246 research outputs found

    Possibilities of Developing of Metallurgical Data Dumps

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    Data about the technological production characteristics are sent to the archive, where they will be stored for many years. However, the stored data contains many undisclosed links between technological factors and technical and economic production indicators. The article presents a hypothesis about the possibility of processing data generated during production processes of industrial enterprises by analogy developing mining and physical dumps. The article provides an example of studying the sufficiency of the volume of a data metallurgical dump for constructing mathematical models using the experimental planning method. Samples from real production data dumps can compensate for the difficulties of implementing a modern active experiment in training future specialists in secondary vocational and higher education institutions. It is established that the data accumulated over the year in the production archive contain the necessary combinations of realizations of random variables for the two-factor model. The interval method of varying the levels of variables enables to construct an experimental matrix for a three-factor model as well. Keywords: data dump, production data, metallurgical data, data analysis in metallurgy, matrix, mathematical planning, production management, model, model parameters identification, interval method

    Vibration control of a flexible structure with electromagnetic actuators

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    Possibilities of information technologies application to production problems solving by math modeling methods

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    Nowadays there exist a great number of program packages, allowing solution of common tasks of automation of the math modeling. Industries with their specific features may demand particular approaches to solving their problems. Modern information technologies allow development of a special application software for processing a specific task in such cases. The article suggests a description of a general architecture concept of the application software, which can automate tasks of the math modeling to solve different issues related to the industrial production. It describes a detailed algorithm of data processing in such a product using the capabilities of the information technologies. The capabilities of such an application software are shown in the example of preliminary draft model design of large pouring ladle stopper durability. The results that have been achieved with the help of the extemporized model allow making a conclusion that a model that has been built by the same techniques based on an annual scope of collected information will make it possible to get reliable answers for the tasks of production management. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd

    Foundry production digitalization

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    Domestic companies upgrade their production facilities as it is an imperative of the economy changing over to a new technological mode right now. Industrial companies use more automation and robotization of production, and the level of digital intellectualization is growing. Introduced into technological processes, digital technologies save time and costs of production and reduce the human factor effect. Foundry industry is no exception. The authors suggest considering a foundry process as a set of stages: designing and manufacturing casting models, preparation of charge materials, preparation of initial molding materials, smelting, mixing, casting metal in ladles, mold manufacturing, pouring smelt in mold, knocking castings out of mold, stumping and cleaning of castings, heat treatment of castings, quality inspection of castings. The article organizes information about the digital technologies used at each of the selected stages of the foundry castings by pouring the melt into sand molds. The application of computer technology, digital devices, and software is considered in detail at the stages of the casting model design, charging and molding materials preparation, sand mold manufacturing and casting quality inspection. Digital technologies optimize production, save time and costs. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd

    A nomological network for misophonia in two German samples using the S-Five model for misophonia

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    The Selective Sound Sensitivity Syndrome Scale (S-Five) is a contemporary and multidimensional self-report instrument measuring different aspects of misophonia. The five-factor scale consists of 25 items measuring the severity of the misophonic experience. The items capture misophonia in relation to internalising and externalising appraisals, perceived threat, aggressive behavior (outbursts), and adverse impact on individuals’ lives. It is complemented by a trigger checklist (S-Five-T), measuring the emotional nature and intensity of reactions to sensory triggers. In this work, we administered the S-Five in two German samples with a majority of individuals with significant misophonia. The S-Five and the supplementary S-Five-T were both translated into German using a rigorous translation procedure (i.e., TRAPD) and were separately tested in large German community samples. Psychometric analyses included the evaluation of the factor structure, measurement invariance with respect to age and gender, reliability (internal consistency and stability over time), and an extensive examination of the construct validity in a proposed nomological network. The nomological network we explore in this work consists of several constructs including different misophonic manifestations, anger and aggression, disgust propensity, anxiety sensitivity, depression, obsessive–compulsive traits, and functional impairment in different life domains. Results indicate evidence in line with the nomological network as demonstrated by strong correlations between the S-Five dimensions and convergent measures. All S-Five dimensions strongly correlated with overall misophonic symptoms (r ≥ 0.53). Internalising appraisals were highly associated with insight into excessive or disproportionate reactions to sounds (r ≥ 0.59), externalising appraisals with anger and irritability (r ≥ 0.46), threat with trait anxiety and dysregulation facets (r ≥ 0.62), aggressive behavior (outbursts) with anger and behavioral dysregulation (r ≥ 0.70), and impact with distress and functional impairment (r ≥ 0.64). The results demonstrate that the S-Five has a robust five-factor structure and allows to draw reliable and valid conclusions about misophonic experiences in German samples. The proposed nomological network gives an initial insight into the nature of misophonia and provides a formalized fundament to develop and test further hypotheses about misophonia in a more sophisticated and symptom-oriented way

    A nomological network for misophonia in two German samples using the S-Five model for misophonia

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    The Selective Sound Sensitivity Syndrome Scale (S-Five) is a contemporary and multidimensional self-report instrument measuring different aspects of misophonia. The five-factor scale consists of 25 items measuring the severity of the misophonic experience. The items capture misophonia in relation to internalising and externalising appraisals, perceived threat, aggressive behavior (outbursts), and adverse impact on individuals’ lives. It is complemented by a trigger checklist (S-Five-T), measuring the emotional nature and intensity of reactions to sensory triggers. In this work, we administered the S-Five in two German samples with a majority of individuals with significant misophonia. The S-Five and the supplementary S-Five-T were both translated into German using a rigorous translation procedure (i.e., TRAPD) and were separately tested in large German community samples. Psychometric analyses included the evaluation of the factor structure, measurement invariance with respect to age and gender, reliability (internal consistency and stability over time), and an extensive examination of the construct validity in a proposed nomological network. The nomological network we explore in this work consists of several constructs including different misophonic manifestations, anger and aggression, disgust propensity, anxiety sensitivity, depression, obsessive–compulsive traits, and functional impairment in different life domains. Results indicate evidence in line with the nomological network as demonstrated by strong correlations between the S-Five dimensions and convergent measures. All S-Five dimensions strongly correlated with overall misophonic symptoms (r ≥ 0.53). Internalising appraisals were highly associated with insight into excessive or disproportionate reactions to sounds (r ≥ 0.59), externalising appraisals with anger and irritability (r ≥ 0.46), threat with trait anxiety and dysregulation facets (r ≥ 0.62), aggressive behavior (outbursts) with anger and behavioral dysregulation (r ≥ 0.70), and impact with distress and functional impairment (r ≥ 0.64). The results demonstrate that the S-Five has a robust five-factor structure and allows to draw reliable and valid conclusions about misophonic experiences in German samples. The proposed nomological network gives an initial insight into the nature of misophonia and provides a formalized fundament to develop and test further hypotheses about misophonia in a more sophisticated and symptom-oriented way

    NRF2 in dermatological disorders:Pharmacological activation for protection against cutaneous photodamage and photodermatosis

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    The skin barrier and its endogenous protective mechanisms cope daily with exogenous stressors, of which ultraviolet radiation (UVR) poses an imminent danger. Although the skin is able to reduce the potential damage, there is a need for comprehensive strategies for protection. This is particularly important when developing pharmacological approaches to protect against photocarcinogenesis. Activation of NRF2 has the potential to provide comprehensive and long-lasting protection due to the upregulation of numerous cytoprotective downstream effector proteins that can counteract the damaging effects of UVR. This is also applicable to photodermatosis conditions that exacerbate the damage caused by UVR. This review describes the alterations caused by UVR in normal skin and photosensitive disorders, and provides evidence to support the development of NRF2 activators as pharmacological treatments. Key natural and synthetic activators with photoprotective properties are summarized. Lastly, the gap in knowledge in research associated with photodermatosis conditions is highlighted

    Pedagogia de Humberto Mauro: a natureza em Azulão e O João de Barro

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    Observamos atualmente uma crescente utilização do audiovisual na produção de materiais educativos, porém, quase sempre, sem a contrapartida de uma reflexão sobre o alcance pedagógico da imagem em movimento. Interessados sobretudo no conteúdo a ser passado, os vídeos educativos, em geral, acabam reproduzindo a estética da televisão e do cinema industrial, que raramente permite o estabelecimento de uma relação de aprendizagem satisfatória com os filmes. Este artigo analisa dois filmes educativos do cineasta Humberto Mauro: Azulão (1948) e O João de Barro (1956), produzidos pelo Instituto Nacional de Cinema Educativo (INCE). A partir de uma investigação sobre o método do cineasta, tentamos entender como ele representa a natureza em seus filmes. Buscamos com isso contribuições para uma discussão mais aprofundada a respeito da aprendizagem com imagens, avançando algumas sugestões para a produção contemporânea de vídeos educativos.We observed that nowadays there is a growing use of audiovisual in the production of educative materials, although most of these materials don’t contain a reflection about the pedagogic scope that images in movement can provide. Interested especially in the contents to be transmitted, most educative videos reproduce the television and industrial cinema esthetic, which rarely allows a satisfactory learning relation with the films. This paper analyzes two educative films of the director Humberto Mauro: Azulão (1948) and O João de Barro (1956), produced by the Instituto Nacional de Cinema Educativo (INCE). Based on an investigation of his method, we tried to understand how he represents nature in these films. We hope to contribute to the discussion about the learning process with images, presenting some suggestions for the production of contemporary educative video

    Construções discursivas sobre o sujeito da educação na política educacional aprender

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    El artículo trata de la política Atención Prioritaria en Entornos con Dificultades Estructurales Relativas (APRENDER), de la educación primaria uruguaya. Se discuten los sentidos construidos sobre el sujeto de la educación en una política focalizada en niños que viven en contextos de pobreza, partiendo de la perspectiva del Análisis Político del Discurso y de un corpus conformado por documentos oficiales y entrevistas a técnicos. Se identifica una tensión entre una concepción que subraya las posibilidades educativas de los sujetos y otra que, tanto en los discursos de los años 90 como en los de la era progresista, los visualiza como seres carentes.O artigo trata da política Atención Prioritaria en Entornos con Dificultades Estructurales Relativas (APRENDER), da educação primária uruguaia. Discutemse sentidos construídos sobre o sujeito da educação numa política focalizada em crianças de contextos de pobreza, tendo como principal suporte a Análise Política do Discurso e como corpus documentos oficiais e depoimentos de gestores. Identifica-se uma tensão entre uma concepção que salienta as possibilidades educativas dos sujeitos e outra que, nos discursos dos anos 90 assim como nos da era progressista, os visualiza como seres carentes.The paper addresses the Uruguayan primary education Atención Prioritaria en Entornos con Dificultades Estructurales Relativas (APRENDER) policy. The article discusses constructed meanings on the subjects of education in a policy focused on children living in impoverished contexts. It is based on the Political Analysis of Discourse and its corpus is formed by official documents and accounts from managers. Tension is identified between a conception that emphasizes the subjects’ educational possibilities and another that, both in the discourses of the 1990s and in those of the progressive era, visualizes them as beings in need


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    SUBSTANCE: invention refers to foundry. The procedure consists in sedimentation of binding on surface of sand in a fluidisated layer. Binding is settled in the fluidisated layer, fluidised agent of which corresponds to binding in form of mist. EFFECT: increased dry strength of mixture due to uniform distribution of thin film of binding on sand grains.Изобретение относится к области литейного производства. Способ включает осаждение связующего на поверхность песка в псевдоожиженном слое. Осаждение осуществляют в псевдоожиженном слое, сжижающим агентом которого является связующее в виде тумана. Достигается повышение сухой прочности смеси за счет равномерного распределения тонкой пленки связующего по зернам песка