9 research outputs found

    Critical appraisal of technologies to assess electrical activity during atrial fibrillation: a position paper from the European Heart Rhythm Association and European Society of Cardiology Working Group on eCardiology in collaboration with the Heart Rhythm Society, Asia Pacific Heart Rhythm Society, Latin American Heart Rhythm Society and Computing in Cardiology

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    We aim to provide a critical appraisal of basic concepts underlying signal recording and processing technologies applied for (i) atrial fibrillation (AF) mapping to unravel AF mechanisms and/or identifying target sites for AF therapy and (ii) AF detection, to optimize usage of technologies, stimulate research aimed at closing knowledge gaps, and developing ideal AF recording and processing technologies. Recording and processing techniques for assessment of electrical activity during AF essential for diagnosis and guiding ablative therapy including body surface electrocardiograms (ECG) and endo- or epicardial electrograms (EGM) are evaluated. Discussion of (i) differences in uni-, bi-, and multi-polar (omnipolar/Laplacian) recording modes, (ii) impact of recording technologies on EGM morphology, (iii) global or local mapping using various types of EGM involving signal processing techniques including isochronal-, voltage- fractionation-, dipole density-, and rotor mapping, enabling derivation of parameters like atrial rate, entropy, conduction velocity/direction, (iv) value of epicardial and optical mapping, (v) AF detection by cardiac implantable electronic devices containing various detection algorithms applicable to stored EGMs, (vi) contribution of machine learning (ML) to further improvement of signals processing technologies. Recording and processing of EGM (or ECG) are the cornerstones of (body surface) mapping of AF. Currently available AF recording and processing technologies are mainly restricted to specific applications or have technological limitations. Improvements in AF mapping by obtaining highest fidelity source signals (e.g. catheter–electrode combinations) for signal processing (e.g. filtering, digitization, and noise elimination) is of utmost importance. Novel acquisition instruments (multi-polar catheters combined with improved physical modelling and ML techniques) will enable enhanced and automated interpretation of EGM recordings in the near future

    The Study of Pavement Smoothness Specification and Indices Conversion Analysis

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    本研究將首先探討三米直規與國際糙度指標 (International Roughness Index, IRI) 兩者間之差異性與相關性,藉以提出適合之轉換方式,再者,將以使用者的舒適度做為前提,探討各種鋪面平坦度指標與使用者感受之關聯,最後以彙整三米直規之各種限制與其使用上之缺點。透過於剖面資料,針對資料之分佈情形進行檢定發現三米直規標準差以及IRI兩種指標之分佈情形皆符合對數常態分布,並利用取完對數後之數據進行迴歸,並回推為一乘冪式之迴歸式,其相關係數R2值高達0.9368,並以國內資料加以驗證,皆符合Gauss-Markov定理下之殘差期望值為零以及變異數齊一性之性質。本研究利用路面品質績效量測系統 (Pavement Quality Measurement System, PQMS),於桃園國際機場由南側跑道進行試驗,由PQMS輸出鋪面行駛品質指標 (Pavement Riding Quality Index, PRQI),與各種平坦度指標進行關聯性分析,發現與單一輪軌跡之IRI直接無明顯關聯性,進而以雙剖面所產生之指標包括二分車糙度指標 (Half-Car Roughness Index, HRI) 以及平均糙度指標 (Mean Roughness Index, MRI)進行關聯性分析,兩者之相關係數R2值皆較採用單一剖面之指標來的高,而其中HRI高達0.85,雙剖面之指標較能有效反應使用者之實際感受,而其中以HRI之表現最佳。三米直規標準差計算方式方面,平均全距法之整體的平均值以及通過率過度高估鋪面平坦度。波長反應圖利用正弦波模擬進行,但由於1.5m之檢測間距過大,因此採用之間距為0.25m提出波長反應圖,反應主要集中於短波長,且檢測起迄點在1.5m檢測間距下也有明顯之影響。透過通過率了解現行規範之評估水準,在現行規範下兩者並無相同之評估水準,透過迴歸式進行門檻值之轉換後,新的門檻值則能夠使的兩者之通過率幾乎完全相同。最後本研究也進一步對於三米直規之使用上之限制進行彙整,建議三米直規較適合用於局部不平坦之量測,例如人手孔蓋、路肩、橋面版等局部區域。This study discusses the difference and relation between 3-M Standard Deviator and International Roughness Index (IRI), and it also provide a suitable conversion method. And the second part discussed the relationship between user experience and roughness indices as a prerequisite for the users comfort. Then, the final part discuses provide a limitation and characteristics of 3-M Straightedge. The distribution of IRI and 3-M Standard Deviator data are both fit with lognormal distribution, and the regression model is a power function with 0.9368 R2 value. The verification process with the data collected in Taiwan, and it also fit the Gauss-Markov Theorem. A Pavement Quality Measurement System (PQMS) was using in this study to out the Pavement Riding Quality Index (PRQI), and the test was proceeded in Taoyuan International Airport South Runway. The single-wheeltrack index has low correlation with PRQI, but Half-Car Roughness Index (HRI) and Mean Roughness Index (MRI) has higher R2 values, and the R2 value is 0.85 for HRI, which can represent the user feeling at most. In calculation of 3-M Standard Deviator, the mean value and passing rate of Average-Range Method overestimates the smoothness situation. The wavelength response is performed by the sinusoid profile simulation, due to the sampling interval of 1.5m is too large, this study performed the wavelength response by 0.25 sampling interval. It is sensitivity in the low end, and the starting point had a significant influence. And the present specification thresholds do not performed IRI-based and 3-M Standard Deviator-based in same level. Converting the thresholds by using the conversion equation, the new thresholds make the passing are nearly equivalent in both specifications. The limitation are compiled in the last paragraph, it is recommended that use the 3-M Straightedge for manhole, bridge, shoulder, and other local roughness

    ESC core curriculumfor the cardiologist

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    2021 ESC guidelines on cardiovascular disease prevention in clinical practice

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