11 research outputs found

    Effects of unstable stratification on ventilation in Hong Kong

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    Ventilation in cities is crucial for thewell being of their inhabitants. Therefore, local governments require air ventilation assessments (AVAs) prior to the construction of new buildings. In a standard AVA, however, only neutral stratification is considered, although diabatic and particularly unstable conditions may be observed more frequently in nature. The results presented here indicate significant changes in ventilation within most of the area of Kowloon City, Hong Kong, included in the study. A new definition for calculating ventilation was introduced, and used to compare the influence of buildings on ventilation under conditions of neutral and unstable stratification. The overall ventilation increased due to enhanced vertical mixing. In the vicinity of exposed buildings, however, ventilation was weaker for unstable stratification than for neutral stratification. The influence on ventilation by building parameters, such as the plan area index, was altered when unstable stratification was considered. Consequently, differences in stratification were shown to have marked effects on ventilation estimates, which should be taken into consideration in future AVAs

    Mesoscale nesting interface of the PALM model system 6.0

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    In this paper, we present a newly developed mesoscale nesting interface for the PALM model system 6.0, which enables PALM to simulate the atmospheric boundary layer under spatially heterogeneous and non-stationary synoptic conditions. The implemented nesting interface, which is currently tailored to the mesoscale model COSMO, consists of two major parts: (i) the preprocessor INIFOR (initialization and forcing), which provides initial and time-dependent boundary conditions from mesoscale model output, and (ii) PALM's internal routines for reading the provided forcing data and superimposing synthetic turbulence to accelerate the transition to a fully developed turbulent atmospheric boundary layer. We describe in detail the conversion between the sets of prognostic variables, transformations between model coordinate systems, as well as data interpolation onto PALM's grid, which are carried out by INIFOR. Furthermore, we describe PALM's internal usage of the provided forcing data, which, besides the temporal interpolation of boundary conditions and removal of any residual divergence, includes the generation of stability-dependent synthetic turbulence at the inflow boundaries in order to accelerate the transition from the turbulence-free mesoscale solution to a resolved turbulent flow. We demonstrate and evaluate the nesting interface by means of a semi-idealized benchmark case. We carried out a large-eddy simulation (LES) of an evolving convective boundary layer on a clear-sky spring day. Besides verifying that changes in the inflow conditions enter into and successively propagate through the PALM domain, we focus our analysis on the effectiveness of the synthetic turbulence generation. By analysing various turbulence statistics, we show that the inflow in the present case is fully adjusted after having propagated for about two to three eddy-turnover times downstream, which corresponds well to other state-of-the-art methods for turbulence generation. Furthermore, we observe that numerical artefacts in the form of grid-scale convective structures in the mesoscale model enter the PALM domain, biasing the location of the turbulent up- and downdrafts in the LES. With these findings presented, we aim to verify the mesoscale nesting approach implemented in PALM, point out specific shortcomings, and build a baseline for future improvements and developments

    Evaluation of the dynamic core of the PALM model system 6.0 in a neutrally stratified urban environment: comparison between LES and wind-tunnel experiments

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    We demonstrate the capability of the PALM model system version 6.0 to simulate neutrally stratified urban boundary layers. Our simulation uses the real-world building configuration of the HafenCity area in Hamburg, Germany. Using PALM's virtual measurement module, we compare simulation results to wind-tunnel measurements of a downscaled replica of the study area. Wind-tunnel measurements of mean wind speed agree within 5 % on average while the wind direction deviates by approximately 4∘. Turbulence statistics similarly agree. However, larger differences between measurements and simulation arise in the vicinity of surfaces where building geometry is insufficiently resolved. We discuss how to minimize these differences by improving the grid layout and give tips for setup preparation. Also, we discuss how existing and upcoming features of PALM like the grid nesting and immersed boundary condition help improve the simulation results.publishedVersio

    Evaluation of the dynamic core of the PALM model system 6.0 in a neutrally stratified urban environment: Comparison between les and wind-tunnel experiments

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    We demonstrate the capability of the PALM model system version 6.0 to simulate neutrally stratified urban boundary layers. Our simulation uses the real-world building configuration of the HafenCity area in Hamburg, Germany. Using PALM's virtual measurement module, we compare simulation results to wind-tunnel measurements of a downscaled replica of the study area. Wind-tunnel measurements of mean wind speed agree within 5% on average while the wind direction deviates by approximately 4 °. Turbulence statistics similarly agree. However, larger differences between measurements and simulation arise in the vicinity of surfaces where building geometry is insufficiently resolved. We discuss how to minimize these differences by improving the grid layout and give tips for setup preparation. Also, we discuss how existing and upcoming features of PALM like the grid nesting and immersed boundary condition help improve the simulation results. © 2021 Tobias Gronemeier et al

    Overview of the PALM model system 6.0

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    In this paper, we describe the PALM model system 6.0. PALM (formerly an abbreviation for Parallelized Large-eddy Simulation Model and now an independent name) is a Fortran-based code and has been applied for studying a variety of atmospheric and oceanic boundary layers for about 20 years. The model is optimized for use on massively parallel computer architectures. This is a follow-up paper to the PALM 4.0 model description in Maronga et al. (2015). During the last years, PALM has been significantly improved and now offers a variety of new components. In particular, much effort was made to enhance the model with components needed for applications in urban environments, like fully interactive land surface and radiation schemes, chemistry, and an indoor model. This paper serves as an overview paper of the PALM 6.0 model system and we describe its current model core. The individual components for urban applications, case studies, validation runs, and issues with suitable input data are presented and discussed in a series of companion papers in this special issue.Peer reviewe

    Developing a research strategy to better understand, observe, and simulate urban atmospheric processes at kilometer to subkilometer scales

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    A Met Office/Natural Environment Research Council Joint Weather and Climate Research Programme workshop brought together 50 key international scientists from the UK and international community to formulate the key requirements for an Urban Meteorological Research strategy. The workshop was jointly organised by University of Reading and the Met Office

    Advances in urban ventilation assessments using large-eddy simulation

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    Today, the majority of the world's population lives in city areas. This renders the urban climate to be the most impacting local climate to the global society. To understand and improve the urban climate, local governments demand urban ventilation assessments (UVAs). Such UVAs often simplify the highly complex urban climate in order to make an assessment possible. In order to simplify the assessed case, the general behaviour of the urban ventilation must be understood so that important impacts are not neglected. However, many interactions inside the urban atmospheric boundary layer are still unknown. In this thesis, two aspects of these unknown interactions of urban climate are studied in detail: (a) the ventilation of courtyards, particularly, the influence of lateral openings on courtyard ventilation; and (b) the interaction between neighbourhood ventilation and mean building parameters like mean building height and building density under different atmospheric stratification. These two aspects are investigated by means of large-eddy simulations. To confirm the liability of the utilized simulation model PALM, an evaluation study was conducted prior to the investigation of the two above-mentioned aspects. The comparison of simulation results against wind-tunnel data revealed differences in mean wind speed and wind direction of 5% and 4°, respectively, on average. The maximum differences occurred within the first grid points adjacent to obstacles and rapidly decreased with distance. Turbulence parameters like turbulence intensity and the spectral energy-density distribution agreed to a similar degree. Differences were found to be well within the acceptable margins. Hence, it was concluded that the model is able to correctly simulate the urban boundary layer. In the following part, the ventilation of courtyards through lateral openings was investigated. Various courtyard configurations were analysed in an idealized building setup. Lateral openings were found to have nearly no effect on the ventilation of wide courtyards. However, for deep courtyards, pollutant concentration and the residence time of pollutants were found to be significantly influenced by lateral openings. Most configurations showed a negative impact on air quality by lateral openings. Depending on the placement of the opening and the surrounding ventilation conditions, however, lateral openings could also positively impact the air quality by removing pollutants. It could be shown that the impact of lateral openings is complex and should not be neglected in case of building-scale ventilation assessments. In the last part of this thesis, the effect of atmospheric stratification on the ventilation of neighbourhood areas was investigated. In a real-case building setup of Hong Kong city, the ventilation was compared for neutral and unstable stratification in a weak-wind summer scenario. It was found that the overall ventilation is higher in an unstably stratified atmosphere due to the enhanced vertical mixing. The correlation between the plan area index (building density) and the ventilation was found to be stronger under unstable conditions compared to neutral stratification. Mean building height, however, was found to have no significant impact on the ventilation which contradicted findings by other studies. It could be shown that the overall ventilation differs between neutral and unstable stratification. To get an overall estimation of the city ventilation, UVAs should therefore cover different stratification scenarios

    On the effects of lateral openings on courtyard ventilation and pollution - A large-eddy simulation study

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    Courtyards are an omnipresent feature within the urban environment. Residents often use courtyards as recreation areas, which makes them crucial for the physical and psychological comfort of the urban population. However, considering that courtyards represent enclosed cavities, they are often poorly ventilated spaces and pollutants from neighboring traffic, once entrained, can pose a serious threat to human health. Here, we studied the effects of lateral openings on courtyard pollution and ventilation. Therefore, we performed a set of large-eddy simulations for idealized urban environments with different courtyard configurations. While pollutant concentration and ventilation are barely modified by lateral openings for wide courtyards, lateral openings have a significant effect on the mean concentration, the number of high-concentration events and the ventilation within narrower and deeper courtyards. The impacts of lateral openings on air quality within courtyards strongly depend on their orientation with respect to the flow direction, as well as on the upstream flow conditions and upstream building configuration. We show that lateral openings, in most cases, have a negative impact on air quality; nevertheless, we also present configurations where lateral openings positively impact the air quality within courtyards. These outcomes may certainly contribute to improve future urban planning in terms of health protection

    Evaluation of the dynamic core of the PALM model system 6.0 in a neutrally stratified urban environment: comparison between LES and wind-tunnel experiments

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    We demonstrate the capability of the PALM model system version 6.0 to simulate neutrally stratified urban boundary layers. Our simulation uses the real-world building configuration of the HafenCity area in Hamburg, Germany. Using PALM's virtual measurement module, we compare simulation results to wind-tunnel measurements of a downscaled replica of the study area. Wind-tunnel measurements of mean wind speed agree within 5 % on average while the wind direction deviates by approximately 4∘. Turbulence statistics similarly agree. However, larger differences between measurements and simulation arise in the vicinity of surfaces where building geometry is insufficiently resolved. We discuss how to minimize these differences by improving the grid layout and give tips for setup preparation. Also, we discuss how existing and upcoming features of PALM like the grid nesting and immersed boundary condition help improve the simulation results

    Building-resolving large-eddy simulations for entire Berlin (Germany) – first results using the high-performance urban microscale model PALM-4U

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    Due to the increasing number of people living and/or working in dense urban environments, the importance of city planning in consideration of human health and comfort has been continuously growing. Health and comfort factors such as thermal comfort, air quality, ventilation and UV exposure, must be considered in a future-oriented development of urban regions. For decision support, urban climate models (UCM) are applied to model the effects of existing and planned building distributions, facade and city greening, etc., based on the above mentioned factors. A highly-efficient microscale UCM, PALM-4U, has been developed allowing simulations of large cities with grid-resolved buildings and vegetation canopy, which consider a large variety of processes important for urban environments. PALM-4U is part of the PALM model system (http://palm-model.org), which is based on the large-eddy simulation code PALM. While there exist numerous UCMs that have been used for over two decades and which are well established in the scientific community, they are difficult to adapt to state-of-the-art parallel computer systems and thus often have limitations in either performance and/or possible number of grid points. PALM-4U is able to compute entire city environments like Berlin (about 1 700 km²) at building-resolving grid spacing (here 10 m) on massively parallel computers, where limitations are mainly imposed by the available computational resources. It offers several features required in urban environments, such as an energy balance solver for urban and natural surfaces, radiative transfer in the urban canopy layer, chemical reactions, biometeorological analysis products, and self-nesting to allow high resolution (e.g. 1 m) in regions of special interest. In this presentation we will focus on an overview of PALM-4U's current and planned capabilities for application in urban environments. Besides, we will demonstrate PALM-4U's performance and features based on microscale building-resolving large-eddy simulation of entire Berlin (Germany, 1700 km²) at a grid spacing of 10 m, with a nested domain of size of 1 km² at a grid spacing of 1 m. The simulation spans a simulated period of a full diurnal cycle during a selected heat wave period and is characterized by low geostrophic winds and a strong solar forcing during daytime. General features of the simulation will be visualized. This presentation is intended to be the first in a series of presentations that all have a more specific focus on single features of PALM-4U and for which abstracts are submitted separately. In this overview talk we will thus focus on the more general features of the simulation