46 research outputs found

    Oxygen minimum zone cryptic sulfur cycling sustained by offshore transport of key sulfur oxidizing bacteria

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    Members of the gammaproteobacterial clade SUP05 couple water column sulfide oxidation to nitrate reduction in sulfidic oxygen minimum zones (OMZs). Their abundance in offshore OMZ waters devoid of detectable sulfide has led to the suggestion that local sulfate reduction fuels SUP05-mediated sulfide oxidation in a so-called “cryptic sulfur cycle”. We examined the distribution and metabolic capacity of SUP05 in Peru Upwelling waters, using a combination of oceanographic, molecular, biogeochemical and single-cell techniques. A single SUP05 species, UThioglobus perditus, was found to be abundant and active in both sulfidic shelf and sulfide-free offshore OMZ waters. Our combined data indicated that mesoscale eddy-driven transport led to the dispersal of UT. perditus and elemental sulfur from the sulfidic shelf waters into the offshore OMZ region. This offshore transport of shelf waters provides an alternative explanation for the abundance and activity of sulfide-oxidizing denitrifying bacteria in sulfide-poor offshore OMZ waters

    Microanatomy of the trophosome region of Paracatenula cf. polyhymnia (Catenulida, Platyhelminthes) and its intracellular symbionts

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    Marine catenulid platyhelminths of the genus Paracatenula lack mouth, pharynx and gut. They live in a symbiosis with intracellular bacteria which are restricted to the body region posterior to the brain. The symbiont-housing cells (bacteriocytes) collectively form the trophosome tissue, which functionally replaces the digestive tract. It constitutes the largest part of the body and is the most important synapomorphy of this group. While some other features of the Paracatenula anatomy have already been analyzed, an in-depth analysis of the trophosome region was missing. Here, we identify and characterize the composition of the trophosome and its surrounding tissue by analyzing series of ultra-thin cross-sections of the species Paracatenula cf. polyhymnia. For the first time, a protonephridium is detected in a Paracatenula species, but it is morphologically reduced and most likely not functional. Cells containing needle-like inclusions in the reference species Paracatenula polyhymnia Sterrer and Rieger, 1974 were thought to be sperm, and the inclusions interpreted as the sperm nucleus. Our analysis of similar cells and their inclusions by EDX and Raman microspectroscopy documents an inorganic spicule consisting of a unique magnesium–phosphate compound. Furthermore, we identify the neoblast stem cells located underneath the epidermis. Except for the modifications due to the symbiotic lifestyle and the enigmatic spicule cells, the organization of Paracatenula cf. polyhymnia conforms to that of the Catenulida in all studied aspects. Therefore, this species represents an excellent model system for further studies of host adaptation to an obligate symbiotic lifestyle

    Bacterial Symbiosis Maintenance in the Asexually Reproducing and Regenerating Flatworm Paracatenula galateia

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    Bacteriocytes set the stage for some of the most intimate interactions between animal and bacterial cells. In all bacteriocyte possessing systems studied so far, de novo formation of bacteriocytes occurs only once in the host development, at the time of symbiosis establishment. Here, we present the free-living symbiotic flatworm Paracatenula galateia and its intracellular, sulfur-oxidizing bacteria as a system with previously undescribed strategies of bacteriocyte formation and bacterial symbiont transmission. Using thymidine analogue S-phase labeling and immunohistochemistry, we show that all somatic cells in adult worms – including bacteriocytes – originate exclusively from aposymbiotic stem cells (neoblasts). The continued bacteriocyte formation from aposymbiotic stem cells in adult animals represents a previously undescribed strategy of symbiosis maintenance and makes P. galateia a unique system to study bacteriocyte differentiation and development. We also provide morphological and immunohistochemical evidence that P. galateia reproduces by asexual fragmentation and regeneration (paratomy) and, thereby, vertically transmits numerous symbiont-containing bacteriocytes to its asexual progeny. Our data support the earlier reported hypothesis that the symbiont population is subjected to reduced bottleneck effects. This would justify both the codiversification between Paracatenula hosts and their Candidatus Riegeria symbionts, and the slow evolutionary rates observed for several symbiont genes

    gbtools: Interactive Visualization of Metagenome Bins in R

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    Improvements in DNA sequencing technology have increased the amount and quality of sequences that can be obtained from metagenomic samples, making it practical to extract individual microbial genomes from metagenomic assemblies (binning). However, while many tools and methods exist for unsupervised binning with various statistical algorithms, there are few options for visualizing the results, even though visualization is vital to exploratory data analysis. We have developed gbtools, a software package that allows users to visualize metagenomic assemblies by plotting coverage (sequencing depth) and GC values of contigs, and also to annotate the plots with taxonomic information. Different sets of annotations, including taxonomic assignments from conserved marker genes or SSU rRNA genes, can be imported simultaneously; users can choose which annotations to plot. Bins can be manually defined from plots, or be imported from third-party binning tools and overlaid onto plots, such that results from different methods can be compared side-by-side. gbtools reports summary statistics of bins including marker gene completeness, and allows the user to add or subtract bins with each other. We illustrate some of the functions available in gbtools with two examples: the metagenome of Olavius algarvensis, a marine oligochaete worm that has up to five bacterial symbionts, and the metagenome of a synthetic mock community comprising 64 bacterial and archaeal strains. We show how instances of poor automated binning, sequencer GC% bias, and variation between samples can be quickly diagnosed by visualization, and demonstrate how the results from different binning tools can be combined and refined to yield manually-curated bins with higher completeness. gbtools is open-source and written in R. The software package, documentation, and example data are available freely online at https://github.com/kbseah/genome-bin-tools

    Data from: Specificity in diversity: single origin of a widespread ciliate-bacteria symbiosis

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    Symbioses between eukaryotes and sulfur-oxidizing (thiotrophic) bacteria have convergently evolved multiple times. Although well described in at least eight classes of metazoan animals, almost nothing is known about the evolution of thiotrophic symbioses in microbial eukaryotes (protists). In this study, we characterized the symbioses between mouthless marine ciliates of the genus Kentrophoros, and their thiotrophic bacteria, using comparative sequence analysis and fluorescence in situ hybridization. Ciliate small-subunit rRNA sequences were obtained from 17 morphospecies collected in the Mediterranean and Caribbean, and symbiont sequences from 13 of these morphospecies. We discovered a new Kentrophoros morphotype where the symbiont-bearing surface is folded into pouch-like compartments, illustrating the variability of the basic body plan. Phylogenetic analyses revealed that all investigated Kentrophoros belonged to a single clade, despite the remarkable morphological diversity of these hosts. The symbionts were also monophyletic and belonged to a new clade within the Gammaproteobacteria, with no known cultured representatives. Each host morphospecies had a distinct symbiont phylotype, and statistical analyses revealed significant support for host–symbiont codiversification. Given that these symbioses were collected from two widely separated oceans, our results indicate that symbiotic associations in unicellular hosts can be highly specific and stable over long periods of evolutionary time

    Metaproteogenomic Profiling of Microbial Communities Colonizing Actively Venting Hydrothermal Chimneys

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    At hydrothermal vent sites, chimneys consisting of sulfides, sulfates, and oxides are formed upon contact of reduced hydrothermal fluids with oxygenated seawater. The walls and surfaces of these chimneys are an important habitat for vent-associated microorganisms. We used community proteogenomics to investigate and compare the composition, metabolic potential and relative in situ protein abundance of microbial communities colonizing two actively venting hydrothermal chimneys from the Manus Basin back-arc spreading center (Papua New Guinea). We identified overlaps in the in situ functional profiles of both chimneys, despite differences in microbial community composition and venting regime. Carbon fixation on both chimneys seems to have been primarily mediated through the reverse tricarboxylic acid cycle and fueled by sulfur-oxidation, while the abundant metabolic potential for hydrogen oxidation and carbon fixation via the Calvin–Benson–Bassham cycle was hardly utilized. Notably, the highly diverse microbial community colonizing the analyzed black smoker chimney had a highly redundant metabolic potential. In contrast, the considerably less diverse community colonizing the diffusely venting chimney displayed a higher metabolic versatility. An increased diversity on the phylogenetic level is thus not directly linked to an increased metabolic diversity in microbial communities that colonize hydrothermal chimneys

    Data from: Specificity in diversity: single origin of a widespread ciliate-bacteria symbiosis

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    Symbioses between eukaryotes and sulfur-oxidizing (thiotrophic) bacteria have convergently evolved multiple times. Although well described in at least eight classes of metazoan animals, almost nothing is known about the evolution of thiotrophic symbioses in microbial eukaryotes (protists). In this study, we characterized the symbioses between mouthless marine ciliates of the genus Kentrophoros, and their thiotrophic bacteria, using comparative sequence analysis and fluorescence in situ hybridization. Ciliate small-subunit rRNA sequences were obtained from 17 morphospecies collected in the Mediterranean and Caribbean, and symbiont sequences from 13 of these morphospecies. We discovered a new Kentrophoros morphotype where the symbiont-bearing surface is folded into pouch-like compartments, illustrating the variability of the basic body plan. Phylogenetic analyses revealed that all investigated Kentrophoros belonged to a single clade, despite the remarkable morphological diversity of these hosts. The symbionts were also monophyletic and belonged to a new clade within the Gammaproteobacteria, with no known cultured representatives. Each host morphospecies had a distinct symbiont phylotype, and statistical analyses revealed significant support for host–symbiont codiversification. Given that these symbioses were collected from two widely separated oceans, our results indicate that symbiotic associations in unicellular hosts can be highly specific and stable over long periods of evolutionary time

    Growth in width and FtsZ ring longitudinal positioning in a gammaproteobacterial symbiont

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    Rod-shaped bacteria usually grow in length and place their FtsZ ring and division site at midcell, perpendicular to their long axis [1,2]. Here, we provide morphometric and immunocytochemical evidence that a nematode-associated gammaproteobacterium [3,4] grows in width, sets a constricting FtsZ ring parallel to its long axis, and divides longitudinally by default. Remarkably, the newly described FtsZ ring appears to be not only 90 degrees shifted with respect to model rods, but also elliptical and discontinuous. This reveals an unexpected versatility of the gammaproteobacterial cytokinetic machinery