150 research outputs found

    Museu Militar de Bragança: fundação, práticas museológicas

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    O objecto de estudo decidido para este trabalho centra-se na reflexão sobre o Museu Militar de Bragança hoje, e as suas potencialidades enquanto gerador de desenvolvimento social. Para fazer esta reflexão consideramos pertinente a pesquisa histórica do museu, desde a sua fundação, atendendo à função e os objectivos propostos inicialmente pela instituição, bem como aos procedimentos museológicos actualmente observados. O museu militar de Bragança surge no primeiro quartel do século XX como um espaço de salvaguarda das memórias dos feitos bélicos das forças militares sedeadas em Bragança. Após a erradicação da última unidade militar de Bragança, em 1958, o museu é temporariamente encerrado e trasladado o acervo para o Museu Militar de Lisboa. Já na década de 80 do século XX o museu volta a ser instalado no local de origem, a torre de menagem do castelo, e impõe-se como espaço \ memória das vivências militares da cidade. No entanto, cremos que, para que o Museu Militar potencie as suas ferramentas enquanto gerador de desenvolvimento social, seria desejável consumar alguns procedimentos museológicos, actualmente já impostos na Lei Quadro dos museus. Neste sentido, na segunda parte do presente trabalho propomo-nos estabelecer um plano geral de práticas museológicas adaptado ao caso concreto do Museu Militar de Bragança. O presente trabalho aspira assim: a caracterizar sucintamente o conceito actual de Museu; a descrever o edifício onde está instalado o Museu Militar de Bragança, que constitui parte integrante da sua valência enquanto gerador de desenvolvimento local; a pesquisar o processo de fundação do museu, os seus objectivos e funções enquanto parte integrante de um maior complexo militar como era o quartel. (...


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    Встатті аналізуються внутрішньокорпоративні відносинидворянської верстви на прикладі Катеринославської губерніїCorporate Relationships ofNobility inKaterinoslavRegion are analyzed in this articl

    Global Characterisation of Coagulopathy in Isolated Traumatic Brain Injury (iTBI): A CENTER-TBI Analysis.

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    BACKGROUND: Trauma-induced coagulopathy in patients with traumatic brain injury (TBI) is associated with high rates of complications, unfavourable outcomes and mortality. The mechanism of the development of TBI-associated coagulopathy is poorly understood. METHODS: This analysis, embedded in the prospective, multi-centred, observational Collaborative European NeuroTrauma Effectiveness Research in Traumatic Brain Injury (CENTER-TBI) study, aimed to characterise the coagulopathy of TBI. Emphasis was placed on the acute phase following TBI, primary on subgroups of patients with abnormal coagulation profile within 4 h of admission, and the impact of pre-injury anticoagulant and/or antiplatelet therapy. In order to minimise confounding factors, patients with isolated TBI (iTBI) (n = 598) were selected for this analysis. RESULTS: Haemostatic disorders were observed in approximately 20% of iTBI patients. In a subgroup analysis, patients with pre-injury anticoagulant and/or antiplatelet therapy had a twice exacerbated coagulation profile as likely as those without premedication. This was in turn associated with increased rates of mortality and unfavourable outcome post-injury. A multivariate analysis of iTBI patients without pre-injury anticoagulant therapy identified several independent risk factors for coagulopathy which were present at hospital admission. Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) less than or equal to 8, base excess (BE) less than or equal to - 6, hypothermia and hypotension increased risk significantly. CONCLUSION: Consideration of these factors enables early prediction and risk stratification of acute coagulopathy after TBI, thus guiding clinical management

    Global Characterisation of Coagulopathy in Isolated Traumatic Brain Injury (iTBI): A CENTER-TBI Analysis

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    Background Trauma-induced coagulopathy in patients with traumatic brain injury (TBI) is associated with high rates of complications, unfavourable outcomes and mortality. The mechanism of the development of TBI-associated coagulopathy is poorly understood. Methods This analysis, embedded in the prospective, multi-centred, observational Collaborative European NeuroTrauma Effectiveness Research in Traumatic Brain Injury (CENTER-TBI) study, aimed to characterise the coagulopathy of TBI. Emphasis was placed on the acute phase following TBI, primary on subgroups of patients with abnormal coagulation profile within 4 h of admission, and the impact of pre-injury anticoagulant and/or antiplatelet therapy. In order to minimise confounding factors, patients with isolated TBI (iTBI) (n = 598) were selected for this analysis. Results Haemostatic disorders were observed in approximately 20% of iTBI patients. In a subgroup analysis, patients with pre-injury anticoagulant and/or antiplatelet therapy had a twice exacerbated coagulation profile as likely as those without premedication. This was in turn associated with increased rates of mortality and unfavourable outcome post-injury. A multivariate analysis of iTBI patients without pre-injury anticoagulant therapy identified several independent risk factors for coagulopathy which were present at hospital admission. Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) less than or equal to 8, base excess (BE) less than or equal to - 6, hypothermia and hypotension increased risk significantly. Conclusion Consideration of these factors enables early prediction and risk stratification of acute coagulopathy after TBI, thus guiding clinical management.</div