1,538 research outputs found

    Vectors of babesiosis

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    Babesiosis, caused by piroplasmid protozoans in the genus Babesia, is arguably the most important vector-borne disease of livestock and companion animals and is growing in importance as a zoonosis. Ixodid ticks were identified as vectors more than a hundred years ago, but the particular tick species transmitting some significant pathogens are still unknown. Moreover, it is only recently that the complexity of the pathogen-tick relationship has been revealed as a result of studies enabled by gene expression and RNA interference methodology. In this article, we provide details of demonstrated and incriminated vectors, maps of the current knowledge of vector distribution, a summary of established features of the pathogen life cycle in the vector, and an outline of molecular research on pathogen-tick relationships. The article concludes with a discussion of vector ecology and disease epidemiology in a global-change context and with suggestions for future research

    Evaluating the Usability of Automatically Generated Captions for People who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing

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    The accuracy of Automated Speech Recognition (ASR) technology has improved, but it is still imperfect in many settings. Researchers who evaluate ASR performance often focus on improving the Word Error Rate (WER) metric, but WER has been found to have little correlation with human-subject performance on many applications. We propose a new captioning-focused evaluation metric that better predicts the impact of ASR recognition errors on the usability of automatically generated captions for people who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing (DHH). Through a user study with 30 DHH users, we compared our new metric with the traditional WER metric on a caption usability evaluation task. In a side-by-side comparison of pairs of ASR text output (with identical WER), the texts preferred by our new metric were preferred by DHH participants. Further, our metric had significantly higher correlation with DHH participants' subjective scores on the usability of a caption, as compared to the correlation between WER metric and participant subjective scores. This new metric could be used to select ASR systems for captioning applications, and it may be a better metric for ASR researchers to consider when optimizing ASR systems.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figures, published in ACM SIGACCESS Conference on Computers and Accessibility (ASSETS '17

    Studies on the infectivity of Boophilus decoloratus males and larvae infected with Babesia bigemina

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    Babesia bigemina was transmitted by male Boophilus decoloratus and also by intravenous inoculation of a homogenate prepared from infected incubated larval ticks.The articles have been scanned in colour with a HP Scanjet 5590; 600dpi. Adobe Acrobat XI Pro was used to OCR the text and also for the merging and conversion to the final presentation PDF-format

    The retention of Babesia bigemina infections by Boophilus decoloratus exposed to imidocarb dipropionate during engorgement

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    Babesia bigemina was retained in the vector Boophilus decoloratus for a complete generation despite the use of the babesicide, imidocarb dipropionate, to prevent reinfection. This drug did not sterilize ticks of the B. bigemina infection as has been suggested for B. bovis.The articles have been scanned in colour with a HP Scanjet 5590; 600dpi. Adobe Acrobat XI Pro was used to OCR the text and also for the merging and conversion to the final presentation PDF-format

    Studies on a bovine Babesia transmitted by Hyalomma marginatum rufipes Koch, 1844

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    A Babesia sp. was recently observed in Hyalomma marginatum rufipes and found to be transmissible to bovines. Further observations were carried out on this parasite and a study made of the morphology of stages in both erythrocytes and tick haemolymph. Apart from Babesia divergens intra-erythrocytic parasites were not readily distinguishable from bovine Babesia spp. Merozoites in tick haemolymph morphologically resembled those of Babesia bigemina, but they were significantly larger. This Babesia sp. proved to be highly infective for adult H. m. rufipes, with transmission taking place transovarially and next generation nymphae and adults transmitting the infection. Features of the infection were its very low pathogenicity, even in splenectomized animals, and the tendency of parasitized erythrocytes to accumulate in capillaries. Serologically, this species could be differentiated from Babesia bigemina, B. divergens, B. bovis and B. major. A serological survey of 25 farms showed a wide distribution of this species in South Africa and its high rate of transmission on most properties. It was concluded that this is a true but hitherto undescribed bovine Babesia sp. and the name Babesia occultans n. sp. is proposed.The articles have been scanned in colour with a HP Scanjet 5590; 600dpi. Adobe Acrobat XI Pro was used to OCR the text and also for the merging and conversion to the final presentation PDF-format

    Political Corporate Social Responsibility: Reviewing Theories and Setting New Agendas

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    There has been rising interest in political corporate social responsibility (political CSR), defined as activities where CSR has an intended or unintended political impact, or where intended or unintended political impacts on CSR exist. Based on a survey and content analysis of 146 peer-reviewed academic articles from 18 journals over the 14-year period 2000–2013, this paper systematically reviews the existing applications of general theories (such as legitimacy theory, the resource-based view and Habermasian political theory) within the political CSR literature.The survey indicates that the political CSR field is dominated by institutional theory and stakeholder theory, but future theory development needs to go beyond these theories in order to address a number of critical gaps. This review specifically points to several avenues for future political CSR research with regard to the individual level of analysis, domain integration and political CSR in multinational enterprises. The paper ends with a call for a new theory-informed and pluralist research agenda on political CSR to integrate different perspectives and re-examine the role of the state

    Quantity versus Quality: The Impact of Environmental Disclosures on the reputations of UK plcs

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    The theoretical framework of this paper integrates quality-signalling theory and the resource based view of the firm to test the differential effects of the quantity and quality of environmental disclosures on the firm’s environmental reputation. Uniquely, the study uses a quality-adjusted method of content analysis, so that sentences are not merely counted but also weighted to reflect their likely significance. Investments in research and development and diversification, as potential methods of enhancing of environmental reputation, are also considered. In doing so the paper complements and extends the work of Toms (2002). The results confirm the framework and models tested in the original paper on more recent data and also suggest that quality of environmental disclosure rather than mere quantity has a stronger effect on the creation of environmental reputation amongst executive and investor stakeholder groups. Research and development expenditure, and under certain circumstances, diversification, also add to reputation

    Neuropsychological constraints to human data production on a global scale

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    Which are the factors underlying human information production on a global level? In order to gain an insight into this question we study a corpus of 252-633 Million publicly available data files on the Internet corresponding to an overall storage volume of 284-675 Terabytes. Analyzing the file size distribution for several distinct data types we find indications that the neuropsychological capacity of the human brain to process and record information may constitute the dominant limiting factor for the overall growth of globally stored information, with real-world economic constraints having only a negligible influence. This supposition draws support from the observation that the files size distributions follow a power law for data without a time component, like images, and a log-normal distribution for multimedia files, for which time is a defining qualia.Comment: to be published in: European Physical Journal

    Advancing environmental risk assessment of regulated products under EFSA's remit

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    The pre‐market environmental risk assessment (ERA ) of regulated products such as genetically modified organisms, plant protection products and feed additives is an important process to safeguard the desired level of protection of the environment and biodiversity. ERA evaluates the potential adverse effects on the environment of certain actions, and is an important analytical scientific tool to support regulatory decision‐making. Significant advances have been made in the field in recent years. Potential avenues to the further advancement of ERA of regulated products under EFSA 's remit were discussed during the breakout session ‘Advancing environmental risk assessment’ held at the EFSA 2nd Scientific Conference ‘Shaping the Future of Food Safety, Together’ (Milan, Italy, 14–16 October 2015). The value of ERA and its relevance to decision‐making can be increased by: (1) using the ecosystem services approach to make protection goals operational; (2) relying on problem formulation to enhance the relevance of ERA studies; (3) complying with quality standards to warrant the reliability of ERA studies; (4) making ERA more contextual by accounting for multiple stressors and environmental benefits; and (5) acknowledging the strengths and limitations of post‐market environmental monitoring as a tool to resolve scientific uncertainties