428 research outputs found

    High School Students as Mentors: Findings From the Big Brothers Big Sisters School-Based Mentoring Impact Study Executive Summary

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    Recently, high schools have become a popular source of mentors for school-based mentoring (SBM) programs. This executive summary outlines key findings and recommendations from our High School Students as Mentors report, which drew on data from our large-scale random assignment impact study of Big Brothers Big Sisters SBM (Herrera, et al. 2007). Our research indicated that, on average, high school students were much less effective than adults at yielding impacts for the youth they mentor, but it also identified several program practices that were linked with longer, stronger and more effective high school mentor relationships

    Modulation of the ComA-Dependent Quorum Response in \u3ci\u3eBacillus subtilis\u3c/i\u3e by Multiple Rap Proteins and Phr Peptides

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    In Bacillus subtilis, extracellular peptide signaling regulates several biological processes. Secreted Phr signaling peptides are imported into the cell and act intracellularly to antagonize the activity of regulators known as Rap proteins. B. subtilis encodes several Rap proteins and Phr peptides, and the processes regulated by many of these Rap proteins and Phr peptides are unknown. We used DNA microarrays to characterize the roles that several rap-phr signaling modules play in regulating gene expression. We found that rapK-phrK regulates the expression of a number of genes activated by the response regulator ComA. ComA activates expression of genes involved in competence development and the production of several secreted products. Two Phr peptides, PhrC and PhrF, were previously known to stimulate the activity of ComA. We assayed the roles that PhrC, PhrF, and PhrK play in regulating gene expression and found that these three peptides stimulate ComA-dependent gene expression to different levels and are all required for full expression of genes activated by ComA. The involvement of multiple Rap proteins and Phr peptides allows multiple physiological cues to be integrated into a regulatory network that modulates the timing and magnitude of the ComA response

    ā€œBe Careful Who You Friend:ā€ Early Adolescentsā€™ Reports of Safety, Privacy, and Family Monitoring of Facebook Use

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    With the growing popularity of social networking sites (SNS), parents, educators, youth development workers, researchers, and policymakers are increasingly concerned with Internet safety issues. In this paper we highlight a study designed to understand how young people describe how much (or how little) social network monitoring is happening in their home life, including who is doing the monitoring, when, why, and how. Participants included 33 middle school youth (aged 11-14) who were participating in a 9-week sexual health curriculum. Teens reported that their parents were most concerned about ā€œfriendingā€ the wrong people and swearing on Facebook postings. In contrast, teens talked more about using Facebook to keep in touch with their known social circle and were not as preoccupied with adding people they didnā€™t know or wanting to meet strangers online. Teens also reported that female family and community members were the most frequent monitors of their Facebook pages. Implications for youth development programs and future research directions are discussed

    ā€œBe Careful Who You Friend:ā€ Early Adolescentsā€™ Reports of Safety, Privacy, and Family Monitoring of Facebook Use

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    With the growing popularity of social networking sites (SNS), parents, educators, youth development workers, researchers, and policymakers are increasingly concerned with Internet safety issues. In this paper we highlight a study designed to understand how young people describe how much (or how little) social network monitoring is happening in their home life, including who is doing the monitoring, when, why, and how. Participants included 33 middle school youth (aged 11-14) who were participating in a 9-week sexual health curriculum. Teens reported that their parents were most concerned about ā€œfriendingā€ the wrong people and swearing on Facebook postings. In contrast, teens talked more about using Facebook to keep in touch with their known social circle and were not as preoccupied with adding people they didnā€™t know or wanting to meet strangers online. Teens also reported that female family and community members were the most frequent monitors of their Facebook pages. Implications for youth development programs and future research directions are discussed

    Sustainable Agriculture Education and Civic Engagement: The Significance of Community-University Partnerships in the New Agricultural Paradigm

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    Universities and colleges across the United States are making innovative strides in higher education programming to catalyze a more sustainable era of agriculture. This is clearly exemplified through the formation of community-university partnerships as critical illustrations of civic engagement (CE) for sustainable agriculture (SA) education. This paper explores the praxis of CE for SA education by focusing on the ways in which five land-grant universities (LGUs) with undergraduate programs in SA have developed and put into practice community-university partnerships. Drawing upon these programs and supportive literature, this article specifically attempts to describe the role and significance of CE for SA education, emerging community-university partnership models and their implications for prompting food and agriculture sustainability, and student learning and program assessment outcomes. We also reveal the many challenges and opportunities encountered by stakeholders involved in the creation and continuation of these programs and their subsequent coursework. Conclusions offer real world recommendations for other faculty, staff, student, and community stakeholders to implement and generate action-oriented scholarship for and with communities as a viable thread of SA education

    Expression and Targeting of the Apoptosis Inhibitor, Survivin, in Human Melanoma

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    The newly described apoptosis inhibitor survivin is expressed in many human cancers and appears to play a critical part in both apoptosis regulation and cell cycle progression. Its potential role in malignant melanoma is unknown. In a panel of 30 malignant melanomas, survivin was strongly expressed in all cases (15 of 15) of metastatic malignant melanomas and 13 of 15 cases of invasive malignant melanomas by immunohistochemistry. In invasive malignant melanomas, survivin was also expressed in the in-situ component of the lesion. Survivin expression was found in all cases (11 of 11) of nevi, but not in melanocytes in sections of normal skin. The apoptosis inhibitor bcl-2 was expressed in 26 of 30 cases, but generally at lower levels than that of infiltrating lymphocytes. The mitotic index, as assessed by MIB-1 staining, was consistently higher in metastatic than invasive malignant melanomas. Assessment of apoptotic index by in situ end-labeling revealed extremely low rates of apoptosis in most malignant melanomas. Survivin expression by western blotting was detected in four human metastatic malignant melanoma cell lines but not in cultured normal human melanocytes. Transfection of both YUSAC-2 and LOX malignant melanoma cells with green fluorescence protein-conjugated survivin anti-sense or green fluorescence protein-conjugated survivin dominant negative mutant (Cys85Ala) resulted in increased apoptosis in the absence of other genotoxic stimuli. Two-color flow cytometry confirmed that YUSAC-2 cells transfected with survivin anti-sense expressed less endogenous survivin and exhibited an increased fraction of cells with sub-G1 DNA content. These data demonstrate that apoptosis inhibition by survivin may participate in the onset and progression of malignant melanomas, and suggest that therapeutic targeting of survivin may be beneficial in patients with recurrent or metastatic disease

    Dementias show differential physiological responses to salient sounds.

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    Abnormal responsiveness to salient sensory signals is often a prominent feature of dementia diseases, particularly the frontotemporal lobar degenerations, but has been little studied. Here we assessed processing of one important class of salient signals, looming sounds, in canonical dementia syndromes. We manipulated tones using intensity cues to create percepts of salient approaching ("looming") or less salient withdrawing sounds. Pupil dilatation responses and behavioral rating responses to these stimuli were compared in patients fulfilling consensus criteria for dementia syndromes (semantic dementia, n = 10; behavioral variant frontotemporal dementia, n = 16, progressive nonfluent aphasia, n = 12; amnestic Alzheimer's disease, n = 10) and a cohort of 26 healthy age-matched individuals. Approaching sounds were rated as more salient than withdrawing sounds by healthy older individuals but this behavioral response to salience did not differentiate healthy individuals from patients with dementia syndromes. Pupil responses to approaching sounds were greater than responses to withdrawing sounds in healthy older individuals and in patients with semantic dementia: this differential pupil response was reduced in patients with progressive nonfluent aphasia and Alzheimer's disease relative both to the healthy control and semantic dementia groups, and did not correlate with nonverbal auditory semantic function. Autonomic responses to auditory salience are differentially affected by dementias and may constitute a novel biomarker of these diseases
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