25 research outputs found

    V. Biržiškos skaitymai 2014

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    The conceptual model of librarian-educator is framed on the basis of Peter Checkland’s soft systems methodology, lean thinking approach and method of ontology development, subjecting the study programme for the development of professional librarians offered by Vilnius University to case analysis. Attempts are made to frame the conceptual model facilitating the training of librarian-educator within the framework of the study programme designed for the training of professional librarians. The conceptual model would underlie the framing of the specialization of professional librarian. Librarian-educator is identified as a specialist involved in the development of information literacy skills. The article offers an analysis of a problem situation, establishes the key entities in the process of librarian-educator’s training, frames ontology based on root definitions and, on the basis of the latter, designs the conceptual model. The article also contains a comparison of the model with the real world, foreseeing the alternatives of real changes. In addition, it presents methodology for the implementation of the conceptual model in practice by means of action research. KEY WORDS: blibrarian-educator, system analysis, soft systems methodology, librarianship, lean thinking

    Matematinio tikslumo kūrybingumas bibliotekininkystėje: in memoriam Vitai Mozūraitei (1960–2014)

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    Vilniaus universiteto Bibliotekininkystės ir informacijos mokslų institutas,Vilniaus universiteto bibliotekaUniversiteto g. 3, LT-01513, Vilnius, LietuvaEl. paštas: [email protected]

    Bibliotekininko edukatoriaus ugdymo galimybės: Lietuvos atvejis

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    The article discusses whether the study programmes aimed at preparing professional librarians produce the entirety of competencies necessary for librarians as educators. The research aims to evaluate how the study curricula such as informology (Klaipėda University), library information resources management (Šiauliai State College), library and information studies (Vilnius University) are relevant to the professional standards of librarians as educators. For the research were used the standards for Proficiencies for Instruction librarians and coordinators prepared by the Association of College and Research Libraries. For data analysis factor analysis was used. The research proved that the Standards for Proficiencies for Instruction Librarians and Coordinators and factor analysis may be an appropriate method for the assessment of the study programmes designed for preparing future professional librarians, i.e., in evaluating whether the competencies developed under the study programme correspond to the entirety of the competencies peculiar to librarians as educators. The study findings suggest that study programmes such as informology, Library and information science, and library information resources management meet most of the standards criteria. The Vilnius University study programme meets them best.Straipsnyje aptariamos galimybės rengti bibliotekininką edukatorių, kuris galėtų ugdyti informacinio raštingumo gebėjimus. Pagrindinis dėmesys skiriamas bibliotekininko edukatoriaus ugdymo studijų metu analizei. Siekta įvertinti, kiek profesionalius bibliotekininkus rengiančiose Informologijos (Klaipėdos universitetas), Bibliotekininkystės ir informacijos (Vilniaus universitetas) bei Bibliotekos informacijos išteklių valdymo (Šiaulių valstybinė kolegija) studijų programose ugdomi gebėjimai atitinka bibliotekininkui edukatoriui būdingą gebėjimų visumą. Studijų programos analizuotos remiantis Instruktuojančių bibliotekininkų ir koordinatorių kvalifikacinių įgūdžių standartais. Tyrimo duomenų analizei naudota faktorių analizė. Tyrimo duomenys leidžia daryti išvadą, kad Informologijos, Bibliotekininkystės ir informacijos bei Bibliotekos informacinių išteklių valdymo studijų programos atitinka daugelį standartuose numatytų kriterijų, tačiau šių studijų programų atitikties standartams vidurkiai skiriasi. Labiausiai standartus atitinka Vilniaus universiteto studijų programa

    Nelegaliai platinamų knygų naudojimas Lietuvoje

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    This study seeks to reveal the attitudes of the Lithuanian adult population on using digital books and illegally distributed books and seeks to provide possible solutions to Lithuanian publishers and other institutions combating this phenomenon. A quantitative survey of 322 respondents was conducted. The analysis of the results was based on the Technology Acceptance Model, the theory of self-efficacy and the theory of planned behaviour. The results show that the ability to use digital technologies encourages the use of digital books. The perception of digital books as having value reduces the tendency to download them from illegal distribution channels. Legislative regulation does not have a significant impact on the intention not to use digital books from illegal distribution channels. It is likely that a negative assessment of the phenomenon in the immediate environment will have a greater impact on refusing to use illegally distributed books. In order to compete with illegal distribution channels, the channels for legally distributed books need to be more convenient and provide more content.Tyrimas siekia atskleisti skaitmenines knygas naudojančių suaugusiųjų Lietuvos gyventojų požiūrį į nelegaliai platinamų knygų naudojimo naudą, etinius ir technologinius aspektus bei pateikti galimus sprendimus Lietuvos leidykloms ir kitoms institucijoms, kovojančioms su šiuo reiškiniu. Atlikta kiekybinė 322 respondentų apklausa. Analizuojant rezultatus remtasi technologijų priėmimo modeliu, saviveiksmingumo teorija ir planuoto elgesio teorija. Rezultatai rodo, jog mokėjimas naudotis technologijomis ir jų naudojimas skatina siekti įsigyti skaitmeninių knygų. Skaitmeninės knygos kaip turinčios vertę suvokimas mažina siekį siųsti iš nelegalaus platinimo kanalų. Įstatyminis reguliavimas neturi ženklios įtakos siekiui nesinaudoti knygomis iš nelegalaus platinimo kanalų. Tikėtina, kad negatyvus reiškinio vertinimas artimoje aplinkoje turės didesnę įtaką atsisakyti naudotis nelegaliai platinamomis knygomis. Siekiant nukonkuruoti nelegalaus platinimo kanalus legaliai platinamų knygų kanalai turi būti patogesni ir suteikiantys daugiau turinio


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    By means of analysing the peculiarities of cognitive authorities utilized in election programs of the candidates of Lithuanian presidential election campaign 2014, the article aims at the identification of the manifestations of evidence based policy employed to support the candidates’ proposals on the state government related issues. Analysis of the texts produced by the participants of the political campaign is based on the concept of evidence based policy. Authors of this article interpret the term of evidence based policy from the perspective of library and information science where the focus is on the use of information sources. Analysis of the manifestations of evidence based policy in the case of presidential election campaign in the Republic of Lithuania is based on the methodology framed by Kimmo Tuominen and Timo Turja. In the article the concept of cognitive authorities is interpreted on the basis of Patrick Wilson’s insights. This is the first research of the type in Lithuania which helped disclose that participants of the election campaign subjected to analysis cannot be attributed to the representatives of evidence based policy.KEY WORDS: presidential election, cognitive authority, discourse analysis, evidence based policy.DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15181/tbb.v69i1.104

    Középiskolai tanárok információs műveltségi attitűdjei egy nemzetközi kérdőíves vizsgálat eredményeinek tükrében

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    A nemzetközi szakirodalom azt mutatja, hogy a tanárok szerepe rövid idő alatt drámai változáson ment keresztül, beleértve a digitális kompetenciák egyre növekvő jelentőségét. Ez igaz az információs műveltségre is, bár úgy tűnik, hogy a követelményeket erőteljesebben befolyásolja a digitális kompetenciák előtérbe kerülése, ami az információs műveltség fogalmával kapcsolatosan tapasztalható zavart is megmagyarázhatja. Több empirikus kutatás az mutatja, hogy számos középiskolai tanár nem ismeri ezt a kifejezést, és következetlenek a meghatározásában is, sőt van, aki tanítja az információk keresését, szűrését és értékelését, de az információs műveltség megemlítése nélkül teszi ezt. A fentieket figyelembe véve, kutatásunkkal arra kívántuk felhívni a figyelmet, hogy az információs műveltségnek van létjogosultsága az iskolapedagógiai gyakorlatban, ugyanakkor sok problémát kell még ezen a területen megoldani. Kutatásunk közvetlen célja az volt, hogy felmérjük az információs műveltség fejlesztésének gyakorlatát Magyarországon, Lengyelországban és Litániában, összehasonlítva az ezekben az országokban dolgozó középiskolai (9-12. évfolyamon tanító) tanárok ez irányú ismereteit és attitűdjét. A feltett kérdésekre kapott válaszok azt mutatják, hogy a vizsgálatba bevont pedagógusok többsége túlbecsüli az információs műveltséggel kapcsolatos készségeit és tudását. Többnyire rövid projektek során valósítottak meg az információs műveltséggel kapcsolatos programokat, amelyek azonban nem voltak alkalmasak arra, hogy akár csak magukat a tanárokat is szakszerűen felkészítsék a kommunikáció- és médiatudomány, illetve az információk felhasználásának, kezelésének, valamint azok tanításának elméletére és gyakorlatára. ----- Information literacy attitudes of secondary school teachers in the light of the results of an international questionnaire ----- The literature shows that the role of teachers has changed dramatically in a short period of time, including the growing importance of digital competencies. This is also true for information literacy, although requirements appear to be more strongly influenced by the rise of digital competencies, which may also explain the confusion surrounding the concept of information literacy. Several empirical studies show that many teachers, working in secondary education are unfamiliar with this term and use its definition inconsistently. Some of them teach how to search for, filter, and evaluate information, but do so without mentioning information literacy. In view of the above, our research aimed to draw attention to the fact that information literacy has a raison d'être in school pedagogical practice, but many problems still need to be solved in this area. The direct aim of our research was to assess the practice of developing information literacy in Hungary, Poland and Lithuania by comparing the knowledge and attitudes of secondary school (teachers in grades 9-12) working in these countries. The answers to the questions asked show that the majority of teachers involved in the study overestimate their skills and knowledge in information literacy. Most of the time, information literacy programs were implemented as short projects, which, however, were not suitable to train even the teachers themselves in the theory and practice of communication and media science and the use, management and teaching of information

    Application of system theory in the development of conceptual model for training librarian - educator within the framework of professional librarian study programme

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    The conceptual model of librarian-educator is framed on the basis of Peter Checkland’s soft systems methodology, lean thinking approach and method of ontology development, subjecting the study programme for the development of professional librarians offered by Vilnius University to case analysis. Attempts are made to frame the conceptual model facilitating the training of librarian-educator within the framework of the study programme designed for the training of professional librarians. The conceptual model would underlie the framing of the specialization of professional librarian. Librarian-educator is identified as a specialist involved in the development of information literacy skills. The article offers an analysis of a problem situation, establishes the key entities in the process of librarian-educator’s training, frames ontology based on root definitions and, on the basis of the latter, designs the conceptual model. The article also contains a comparison of the model with the real world, foreseeing the alternatives of real changes. In addition, it presents methodology for the implementation of the conceptual model in practice by means of action research