107 research outputs found

    Modeling Convective Core Overshoot and Diffusion in Procyon Constrained by Asteroseismic Data

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    We compare evolved stellar models, which match Procyons mass and position in the HR diagram, to current ground-based asteroseismic observations. Diffusion of helium and metals along with two conventional core overshoot descriptions and the Kuhfuss nonlocal theory of convection are considered. We establish that one of the two published asteroseismic data reductions for Procyon, which mainly differ in their identification of even versus odd l-values, is a significantly more probable and self-consistent match to our models than the other. The most probable models according to our Bayesian analysis have evolved to just short of turnoff, still retaining a hydrogen convective core. Our most probable models include Y and Z diffusion and have conventional core overshoot between 0.9 and 1.5 pressure scale heights, which increases the outer radius of the convective core by between 22% to 28%, respectively. We discuss the significance of this comparatively higher than expected core overshoot amount in terms of internal mixing during evolution. The parameters of our most probable models are similar regardless of whether adiabatic or nonadiabatic model p-mode frequencies are compared to the observations, although, the Bayesian probabilities are greater when the nonadiabatic model frequencies are used. All the most probable models (with or without core overshoot, adiabatic or nonadiabatic model frequencies, diffusion or no diffusion, including priors for the observed HRD location and mass or not) have masses that are within one sigma of the observed mass 1.497+/-0.037 Msun

    Pulsation models for the roAp star HD 134214

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    Precise time-series photometry with the MOST satellite has led to identification of 10 pulsation frequencies in the rapidly oscillating Ap (roAp) star HD 134214. We have fitted the observed frequencies with theoretical frequencies of axisymmetric modes in a grid of stellar models with dipole magnetic fields. We find that, among models with a standard composition of (X,Z)=(0.70,0.02)(X,Z) = (0.70,0.02) and with suppressed convection, eigenfrequencies of a 1.65 M⊙1.65\,{\rm M}_\odot model with log⁥Teff=3.858\log T_{\rm eff} = 3.858 and a polar magnetic field strength of 4.1kG agree best with the observed frequencies. We identify the observed pulsation frequency with the largest amplitude as a deformed dipole (ℓ=1\ell = 1) mode, and the four next-largest-amplitude frequencies as deformed ℓ=2\ell = 2 modes. These modes have a radial quasi-node in the outermost atmospheric layers (τ∌10−3\tau \sim 10^{-3}). Although the model frequencies agree roughly with observed ones, they are all above the acoustic cut-off frequency for the model atmosphere and hence are predicted to be damped. The excitation mechanism for the pulsations of HD 134214 is not clear, but further investigation of these modes may be a probe of the atmospheric structure in this magnetic chemically peculiar star.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figures; accepted for publication in MNRA

    On the detection of Lorentzian profiles in a power spectrum: A Bayesian approach using ignorance priors

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    Aims. Deriving accurate frequencies, amplitudes, and mode lifetimes from stochastically driven pulsation is challenging, more so, if one demands that realistic error estimates be given for all model fitting parameters. As has been shown by other authors, the traditional method of fitting Lorentzian profiles to the power spectrum of time-resolved photometric or spectroscopic data via the Maximum Likelihood Estimation (MLE) procedure delivers good approximations for these quantities. We, however, show that a conservative Bayesian approach allows one to treat the detection of modes with minimal assumptions (i.e., about the existence and identity of the modes). Methods. We derive a conservative Bayesian treatment for the probability of Lorentzian profiles being present in a power spectrum and describe an efficient implementation that evaluates the probability density distribution of parameters by using a Markov-Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) technique. Results. Potentially superior to "best-fit" procedure like MLE, which only provides formal uncertainties, our method samples and approximates the actual probability distributions for all parameters involved. Moreover, it avoids shortcomings that make the MLE treatment susceptible to the built-in assumptions of a model that is fitted to the data. This is especially relevant when analyzing solar-type pulsation in stars other than the Sun where the observations are of lower quality and can be over-interpreted. As an example, we apply our technique to CoRoT observations of the solar-type pulsator HD 49933.Comment: 12 pages, 11 figures, accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    Asteroseismic Stellar Modelling with AIMS

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    The goal of AIMS (Asteroseismic Inference on a Massive Scale) is to estimate stellar parameters and credible intervals/error bars in a Bayesian manner from a set of asteroseismic frequency data and so-called classical constraints. To achieve reliable parameter estimates and computational efficiency, it searches through a grid of pre-computed models using an MCMC algorithm -- interpolation within the grid of models is performed by first tessellating the grid using a Delaunay triangulation and then doing a linear barycentric interpolation on matching simplexes. Inputs for the modelling consist of individual frequencies from peak-bagging, which can be complemented with classical spectroscopic constraints. AIMS is mostly written in Python with a modular structure to facilitate contributions from the community. Only a few computationally intensive parts have been rewritten in Fortran in order to speed up calculations.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figures. Tutorial presented at the IVth Azores International Advanced School in Space Sciences on "Asteroseismology and Exoplanets: Listening to the Stars and Searching for New Worlds" (arXiv:1709.00645), which took place in Horta, Azores Islands, Portugal in July 201

    gamma Doradus pulsation in two pre-main sequence stars discovered by CoRoT

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    Pulsations in pre-main sequence stars have been discovered several times within the last years. But nearly all of these pulsators are of delta Scuti-type. gamma Doradus-type pulsation in young stars has been predicted by theory, but lack observational evidence. We present the investigation of variability caused by rotation and (gammaDoradus-type) pulsation in two pre-main sequence members of the young open cluster NGC2264 using high-precision time series photometry from the CoRoT satellite and dedicated high-resolution spectroscopy. Time series photometry of NGC2264VAS20 and NGC 2264VAS87 was obtained by the CoRoT satellite during the dedicated short run SRa01 in March 2008. NGC2264VAS87 was re-observed by CoRoT during the short run SRa05 in December 2011 and January 2012. Frequency analysis was conducted using Period04 and SigSpec. The spectral analysis was performed using equivalent widths and spectral synthesis. The frequency analysis yielded 10 and 14 intrinsic frequencies for NGC2264VAS20 and NGC2264VAS 87, respectively, in the range from 0 to 1.5c/d which are attributed to be caused by a combination of rotation and pulsation. The effective temperatures were derived to be 6380±\pm150K for NGC2264VAS20 and 6220±\pm150K for NGC2264VAS87. Membership of the two stars to the cluster is confirmed independently using X-ray fluxes, radial velocity measurements and proper motions available in the literature. The derived Li abundances of log n(Li)=3.34 and 3.54 for NGC2264VAS20 and NGC2264VAS87, respectively, are in agreement with the Li abundance for other stars in NGC2264 of similar Teff reported in the literature. We conclude that the two objects are members of NGC2264 and therefore are in their pre-main sequence evolutionary stage. Assuming that part of their variability is caused by pulsation, these two stars might be the first pre-main sequence gamma Doradus candidates.Comment: 11 pages, 10 figures, A&A accepte

    Cinderella - Comparison of INDEpendent RELative Least-squares Amplitudes

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    The identification of increasingly smaller signal from objects observed with a non-perfect instrument in a noisy environment poses a challenge for a statistically clean data analysis. We want to compute the probability of frequencies determined in various data sets to be related or not, which cannot be answered with a simple comparison of amplitudes. Our method provides a statistical estimator for a given signal with different strengths in a set of observations to be of instrumental origin or to be intrinsic. Based on the spectral significance as an unbiased statistical quantity in frequency analysis, Discrete Fourier Transforms (DFTs) of target and background light curves are comparatively examined. The individual False-Alarm Probabilities are used to deduce conditional probabilities for a peak in a target spectrum to be real in spite of a corresponding peak in the spectrum of a background or of comparison stars. Alternatively, we can compute joint probabilities of frequencies to occur in the DFT spectra of several data sets simultaneously but with different amplitude, which leads to composed spectral significances. These are useful to investigate a star observed in different filters or during several observing runs. The composed spectral significance is a measure for the probability that none of coinciding peaks in the DFT spectra under consideration are due to noise. Cinderella is a mathematical approach to a general statistical problem. Its potential reaches beyond photometry from ground or space: to all cases where a quantitative statistical comparison of periodicities in different data sets is desired. Examples for the composed and the conditional Cinderella mode for different observation setups are presented.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figures, A&A, in pres

    The connection between stellar granulation and oscillation as seen by the Kepler mission

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    The long and almost continuous observations by Kepler show clear evidence of a granulation background signal in a large sample of stars, which is interpreted as the surface manifestation of convection. It has been shown that its characteristic timescale and rms intensity fluctuation scale with the peak frequency (\nu_{max}) of the solar-like oscillations. Various attempts have been made to quantify the observed signal, to determine scaling relations, and to compare them to theoretical predictions. We use a probabilistic method to compare different approaches to extracting the granulation signal. We fit the power density spectra of a large set of Kepler targets, determine the granulation and global oscillation parameter, and quantify scaling relations between them. We establish that a depression in power at about \nu_{max}/2, known from the Sun and a few other main-sequence stars, is also statistically significant in red giants and that a super-Lorentzian function with two components is best suited to reproducing the granulation signal in the broader vicinity of the pulsation power excess. We also establish that the specific choice of the background model can affect the determination of \nu_{max}, introducing systematic uncertainties that can significantly exceed the random uncertainties. We find the characteristic background frequency and amplitude to tightly scale with \nu_{max} for a wide variety of stars, and quantify a mass dependency of the latter. To enable comparison with theoretical predictions, we computed effective timescales and intensity fluctuations and found them to approximately scale as \tau_{eff} \propto g^{-0.85}\,T^{-0.4} and A_{gran} \propto (g^2M)^{-1/4}, respectively. Similarly, the bolometric pulsation amplitude scales approximately as A_{puls} \propto (g^2M)^{-1/3}, which implicitly verifies a separate mass and luminosity dependence of A_{puls}.Comment: 18 pages, 12 figures, accepted for A&

    MOST observations of the roAp stars HD 9289, HD 99563, and HD 134214

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    We report on the analysis of high-precision space-based photometry of the roAp (rapidly oscillating Ap) stars HD 9289, HD 99563, and HD134214. All three stars were observed by the MOST satellite for more than 25 days, allowing unprecedented views of their pulsation. We find previously unknown candidate frequencies in all three stars. We establish the rotation period of HD 9289 (8.5 d) for the first time and show that the star is pulsating in two modes that show different mode geometries. We present a detailed analysis of HD 99563's mode multiplet and find a new candidate frequency which appears independent of the previously known mode. Finally, we report on 11 detected pulsation frequencies in HD 134214, 9 of which were never before detected in photometry, and 3 of which are completely new detections. Thanks to the unprecedentedly small frequency uncertainties, the p-mode spectrum of HD 134214 can be seen to have a well-defined large frequency spacing similar to the well-studied roAp star HD 24712 (HR 1217).Comment: 11 pages, 12 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    The nature of p-modes and granulation in HD 49933 observed by CoRoT

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    Context: Recent observations of HD49933 by the space-photometric mission CoRoT provide photometric evidence of solar type oscillations in a star other than our Sun. The first published reduction, analysis, and interpretation of the CoRoT data yielded a spectrum of p-modes with l = 0, 1, and 2. Aims: We present our own analysis of the CoRoT data in an attempt to compare the detected pulsation modes with eigenfrequencies of models that are consistent with the observed luminosity and surface temperature. Methods: We used the Gruberbauer et al. frequency set derived based on a more conservative Bayesian analysis with ignorance priors and fit models from a dense grid of model spectra. We also introduce a Bayesian approach to searching and quantifying the best model fits to the observed oscillation spectra. Results: We identify 26 frequencies as radial and dipolar modes. Our best fitting model has solar composition and coincides within the error box with the spectroscopically determined position of HD49933 in the H-R diagram. We also show that lower-than-solar Z models have a lower probability of matching the observations than the solar metallicity models. To quantify the effect of the deficiencies in modeling the stellar surface layers in our analysis, we compare adiabatic and nonadiabatic model fits and find that the latter reproduces the observed frequencies better.Comment: accepted to be published in A&A, 9 pages, 5 figure

    Oscillating red giants in the CoRoT exo-field: Asteroseismic mass and radius determination

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    Context. Observations and analysis of solar-type oscillations in red-giant stars is an emerging aspect of asteroseismic analysis with a number of open questions yet to be explored. Although stochastic oscillations have previously been detected in red giants from both radial velocity and photometric measurements, those data were either too short or had sampling that was not complete enough to perform a detailed data analysis of the variability. The quality and quantity of photometric data as provided by the CoRoT satellite is necessary to provide a breakthrough in observing p-mode oscillations in red giants. We have analyzed continuous photometric time-series of about 11 400 relatively faint stars obtained in the exofield of CoRoT during the first 150 days long-run campaign from May to October 2007. We find several hundred stars showing a clear power excess in a frequency and amplitude range expected for red-giant pulsators. In this paper we present first results on a sub-sample of these stars. Aims. Knowing reliable fundamental parameters like mass and radius is essential for detailed asteroseismic studies of red-giant stars. As the CoRoT exofield targets are relatively faint (11-16 mag) there are no (or only weak) constraints on the star's location in the H-R diagram. We therefore aim to extract information about such fundamental parameters solely from the available time series. Methods. We model the convective background noise and the power excess hump due to pulsation with a global model fit and deduce reliable estimates for the stellar mass and radius from scaling relations for the frequency of maximum oscillation power and the characteristic frequency separation.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figures, accepted for publication in A&
