128 research outputs found

    Storm disturbances in a Swedish forest-A case study comparing monitoring and modelling

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    A Norway spruce (Picea abies Karst) forest site in southwest Sweden was chosen to study the effects of storm disturbances over the period 1997-2009, during which two storms, 'Lothar' (December 1999) and 'Gudrun' (January 2005), affected the area. Monitored deposition data, soil water chemistry data and forest inventory data were compared with the predictions of an integrated ecosystem model, ForSAFE, in an effort to reveal and understand the effects of storms on acidification/recovery in forest soils. Both storms caused windthrow loss leading to increased nitrate and sulphate concentrations in soil water as a result of stimulated mineralization. Lothar led to increased concentrations of Na+, Mg2+, and Cl- in soil water due to sea-salt episode. No general sea-salt episode was seen following Gudrun, but small sea-salt episodes were observed in 2007 and 2008. Each sea-salt episode caused a temporary decrease of pH, and a subsequent recovery, but overall, the soil water pH decreased from 4.54 to 3.86 after Lothar. Modelling suggested that the site was recovering from acidification from 1990s, and would continue to recover in future. Both modelled and monitored data showed that storm caused disturbances in the recovery; monitored data even suggested that soil acidification happened due to storm disturbances. Sea-salt episode does not increase soil acidity in the long term, and will probably decrease the soil acidity by replenishing the base saturation. The modelled data also suggested that storms with only windthrow would not have effects on soil acidification recovery in the long term, but they may influence the soil fertility by losses of base cations. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    La gestion de la fertilité des sols forestiers est-elle à un tournant ? Une conclusion transitoire

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    La gestion de la fertilité des sols forestiers est-elle à un tournant ? Une conclusion transitoir

    Is the management of forest soil fertility at a turning point? A brief conclusion

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    Is the management of forest soil fertility at a turning point? A brief conclusio

    Cytoplasmic Compartmentalization of the Fetal piRNA Pathway in Mice

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    Derepression of transposable elements (TEs) in the course of epigenetic reprogramming of the mouse embryonic germline necessitates the existence of a robust defense that is comprised of PIWI/piRNA pathway and de novo DNA methylation machinery. To gain further insight into biogenesis and function of piRNAs, we studied the intracellular localization of piRNA pathway components and used the combination of genetic, molecular, and cell biological approaches to examine the performance of the piRNA pathway in germ cells of mice lacking Maelstrom (MAEL), an evolutionarily conserved protein implicated in transposon silencing in fruit flies and mice. Here we show that principal components of the fetal piRNA pathway, MILI and MIWI2 proteins, localize to two distinct types of germinal cytoplasmic granules and exhibit differential association with components of the mRNA degradation/translational repression machinery. The first type of granules, pi-bodies, contains the MILI-TDRD1 module of the piRNA pathway and is likely equivalent to the enigmatic “cementing material” first described in electron micrographs of rat gonocytes over 35 years ago. The second type of granules, piP-bodies, harbors the MIWI2-TDRD9-MAEL module of the piRNA pathway and signature components of P-bodies, GW182, DCP1a, DDX6/p54, and XRN1 proteins. piP-bodies are found predominantly in the proximity of pi-bodies and the two frequently share mouse VASA homolog (MVH) protein, an RNA helicase. In Mael-mutant gonocytes, MIWI2, TDRD9, and MVH are lost from piP-bodies, whereas no effects on pi-body composition are observed. Further analysis revealed that MAEL appears to specifically facilitate MIWI2-dependent aspects of the piRNA pathway including biogenesis of secondary piRNAs, de novo DNA methylation, and efficient downregulation of TEs. Cumulatively, our data reveal elaborate cytoplasmic compartmentalization of the fetal piRNA pathway that relies on MAEL function

    Conventional analysis methods underestimate the plant-available pools of calcium, magnesium and potassium in forest soils

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    The plant-available pools of calcium, magnesium and potassium are assumed to be stored in the soil as exchangeable cations adsorbed on the cation exchange complex. In numerous forest ecosystems, despite very low plant-available pools, elevated forest productivities are sustained. We hypothesize that trees access nutrient sources in the soil that are currently unaccounted by conventional soil analysis methods. We carried out an isotopic dilution assay to quantify the plant-available pools of calcium, magnesium and potassium and trace the soil phases that support these pools in 143 individual soil samples covering 3 climatic zones and 5 different soil types. For 81%, 87% and 90% of the soil samples (respectively for Ca, Mg and K), the plant-available pools measured by isotopic dilution were greater than the conventional exchangeable pool. This additional pool is most likely supported by secondary non-crystalline mineral phases in interaction with soil organic matter and represents in many cases (respectively 43%, 27% and 47% of the soil samples) a substantial amount of plant-available nutrient cations (50% greater than the conventional exchangeable pools) that is likely to play an essential role in the biogeochemical functioning of forest ecosystems, in particular when the resources of Ca, Mg and K are low

    Fertilité chimique des sols forestiers : concepts de base

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    Les diagnostics de fertilité chimique en forêt assimilent généralement le sol à un réservoir de nutriments disponibles pour les végétaux, quantifié à un instant donné puis comparé à des normes de nutrition établies par essence. Ce concept hérité de l’agronomie est régulièrement mis en défaut et de nombreux écosystèmes forestiers développés sur sols très pauvres chimiquement (notamment en Ca, Mg, K) affichent une production remarquable. L’objectif de cet article est d’illustrer les limites du concept « fertilité = réservoir sol » et de proposer les bases d’un nouveau concept rendant compte de la spécificité de la fertilité chimique des écosystèmes forestiers. Une base de données regroupant les résultats acquis sur 11 sites expérimentaux depuis les années 1970 a été utilisée. Les résultats démontrent que le concept de fertilité chimique des écosystèmes forestiers ne doit pas se limiter à la seule prise en compte des stocks de nutriments disponibles dans les sols mais doit également intégrer la circulation et le recyclage d’éléments propres aux cycles biogéochimiques

    Sleep, emotional and behavioral difficulties in children and adolescents.

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    Links between sleep and psychopathology are complex and likely bidirectional. Sleep problems and alteration of normal sleep patterns have been identified in major forms of child psychopathology including anxiety, depression and attention disorders as well as symptoms of difficulties in the full range. This review summarizes some key findings with regard to the links between sleep and associated difficulties in childhood and adolescence. It then proposes a selection of possible mechanisms underlying some of these associations. Suggestions for future research include the need to 1) use multi-methods to assess sleep; 2) measure sleep in large-scale studies; 3) conduct controlled experiments to further establish the effects of sleep variations on emotional and behavioral difficulties; 4) take an interdisciplinary approach to further understand the links between sleep and associated difficulties

    Compensation des exportations minérales et remédiations aux dégradations des sols. Compte rendu de l’atelier 3

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    Les forêts françaises font face aujourd’hui à des pressions extérieures croissantes. Ces contraintes sont d’ordre nutritionnel ou sylvicole ou climatique et risquent d’impacter la durabilité des écosystèmes forestiers. Le sol peut être impacté, entraînant une dégradation de ses composantes chimique ou physique ou biologique. L’objectif de l’atelier était d’apporter des éléments de connaissance et de débat autour des différents types de dégradation, de remédiation et de restauration des sols. Cet atelier a également permis d’échanger autour de différentes approches permettant de soutenir la productivité forestière, par l’utilisation d’intrants de différentes natures (amendements/cendres, boues de stations d’épuration…) ou par l’utilisation des friches industrielles pour produire de la biomasse
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