5,341 research outputs found

    Geology of the Trial Harbour district

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    A Devonian (?) granite complex intrudes Cambrian (?) volcanics, serpentinised dunite (olivine Fo,), and siltstones and quartzites of the Precambrian (?) Oonah Quartzite and Slate and the Silurian Crotty Quartzite and Amber Slate Formations. The general trends of these country rocks are parallel to the granite margins. The complex is composed of grey, pink and white granites all with the same mineralogical composition (quartz, orthoclase dominant, plagioclase subordinate). The white granite commonly contains tourmaline nodular segregations, Emplacement began with the pink and grey granites, followed closely by the white granite, and finally the intrusion of minor bodies (porphyritic aplite, micro-granite, aplite, pegmatite, quartz-tourmaline dykes, pyroxene dyke) . Tourmaline is abundant in the later intrusions and is sometimes accompanied by cassiterite

    Time-course of vascular adaptations during 8 weeks of exercise training in subjects with type 2 diabetes and middle-aged controls

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    CONCLUSION: Training leads to rapid improvement in brachial artery vascular function in diabetes patients and controls. In contrast to previous observations in healthy young subjects, the increase in function was preserved after 8 weeks of training in middle-aged diabetes patients and controls, suggesting a different time-course in vascular adaptations in subjects with endothelial dysfunction

    A dearth of OH/IR stars in the Small Magellanic Cloud

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    We present the results of targeted observations and a survey of 1612-, 1665-, and 1667-MHz circumstellar OH maser emission from asymptotic giant branch (AGB) stars and red supergiants (RSGs) in the Small Magellanic Cloud (SMC), using the Parkes and Australia Telescope Compact Array radio telescopes. No clear OH maser emission has been detected in any of our observations targeting luminous, long-period, large-amplitude variable stars, which have been confirmed spectroscopically and photometrically to be mid- to late-M spectral type. These observations have probed 3 - 4 times deeper than any OH maser survey in the SMC. Using a bootstrapping method with LMC and Galactic OH/IR star samples and our SMC observation upper limits, we have calculated the likelihood of not detecting maser emission in any of the two sources considered to be the top maser candidates to be less than 0.05%, assuming a similar pumping mechanism as the LMC and Galactic OH/IR sources. We have performed a population comparison of the Magellanic Clouds and used Spitzer IRAC and MIPS photometry to confirm that we have observed all high luminosity SMC sources that are expected to exhibit maser emission. We suspect that, compared to the OH/IR stars in the Galaxy and LMC, the reduction in metallicity may curtail the dusty wind phase at the end of the evolution of the most massive cool stars. We also suspect that the conditions in the circumstellar envelope change beyond a simple scaling of abundances and wind speed with metallicity

    DIGIT survey of far-infrared lines from protoplanetary disks I

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    [abridged] We present far-infrared spectroscopic observations of PMS stars taken with Herschel/PACS as part of the DIGIT key project. The sample includes 22 Herbig AeBe and 8 T Tauri sources. Multiple atomic fine structure and molecular lines are detected at the source position: [OI], [CII], CO, OH, H_2O, CH^+. The most common feature is the [OI] 63micron line detected in almost all of the sources followed by OH. In contrast with CO, OH is detected toward both Herbig AeBe groups (flared and non-flared sources). An isothermal LTE slab model fit to the OH lines indicates column densities of 10^13 < N_OH < 10^16 cm^-2, emitting radii 15 < r < 100 AU and excitation temperatures 100 < T_ex < 400 K. The OH emission thus comes from a warm layer in the disk at intermediate stellar distances. Warm H_2O emission is detected through multiple lines toward the T Tauri systems AS 205, DG Tau, S CrA and RNO 90 and three Herbig AeBe systems HD 104237, HD 142527, HD 163296 (through line stacking). Overall, Herbig AeBe sources have higher OH/H_2O abundance ratios across the disk than do T Tauri disks, from near- to far-infrared wavelengths. Far-infrared CH^+ emission is detected toward HD 100546 and HD 97048. The slab model suggests moderate excitation (T_ex ~ 100 K) and compact (r ~ 60 AU) emission in the case of HD 100546. The [CII] emission is spatially extended in all sources where the line is detected. This suggests that not all [CII] emission is associated with the disk and that there is a substantial contribution from diffuse material around the young stars. The flux ratios of the atomic fine structure lines are consistent with a disk origin for the oxygen lines for most of the sources.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&

    Online social networking: Relationship marketing in UK hotels

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    The role and the existing and potential use of online social networking as a relationship marketing (RM) tool is evaluated in the context of luxury hotels. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with the persons responsible for the management of social networking in 10 luxury hotels. Constant comparative analysis, applied within a codebook framework, revealed online social networks (OSNs) provided RM opportunities and increased business value. It is acknowledged that the full potential of OSNs has yet to be realised in terms of hotel marketing. Opportunities for extending the utilisation of OSNs are identified alongside recommendations for hotel marketing practitioners with regard to addressing consumers' needs, and areas for further research are outlined. © 2013 Copyright 2013 Westburn Publishers Ltd

    Differential geometry with a projection: Application to double field theory

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    In recent development of double field theory, as for the description of the massless sector of closed strings, the spacetime dimension is formally doubled, i.e. from D to D+D, and the T-duality is realized manifestly as a global O(D,D) rotation. In this paper, we conceive a differential geometry characterized by a O(D,D) symmetric projection, as the underlying mathematical structure of double field theory. We introduce a differential operator compatible with the projection, which, contracted with the projection, can be covariantized and may replace the ordinary derivatives in the generalized Lie derivative that generates the gauge symmetry of double field theory. We construct various gauge covariant tensors which include a scalar and a tensor carrying two O(D,D) vector indices.Comment: 1+22 pages, No figure; a previous result on 4-index tensor removed, presentation improve

    Finite Temperature and Density Effect on Symmetry Breaking by Wilson Loops

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    A finite temperature and density effect of Wilson loop elements on non-simply connected space is investigated in the model suggested by Hosotani. Using one-loop calculations it is shown that the value of an "order parameter" does not shift as the temperature grows. We find that finite density effect is of much importance for restoration of symmetry.Comment: 11pages, no figur

    On chains in HH-closed topological pospaces

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    We study chains in an HH-closed topological partially ordered space. We give sufficient conditions for a maximal chain LL in an HH-closed topological partially ordered space such that LL contains a maximal (minimal) element. Also we give sufficient conditions for a linearly ordered topological partially ordered space to be HH-closed. We prove that any HH-closed topological semilattice contains a zero. We show that a linearly ordered HH-closed topological semilattice is an HH-closed topological pospace and show that in the general case this is not true. We construct an example an HH-closed topological pospace with a non-HH-closed maximal chain and give sufficient conditions that a maximal chain of an HH-closed topological pospace is an HH-closed topological pospace.Comment: We have rewritten and substantially expanded the manuscrip

    Casimir Energy of the Universe and New Regularization of Higher Dimensional Quantum Field Theories

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    Casimir energy is calculated for the 5D electromagnetism and 5D scalar theory in the {\it warped} geometry. It is compared with the flat case. A new regularization, called {\it sphere lattice regularization}, is taken. In the integration over the 5D space, we introduce two boundary curves (IR-surface and UV-surface) based on the {\it minimal area principle}. It is a {\it direct} realization of the geometrical approach to the {\it renormalization group}. The regularized configuration is {\it closed-string like}. We do {\it not} take the KK-expansion approach. Instead, the position/momentum propagator is exploited, combined with the {\it heat-kernel method}. All expressions are closed-form (not KK-expanded form). The {\it generalized} P/M propagators are introduced. We numerically evaluate \La(4D UV-cutoff), \om(5D bulk curvature, warp parameter) and TT(extra space IR parameter) dependence of the Casimir energy. We present two {\it new ideas} in order to define the 5D QFT: 1) the summation (integral) region over the 5D space is {\it restricted} by two minimal surfaces (IR-surface, UV-surface) ; or 2) we introduce a {\it weight function} and require the dominant contribution, in the summation, is given by the {\it minimal surface}. Based on these, 5D Casimir energy is {\it finitely} obtained after the {\it proper renormalization procedure.} The {\it warp parameter} \om suffers from the {\it renormalization effect}. The IR parameter TT does not. We examine the meaning of the weight function and finally reach a {\it new definition} of the Casimir energy where {\it the 4D momenta(or coordinates) are quantized} with the extra coordinate as the Euclidean time (inverse temperature). We examine the cosmological constant problem and present an answer at the end. Dirac's large number naturally appears.Comment: 13 paes, 8 figures, proceedings of 1st Mediterranean Conf. on CQ

    The First Detections of the Extragalactic Background Light at 3000, 5500, and 8000A (II): Measurement of Foreground Zodiacal Light

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    We present a measurement of the absolute surface brightness of the zodiacal light (3900-5100A) toward a fixed extragalactic target at high ecliptic latitude based on moderate resolution (~1.3A per pixel) spectrophotometry obtained with the du Pont 2.5m telescope at Las Campanas Observatory in Chile. This measurement and contemporaneous Hubble Space Telescope data from WFPC2 and FOS comprise a coordinated program to measure the mean flux of the diffuse extragalactic background light (EBL). The zodiacal light at optical wavelengths results from scattering by interplanetary dust, so that the zodiacal light flux toward any extragalactic target varies seasonally with the position of the Earth. This measurement of zodiacal light is therefore relevant to the specific observations (date and target field) under discussion. To obtain this result, we have developed a technique that uses the strength of the zodiacal Fraunhofer lines to identify the absolute flux of the zodiacal light in the multiple-component night sky spectrum. Statistical uncertainties in the result are 0.6% (1 sigma). However, the dominant source of uncertainty is systematic errors, which we estimate to be 1.1% (1 sigma). We discuss the contributions included in this estimate explicitly. The systematic errors in this result contribute 25% in quadrature to the final error in our coordinated EBL measurement, which is presented in the first paper of this series.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ, 22 pages using emulateapj.sty, version with higher resolution figures available at http://www.astro.lsa.umich.edu/~rab/publications.html or at http://nedwww.ipac.caltech.edu/level5/Sep01/Bernstein2/frames.htm