646 research outputs found

    ¿Por qué hablar de cuidados cuando hablamos de migraciones transnacionales?

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    En este artículo parto de reflexiones contenidas en trabajos anteriores para situar los cuidados en el centro de la reproducción de las desigualdades sociales en el contexto de las migraciones transnacionales. La identificación de diferentes categorías de diferenciación social de la ciudadanía –etnicidad, raza, extranjería, clase- me llevará a interrogarme sobre las lógicas de diferenciación de género que venimos aplicando. Desde una perspectiva feminista e interseccional trato de recuperar el potencial de la categoría “reproducción social” en cualquier análisis de las migraciones transnacionales, no sólo cuando hablamos de género e inmigración. Al tiempo que reivindico el valor de la etnografía en su capacidad de ahondar en el conocimiento de la producción de significados de género, extranjería y diferencia cultural en cada contexto específico, así como en su capacidad para mostrarnos la complejidad de los significados que rodean las prácticas sociales de cuidar y ser cuidado en la producción de la desigualdad.Palabras clave: migraciones transnacionales; género; etnicidad; cuidados; etnografía; reproducción social.AbstractIn this paper I start from reflections contained in previous articles to place care at the heart of the reproduction of social inequalities in the context of transnational migrations. The identification of different categories of social differentiation inside the concept of citizenship—ethnicity, race, foreignness, class—will lead me to question the way we have been applying gender differentiation. From a feminist, intersectional perspective I try to recover the power of the category of “social reproduction,” not only in the analysis of gender and immigration, but also in any analysis of transnational migrations. At the same time, I claim the value of ethnography as a tool for reaching a deeper understanding of the production of meanings surrounding gender, foreignness and cultural difference in many different contexts, as well as the meanings of care in the prod transnational migrations, gender, ethnicity, care, ethnography, social reproduction.Keywords: transnational migrations; gender; ethnicity; care; ethnography; social reproductio

    Tensiones conceptuales en la relación entre género y migraciones. Reflexiones desde la etnografía y la crítica feminista

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    A partir de la revisión de la literatura sobre género y migraciones que toma el contexto del Estado español como «país de inmigración», se plantean, desde la crítica feminista en antropología social y desde la mirada etnográfica, diferentes problemáticas que nos han venido ocupando a las investigadoras: la maternidad transnacional, la organización de los cuidados a nivel mundial, la multiplicidad de discriminaciones que producen la categoría «mujer inmigrante no comunitaria», el cambio en las relaciones o sistemas de género desencadenado por las migraciones y, por último, los vínculos entre inmigración, desigualdades de género y diferencia cultural. Estas problemáticas se presentan utilizando la categoría «tensión conceptual» planteada por Maquieira (2008), que se basa en la propuesta de Del Valle (2005) de recuperar el potencial de la tensión en la comprensión del cambio social desde la perspectiva feminista en antropología social.Based on a critical review of current literature on gender and migration in the context of Spain as "a country of immigration", feminist criticism in social anthropology and ethnography has identified several problematic issues. The main issues of concern to researchers are transnational maternity; the organization of care; multiple processes of exclusion produced by the "non-EU immigrant women" category; changes in gender systems or gender relations produced by migration processes; and finally the links between immigration, gender inequalities and cultural differences. In this paper we analyse in depth the issues of most interest to researchers in order to stimulate new discussions by identifying the 'conceptual tensions' that are believed to lie beneath each of these research questions. Our approach is based on Virginia Maquieira's definition of 'conceptual tension' as tensions triggered by social events that change how subjects are perceived and their potential power to change and reproduce an existing social order. In addition, we include the creative aspect of this conceptual tension, which refers to opposed forces promoting outcomes regarding social forces generated by diverse groups

    Feminist debates in the analysis of non-communitarian migration in Spain

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    La producción teórica sobre cuestiones de género y migración transnacional, aunque reciente, se nos muestra muy prolija, tanto que podemos identificar la configuración de un ‘campo’ de estudios, el de ‘género y migraciones’. Partiendo del análisis realizado de la producción científica en el contexto español desde la década de los noventa del siglo XX, traeré aquí diferentes temáticas que han ocupado a las investigadoras, identificando las ‘tensiones conceptuales’. Para finalizar compartiré algunas reflexiones desde el compromiso que siento como antropóloga social y docente en mi intento por tratar de conformar una mirada no etnocéntrica, ni androcéntrica. Lo haré desde el indudable valor que considero tiene la etnografía en la comprensión de los procesos de reproducción y cambio social en nuestras sociedades multiculturalesEven if recent, the theoretical production on gender and transnational migrations is very abundant. To this extent, we can identify the creation of a new “field” of study dealing with “gender and migrations”. Based on the analysis of the scientific work developed in Spain since the nineties of the XX century, I hereafter put forward the different subjects and matters that researchers have been involved with. I will also identify the “conceptual tensions” (as called by Virginia Maquieira in 2008). Finally, I will share some reflections stemming from my commitment as a social anthropologist and as a professor. These thoughts will try to define a specific look, neither ethnocentric nor andro-centric, on the issue of gender and migrations. My approach acknowledges the unquestionable value of ethnography as a key feature to understand the processes of reproduction and social change in our multicultural societies

    Entre la inclusión y la exclusión de la ciudadanía: procreadoras, madres y personas

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    RESUMEN Me propongo con este artículo mostrar los significados culturales que median en las relaciones entre lo que hemos convenido en denominar «población inmigrante» y «población autóctona», entre un «nosotros/as» y un «ellos/asm» centrándome en los significados de género producidos fundamentalmente desde los medios de comunicación. Pretendo, con ello, provocar la reflexión acerca de la utilización de las representaciones de las «mujeres inmigrantes» en un contexto político definido por demarcaciones diferenciales de la ciudadanía

    The demand for money in developing countries : assessing the role of financial innovation

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    Traditional specifications of money demand have commonly been plagued by persistent overprediction, implausible parameter estimates, andhighly autocorrelated errors. The authors argue that some of these problems stem from the failure to account for the impact of financial innovation. They estimate money demand for ten developing countries, using various proxies for financial innovations. They also assess the relative importance of this variable, finding financial innovation can be better modeled as a stochastic (random-walk) trend rather than a deterministic (time) trend. Financial innovation plays an important role in determining fluctuations of the demand for money. The importance of this role increases with the rate of inflation.Economic Theory&Research,Environmental Economics&Policies,Fiscal&Monetary Policy,Inequality,Energy and Environment

    En los márgenes de las cartografías del poder: Análisis de discursos y prácticas de asociacionismo y participación derivadas del hecho inmigratorio en el Estado Español

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    Los autores parten del déficit encontrado en los trabajos realizados sobre las especificidades de los procesos de participación de las personas inmigrantes, y en particular en lo que refiere a la incorporación de la crítica feminista. Su propuesta es la elaboración de cartografías específicas que reflejen la multiplicidad de situaciones que se despliegan en el campo social. Referente a las mujeres inmigrantes, los autores subrayan que las investigaciones en curso no tienen en cuenta sus aportaciones en el ámbito de "lo político", señalando además que el feminismo institucional contribuye a la construcción de estas mujeres como víctimas; de sus culturas, de la violencia y del tráfico. Frente a esta percepción, apuesta por enfatizar la agencia de los sujetos como una forma de cuestionar los imaginarios occidentales al respecto

    Modelo de impacto de redes sociales en atletas de un evento deportivo mediano

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    The use of social network sites (SNS) as a marketing tool is constantly rising in both the sports and the tourism sector. To fully take advantage of the benefits offered by this media, it is important to know the impact generated by SNS. The aim of this study was to analyse the impact of SNS within the participants of a medium-sized sporting event. The sample consisted of 254 athletes of the Benidorm Half race. The results of the exploratory factor analysis (EFA) and confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) showed satisfactory fit indices, discriminant validity and reliability. The results identified three factors measuring the impact of SNS among participants. A significant influence of perceived value in social media on eWOM was found. The additional information factor also had a significant influence on the perceived value on SNS.El uso de las redes sociales (RRSS) como herramienta de marketing está en constante auge tanto en el sector deportivo como en el turístico. Para poder aprovecharse de los beneficios que pueden brindar estos medios es importante conocer el impacto generado por las RRSS. El objetivo de este estudio fue el análisis del impacto de las RRSS en los participantes en un evento deportivo mediano. La muestra fue compuesta de 254 atletas de la carrera Benidorm Half. Los resultados del análisis factorial exploratorio (AFE) y del análisis factorial confirmatorio (AFC) mostraron índices de ajuste, una validez discriminante y una fiabilidad satisfactorios. Los resultados permitieron identificar tres factores que miden el impacto de las RRSS entre los participantes. Se comprobó una influencia significativa del valor percibido en RRSS en el eWOM. El factor de información adicional también influyó significativamente en el valor percibido en RRSS

    Human capital measurement in OECD countries and its relation to GDP growth and innovation

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    Empirical literature finds difficulties specifying and selecting proxies for human capital. These difficulties may explain why the indicators used in several international empirical studies are not closely linked to economic growth and its sources. This study offers an innovative perspective with an international indicator of human capital that takes into account the quantitative and the qualitative dimension of the concept, through the calculation of working hours corrected by productivity on the basis of differences in educational attainment and differences in skills and knowledge which exist between countries. The study also applies Granger’s test to analyse, in a sample of 15 OECD countries, the causality between the new indicator of human capital and GDP and the new indicator and innovation, concluding that the multidimensional indicator possesses a relation of causality that does not appear when tests are carried out with traditional measures of human capital (gross enrolment rate in secondary and average schooling years)

    Differences in total factor productivity growth in the European Union: the role of human capital by income level

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    This article applies Oaxaca-Blinder and Shorrocks-Shapley decomposition techniques to a logistic diffusion model in order to explain the differences in Total Factor Productivity Growth (TFPG) in European Union (EU) countries for the period 1950–2011. Human capital has a dual positive effect on TFPG by boosting innovation and increasing the catch-up capacity of countries to absorb and imitate foreign technologies. Our results show that there are statistically significant differences in the intensity of these effects between high and low average income EU countries, while there are not between euro and non-euro countries. The mean difference in technical change between high and low-income EU countries is largely the result of three factors. The first is the higher average foreign technology assimilation capacity of low income countries. This is particularly true because they are further from the technological frontier and are able to benefit from the advantage of backwardness. The second is the higher direct effect of human capital on technical change in these countries, while the third factor is the higher slowdown role of proximity in them

    Excellence and Quality in Andalusia University Library System

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    From 1996 onwards, then, the Quality Assessment National Plan and the adoption of its agenda by regional authorities and Universities alike has resulted in a growing acceptance by the Spanish academic community of the challenges and opportunities offered by evaluation and quality assurance activities. Academic librarians have been committed to this culture of quality from the very beginnings and in most cases have being leading the way in their own institutions. General tools like the Evaluation Guide referred to above developed to be applied in administration and services alike were of little use for libraries, so academic libraries have been the first units to develop their own evaluation guides at local and regional levels. University System in Andalusia (Spain) is formed by 10 Universities financed by regional government. The Quality Unit of Andalusia Universities convened in 2000 an Assessment University Libraries Pilot Plan to do a global analysis of the Library System. This Pilot Plan has had three steps: - During 2000-2002, a technical committee to draft a new evaluation guide for academic libraries. Based on the EFQM, because of its growing influence in the evaluation of the public sector and not-for-profit organizations across Europe. During the course of our work we were delighted to see that we concurred basically with the approach taken by LISIM. The Guide is divided into 5 parts, as follows: Analysis and Description of 9 criteria adapted to library scenario, 35 Tables for data collection, a set of 30 quality and performance Indicators, a Excellence-rating matrix, an objective tool, to determine the level of excellence achieved by the library on a scale from 0 to 10, and General guidelines for the Assessment Committees of University Departments (the basic unit of research assessment undertaken by the University) and of degree courses (the basic unit of assessment of teaching personnel). - In 2002-2004, a coordination committee drove the assessment process of 9 libraries and tested materials and evaluation methodology. The Pilot Plan has finalised with External Evaluation for 5 External Committee formed by librarians, faculties and EFQM methodology specialist. The aim of this paper is explain different parts and strong points of this process and how EFQM is suitable for all kind of librarie