855 research outputs found


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    The research About, Hypoglycemic Effect Test Extracts Chloroform and n-Butanol Leaf Belimbing Wuluh (Averrhoa bilimbi L.) Against Mice (Mus musculus) The Induced by Aloksan. This absorvation is done withaim to determine the hypoglycemic of test chloroform and n-butanol leaf belimbing wuluh (Averrhoa bilimbi L.) against mice (Mus musculus) with the main aloksan. This animal abservatian try to inductied. With aloction with the aim to destroy sel-ÎČ pancreas and try to rise the animal blood glucose rate. This research utilized 18 male mice divided into 6 groups, each group consisted of 3 male mice. Groop I was given 0,182 gram/kgBB of chloroform extract, groop II was given 0,091 gram/kgBB chloroform extract, groop III was given 0,182 gram/kgBB n-butanol extract and groop IV was given 0,091 gram/kgBB n-butanol extract, and groop V was the positif comparison groop that given glybenclamide sespention and groop VI is the groop with negative control that was given Na CMC 1%. It  was given by feeded with volume of 1 ml/ 30 gBB. The abservatian reault shaw that chloroform ekstrak and n-butanol belimbing wuluh leat (Averrhoa bilimbi L.) has the effect to deerease glucose blood to mice (Mus musculus).Key Words : Hipoglycemic, Avverhoa bilimbi, Aloxa

    An autosome-wide search using longitudinal data for loci linked to type 2 diabetes progression

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    A genome-wide screen was conducted for type 2 diabetes progression genes using measures of elevated fasting glucose levels as quantitative traits from the offspring enrolled in the Framingham Heart Study. We analyzed young (20–34 years) and old (≄ 35 years) subjects separately, using single-point and multipoint sibpair analysis, because of the possible differential impact of progression on the groups of interest. We observed significant linkage with change in fasting glucose levels on 1q25-32 (p = 5.21 × 10(-8)), 3p26.3-21.31 (p = 1 × 10(-11)), 8q23.1-24.13 (p = 2.94 × 10(-6)), 9p24.1-21.3 (p = 7 × 10(-7)), and 18p11.31-q22.1 (p < 10(-11)). The evidence for linkage on chromosomes 8 and 18 was consistent for the subset of study participants aged 43 through 55 years

    Ziltoid the Peritextual. Constructing Science Fiction in Music Albums through Peritexts

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    Den hĂ€r avhandlingen studerar peritexter pĂ„ musikalbumen Ziltoid the Omniscient och uppföljaren ZÂČ av Devin Townsend respektive The Devin Townsend Project. Syftet med studien Ă€r att ta reda pĂ„ hur temat science fiction kan skapas genom peritextuella komponenter sĂ„ som bilder, fĂ€rger, typsnitt, troper och genom eventuella intertextuella drag hos dessa komponenter. Albumen innehĂ„ller progressiv metallmusik och science fiction Ă€r ett ofta Ă„terkommande tema i genren. Jag anvĂ€nder mig av GĂ©rard Genettes definition av peritexter och i stor utstrĂ€ckning av Julia Kristevas grundlĂ€ggande definition av intertextualitet. Science fiction-temat Ă€r pĂ„tagligt pĂ„ albumen i bĂ„de handlingen och peritexterna. Jag uppmĂ€rksammar pĂ„ vilket sĂ€tt dessa peritexter hĂ€nsyftar till science fiction och vad detta innebĂ€r för albumen i frĂ„ga. MĂ„nga allusioner till populĂ€ra science fiction-filmer och -romaner förekommer i materialet och dessa bidrar till att stĂ€rka temat. Allusioner till vĂ€ldigt prominenta filmer som exempelvis Star Wars och E.T. Ă€r relativt uppenbara, men allusioner till andra mindre kĂ€nda science fiction-historier Ă€r svĂ„rare att identifiera. Åtskilliga science fiction-troper förekommer i albumens peritexter, som exempelvis flygande tefat, meteorer, stjĂ€rnor, planeter, hologram samt i textform i lĂ„ttitlar pĂ„ albumens bakre omslag. Dessutom förekommer troper i form av vad som hĂ€nder i bilderna, till exempel en sammandrabbning mellan utomjordingar och mĂ€nniskor. Utomjordingen Ziltoid Ă€r protagonisten i bĂ„da historierna och han Ă€r dĂ€rmed Ă€ven den mest frekvent förekommande karaktĂ€ren i albumens peritexter. Det framkommer tydligt pĂ„ bilderna av Ziltoid att han Ă€r en utomjording, vilket indikerar att albumen Ă€r knutna till science fiction. Ziltoid Ă€r en vĂ€ldigt intertextuell figur som exempelvis alluderar till Darth Vader, E.T., Zorro och Indiana Jones. Analysen visar att albumens peritexter utnyttjas till att tydligt indikera science fiction-temat. Troper och andra visuella element som Ă€r kĂ€nnetecknande för genren i allmĂ€nhet förekommer i stor utstrĂ€ckning pĂ„ bĂ„da albumen i studien och antyder dĂ€rmed vad albumen handlar om.fi=OpinnĂ€ytetyö kokotekstinĂ€ PDF-muodossa.|en=Thesis fulltext in PDF format.|sv=LĂ€rdomsprov tillgĂ€ngligt som fulltext i PDF-format

    Metabolic syndrome in a Taiwanese metropolitan adult population

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Metabolic syndrome (MS) is a combination of medical disorders that increase one's risk for cardiovascular disease and diabetes. Little information exists on the prevalence of MS in a general adult population in Taiwan.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We did a cross-sectional survey in a representative sample of 2,359 Chinese adults aged 40 years and over who lived in a metropolitan city, Taiwan in 2004–05. MS was defined by Adult Treatment Panel III criteria modified for Asians.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The prevalence of MetS was 35.32% and 43.23% in men aged 40–64 years and 65 years and over, respectively, and 24.19% and 51.82% in women aged 40–64 years and 65 years and over. Older age, postmenopausal status, higher body mass index, current smoking, low education attainment, low household income, no alcohol consumption, lower level of occupation physical activity, and a family history of diabetes were associated with increased odds of MetS.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>MetS was present in more than 30% of the Taiwan adult population aged 40 years and over in a metropolitan area; there were substantial variations by age and body mass index groups.</p


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    Статья ĐżĐŸŃĐČŃŃ‰Đ”ĐœĐ° ĐžŃŃĐ»Đ”ĐŽĐŸĐČĐ°ĐœĐžŃŽ ĐșĐŸĐœĐșŃ€Đ”Ń‚ĐœĐŸĐłĐŸ рДчДĐČĐŸĐłĐŸ ĐŒĐ°Ń‚Đ”Ń€ĐžĐ°Đ»Đ°, ĐżĐŸĐ»ŃƒŃ‡Đ”ĐœĐœĐŸĐłĐŸ ĐČ Ń€Đ”Đ·ŃƒĐ»ŃŒŃ‚Đ°Ń‚Đ” Đ°ĐœĐșĐ”Ń‚ĐžŃ€ĐŸĐČĐ°ĐœĐžŃ шĐșĐŸĐ»ŃŒĐœĐžĐșĐŸĐČ ŃŃ€Đ”ĐŽĐœĐ”Đč ĐČĐŸĐ·Ń€Đ°ŃŃ‚ĐœĐŸĐč группы. В Ń…ĐŸĐŽĐ” ĐžŃŃĐ»Đ”ĐŽĐŸĐČĐ°ĐœĐžŃ былО ĐČыяĐČĐ»Đ”ĐœŃ‹ ĐœĐŸĐČŃ‹Đ” Ń‡Đ»Đ”ĐœŃ‹ ĐžĐ·ŃƒŃ‡Đ°Đ”ĐŒĐŸĐłĐŸ Đ°ĐČŃ‚ĐŸŃ€ĐŸĐŒ статьо ĐŒĐžĐșŃ€ĐŸĐżĐŸĐ»Ń "ĐžĐœŃ„ĐŸŃ€ĐŒĐ°Ń†ĐžĐŸĐœĐœŃ‹Đ” ĐžĐœŃŃ‚Ń€ŃƒĐŒĐ”ĐœŃ‚Ń‹" Đž ĐżŃ€Đ”ĐŽĐ»ĐŸĐ¶Đ”Đœ ĐżŃ€ĐŸĐ”Đșт ŃĐ»ĐŸĐČĐ°Ń€ĐœŃ‹Ń… ĐŽĐ”Ń„ĐžĐœĐžŃ†ĐžĐč ĐœĐ”ĐșĐŸŃ‚ĐŸŃ€Ń‹Ń… Ń‡Đ»Đ”ĐœĐŸĐČ ĐŒĐžĐșŃ€ĐŸĐżĐŸĐ»Ń. В Ń…ĐŸĐŽĐ” Ń€Đ°Đ±ĐŸŃ‚Ń‹ былО ĐżŃ€ĐžĐŒĐ”ĐœĐ”ĐœŃ‹ ĐșĐČĐ°ĐœŃ‚ĐžŃ‚Đ°Ń‚ĐžĐČĐœŃ‹Đč статОстОчДсĐșĐžĐč ĐŒĐ”Ń‚ĐŸĐŽ Đž ĐŒĐ”Ń‚ĐŸĐŽ ĐșĐŸĐŒĐżĐŸĐœĐ”ĐœŃ‚ĐœĐŸĐłĐŸ ŃĐžĐœŃ‚Đ”Đ·Đ°.Стаття просĐČŃŃ‡Đ”ĐœĐ° ĐŽĐŸŃĐ»Ń–ĐŽĐ¶Đ”ĐœĐœŃŽ ĐșĐŸĐœĐșŃ€Đ”Ń‚ĐœĐŸĐłĐŸ ĐŒĐŸĐČĐ»Đ”ĐœĐœŃ”ĐČĐŸĐłĐŸ ĐŒĐ°Ń‚Đ”Ń€Ń–Đ°Đ»Ńƒ, Ń‰ĐŸ буĐČ ĐŸŃ‚Ń€ĐžĐŒĐ°ĐœĐžĐč ĐČ Ń€Đ”Đ·ŃƒĐ»ŃŒŃ‚Đ°Ń‚Ń– Đ°ĐœĐșĐ”Ń‚ŃƒĐČĐ°ĐœĐœŃ шĐșĐŸĐ»ŃŃ€Ń–ĐČ ŃĐ”Ń€Đ”ĐŽĐœŃŒĐŸŃ— ĐČіĐșĐŸĐČĐŸŃ— групо. В Ń…ĐŸĐŽŃ– ĐŽĐŸŃĐ»Ń–ĐŽĐ¶Đ”ĐœĐœŃ булО ĐČояĐČĐ»Đ”ĐœŃ– ĐœĐŸĐČі Ń‡Đ»Đ”ĐœĐž ĐŒŃ–ĐșŃ€ĐŸĐżĐŸĐ»Ń, Ń‰ĐŸ піЮЮається ĐŽĐŸŃĐ»Ń–Đ¶ĐŽĐ”ĐœĐœŃŽ "Ń–ĐœŃ„ĐŸŃ€ĐŒĐ°Ń†Ń–ĐčĐœŃ– Ń–ĐœŃŃ‚Ń€ŃƒĐŒĐ”ĐœŃ‚Đž" та Đ·Đ°ĐżŃ€ĐŸĐżĐŸĐœĐŸĐČĐ°Đœ ĐżŃ€ĐŸĐ”Đșт ŃĐ»ĐŸĐČĐœĐžĐșĐŸĐČох ĐŽĐ”Ń„Ń–ĐœŃ–Ń†Ń–Đč ĐŽĐ”ĐșŃ–Đ»ŃŒĐșĐŸŃ… Ń‡Đ»Đ”ĐœŃ–ĐČ ĐŒŃ–ĐșŃ€ĐŸĐżĐŸĐ»Ń. В Ń…ĐŸĐŽŃ– Ń€ĐŸĐ±ĐŸŃ‚Đž булО Đ·Đ°ŃŃ‚ĐŸŃĐŸĐČĐ°ĐœŃ– ĐșĐČĐ°ĐœŃ‚ĐžŃ‚Đ°Ń‚ĐžĐČĐœĐžĐč ŃŃ‚Đ°Ń‚ĐžŃŃ‚ĐžŃ‡ĐœĐžĐč ĐŒĐ”Ń‚ĐŸĐŽ і ĐŒĐ”Ń‚ĐŸĐŽ ĐșĐŸĐŒĐżĐŸĐœĐ”ĐœŃ‚ĐœĐŸĐłĐŸ ŃŃ–ĐœŃ‚Đ”Đ·Ńƒ.The article is dedicated to the research of concrete speech material recieved in the survey of middle age groop children. During the research the new parts of "informative instruments" microfield studing by the author were discovered and the project of vocabulary definition was offered. During the work the quantitative statistic method and the component synthesis method were applied

    Mortality Associated With Acute Charcot Foot and Neuropathic Foot Ulceration

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    To compare the mortality of patients with an acute Charcot foot with a matched population with uninfected neuropathic foot ulcers (NFUs). Data were extracted from a specialist departmental database, supplemented by hospital records. The findings were compared with the results of earlier populations with Charcot foot and uninfected NFUs managed from 1980. Finally, the results of all patients with acute Charcot foot and all control subjects managed between 1980 and 2007 were compared with normative mortality data for the U.K. population. A total of 70 patients presented with an acute Charcot foot (mean age 57.4 +/- 12.0 years; 48 male [68.6%]) between 2001 and 2007; there were 66 matched control subjects. By 1 October 2008, 13 (eight male; 18.6%) patients with a Charcot foot had died, after a median of 2.1 years (interquartile range 1.1-3.3). Twenty-two (20 male; 33.3%) control subjects had also died after a median of 1.3 years (0.6-2.5). There was no difference in survival between the two groups (log-rank P > 0.05). Median survival of all 117 patients with acute Charcot foot managed between 1980 and 2007 was 7.88 years (4.0-15.4) and was not significantly different from the control NFU patients (8.43 years [3.4-15.8]). When compared with normative U.K. population data, life expectancy in the two groups was reduced by 14.4 and 13.9 years, respectively. These data confirm that the mortality in patients presenting to our unit with either an acute Charcot foot and an uninfected neuropathic ulcer was unexpectedly hig

    Effect of glimepiride compared with glibenclamide on post prandial blood sugar in type II diabetes mellitus patients

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    Background: Diabetes mellitus is a major public health problem with many complications. The Global Burden of Diabetes Study has projected that there will be a 122% increase in the number of people with diabetes mellitus worldwide in 2025 compared to 1995. Despite the availability of new agents for the treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus oral sulfonylureas remain a cornerstone of therapy.Glibenclamide and glimepiride are widely used sulfonylurea antidiabetic drugs.Methods: A randomized, open, parallel group study was conducted by the Department of Pharmacology in association with Department of Medicine at Maharishi Markandeshwar Institute of Medical Sciences & Research (MMIMSR), Mullana, Ambala. Total 50 patients were divided into two groups I & II. In Group I (n=25) glibenclamide (5-15 mg/day) & in Group II (n=25) glimepiride (1-6mg/day) was administered for a period of 24 weeks and data analyzed by Student’s “t”- test.Results: There was a significant improvement in  the post prandial blood sugar score (p0.05) between the two groups.Conclusions: Both the drugs glibenclamide and glimepiride were effectively reduced post prandial blood sugar in both the groups. But these sulfonylurea drugs lowered post prandial blood sugar to a similar degree without significant difference between the two groups

    Insulin sensitivity and fat mass in young male sedentary adults

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    We live in an obesogenic environment, spending a lot of time sitting neglecting physical activity. This study aims to determine the impact of a sedentary lifestyle on insulin sensitivity by comparing insulin sensitivity of healthy athletes and sedentary subjects. Twelve athletes and 12 sedentary subjects underwent a two-step hyperinsulinemic euglycemic clamp test to assess insulin sensitivity and a DEXA scan to assess body fat mass. Insulin sensitivity was significantly lower in sedentary subjects (p=0.009) and fat mass negatively correlated with insulin sensitivity (r=-0.57, p=0.005). This study shows that healthy sedentary subjects have an impaired insulin metabolism compared to trained athletes

    Association of kidney disease measures with risk of renal function worsening in patients with type 1 diabetes

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    Background: Albuminuria has been classically considered a marker of kidney damage progression in diabetic patients and it is routinely assessed to monitor kidney function. However, the role of a mild GFR reduction on the development of stage 653 CKD has been less explored in type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM) patients. Aim of the present study was to evaluate the prognostic role of kidney disease measures, namely albuminuria and reduced GFR, on the development of stage 653 CKD in a large cohort of patients affected by T1DM. Methods: A total of 4284 patients affected by T1DM followed-up at 76 diabetes centers participating to the Italian Association of Clinical Diabetologists (Associazione Medici Diabetologi, AMD) initiative constitutes the study population. Urinary albumin excretion (ACR) and estimated GFR (eGFR) were retrieved and analyzed. The incidence of stage 653 CKD (eGFR &lt; 60 mL/min/1.73 m2) or eGFR reduction &gt; 30% from baseline was evaluated. Results: The mean estimated GFR was 98 \ub1 17 mL/min/1.73m2 and the proportion of patients with albuminuria was 15.3% (n = 654) at baseline. About 8% (n = 337) of patients developed one of the two renal endpoints during the 4-year follow-up period. Age, albuminuria (micro or macro) and baseline eGFR &lt; 90 ml/min/m2 were independent risk factors for stage 653 CKD and renal function worsening. When compared to patients with eGFR &gt; 90 ml/min/1.73m2 and normoalbuminuria, those with albuminuria at baseline had a 1.69 greater risk of reaching stage 3 CKD, while patients with mild eGFR reduction (i.e. eGFR between 90 and 60 mL/min/1.73 m2) show a 3.81 greater risk that rose to 8.24 for those patients with albuminuria and mild eGFR reduction at baseline. Conclusions: Albuminuria and eGFR reduction represent independent risk factors for incident stage 653 CKD in T1DM patients. The simultaneous occurrence of reduced eGFR and albuminuria have a synergistic effect on renal function worsening
