrario, los beneficios brutos aumentan un 1.5% y la remuneración al trabajo en un 2%. Debido a la existencia de un beneficio social, la ganancia podría ser redistribuida para así ofrecer un incentivo a esta mejora de la selectividad